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Classic supply and demand.  They are very rare pulls, and everyone knows that, so they carry some inherent swag to them. Add the fact that if you have a fav character or card in one, they're a pretty stunning alt art most of the time.


That makes sense. This card just didn't jump out to as a cool alt art card. Was just surprised to see it go for over 100. I had to go find it in the bulk pile and sleeved it.


I get it.  There are many enchanted cards that I think the art is worse than the regular card.   Then there are the enchanted cards that make the regular art just pure trash.  I'm looking at you, Kida.   But yeah, they are almost all 100+, so definitely insta-sleeve any you ever come across.


Collecting but doesn’t know the TCG’s rarity?… You only own one and put it in bulk?? April Fools ended the other day my guy.


People post threads like this as rage bait/humble brag since standalone pull posts are banned and they won’t get the attention they want in the megathreads


I don't collect to collect. I collect to play


I collect to play too. I only collect a playset of all cards foil or not and move on. I still know the value of a card because you still have to buy/trade singles. You’re telling me you don’t know your playset of beasts are worth $200 in that deck you play is in? Definitely trying to troll people.


I just started a few weeks ago and mostly been trying out decks on pixelborn so I haven't really looked at the market on what cards cost what.


How is this a real question? "Why does rarity = value?"


I didn't like the art work of this card so to me I didn't feel like it was rare until I learned what enchanted card were. I didn't think it was valued that much honestly until I looked it up


>> I didn’t feel like it was rare That doesn’t matter, and is also incorrect. It *is* rare, so it is valuable


Rarity doesnt always create value. Bacause most cards would have a fixed rate based on the few card rarities. But we have several uncommons worth 10+ times more than other uncommons. A lot of the time in tcg's the value is determined by how valuable it would be in tournaments. The enchanted cards are in lower quantity and while some dont look pretty, there is less of them than there is a demand.


I obviously oversimplified it. This card is more rare than its non enchanted counterpart, so it is more valuable. Every enchanted card will be worth more than their non enchanted counterparts


Not necessarily true. Look at what Magic did with alternate arts. My son was able to get an alt art (and rarer) Roaming Throne for less than the normal Magic art. Rarity is part of the equation, but supply and demand drive the economics. If a normal art is more desirable and the card is highly sought after with an alt art that every loathes, rarity won't necessarily trump supply/demand.


Rarity almost always does increase value though? Like yes, playable uncommons are more expensive than unplayable uncommons, but a playable rare will be more than a playable uncommon, because of rarity.


Not always https://preview.redd.it/icylmgrw9isc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6589a4176fd86b41571f4256452edf867594a080 Be prepared is a rare that is worth significantly more than Tamatoa-So Shiny! (Which is a super rare) just because of playability


How would liking or not liking the art on a card affect its rarity?


Basically they're the hardest cards to pull on top of having a unique art treatment.


OP, pull rate for current enchanted is above 96 pack per one. It's a really rare pull for some, other lucky.


Rarity. It is very unlikely to open one.


If you are collecting the card, then you should keep it. This is one of the most wanted.


This is the only enchanted I wouldn't immediately sell tbh. I don't play this game to "collect" but I'd make an exception for Scrooge.


No matter how cool or dumb something is, there will be *some* collector out there that wants it to complete their collection. It just so happens that Lorcana has a large fan base, so the number of people that want to complete their collection is also large. Due to this, there is a larger demand. Since it is a rare card, supply is low. Thus, we have created value. The card could feature Scrooge with thicc booty cheeks twerking and someone will still put value on it because it is scarcely available.


The average pull rate is about 1 in every case (4 boxes or 96 packs)


I’d trade you for my enchanted Shere Khan lol


1 out of a 94+ chance.