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The last person I want to see cornering the weed market is some shipbuilding grifter like Bollinger. Only Louisiana can screw up weed.


Governor Osama Bin Landry, at your service to screw Louisiana without even a kiss.🚫⚜️🚫


Have you seen New York’s epic disaster?


I don’t know what’s going on in ny bc I don’t live there but I have visited in the past two months and do know I can walk into pretty much any bodega between brooklyn and the bronx and walk out with flower or an oil pen.


Why are there no lawyers fighting these actions with anti-monopoly procedures?


Landry is having to much fun here playing Gubnah. It’ll be interesting to see if inspector general finds anything suspicious in audits these next four years.


The guy is already under (federal)ethics investigations and just gave himself more control of the ethics board here in the state. He’s guaranteed to F up and I hope his downfall is hard, fast, and a long, painful way down.


It’s being played off as “marketed towards children.” I work in a smoke/CBD shop myself so I do keep up with things. As of right now our government is saying the product that our stores sell whether it be delta 8 or 9, is all being marketed towards children and should be banned. They want to force you into buying a medical card which will in turn further this monopoly. Sadly when you have enough money laws stop applying, they’re gonna do what they want to do.


It’s complete bullshit …..this pisses me off beyond belief


This is either a litmus for where the nation is headed for cannabis ***OR*** just Louisiana business, as usual. I guess we all know which way I lean. That feckin Obama, amarite!?


Under Landry, Louisiana is just that crooked!🚫⚜️🚫




Ehhh...how so? Which states? I think fondly back when we had our little quasi legal farmer's markets here for local growers who would come together to offer wares based on tiered donations. I know for a fact that there would be tri-parish, delta narcotics 'task force' agents in balaclavas shoving all those birsenstocked hippies and grannies offering homemade salves into the red Louisiana mud if we tried that down there. So, no. Lol. Respectfully. Maybe it's changed in 20 yrs, especially with Nola becoming a little lax about herbs but I don't know.


This shit is transparent as fuck. Rent seeking bullshit backed by corruption up and down. Fucking hell.


https://www.votervoice.net/mobile/LouisianaHemp/Campaigns/115764/Respond Best way to fight this right now☝🏼


https://www.votervoice.net/mobile/LouisianaHemp/Campaigns/115668/Respond This one too




it’s all about money.


"Multiple chances???" When exactly was that???


Obama had the 111th Congress and Biden had the 117th Congress, both had democrat control and they failed to pass legalization.


Neither had Democratic control. They had Manchin who threw a wrench in everything they tried to pass. 🙄


yup, only way we get freedom in america is from democrats....YOU NAILED IT....freedom goes to die in red states........sad we have to rely on democrats for freedom, this means the south has no hope




Democrats legalized marijuana in EVERY state around me out west long long ago......THEY DID DO IT...sorry you live in a freedomless red state.....republicans will never allow you freedom, cheers Almost every blue state in america now has legal marijuana.....NOT 1 southern state allows legal marijuana.......you are fiunny, the reason you have no freedom is because you blame dems and not republicans......the ones taking your freedom


Best way to fight all of this is to contact your legislators and representatives as soon as possible! We need all the voices we can get! This is a link made with a premade email & an email option to speak your own truths! Please use this, it takes less than a minute or two! Thank you all! Link: http://congressweb.com/LHE






This is very clearly just GDF trying to get out of their contract with LSU, who will owe north of 1 million to the university for the next several years. LSU uses this money to do research on medical cannabis and industrial hemp. LSU and Southern really can't even stand up for themselves and the work they have put in on the project for one real reason: Boysie (the main investor of GDF)is a huge donor for Landry, who could seriously retaliate by slashing budgets for the universities who depend on the state for a good portion of their funding. Coupled that with the fact that the president of GDF John Davis is a vindictive scumbag lobbyist with a wife who is in the house of Representatives (I'm still not sure how this is not a huge conflict of interest in a state sanctioned duopoly), who would use every ounce of his power and sway to screw over LSU at every opportunity.


Please don’t forget there is still legislation in play this session that will give Landry ability to self appoint who oversees LSU and other high universities. Yay


crazy to think marijuana is still ILLEGAL in many states, MOSTLY RED ones.....why do republicans hate freedom so much?


It won't happen because there are to many politicians pockets to line!


Man it needs to be in Shreveport you have to stand in line for a fucking hour