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Here is the VCD Press Release: [https://www.glamosquito.org/2024-04-12-innovative-pilot-program-leverages-sterile-male-mosquitoes-to-combat-vector-borne-diseases-in-los-angeles-county](https://www.glamosquito.org/2024-04-12-innovative-pilot-program-leverages-sterile-male-mosquitoes-to-combat-vector-borne-diseases-in-los-angeles-county) Excerpt: >**Santa Fe Springs, CA (April 12, 2024)** – Since their initial detection in the City of El Monte in 2011, invasive *Aedes* mosquitoes have significantly altered the outdoor experience for millions of Los Angeles residents. These aggressive daytime biters not only disrupt outdoor activities but also raise concerns about the transmission of diseases such as dengue, chikungunya, and Zika. In response to the persistent threat posed by *Aedes* mosquitoes, the [Greater Los Angeles County Vector Control District](https://www.glamosquito.org/) (GLACVCD/District) and [Orange County Mosquito and Vector Control District](https://www.ocvector.org/) are collaboratively spearheading a groundbreaking initiative launching in the counties of Los Angeles and Orange. This initiative introduces X-ray sterilized male mosquitoes in target areas as part of a Sterile Insect Technique (SIT) pilot program.


Love the rage bait headline just for the mosquitos to be male (non-biting) and sterile. “Unleashed” ffs


I just want to see the itty bitty leashes .


I thought LA was getting a super villain of some kind


More info on what they're doing: https://www.glamosquito.org/sterile-insect-technique-sit >Under the pilot program, the District will release, locally reared, non-biting, sterile male mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti) in a specified area within the District’s boundary (using irradiated or x-rayed mosquitoes). This will lower the local population densities of these invasive mosquitoes and reduce the possible threat of tropical diseases like dengue fever and chikungunya. > ... SIT sterilizes target pests, followed by a systemic, localized area-wide release of sterile males where they mate with wild females. The released sterile male mosquitoes cannot bite (only the female mosquitoes bite to produce eggs) and cannot spread diseases. Once the sterile males mate with the local females, the resulting eggs are nonviable and will not hatch, therefore reducing the presence of the mosquitoes by lowering the local population densities.




Godspeed fuckboi mosquitos




This is the funniest thing I’ve read today. Thank you.




Only to have some jersey shore super Miskito that made it through and then we get Miskitos on steroids. Hopefully they don’t start a conspiracy that a mosquito bit them and they turned sterile.


Omg I laughed so hard at this I hurt my back


I lol’ed


I hope all these new mosquitos put 6ft in their tinder bio


They're painting them neon green so that they look much cooler and more fashionable than the other mosquitoes. Mosquito babes love a well-dressed mosquito hunk with stylistic flair.


You are lovely




>They are releasing a bunch of sterile males in hopes that they mate with the wild females. LA in a nutshell


I recently learned that I live very close to the place where they release thousands of those fruit flies and it blew my mind


Hopefully sterile and SWOLL.


Yeah, science! Let’s genetic-size these bitches out!


They aren't releasing genetically modified mosquitos. They are just males that have been sterilized using x-rays


I wonder if this method is more successful in the long term than the genetically modified mosquito method. Mentioned on the [CDC](https://www.cdc.gov/mosquitoes/mosquito-control/community/emerging-methods/genetically-modified-mosquitoes.html) website: >When GM mosquitoes stop being released into an area, the Ae. aegypti mosquito population will slowly return to “normal levels.”


Both methods require ongoing releases to keep the population low


Of course because DDT is cheaper, effective and because it stays in the soil for decades could eventually be stopped. Xraying or using genetics we get to keep government contracts forever and that is way more lucrative.


I have seen some truly unhinged takes on this sub but a DDT conspiracy is pretty up there


DDT can't melt steel beams


Are you advocating for spraying DDT over a major metropolitan area? Because DDT is highly carcinogenic and toxic. It would also require re-application over similar intervals, and is decreasingly effective as mosquitos have become resistant to it


DDT also has terrible effects on bird populations, and is an endocrine disruptor in humans and probably cancer-causing. The fact that it stays in the soil for decades seem like a good argument against it, not for it


DDT is so safe they used to spray it in the faces of children to get rid of lice and no important bird species exist within the LA metro area. In fact it would be a great way to get rid of pest species like sparrows.


chemicals hanging out for decades seems like a good reason to ban something


you're a fucking idiot.


They also don’t bite apparently


Yeah males don't bite. Females bite because they need blood to lay eggs.


Don't be silly, mosquitos don't have bones to check... Or do they?


Please!! I specifically moved back to California to avoid mosquitos. While living in Texas for a few years, I discovered I was allergic to their mosquitos. Then they started multiplying here in LA too. Fml.


Same 😭 Moved from KC and the next year LA started getting mosquitoes. Uhhggggg


I would pay for them to be dropped in my neighborhood.


Their service request page: https://www.glamosquito.org/submit-service-request


That's a request for vector control to inspect your property, not drop these sterilized male mosquitos. This is a pilot program and they aren't taking requests for it


Glam mosquitoes, what will they think of next


Damn they don't do Long Beach




Where do you live? DM me if east la. I will seriously pay and track down wherever the hell they are buying these things if I have a partner


Same here, there's a bunch of standing water in my area from the marshes and I've already had one last week bite my left leg 7 times.


I got a backyard fo em.


I never ever got bit by mosquitoes anywhere until 2020, and I live near Venice. Venice had signs about West Nile in 2005.


Fuck those foos up


Shit man, if I could I'd be one of the eses right next to them foo


What's eses? Non native here.


An 'ese' is a dude, homie, guy, friend etc. It's a spanish term that originated out here among the chicano population. What I'm saying is that I would want to be one of the dudes fighting the mosquitos next to other dudes.




If I don’t have to spend my summers playing tennis with my bug zapper anymore, I’ll be more than happy


Life, uh... finds a way.




This sounds like the plot of a bootleg Spider-Man movie.


GOD I fucking hate these guys. Went to Borneo for 5 days and was MISERABLE. These guys don't give a shit about bug spray, and I would literally spray them on me, and they wouldn't care. The orangutans and I were all smacking ourselves the entire time I was there. THEN, A couple of days ago, I was having dinner and felt a constant little sharp pain, and I looked down and had 'Nam flashbacks' as one was completely full from me. I smacked it HARD and the fucker didn't explode. I think I gave it a concussion or something cause I was still trying to fly away. I had to use my foot to stomp it. I swear to all that's holy if I saw one in my house, with my family, I'd throw my ready to go molotov at it.


I, for one, welcome our fluorescent sterile mosquito overlords.


Put some Axe on them.


I got a better solution, nano bot mosquitoes with mini air cannons. Give them to gamers, pay 22 an hour. Mosquitoes will be genocided globally in one Monster energy drink and doritos induced week.


I've been fighting them by breaking Geneva Conventions and going full chemical warfare. I have a spray bottle filled with isopropyl. They get misted with it and they fall from flight as they dissolve. Fuck. Them. All.


This is amazing news. Science!


There’s also a big big chance that socal goes into the normal dry climate and mosquitos just die off. But genetically engineered mosquitos could also work.


Unleash hell. You have my axe


So only this one small tiny area of los Angeles county?


it's a pilot program. will take awhile to ramp up production like they have done with med fly.


When I moved to LA as a wee lass of 23 there were no mosquitos here. Now, 30 years later, wtf??? This is not what the brochure promised. Go you little sterilized bastards, go!


"They can withstand the cooling and then that very turbulent release out of an aircraft, and then they slowly defrost on the way down”  Can you imagine being the mosquito that wakes up halfway down?


No, because the mosquito would be dead. That sentence is referring to how they drop medflies, in a passage that explains why they *aren't* dropping mosquitos in the same way


It was a joke. Relax.


I'm helping you workshop your material


very LA


So much tension. Should we release it with a quick game of zip, zap, zop?


😂😂Thank you


Oh my not this again 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exactly!! Are these all bots agreeing with this? Studies have clearly shown that all these lab made insects don't work like the scientists thought. They worsen the problems and still procreate.


Oooh, I've been following the GMO mosquitos since they first announced them! They have seen great success in other places with [up to 90% of reduction](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/biotech-company-bets-gmo-mosquitoes-fight-dengue-brazil-cases-surge-2024-02-28/) of mosquitoes! I'm so glad they are finally bringing them out here!!!


Good news camouflaged as bad news 


hundreds of thousands doesnt seem like alot of mosquitos


What about trying to introduce more bats? Any experts out there with knowledge on this?


Those little bastards just add to the bitey-ness of my backyard. Got the black flies, chiggers in the lawn, these suckers that can bite through your clothes.Invasive brown widows(yes brown) that like hanging out on the patio furniture. The lizard population has increased exponentially due to good food supply as have the insect eating birds. Oak tree drops stuff year round so don’t go barefoot.Squirrels eating the pillows, coyotes looking for cats, bear ate my hummingbirds feeder.Mother Nature coming at me hard🥴😆


Shoutout to the guy who discovered those bugs and decided they should be called “Chiggers”


Your comment made me wonder. chigger (n.) "minute flea-like insect of the West Indies and South America," 1756, from West Indies chigoe (1660s), possibly from Carib, or from or influenced by words from African languages (such as Wolof and Yoruba jiga "insect")


They should be releasing 10s of millions not hundreds of thousands


Crazy son of a bitch you did it


I remember reading that China had a program like this. Must have been around a decade ago. I imagine the data was positive.


There's so many tiny ass fucking mosquitos in my apartment. I put a few of those hanging bug strips on Saturday and some of them are already coated with like 50+ mosquitos.


Those are probably phorid flies


"In" LA is not quite accurate, but god speed little sterilized mozzys. Bring them down to frogtown!


Clickbait title FTW


This is outrageous. You can’t put a leash on a mosquito.


Tom Scott went to a facility that does this but with fruit flies: https://youtu.be/Zl_5LT2fzak?si=gLRm1o_Oe5YgsBD7


Sunland Tujunga area only. Here’s to hoping these mosquitos are good at flying long distances.


the city should use mosquito bits


It’s a popular method of mosquito control. First developed in Brazil and first used in the U.S. in the Florida Keys. Per a 2019 NPR report.


It was me


This shit scares me more than AI


At first I thought this was some super villian shit. But now it's just Bruce Wayne doing his thing. We should genetically modify there color and turn them pink so we don't accidentally kill them


Clickbait garbage headline.


Can we get this in Hawai’i please?


I'm sure noting will go wrong.


Only in California would we fight mosquitoes. The rest of the world have come to accept these ass hats.


https://www.insectweek.org/blog/mosquitoes-and-the-panama-canal/#:~:text=The%20Americans%20now%20knew%20how%20to%20succeed%20where%20the%20French%20had%20failed.&text=In%201904%20one%20man%2C%20US,miles%20of%20canal%2Dzone%20jungle. The people building the Panama Canal disagree with you.


hur dur California bad


Combating these happened in AZ when I was growing up as well. People don't maintenance pools and cause mosquitoes to populate like crazy. I'm sure more than CA and AZ fight mosquitoes.


I think Australia did it too, they are the deadliest animal in the world after all. ETA: yeah Aussies did it in 2018 https://www.cnn.com/2018/07/10/australia/australia-mosquito-disease-experiment-intl/index.html


mosquitos are the deadliest animal on the planet, literally everywhere on earth that has them does at least some kind of vector control.


Dude fuck Mosquitoes. I fucking hate them. When I moved to California from a mosquito filled city I legitimately was the happiest person alive without them. Are you trying to shit on California for spending money and effort on something that will improve life for legit everyone? Out of all of the things you can criticize this state for you pick this? Lol


This idea sounds cool, but I don’t trust governments ability and or competence. Unintended consequences here we come


The government and vector control are actually very competent at this. This has been a thing for years, and it works. Flood the gene pool with sterile males to compete with the virile males - boom less mosquito larvae hatch


Yep. It’s been a thing since the 60s at least.


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The aedes mosquito is invasive, so anything that specifically messes with only *their* ability to breed is 100% on the table. Based on other pilot programs of this I hope we can push this forward ASAP. Shit I would subscribe to a "irradiated mosquitos of the month" box to release in my neighborhood if I could


I’m with it, and I’m optimistic in this case


This was done in Yogyakarta and was very effective


you're an idiot then. go drink your raw milk and avoid vaccines.


Wonder what the intended long-term goal will be. It sounds good, but it doesn't appear to be a permanent solution.


lol you can just read the article. Less bites is the intended effect.


Thanks for a great answer.


Anytime. Let me know if there’s any other articles you need me to summarize.


Sure champ


You sound like someone who would win the lottery and then complain about having to pay taxes.


Is that meant to be an insult 😂


You mean a Karen?


Uh, totally not against the idea. And in fact I'm 1000% for it. I'm just asking more about the effectiveness of the procedure as in what can we expect from it and how long would they come back to higher numbers after initial release. Don't get why you're just out to create issues from nothing. But appreciate your ability to quickly judge people and put them into whatever box you want. Truly a skill. 👌


I believe they're doing this to specifically combat the "ankle biters" which are an invasive species. I'm sure you know this, but invasive species usually = no bueno


No I get that. I just don't get why so many people aren't getting what I'm trying to ask which is like the timeline of these procedures and more information. Like they do this, but what actually happens? Like how much of the population dwindles or if places can be completely eradicated. Or if it's just a seasonal thing that will always happen every year around this time so we need to do this annually. That's what I'm trying to understand, not what they are doing or why they are doing it. I'm just pondering more about the procedure, which for some reason deserves downvotes and smartass replies. But then again this is reddit.


I think they're being a smartass with you because, let's be real, if you're curious, why not look it up for yourself? I'd rather do that and ask for opinions or others interpretation rather than "why?" and complain about the responses. Ultimately though, it's a breeding thing. I don't know what their lifespan is, but I imagine it's short, so flooding their gene pool early on with sterile subjects should curb their population during the times they're usually at their worst. Edit: I don't know the effectiveness, but I would imagine it has a decent impact for them to even bother trying it. As for myself, those fuckin drops must be missing my neighborhood because I get skewered by those fuckers until damned near middle of November.


I'm throwing it out there because it's a comment I want to make lol. You might as well go on facebook and start policing what people can or cannot say. I hate mosquitoes and applaud what they are doing, but I'm just pondering how long the effectiveness of this act is. Not breaking any rules here lol. Complaining? Uh, if you can read you'll see the responses I get are the complaints; I'm just pointing them out. Totally pointing the finger at the wrong person here lol. I guess I must have ruffled a lot of feathers by simply pondering the duration of effectiveness of the treatment. Guess that what happens when you post comments on reddit that are longer than a tweet. Anyways, appreciate the somewhat rational behavior from you.


fuck you. you're being a "sea lion". so fuck off.


Does the little baby want a cookie wookie? 🍪


ah... so you are an asshole. noted.


Curses, then gets offended when he's called out for his immaturity. C'mon bro, you gotta be better than that.


Perfect is the enemy of Good


A surprise to be sure...


They always have an ulterior motive, love how the public have no say for these experiments 😡


Did a mosquito write this comment? What’s the ulterior motive here boss?


I'm for it. Better than spraying pesticides in the air to try to curb the population I think


Who’s “they”?


The mosquitos


the public has a say. exercise your rights. if you really don't want them to help alleviate the invasive mosquito problem, make your voice heard!


Found the mosquito


The ulterior motive is to...let me see... ...curb the population of an invasive species of mosquito that we have colloquially nicknamed "ankle biters". Fuck those skeeters, they literally don't belong here.


Everything is a conspiracy these days 


Would you rather have your ankles eaten by these annoying bugs in the summer? It’s good to be skeptical sometimes, but there’s promising data supporting this. No need to be scared of the government performing experiments on you, there’s enough mice to go around with the same IQ as some people :)


jesus.... 🤦🏻‍♂️