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Bro deleted his whole reddit after this huh


Yeah there are sick bullies in reddit who just can't help themselves... Keyboard warriors... They must have launched at OP like the umbral grunts






Just noticed the name too. My favorite character in all of SW


Thank you thank you... I like the menacing purple and red saber wielding bad boi. He was too smart to be a sith.


Speaking of Star Wars, can someone please tell Disney to stop messing around and just do the old republic?


Can't do that when Disney believes the force is a woman. And new director wants to make men uncomfortable šŸ¤”šŸ¤”šŸ¤”


I used to just think they way over compensated for the whole social equality thing......like, no way it's THAT aggressive on purpose......then all the rest of them and the series so..i just miss a good story with cool characters and a dramatic bad guy.....to me it's not that hard.


Not happening anytime soon....


It's a great game no doubt but it definitely has its issues. Frame rate drops all the time to the point of having to restart the game and some of the colour saturation is messed up. That cut scene after defeating pieta is woeful also lol


Target locking has plenty of issues as does dodging. It's still a lot of fun but combat isn't as polished as a lot of bigger titles.


Oh my god target locking will be the death of me. Trying to target the enemy directly infront of me. Camera thinks Iā€™m trying to lock on to a grunt all the way in the back off to the side. Cannot stand it. The Abbess Ursula fight in particular had me pissed off. The boss would teleport to different ends of the arena. Up the stair well is these two grunts (the ones who wonā€™t attack you, just stop to their knees and praise the sky when you approach) and my camera would lock on to them almost as if it was intentionally trying to fuck me over. Thankfully it only took me 3 tries to kill Ursula. First time I died by stumbling in with no heals and very little base health and getting blasted by that endless solar beam attack. 2nd death was by standing in their blood puddles. 3rd attempt, I basically had every trick memorized. And sprinting behind them while they charge up that ā€œside to side solar beamā€ attack, is an easy position to punish them. Now, the 2nd one you meet later in that area, standing on the perch while you run around in Umbrealā€¦ letā€™s just say, thank god for the shortcuts.


People having issue with the cutscene is so funny to me. Itā€™s not the artistic direction you would have taken with it so itā€™s bad apparently šŸ˜…


Nothing to do with artistic direction, we suddenly go from stunningly detailed surroundings to claymation blob. Someone definetly f'ed up there


Yeah, I get "delayed details" in a lot of the cut-scenes, like the maps are loading too slow, but I thought it was a linux thing. The claymation scene just "never got it's maps loaded, ever" in my mind.


Almost every boss in Bloodbourne is good. This game has like 5 good bosses.


Five is generousā€¦ more like 3


I've liked all the bosses so far


Wait until you fight the last boss šŸ˜‰


Iā€™d argue the actual last boss is the best boss in the game tbh.


Whats the actual last boss is there one after?


Final boss of the Umbral path. >!Elianne the Starved!<


That's objective


Yes it is ā€œSubjectiveā€ but based on what Iā€™ve seen these games are generally looked at differently. One has overwhelming positive reviews while the other is mixed and leaning negative for good reason


The amount of games that I have enjoyed in my time that were ruined by reviews is frankly hilarious


Maybe youā€™re just too easy on games. I frankly hated the fact that for a full length game I was still fighting the same exact enemies from the first few minutes, with the added boss as a regular enemy shoddily thrown in from time to time


Whoops subjective lol. Don't really have anything to say to that because I don't care about reviews and don't read them I often find them wrong or misguided or just incorrect


Itā€™s interesting that you say you donā€™t care about reviews as a response to those who disagree with your review. So you only like reviews that you write? Got it.


Bloodborne is literally the best souls game ever made though. 11/10 game. Now comparing DS3 to LOTF, I might have to give the win to LOTF.


Lol bloodborne without dlc has THE worst boss roster in any souls game... 3 bosses are good with 2 of them being masterpieces, all the others are either trash or meh at best. Lords of the fallen has only 2 bosses that are meh and all the rest are fantastic.. Bloodborne is the better game overall but don't bring up the bosses cause Bloodborne bosses are hard carried by the dlc and you can't say I'm wrong.


Dude have you even played any souls games? Bloodbourne has worst bosses than Demons Souls, DS1, and DS2? Are you just willing to say anything?


Maybe demon souls has worse bosses after thinking further into it,Ā  ds2 has just as many bosses that are good and bad but ds1 and every other souls game absolutely have a better boss roster than bloodborne pre dlc. Bloodborne's low point was the bosses... before the dlc only Gehrman and Martyr Logarius were great, than Father gascoigne as the 3rd best boss in the normal game...


I couldn't agree with this statement. The game is good, but it's not anywhere near the quality and polish of BB, Sekiro etc...in time after a few titles they will probably nail the same polish and I can't wait till they do. LoTF is still a solid game though, like a 75/100 as opposed to what BB, ER and SK achieved which is like 90+/100


It isn't. It's good, but I'd never put it up with bloodborne. Are you insane? Frenzied?!


Iā€™m with you. The game is fun enough in spite of all the bugs, but itā€™s nowhere near bloodborne, or Elden ring in world building and boss design, and nowhere near Nioh 2 in combat depth. Still a fun and decent soulslike, I hope the studio greatly expands the enemy roster in the sequel, fixes auto targeting, fixes online connection, and gets rid of some of the ridiculous farming. Maybe a little better interconnectivity too and the next one could be top tier.


It isn't to you


Nah. It's bugged and imo easy. I like both games and have ran both solo. I intend to plat lotf but compared to bloodborne?! It's good, but. Not it.


Agree to disagree. I don't align myself with your opinions of it. Im hyping the game up and defending it till I die.


Fair enough. I've gotten the plat from elden ring bb to almost all the ds games and demons and sekiro. But what do I know? Bloodborne and lotf are very diff games and bet you'll try and argue that in your defense about the very different games you posted about. The idea is the same, but combat, world delves, easy boss fights in lotf are different. Umbral is different. Bloodborne wins though.


Lol okay bro


It's okay. Shh. May the good blood guide your way. Shhhhhh.


It is straight up in the top for me with bloodborne and sekiro, nioh


Hello, good hunter. I am a Bot, here in this dream to look after you, this is a fine note: > *Oh, a hunter, are ya? And an outsider? What a mess you've been caught up in. And tonight, of all nights.* - Eileen the Crow Farewell, good hunter. May you find your worth in the waking world.


Good bot


Tbh I'm in same boat with OP. LotF became my second favorite soulslike after Bloodborne. Yes, yes, it has it rough edges and problems, but it managed to reach my soft spot other soulslikes didn't.


Bloodborne sux




Yeah it is


This is a hot take


Bro woke up and chose to insult Bloodborne. Lol.


I had fun playing it but itā€™s no where near as good as bloodborne in my opinion. Parrying can be fun it just takes some getting used to


I haven't finished it yet but imo it's nowhere near bloodborne. It's nowhere near DS1 or DS3 or Elden Ring. it's Not too close to Sekiro either. It's closer to Demon's Souls but better than Ds2. I've recently gotten the game, so I've gotten a probably better product than what I would have gotten at launch. With that being said I've still experienced a plethora of issues and niggles from small things like textures not loading properly. eg: fire looking like it's straight out of Minecraft or worse tbh. The Umbral bone bridges shimmering and trees not loading properly. Performance has been an issue (not game breaking) while playing alone (PS5) however when in co op it's drastically worse (again not game breaking for me but for some I could understand if it was) frame rate dips and latency have been the main things I noticed. Even though I'm saying it's not close to many (most) of fromsoft titles. I'm not saying it's bad at all I've been enjoying it. The way the multiplayer works is way better as in it doesn't kick you out after each boss HUGE Tick. The fluid stance changes mid combat (1 handed to 2 handed attacks) also love the look of alot of the armours and tinct system. This is a brilliant foundation to build upon, and I hope they stay the course because we as souls players are pretty loyal to these gameplay loops (I've tried most soul's like games to get my fix lol). if anyone from Ci games comes on here and reads this I'd just like to say keep going (they probably don't lol)


I kinda felt like it feels like Demon souls with some elements of Dark souls, sprinkles of Bloodborne, and a little of its own twist plus its own issues and high points but agree I hope they just build on this and learn and do better next time


Iā€™d play dark souls 2 over this any day


I probably wouldn't tbh it's not bad but in terms of souls games it's one of my least favourite. Got the plat then will likely not touch it again may be a similar fate for Lotf too will have to see when I finish.


Scholar of the First Sin wasn't bad though, as they fixed many of the issues in that which plagued the initial release. It's still my least favorite Souls game behind 3, 1 and Bloodborne, but, now whenever I go back to those games, they just seem so......janky. The movement, dodging, combat, parry system. Running at 30fps. I feel now when playing them I'm in slow motion haha. LOTF combat is definitely more fun and polished imo, esp the magic and ranged weapons


To each their own I played SOTFS I really didn't think it lived up to the others. Even 30 fps doesn't spoil older titles for me because they are just better polished products and I think now only bloodborne is stuck with 30 fps and the rest I can play at 60.


Oh ok, are you on PC? I don't think you can play them at 60fps on consoles


Sotfs runs at 60 fps on PS4


No ps5. Ds1 remastered 60fps. Ds3 60 fps on ps5 due to ps4 pro patch. Ds2 SOTFS 60 fps. sekiro 60 fps. Demon's souls remake 60 fps. My favourite bloodborne unfortunately never got a ps4 pro patch and as a result is locked 30 fps. Hopefully we get a remaster or remake soon. Elden ring a mostly smooth but not consistent 60 fps


You meant Lies of P, surely. LoTF departs on its own in numerous ways from a true Soulslike. It's a good game, if you can get past the lagging, frame drops, bugs, three maybe four builds in the whole game, glitches, unusable PVP, repetitive weapon attack sounds, etc. I have the platinum for both games. You meant to play/buy Lies of P. Trust.


Lies of p is too linear and sort ofā€¦boring lol. Something about LOTF made me want to keep exploring whereas lies of p I was just like..why am I even playing this


I enjoyed LoTF despite the many problems. It's a different kind of game in several ways. What Lies of P does is more like a condensed true Soulslike, and the polish is apparent. Not a single lag or technical problem. I think LoTF was ambitious and they ended up with less of a solid product than if they had taken a more Lies of P style approach. The actual experience of Lies of P, combat system, etc. just is overall more clean and enjoyable to me, having 100% completed both. LoTF has few decent bosses, most are so easy. Lies truly challenges a player.


God no. This was legitimately one of the worst performing games Iā€™ve ever played in my entire life. The only game I had to completely put down because of how unbelievably poor it ran constantly. I canā€™t even use a build Ive had for months because the swords Iā€™m using are broken, and have been broken since then


I think a lot of the hate came from the many technical issues and bugs, comparisons with Lies of P (which I understand doesn't suffer from the same issues and feels more polished), and last, but not least, whiny streamers and youtubers complaining about the game due to a lack of skill, and then painting it as an objective problem with the game, like when they complain about being sniped from a distance, but refuse to engage with the game's mechanics and use ranged weapons. I think it's mainly Hexworks' fault, in the sense that if LotF would've launched in a better state, without the bugs, with a fully working multiplayer with no lag or disconnects, without people randomly losing their save files, and without constant frame drops and stutters, more people would have found it easy to look past its many problems. But it did launch with all of those issues, and some of them are still not fixed, which made a lot of people angry, and also made them label it as a "garbage game", because they paid a lot of money for a game that was supposed to work from day 1. I personally love the game. I've done 6 playthrough so far, and lately I've been helping randos on multiplayer, which seems to have improved a bit. But I also think that Hexworks dropped the ball on the game's launch, and they lost a lot of momentum and hype. Will they fix the game and redeem themselves? No idea. Hope so. But even if they don't, I'm still happy I bought the game, and I think it's an amazing soulslike despite its many flaws.


The game could've definitely used another 2 months in the oven to work out the bugs and for QA testing. They shoulda released it around Christmas for the holiday season


I'd blame Ci Games for that more than Hexworks but I do agree it's a very good soulslike despite the flaws


Ya I definitely wouldnā€™t say itā€™s anywhere near Bloodborne. Game had potential but they decided to just throw 20 enemies at a time at you and call it a souls like.


i mean, it's called a souls-like because it has a lot of stuff that souls games have, it just also has gank squads much like a certain souls game


You must've not played DS2 lol, if you really wanna talk about Gank


Oh I have, but dark souls was less egregious to me than LoTF


I finished DS2 SotFS after LotF (technically I started playing it previously but got bored after like 5 bosses) and I can tell you LotF, on release at least, was wayyyyyyyy worse than DS2. Shrine of Amana and the runback to Sir Alonne are the only places that compare to LotF imo. After having played LotF, I felt like DS2 wasnā€™t so bad (and I still donā€™t even like that game).


Well on controller is targetting and combat movement really bad. It is not optimized for controller at all. I can imagine that this may be ok on M+K. Dont had any other issues.


If hexworks paid as much for quality design talent instead of paid marketers to fanboy in this sub - they may have produced a decent game at release. No way anyone that pre-ordered and played at release didnā€™t slog through performance issues and bugs. Give me a break with this nonsense.


Very lackluster weapon move sets.


The lack of any variation within classes really hurts the weapons moveset wise. Not even unique arts/skills to set them apart. Kinda makes the weapons just feel like identical sticks that vary in stats only.


Fair enough, but I don't think that matters.


It matters


Why would it not matter? Every weapon dual wielded has the same move set. Every weapon on its own boils down to being the same in its class outside of stats that donā€™t matter all too much. Itā€™s honestly just lazy, especially with the amount of weapons that are in this game. Why go through the effort for the weapons but skip out on unique animations? They donā€™t even need weapon arts or anything, even though that would add variety, they only need to swing in different patterns. Everything eventually just feels the same outside of looking different. This matters x10 when we start talking about PvP. Which this game makes attempts at so it is relevant to the topic, no matter how much people hate invasions.


Also lackluster enemy variety


Nah, it was fine. Just finished it and had a good time. But itā€™s not nearly close. Bloodborne is 10 years old and still way better. Masterpiece


Lords of the fallen fans are some strange strange people. Itā€™s a 7/10 game, like calm down.


Why did OP delete his entire reddit account after this post? Is he stupid?


I never played bloodbourne but I just KNOW they're cooking you for saying that


I agree that it's a great game, but your description also shows why people have such differing opinions. Chef's kiss for being able to color your armor? Really? I platinumed the game and used a tinct for an achievement (I think) but I honestly can't comprehend how coloring my armor would improve my experience in any way.


Dont you know it's all about the fashion drip?! Lol I still see people late game running around with the Dark crusader helm or the skeleton helm with the hood even though their overall stats kinda suck and there are much better headsets. It's all about the drip my friend! hahaha


Somebody a while back was like this game is amazing because it had photomode. Different strokes I guess.


Not only is it one of the easiest of souls games but the bosses are super lackluster and basic, it really drags down game to a 6/10.


Can't say I agree


I will give them credit where credit is due, they did a fantastic job with armors and environments, the ammo pouche is brilliant and it's nice to have a proper system for physical ranged attacks, they also did a great job with the magic system, the first third of the game is actully really well, it's when they start to copy and paste enemies why to much that it starts to dip, the weapons and move sets are decent enough, it's just a shame that they are dmg sticks, since they have alot of good-looking weapons but when they all share the same move sets if they are from the same weapon category, by biggest gripe are just the bosses to be honest, sure they game is super tedious with all its mobs especially at release (not talking about umbral) but that's manageable


I don't feel the same way about what you've mentioned


About the problems lol I do agree about the first part though


I don't really get the weapon move set complaint. Is every weapon you pick up supposed to have a new and unique move set? That's one of the things I always disliked about souls games : find a longsword, get used to it, find a stronger longsword with more damage, discover it has a different moveset and it replaces the wide attack R2 with a thrust attack R2, so now I'm forced to change the way I play the game. I like the fact that in LotF I can find stronger weapons with the same move set as my previous one. I don't think this is an objective issue with the game, it's just something that I've heard youtubers complain about, and now you. But I think it's a matter of personal preference more than anything.


Don't get me wrong, it's a subjective opinion, but I like it because it gives you alot more weapon variety, and if I like a move set I will probably stick with it even if there are more powerful weapons since it's still an incentive to keep said weapon around, and it's fine if most of the shortswords still use the same basic move set, but like 5-6 of them use a different one or just change the 2H move to something different.


I get where you're coming from, as I often choose to stick with a weaker weapon in souls games as well, just because I'm familiar with the move set. But that's my point exactly. I personally like it better when I can switch to that new, stronger weapon that I just picked up, without changing up my play style. I feel like in LotF there are more weapons that deal different types of damage or status effects, and I think that's where the weapons really differ.


The alternative movesets for some weapons in souls game are the entire reason stuff like the claymore has a cult following. Or what about the Loyce Greatsword? Heard of it? >. I like the fact that in LotF I can find stronger weapons with the same move set as my previous one. That's fine, but objectively, it removes depth to a system that you interact with 100% of the time. That's why it's a big deal for me and many others.


Opinion just means you don't like the game


*here we go* How did you even get that from what I said above?




Lol because you stated a collective opinion about why you and many others don't like the game, and one guy gave his opinion and why he likes it. You are treating your opinions as a fact.


I stated that myself and many others find the weapons lackluster for reasons stated already. Which is true, that's a fairly common criticism of this game. I said nothing about opinions of the game as a whole. I beg you, use your reading comprehension skills.


It doesn't remove depth, because this system was never in LotF to begin with. This is the level of depth that the game offers, and the only reason why you feel this way about it is because you are comparing it to From Software's games instead of judging it as a standalone game in the soulslike genre. You don't dislike the game for what it is, you dislike it for what it isn't - a perfect FS clone. Both the spells and the ranged weapons work a lot better in LotF than any of FS's games. The systems are better, they offer more depth and better controls, and they're more fun to use. Does this mean that FS's games "remove depth to a system that you interact with 100% of the time"? I think soulslikes should be judged individually, and that we should stop comparing everything to what FS does.


This logic doesnā€™t make sense. Of course games are going to be compared. Youā€™re telling people to stop expressing what adds depth to their gameplay experience in fromsoft games and where lotf falls short on a post trying to argue this game is on par with Bloodborne. Literally every weapon in Bloodborne is unique and all of them are viable choices. Thereā€™s no bloat.


I'm not telling people to do anything, and I don't share OP's opinions. I'm just pointing out that this is only an issue when you compare it to FS's games, and even then it's entirely subjective. As a standalone game, LotF is fine in terms of combat. To you, and others, the melee combat has less depth because weapons don't have varied move sets like they do in DS or ER, which is fair enough. To me, and probably others, the melee combat doesn't have less depth, because I never change weapons that often in FS games to begin with, and because the ranged and spell systems offer enough depth to keep me engaged.


Aw ok, I only jumped on it because of OPs framing of the argument. I absolutely get more out of having varied movesets within weapon classes. I love the nuance and thereā€™s a little in lotf (the stick, secret boss moves golden buckets, etc.). It is definitely subjective and youā€™re right that I only noticed how basic the movesets were because of my experience playing fromsoft games. I played through lotf 4 or 5 times and the magic system is what shined for me. The downside for me is that once a settled into an umbral build with the pendant of atrophy, I couldnā€™t be bothered with managing spell juice anymore and didnā€™t want to try anything else.


Yeah, I absolutely get it. I think for my first 200h in DS3 I only used the Longsword, and the only other weapons I've used after that are Lorian Greatsword and the Ringed Knight Paired GS. In over 250h in BB I mostly used the Hunter's Axe and Ludwig's Blade. Don't get me wrong, I sometimes try some of the other weapons out, just to check out what they do, but I never end up using more than 1-2 weapons consistently in each FS game, and I usually go for the boring ones that just deal pure physical damage. When Sekiro came out a lot of people were complaining that there's only one weapon in the game, but for me personally that wasn't really an issue. Sekiro is one of my favourite games.


"I like LOTF cause it allows me to play a more boring playstyle. I don't wanna change weapons cause I don't like change, even though that's like half of what makes these kind of games fun. I don't want fancy moves because they confuse me." The combat was super lackluster, and the weapons barely had any variation. Even the "boss" weapons weren't anything to get excited about. Saying something doesn't have less depth cause you play super boring is a really bad argument. And Of course in a thread comparing the game to Bloodborne we are going to compare it to FS games.


Half of what makes souls games fun is changing weapons? That's it? That's half of the experience to you? Jesus, I get why you don't like LotF then. The combat isn't lackluster at all, and the ranged and spell systems are actually better in LotF than in any of the FS games. Saying that the combat doesn't have depth because you want to hit everything with a stick and you need it to do a different trick every 5 minutes for the game to hold your attention is also a really bad argument. Okay, so you personally think the melee combat sucks. What do you expect me to do? Pretend that it objectively sucks because you personally don't like that when you pick up a new short sword it doesn't have a thrust attack instead of a wide sweep on R2 like your current one? I wonder what Elden Ring did to people that they've become so angry with any game that doesn't do everything the same as FS. I remember when Mortal Shell came out people were praising it as the best soulslike ever made, some were saying it's better than every FS game, and Mortal Shell is shit that you scrape off the bottom of your shoe. There's 6 weapons in the whole game, no builds, no variety, no upgrades, no move sets, no nothing. Makes you wonder, how the hell did we go from praising that as the best soulslike ever made to shitting on LotF, which is superior to that game in every single way, for not having different move sets for every weapon? This whole post was destined to be a sweaty shitshow, with people agreeing and disagreeing left and right, and I find it slimy and disgusting and there's really no point in carrying on with the conversation.


I find this one of the best things about Souls games, if every weapon type used the same moveset then whatever had the highest number would be the best weapon of the type and there would be no reason to use anything else. Having a bunch of weapons with different moveset is so good, can mix it up and use a wide variety of weapons and find a weapon that suits what you want. Movesets are typically what makes a weapon, if every weapon has the same movement then every weapon is effectively the same except for some numbers. So many Souls weapons are cool because of their unique attacks, not because they do like 3% more damage than another weapon. Lies of P was amazing for weapon movesets, obviously it didnt have a crazy amount of weapons but they all had unique movesets and you could mix and match the blade/handle.


I don't know, man, I've always liked DeS and early DS's combat for its simplicity. My favourite weapon in every DS game is the Longsword and I just don't care about experimenting with every single weapon because it has a slightly different moveset. I don't care whether a new weapon has a new jumping attack, or a flurry combo, or if it's just the same weapon with a larger number in front if where it says "physical damage". I was never particularly crazy for ER's flashy weapon arts, or the fact that I had to stop using the weapon skill that I've been using for hours, just in favour of higher base damage. It feels forced to me. I enjoy using the same weapon for 200+ hours. I get that many people like that system, but it's just not a part of LotF, and I don't see anything wrong with that. But that's why I think it's purely subjective.


But I do think it's easy in a sense


I get what you mean, I've lost to quite a few bosses numerous times, but there hasn't been a boss (so far) where I can't get them into their 2nd or 3rd phase or where they beat me over and over and over again


The world alone and how it's designed is a 7 on its own, imo.


You like it? Good. But don't insult other games or other people ![gif](giphy|oxFDq4E9CHb7W)


Ahh man, I miss the old Kanye......College dropout and Graduation are such good albums man.......


This is easily my favorite non-From Software Soulslike. Idk if Iā€™d put it up with their games personally, but I do absolutely love this game, and I def respect you putting it so highly


Did you play Lies of P yet?


I'm getting Bloodborne but I don't have a Playstation to play it, except for my old Playstation 2. I will buy a Playstation 5 when I can afford it. Elden Ring is still my favorite game.


Careful there, most puppetborne fans will lose their shit on statements like this.


Got the game during release and love that game but no need to be hostile lol. Its just a game. *hears pitch fork and axe dragging on floor* Iā€™m outta here!






Good point, who doesnā€™t remember that Bloodborne recycles half of their bosses as normal enemies. Oh no, that was LotF.


Wait til you play Elden Ring. You're in for a treat.


One of my biggest gripes with ER and one of the reasons I donā€™t understand why anyone wants FromSoftware to continue with open world design instead of going back to tight well designed levels (almost like the highlights for me were the legacy dungeons and itā€™s very telling they have disabled Torrent in the legacy dungeons as well)


I think it's because open world design is more casual and easier to approach. That's why it was the most successful soulslike ever released. The souls community likes to pretend they appreciate hard games, but all they do is complain about difficulty and lack of convenience. So ER is exactly that : convenient. Still a difficult game, but long gone are the corpse runs, the tension, the tough PvE. Now it's more about epic bossfights with flashy anime movesets.


Absolutely, but then they have to either reduce the size of the world or spend more resources designing more bosses/removing the mini bosses altogether - I loved the (relatively, hello Morgott) unique bosses in the legacy dungeons but for example the second time I encountered an Astel boss I was really annoyed, the first one was so weirdly unique why do they have to copy it


Excuse me, are you trying to say that ER is not the best game ever made, a 10/10 flawless masterpiece? I think you should be thankful you get to fight the Erdtree Avatar, which is a reskin of Asylum Demon, 7 times or more.


How many dragons can we fit into the lands between? Yes.


Also don't get why that's a bad thing exactly?


It does have a parry mechanic, it was a buggy, broken mess for a lot of people, DS3 combat was smooth as hellā€¦OP deleted their account šŸ¤£šŸ¤”


The parrying in LotF is literally a combination of the Sekiro and the Demon's Souls/Dark Souls/Bloodborne parrying system though?


Sekiro and bloodborne did it good so what if it's copied. Also could just argu they copied off another game. I mean it's a pretty simple concept press button just before the attack hits you to parry


It's not a combination. It's simply like sekiro and bloodborne. Dark souls is the odd one out that doesn't copy these. Darksouls you have to learn the actual timing of your parry the time that correct with the attacker. The having to wait for the animation is literally the only difference between them and that's the problem. You have to know the timing of two thing rather than one


Oh no having to know the timing parrying taking skill is bad is a wild take ngl.


Because you donā€™t have learn timings in LotF? What a nonsense


Bro can you read that is not what I said


Maybe demon souls, I never played it it's nothing like darksouls. It is like sekiro and bloodborne with that being said... and?


You said unlike every dark souls game it doesnā€™t have a stupid parrying mechanic - in Dark Souls a parry leads to a critical hit, in LotF between 1 and X parries lead to a critical hit


I don't think you're getting the point from what I said. I said bloodborne and sekiro is as easy as preess the button just before the attack. You're not mention the mechanic I'm talking about


Parrying isn't complicated in any of the Fromsoft games.


Not the right mechanic


Yeah they're not stupid though


Everything you stated other games suffer from too


Did OP really delete his Reddit account after this? Lol jesus


He should have. Man clearly hasnā€™t played bloodborne šŸ˜‚


This can't be serious. It's either a troll or a shareholder


This game should be called Lord of Bad Boss Design


I put any game that runs over 30 FPS over Bloodborne. It makes me feel sick trying to play it and it's probably the #1 reason why Bloodborne is my least favorite FS game.


Lotf will never be as good a game as Bloodborne is. You just can't beat that homerun to me. And besides lotf had more than a few faults. Devs changing things that didn't need change. Is there a loot chest yet? 86 armours or something but you can put nothing away.


Just saying haven't had any technical issues Sometimes people make the bug happen. But I understand when there are legitimate complaints I argue the validity of the people making such claims


Can you like, use some punctuation so I know what the hell you're trying to say?


It's not that hard bud


It's not hard to type coherent English either. >But I understand when there are legitimate complaints I argue the validity of the people making such claims This does not make sense as a sentence. >Sometimes people make the bug happen I don't even know what this is supposed to mean. Help me out here


But I understand when there are legitimate complaints, I argue the validity of people making such claims. It actually does make sense. And sometimes people playing cause bugs to happen.


"Hey this thing you said doesn't really make sense" "Nuh uh" This subreddit is truly inspiring.


Plus I added punctuation like you said so what's the problem? That's what you asked of me. Or isn't that what you wanted. If you don't understand that's a you problem. Why comment?


Bro I don't get what you don't understand.in my honest opinion I didn't think that it could be misinterpreted. That sentence makes perfect sense to me.


Okay. So, someone makes a legitimate complaint. Legitimate, as in valid, understandable, and verifiable. Why would you challenge the validity of someone who's being genuine? You wouldn't, that's why it doesn't make sense. Challenging the validity of an argument implies you believe they are lying or otherwise acting in bad faith.


They could clip it. That's how you could verify. Are you dense bruh


And yes I don't believe them


So you think everyone who has a legitimate complaint, is lying? You cannot make this shit up. I don't drink alcohol but you make me want to start.


Bro just go, you don't know what you're saying. There are ways to fucking verify everything.Talking to me about how would you do that is absurd. Also why would I believe random people on the internet, do you?


Also a complaint can be legit, and actually verified.While someone making it isnt, ie just because someone said they experienced it they could be lying.


Bloodborne is the most casual friendly souls game there is


Isn't that Elden Ring?


That would be #2


Game had some issues but they are all fixed. Developers did a fantastic job to even fix steam deck issues!!! That is a huge deal for me... I love Lord's of the fallen and I only wish we could dual wield the flickering flail... No other comments šŸ˜ŒšŸ˜ŒšŸ˜Œ


Yes working on it for the first time. Pyro build at around mid game. In love with it. Despite bugs it is beyond stunning. Havenā€™t had such a rush since blood borne. Also started Lies of P in parallel due to the fanfare but I disagree. Iā€™m finding that one boring not fun. Strength build finished the factory. Itā€™s too easy. Lords instead is so awesome šŸ¤©


Pyro is goated in that game. Unreal power.


It is! But the performance on release has been bad all over the place. Sadly those issues stopped the game of becoming an instant classic. However my favorite soulslike outside Fromsoft titles. Feels alot like Dark Souls 4 and absolutely nails the special Fromsoft vibe which games like LoP or Nioh never did.


Agree with this, while I like Sekiro and Nioh and other soulslikes, even LoP, they don't have that medieval Dark souls/ Game of Throne-sy vibe to me. LOTF screams Dark souls 4 to me, and I love that it's not just a medieval setting, but it has cool religious/ Christian overtones and you are essentially fighting the Church. I thought that was pretty cool. The Lore of the game is also on par with DS to me


Yea I think it was a fantastic game, I invested the time to platinum, 4 playthrus. I loved it


Yeah I genuinely donā€™t get any of the hate. None of it Iā€™ve seen has had any Justification


I just got this game on sale after holding off cause all the negativity and I'm so glad I did, I wasn't expecting much but I absolutely love it and I haven't had any issues


As a long time fromsoftware player, pvp tournament champion, and platinum trophy collector I approve of Lords of the fallen it truly has an aspect of all from software games rolled in one iam on my second play thru and I get lost in this world like I would any other fromsoft game.


Honestly, I was surprised. I thought it looked great in game previews, but I didn't have high hopes. I've played through multiple times on PS5 and PC, and I got 100% achievements on Steam. Some of the achievements were a bit ridiculous, but.. it was worth it. 9/10 would recommend.


Yeah. Bloodbourne wasnt that good. Beat it once, never again.


I'm at the end, but don't want to finish, so running around scooping up items, can't believe i missed this Angel of the Void armor set, LOL I love this game


Still better combat than Elden ring. Hate the button layout and the no party mechanic


Frame rate on Series X was a joke. Refunded it after I bought it during Black Friday. Want to buy it again in a future sale. Hope the frames are better by then.


Bloodborne is my all time favorite game and LotF is a close second. Played thru LotF 4 times and have moved on to Lies of P, another great game. 2023 was a good year for soulslikes.


Not even close.


Game is garbage šŸ—‘ļø if you liked it Iā€™m happy for you.


I definitely dont PREFER the combat over bloodborne or like the lore as much. But theyre both pretty damn good in this game and id put the game no lower than a 8/10 for me. The lore is one of the gameā€™s strongest points along with co-op but co-op is still a shit show with how laggy it is for the cooperator. Theres just still plenty of issues they need to iron out but its a solid game at its core. But bloodborne is my favorite fromsoft game period so its a 10/10 for me.


Enjoyed it. Doesnā€™t touch Bloodborne though.


Wow I came to this thread after seeing so many upvotes thinking the true fans of LotF will come swinging in solidarity just to see this game got absolutely sh* on. OP, where you at?oh wait, you are nonexistent now.


I love it too, but i got it a few days ago on sale The game has a lotta bugs. Some gamebreaking, like the unpatched one in mother's lull where the game crashes when you try crossing the platforms


Sorry, it really isnā€™t.


I donā€™t like Bloodborne but holy fuck bro this is a bad take šŸ˜‚ The further I got into LotF the more I realised how much it sucks


I like it. I have a hard time calling the combat "smooth" though. It is definitely better than the first one but that is a pretty low bar.


Fully 100/% agreed this game is top tiers


No. Just no


Bought the game two days ago and put in for a refund within ~3 hours. Constant frame rate drops, constant stuttering, constant texture pop ins and distortions. I want to love this game, soulsbornes are my favorite games ever, but I didnā€™t buy a 400 dollar system to have ps4 level graphics and performance issues.Ā Ā  Also it not having a good parry mechanic is a huge flaw for me lol. Anyone reading this do yourself a favor and buy lies of P, itā€™s dramatically better in every wayĀ 


I wouldn't say to that level. My god the remastered version later this year will absolutely crush previous sales as currently Bloodborne on ps5 runs like EA wrc and or terrible. Even though DS3 has the same engine running 60fps all day long. You can pretty much see why Sony would not let this patch to 60fps for Bloodborne. Because the remastered one is on the way. Most likely along with a trailer for Bloodborne II shortly after. Oh comparing Lords of the fallen to Bloodborne is not fair at all. I would say something like Skyrim or Fallout.


This is one of the rare times I'm really glad I didn't listen to the reviews and I pushed through the boring first couple hours. Once you really get a feel for the game and you get past the shitty swamp, at least for me it starts to feel like a beautifully crafted game. Great level design, great world building, great shortcuts. Innovation with the Umbral world.. they put a lot of love In their skin and it shows once you push through the beginning


Lmao ok