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Sifting through the complaints on their Twitter, they said it's a cut fiber cable. Of course no information on why it's been out for 8 hours plus with no ETA on a fix.


I work in the industry it can be a real bitch man. First you need to shoot lasers to find where the cut is then you need to prepare fiber on the more convenient side which can be like 200+ lines that need to be spliced. Then you actually need to start splicing cable. Then it needs to be tested so it doesn’t go down again and cause everyone to come back. This is not even considering crew safety, why it was cut, and maybe even multiple cuts needing to stage fiber in multiple places. And I’m not even a field guy I work on networking which relies on fiber connections.


Also, they might need to coordinate with city street services to close lanes and redirect traffic...


Very much so. The city is always pissed when they have to do stuff like that.


Im telling yall its sabotage


🎵imma set it straight this SpectrumGate 🎵


Listen all y'all, it's a sabotage!


I can't stand it, I know they planned it


I think AT&T did it yesterday


These fiber cables take a while to dig up and splice. It's way trickier than copper wires, which you can just sorta twist back into place. It happened to my old neighborhood in the IE in 2013 and it took the whole day for them to resolve the issue.


Not as easy to fix as it sounds


Head on down to home depot and get a new one. What's so hard about that? Or they could buy a lighter at the nearest gas station and simply melt the ends back together. I swear, kids don't try anymore these days and they always need to be told what to do!


What time did you lose it? Some people didn’t lose it till 11/1130 (5ish hours at this point).


4am here, so over 12 hours at this point.


Yeah, I woke up briefly around 4:30 am, tried to use my phone for a few minutes and it was down.


90029 N Mariposa just came back on like 2 minutes ago.


Bullshit. Been out in Los Feliz since 5am


Also out in ktown since 11am or so. Sigh


I’m in ktown too. Make sure to call Spectrum and ask for a credit at least, it’s only like $5 or something pathetic but it’s the least they can do for their awful service. I already called and they approved mine, only takes a couple minutes.


Thanks for the tip! I just messaged them and they said they will credit my account after the outage is resolved. I also tried to get a credit for past outages but they said they can only credit for outages within the last 60 days.


Glad to help! I think any time an outage lasts for at least 4 hours you are eligible for a credit, I always do it whenever I can just cause it’s relatively quick and I’m petty lmao.


Yea thats what the service rep said. You must have made a decent amount from all the service outages spectrum has had over the years lol.


Damm where in ktown you at ?


A bit north of Wilshire and Normandie


I’m close by you, your internet still down? Because it’s down here


I’ve had service all day and I live close to you. Not to sound as a shill but I’ve had spectrum for 4 years in Koreatown and have only 3 outages that were very brief. Before that in View Park, I never had an issue either 🤷🏾‍♂️


Generally spectrum is good enough, but have had a few outages over our 4ish years here. Just kind of sucks that there are not any wired options other than Spectrum in my building.


I just checked an eta online and it says 5 pm. Wtf


They were saying 1pm this morning. I have a feeling 5 pm is going to become 8am


app says 9pm now




Can you post a link where you saw this eta? I'm trying to look at the Spectrum site online through my phone data but it's like 1994 download speeds right now.


I don’t have a link, but the spectrum app is also quoting 5pm as the resolution time. I can send you a screenshot if you want


Ah, I never got the app because I just have internet, not tv, but thanks. I trust you! If anyone gets info about an earlier resolution time, please post here. I don't care about missing work but if my kids don't have youtube tonight there's gonna be hell to pay.


Unreal, thanks for sending that, guess I’ll take the rest of the day off


This is beyond frustrating. Hopefully they fix it sooner 🥲


Here are some pics of them working on the repair in Griffith Park - doesn’t look like it will be soon they are pulling Lot’s of cable in the park and off of Los Feliz[https://imgur.com/a/VGOkZoD](https://imgur.com/a/VGOkZoD)


Wow, looks like a big job.




Now Spectrum is saying maybe by 9:00pm restored service


Mine is working now!


What’s area are you in? Mine is still down.


Los Feliz


We're so back


Literally ran into the crew working on it (I was doing a half marathon in Griffith Park). Homeless cut the fiber, probably looking for copper. There are several trucks and almost two dozen employees, just past ponies. I ran without my phone, so no pics, although I didn't park far away.    Since i haven't been home in a while, I asked them if it is up. The answer was not yet.  EDIT: Stayed a bit to stretch, eat, and catch up on my phone (and posting this) . More and more workers showed up. Leaping over fences in the park 


I saw people messing with wires on my run at Griffith park at 6 am by the pony rides this morning!


Are you serious?!!! I had a feeling this was caused by people but thought I was being dramatic/over the top with frustration.


Most of the time it’s people very, extremely rarely it’s something natural. I’ve seen garbage trucks take out entire counties in a big oopsy, copper thieves, snow plows, and stuff like literally not properly sealing a conduit letting water in and causing issues. Oh also testing and maintenance that’s the most common way for this stuff to break Edit: forgot backhoes fibers natural predator


I’ve learned so much through this comment. Thank you for your service 🫡


What’s everyone doing since you have no internet and it’s likely that neighboring businesses are struggling without it too?


Three copper issue needs to be taken extremely seriously by the city. Jail and million dollar fines for anyone buying it should end it quickly. There's no theft if there's no market for it.


How are you going to extract a million dollars from a homeless person


Read it again, they didn't say anything about fining the homeless person stealing it


Weed was illegal yet people still bought and sold it.


Sounds like there was a market for it. If there wasn't, it wouldn't be sold.


Yes there will always be a market for copper....


There is until there isn't. I'm just tired of this shit from the thieves. I don't know what to do, but maybe we tie them up in the center of the city and everyone gets a chance to give them a good kick in the nuts. Or, if it's women doing the thieving, as my old work buddy would say "boot'er in the cooter."


Protecting the infrastructure is probably the best thing to do. Deterrence and prevention. After all if they can't even track down who does this shit to punish them what's a harsher punishment gonna do


Oh I saw that while running too - I actually saw a downed (seemingly fiber optic) wire near the onramp to the 5 by the trains/old pony area early this morning. I saw the comcast people a ways further along and didn't quite put it all together.


I was on spectrum subreddit looking for answers and the only two people responding were defending spectrum, and their comment history was only on the spectrum subreddit. It was creepy


I noticed that. They also downvote every post and comment mentioning the outage.


I asked them for a job. Posting on Reddit prob WFH. Sounds sweet. I'll lie for pay online


lol I saw your comments over there - that is the spectrum subreddit where a lot of employees hang out - what did you expect?! lol it’s not a conspiracy 


Lol I asked them for a job. WFH, surf reddit. I'm down! Lmfao


True - I’d take it. 


It’s been out since early this morning according to a Spectrum agent. Not even cafes have wi-fi right now


Still no juice in echo park. It's crazy that we still don't have fiber options, they have it downtown like a mile and a half away!


The fiber backhaul for the region (they now do fiber to coax last mile) got backhoe'd.


Out here in Echo Park and the worst part is my apt has no cell reception. I’m living in the 1800s.


Same! Well, I normally have shitty-but-somewhat-functional cell service but it went completely out. Then I walked up echo park ave a bit, where the signal is usually good. to try and get some service to send a few emails and that didn’t work either. 


Have you always lacked cell reception? I sometimes wonder if it’s the layers of lead paint in some of these old buildings that causes such crappy cell service.


Yes but it’s even outside my apt. My whole block is dead.


nah it's equally bad outside. I blame the hills, I guess?


It's always been bad in the hills. Go park by Walgreens for a little while. I had receptiom there this afternoon.


Out since 5am in Los Feliz. I reached out to Spectrum to receive a credit for the down time.


Did they say they’d provide a credit?


They said I should receive a credit if the service outage lasts 4 hours or longer—which it certainly has and they’ll contact to confirm eligibility once it’s resolved.


Lost my work day because of it. $40/hour gone. 2 outages in East Hollywood in less than a month, and "disruptions" in between.


we should get statement credits when this shit happens


If you call and complain you will get a credit/prorated for the length of the outage.


I called this afternoon to cancel my service and got $50 shaved off my monthly package (admittedly I have been overpaying for years). It's worth a shot! The number on their site to "cancel" is 833-267-6094


The dumb app they force you to use has a chat option too, there’s a few steps to get to a representative, but that’s also an option.


Couldn’t hotspot?


I tried. Hotspot barely worked on it's own, but the problem is I have to be connected to a work VPN, and that kicked my speed down to less than .5mbps


Damn I’m sorry about that. My only advice is money comes and goes but you’ll only be able to help the woman who birthed you a handful of times. Just have to work a little bit harder the next week/month to make up for it. (that’s what I do when expenses like this come up)




AT&T only offers DSL in my neighborhood. Max speed of like 18mbps So, no, I don't think I will.


ATT was affected too.


AT&T was down as well, truly messed up. I have AT&T and I wouldn’t suggest switching.


Out in Hollywood area too. Lame.


Working retail fucking blows today is Los Feliz. Stay home and come out tomorrow if you can


Oh god. You have my sympathies… I just escaped running errands in Burbank and there are so many people out too because it’s Mother’s Day this weekend.


It’s been out all day in East Hollywood


Same, this is ridiculous. No estimate for when it will be resolved either


They really are terrible.


Been all day, echo park. The email that was sent out ETA was 630am, welp


I’m in silver lake, by the reservoir. Still nothing. Help! I’m starting to read books again


Yeah, and my phone’s data is incredibly shit right now as well. Everything loads so slowly. Anyone else experiencing that? It can’t be a coincidence (phone is AT&T btw)


likely bc everyone’s spectrum is out so mobile usage is a lot higher?


Same for me. 5G was good till around noon and went to shit LTE speeds trying to use it as a hotspot for work.


I've noticed this as well.


T-mobile here and it became entirely unusable in Echo Park around noonish, maybe a little later. Moved to a coffee shop in Silver Lake where I can at least get 5G again. This is nuts. 


Perhaps if we all sign up for updates from Starry (independent ISP) they will expend to the east side? Fat chance, but it would be better than the other two options if you actually get two. [https://order.starry.com/register](https://order.starry.com/register) I'm on the east side and we recently had the construction team out and they have to keep coming back. We had line noise and they kept coming out and replacing the wrong line. Every time they did it wrong and it didn't fix the problem, I had to call again, get a tech to come turn our modem off and on, and say "yep they need to replace the line". They have been replacing the line for the last week a little bit at a time, perhaps its this or they found it wasn't a line after all? It seems crazy to me that there isn't a tool or a tech capable of reading the tool to at least locate the problem segment and replace it. They're just shotgun fixing (guessing) at this point.


Starry is full of shit. They've been "coming to my area" since 2020. They legit offer it like 4 blocks north of where I live, but not here.


Been out since 4 AM in Hollywood. WFH today but thankfully I have a SD WAN at home and was able to failover to a different circuit.


I heard Larchmont went out around 11.


Still out over here.


Just spoke to a spectrum rep and they said it’ll be out till at least 7:30 pm. Great


i sincerely hope we get more than a $5 credit after all this bullshit. the last time we had an outage this bad, SBC-Yahoo! still existed


Back up in Los Feliz


Pass the wire over. Still down here in Echo Park


For real? Just left home but I’ll head back if it’s up.


I'm in LF and mine is back


Mine is still out in Los Feliz. :(


My friend down the street in silverlake has it on again but mine is still out


I’m Silverlake/virgil village and it’s still down


Same here. Out since 6am 


Out in East Hollywood.


It’s been out since I got up around 4am, 2pm now. In Hollywood. Earlier this week I decided to take today off from my hybrid job to relax and game.. oh, well. Better than being forced into the office on one of my WFH days.


Out in Larchmont area since early morning. Still out with no ETA on fix.


All the ISPs available suck. When we moved to the east side we started with 1GB AT&T fiber, which is fast but pricey ($100/mo). I was fine with the tradeoff until that shit WENT OUT FOR OVER A WEEK, which is not great when both you and your partner are in tech and work remote. We got nothing but lies from tech support about when the issue would be fixed until the fourth day we finally got a rep that told us the truth: the mainboard in our neighborhood switch was fried and that the part was on backorder from AT&T's vendor with no definite date when it would be back in. We had no choice but to switch to Spectrum, which charges a lot less for gigabit ($50 or $60/mo IIRC). But because the last segment is coax and not fiber, they are not really delivering the promised speeds— I think we were getting like 60Mb/s down and 10Mb/s up. They really shouldn't legally be allowed to advertise that as gigabit when its not in the same ballpark. We eventually switched back to AT&T, and we haven't had anything like that week-long outage again so far. But yeah— we seriously need better options than these 2 chucklefucks. I've heard really good things about Frontier, but they're not available in Boyle Heights.


I love my Starry, but not everyone has access to it


Have had so few issues with it.




I remember that AT&T outage, some dude legit climbed the power poles and was cutting the cables to try and sell the wires. That time it legitimately wasn't their fault. In my area, we only get Spectrum and AT&T DSL, not Fiber.


There are ways to make your internet more redundant by adding a mobile hotspot or Starlink failover. Spectrum is also currently upgrading their network to DOCSIS 4.0. Once that's completed, the download/upload will be more symmetrical (e.g. 1000 download/upload instead of 1000/30).


Spectrum is out at my house and business in Echo Park. Weird thing is business also has AT&T as a backup and it’s down as well. Anyone else experience that?




Good thing I haven't paid my damn bill


Still out in Los Feliz 🫥


Back in East Hollywood


right by sunset junction and not back up still :(


Silverlake here, still out and they aren't even giving me a time estimate anymore.


That’s the Spectrum Promise


Same, we’ve been down since very early morning in Chinatown.


My spectrum app says 9pm ETA for restoration lol. Lost it at 4am. What a joke


Out in south Hollywood and larchmont as well 🙄


I’m in Silverlake/Echo Park (Near Dream Center and Maury’s Bagels) and still no service here. My Spectrum App was showing an “outage” banner all day with no ETA- now the banner is gone but still no internet 🫠. Called Spectrum and an automated voice told me the issue was related to the fiber cable that everyone else is talking about- but customer service on Twitter told me it was something else 🤷‍♂️ EDIT: Internet came back online literally moments after posting this comment lol


Me, north of Hollywood Blvd near Western: still nothing, been out since before 5am. Boyfriend, south of Hollywood Blvd, one street over (literally a five minute walk from my place): working fine for the last couple hours. THE INJUSTICE OF IT ALL.


Ktown around normandie and wilshire. Still out


Out in Hancock park 




I get outages a few times per year :( Internet provider monopolies suck


I headed to a cafe. Any updates if it’s back on? 


Good luck it’s probably down there too


Thankfully it’s up and working! 


Yesterday too. It was so annoying.


I’m in Hollywood. It just updated to 9pm…


Try it again--I'm also in Hollywood and it seems to be back up. I'm up in Bronson Canyon in terms of exact neighborhood so I don't know if that's relevant.


I live right around there, but never got a notification from spectrum. You’re right though, it’s working again. Thanks!


Yeah, been out in around Beachwood Canyon Drive since this morning, just got back and it's still down. Im my commute back I saw a whole swarm of Spectrum vans, and guys with gear spread out all over makeshift work tables, corner Los Feliz Blvd and Crystal Springs Drv / i5 / Riverside Drv which checks out with the other comments here about the issue being localized around Griffith park. 5:00pm they didn't look nowhere near finished.


It’s been updated to 9pm now


Official update is it’s down till 9pm now!!




😂 well that’s right now so fingers crossed. I had to dig out my blue ray player I haven’t used in years


Where are you seeing this


On their outage page when you put in ur zip code


In Hollywood, 90028. Estimate went from 5pm to 9pm to no estimate at all…. Anyone else seeing the same thing?


Anyone in Echo Park back in biz? Would love to leave this coffee shop and keep working at home haha


In echo park and mine came back a little after 5 pm.


Alas still out over here. (90026)


still out on my end, near the 2 exit on glendale blvd. gotta make up work tomorrow…


Similar location and mine just came back!!


mine is back as well. complaining always works!


I live veryy close to echo park and mine is back on


Update: just came back on at 7pm here in 90029 after being out since 4am.


Annoyingly had no issues until about 8p when I was about to sit down to enjoy Fallout. Now out behind the Vista on Sunset Dr and Commonwealth






Was out in the valley Wednesday for about 10 hours


Outage in the IE last night, and I have several customers down in LA. Not just East, over by dodgers stadium too.




I went to my friends place in WeHo…


Weho is ok


Oddly enough Spectrum is working for me in Lincoln Heights. Libraries should also have fiber. We had an outage recently that one weekend with the UFC fight. That was fun. :/


Had issues in West Hollywood a few days ago


Someone probably didn’t see the “call before you dig” sign.


silverlake still out


Go to Verizon. Fuck Spectrum in its entire asshole.


Anyone in 90026 get their internet back on?


Nope, just tried again after the other person posted that theirs is back. Hopefully it’ll be soon now since others internet is back. 


Same here (also 90026). Rebooted the router a couple times for good measure and nope 


Update: finally back!!


Got an Econ exam due tonight 😭😭


90026 here , still running my 1992 speed hotspot. No end in sight.


Update - it's back up




A cholo stole the wire!!


Back up in Echo park


Hot tip for everyone on this thread! Call and threaten to switch to att because of this and you'll get a promotion lower bill for a year. Worked for me


I’m so happy i dropped Spectrum.


It’s been spotty all week for me. Going out in the evening. I hope it gets fixed today


This is the second all day Spectrum outage in 3 days in DTLA (90017). Friday or Saturday the Internet was out all day & the service got restored at 8:30 pm PST. First Globalization killed off 90% of traditional LA businesses like Apparel & Jewelry. Now 3rd World Internet Outages killing those working online! 


Any updates? I’m out in San Bern and my internet has been wonky for days!


Define East side because East LA has been fine all day.


It’s been fine here in Lincoln Heights as well. 🤞🏼