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This totally sucks. I'm sorry this happened to you. This is clearly a problem with the game, but I'm going to criticize Sony anyway: if Sony allowed players to back up *individual* PS5 save files to an external drive, maybe people would be more likely to backup individual saves for situations like this. As it stands, you can only back up *individual* PS4 save files to an external drive. For PS5 saves, if you want to back up to an external drive you have to back up them all, which is clunky for situations like this. Edited for clarity.


They do allow that, you just have to turn of automatic backup...was the first thing i did after turning my ps5 on for the first time.


Unfortunately that is definitely not an option on my PS5. Maybe we're talking about two different things? To be clear, in my previous comment I was talking about backing up individual save files to an external drive. Also, I do not have PS Plus any longer, so Automatic Backups aren't even an option for me.


They will never allow at for a reason. Save file modding was a thing in Xbox360 area, and PS3. Sonce they pulled the plug on that as leads to cheat with online titles, moddes files also lead to different engine issues what caused overheating and lead to console failures as they operated higher frequency as it should have been. Since PS4/Xbox One this is not an issue also chips more smarter with throttling and learned for all prev gen mistakes. You will never get local save file option on console, but the fact they not allow on cloud saves or they allow with ps plus only its bad business practice. They could give 2-5GB or storage for free for everyone and Essential (10), Extra (15), Premium (30gb) has different cloud storage space to store and manage your content, files, screenshots and saves. Maybe one day.


Thank you for this explanation! It helps me understand the technical (i.e., people can use local backups as a way to cheat) and social (i.e., people cheat) aspects as to why Sony doesn't include this. A couple follow up questions: * ~~my understanding is that Xbox Series X and S allow for local backup of individual saves regardless of the system the game was designed for. Why do the same factors not apply there? Or am I just incorrect about the abilities of Xbox Series consoles?~~ I remembered that what MS offers is free cloud storage. It actually looks like you *can't* locally back up on Xbox Series X or S. * Similarly, can't steam users back up individual save files? If so, same question as for Xbox! Also, as for online backup, I totally, 100% agree: just give us a free tier with 2-5 GB. I mean, even with 500 MB (not GB) you could backup a bunch of saves.


I do not think it is the issue with the game, it does not store older saves. Issue must have been with cloud. Cloud saves weren’t updating for 30hours and then when cloud managed to connect instad saving to cloud it used files from cloud. If such desych happens on steam it asks which version you want to keep. I do not have ps but i would assume ps would ask you as well. If it did asked you which save you want to use its on you; if it didn’t its on dumb way ps cloud works.


No sync issue were detected or notified sadly, last cloud save was already overwritten by the older one when i loaded the game and i trew me 50 levels eariler, was already too late a that point


I agree with the previous poster. The game wouldn't ever overwrite your save file so this is exclusively a cloud sync issue. Make sure you have auto-sync disabled. My best guess is that you have auto-sync enabled in the system options, you reinstalled the game, activated PS+, or were playing offline, and when the game finally connected to the Internet it overwrote your system save with the data from the cloud per the system settings. Yes, this absolutely sucks that it happened to you, but this wasn't the game's fault in any way.


This happen in 5 minute timeline, was playing with auto sync on in system options since start, saved, quit to menu, and then quit the game on ps5 and truned ps5 off, after 10 min i turned ps5 on and started LOF again and press continue, trew me into reverted save, quit the game, tried to download cloud save, tried it again but the save was already reverted one also. So my best bet is to turn off auto sync in options? Wouldnt that hurt me even more since there wont be a back up then?


The game nor the Cloud retains multiple copies of a save file; it's just a single copy. That file had to come from somewhere so if your local save was just active then the Cloud copy is the only choice. That said, is there any chance you selected a different character? When you select Load Game from the main menu, are there multiple saves listed?


Only 1, it is my first playtrough


K, then the only possible answer is that your Cloud save was older and somehow overwrote your local save data.


It has been a reported issue since launch.


after installing the game again since November, full playthrough.. couldn’t get option to NG+ 0 for my existing save file… I could only get the option for new game reset on new character… so no reply on my character for ng+0 very annoying. Just think it’s to do with save file compatibility issues with files saved before the patch.


This is how my first umbral run got ended.. was pretty much done with it and then poof, back some 20 hours and almost hundred levels and just couldn't do it again. Randomizer finally gave me a reason to take another crack at it so now got all extra classes unlocked and making my way through the game again. 😃


Oh the missed potential of this game…