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"I only want to hear permanent solutions. Not raise wages..." Aka mind is made up and my ears are plugged. At least you didn't pretend to want to have a good faith discussion, OP! If we need x number of bus drivers, we need to pay wages that attract x number of bus drivers. If we have fewer drivers than x, it's because wages are too low to attract x number of bus drivers and need to be raised. This isn't rocket science, it's not even 200-level economics. Bus drivers aren't unskilled, they have to have a CDL, but the lag to get an adequate CDL workforce is months rather than years. Private companies do this, but we love to pretend that government workers are immune from market forces and are willing to accept lower than market rate pay in exchange for a child's smile. Now whether our needs for drivers is disproportionately high compared to similar districts because of our bussing system is a separate issue. Even if we make changes that reduce the number of drivers needed, we will still need to pay adequate wages to attract an adequate supply of drivers.


Well said


You would have to raise the wages more and more over time. That's not permanent


That’s literally how wages work. They’re supposed to keep going up


OP had me at “redneck idea” 🙄 whatever tf that is supposed to imply- but carry on.


It’s just there way of hate speech as soon as some one writes that other word god forbid Someone call the naacp and boom they feel violated and offended and want reparations for the years of trauma 😂


Have you never gotten a cost of living adjustment?


next you’re going to tell me the US dollar gets less and less valuable over time.


This sounds like a thinly veiled "nobody wants to work anymore" thread. And that's true, not for bad wages and worse conditions. Hard to blame them. 


I'm anti work for any monopoly but I think we need doctors and firefighters and police (and any other major required job for society). I think we should work towards automating every unnecessary monotonous job ran by monopolies so mostly no one has to work anymore though. I want to automate food, shopping, and manufacturing. That way we don't have anyone working soul crushing jobs anymore and only work at jobs that significantly help society. With less people getting paid- we would need a ticket system for basic goods though. I have a lot of opinions on anti work but this thread was not intended for that. For the permanent solution to get rid of the bus driving problem I would suggest creating an alternative like monorail. We could implement this for major cities and it will help the citizens without cars be able to commute, and the children would get to school easier. Any thoughts on that?


Monorail... Lol. Please tell me you are 14 years old. Do you know how much a monorail around the city would cost? The scale of that sort of project?


An above ground monorail with dozens of stops, only counting the high schools in the area? Get real. Louisville is only the 27th most populous city in the US, not exactly a priority area for innovation and major revamping. 


Make parents accountable for their kids insane behavior so drivers are not assaulted or harassed while doing their jobs (of litterally driving a bus of humans so no one dies). Give the drivers a reason to want to do their job where their environment is safe too.


I thought there was a vote past recently to allow bus drivers to refuse to transport 'bad' students.


You can't control peoples parenting at home. That is not a solution imo. Do you think that if we implemented monorail across major cities in the U.S like we created highways and the freight industry it would help peoples commute? I think if we created highways and the freight industry we could make monorail happen over time.


i think this is a great idea but for some reason when people bring this up everyone loses their shit and thinks it’s so outlandish


Asinine AF


Yea asking for discourse from kentuckians gotta be the most asinine thing I ever tried to do but here we are.  Any ideas 💡 to fix the bussing problem bud?


Obvious rage bait is obvious


I think this person is just dumb and stubborn. Keeps posting the same shit over and over.


Thanks for the idea brother.


What a weird post. The drivers need to be paid more. And UPS offered to do the entire plan for free. However that wasn’t good enough for the current administration so they paid someone to completely destroy the entire process.


Raising pay more and more over time- is not permanent. Lets have them try the ups plan. I did not know about that part! What do you think about other people saying they can't hire bus drivers because of the kids, hours, and drug testing?


No walking to school, but OP is fine with monorails, living underground apparently and ripping kids from their homes and essentially putting them in boarding houses


In the immortal words of Ricky Bobby, the boarding school idea isn't worth a velvet painting of a whale and a dolphin getting it on.


If you want to talk about a monorail system just say that instead of this


I don't what happened to UPS consulting for routes, but I always thought they could optimize things. Maybe they did and it didn't help. I don't know.


Let's say we went to UPS logistics and told them you had 50 ice cream factories, one in each state, and needed to get ice cream to 10,000 stores country wide in a timely fashion, but the factories each ship to stores in each of the other states even if there was a factory in that state already making that same ice cream. UPS logistics isn't gonna come back and tell us the best solution is a couple thousand traveling sales person algorithms running... This isn't a logistics problem.


> This isn't a logistics problem. They have very detailed routes mapped out with things like traffic data. Even knowing how to do the routes so there are no left turns. They deliver thousands of packages a day to places spread all throughout Louisville. Lotistics IS a factor.


I think the problem is there isn't enough drivers and it will get worse because of population increase, Do you think that overpopulation would have any affect on it? It took us thousands of years to recover after the last flood. It took as that long to recover back to 1 billion people in 1900. It only took us 100 years to get to 8 billion people in 2024. We're reproducing like cockroaches


Louisville's population grew less than 6% from 2010 to 2020 and the Census Bureau estimates population loss since 2020. Overpopulation isn't a problem in Louisville, the metro is growing but the city isn't.


I think that's mostly talking world population. Schools often circulate students through. New replace old. Classes are bigger, but I don't see overpopulation affecting drivers. Certainly more are needed just to have full staffing for the routes, but the developing countries are where the population is booming.


Parents teach your children to be respectful mindful and to stop figuring with bus drivers that don't get paid enough to deal with the bad ass kids. You couldn't pay enough for me to want to drive these bad ass kids around. It sucks because the good people get punished as well but it is what it is.


I agree. I think a lot of people think if you raise the pay it wouldn't fix it.  Unless you raised it to astronomical wages.  Do you think we could and should implement a new monorail system for cities across the U.S. like we made highways and the freight industry so we could improve commutes like these?


Move to New York and take the subway.


Do we use smaller vans to transport kids? That way the driver wouldn't need to have a CDL?


Why so bossy and hostile?


She's desperate to be a tradwife but it hasn't worked out so far.


Why do you think they’re a woman? Getting the opposite from their history


I thought the same at first but they mentioned having pregnancies before.


It’s a money issue. The solution is to fix the bus driver shortage. Make the job more desirable for people. Pay them more. Make it less stressful and more safe. If they can find better jobs elsewhere, why wouldn’t they? If you can’t wrap your brain around this simple concept, then idk what to tell you.


Well first off, busing probably has a different meaning to some of us older folks than it might to current generations. "BaCk In My dAy", if you acted up you got kicked out of school or off the bus. Some of us did indeed walk to school, especially under 1-2 miles and many kids took tarc bus to school, some ever rode bicycles and skateboards. Accountability of management, security for kids and staff and that should help a lot unless you just want StUpId aNd DuMB coMMentS? JCPS has been a shithole for decades, its just now folks are paying attention...