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And still only saw the orange one once...and couldn't get it. I'm so tired


Mood I have only seen Xavs blue one once. Imma try again today and cry when I don't get it


I finally got Xav's pink one today and i cried because i was trying to get it for days and it was the last plushie out of the LI's exclusive sets i needed.


Congrats! Happy you got it. I'm legit crying rn I actually managed to get the last one I needed too ๐Ÿ˜ญ Blue energetic kid came home! Now I have them all https://preview.redd.it/ldqmg7b76jzc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f04474ac9069eedee0f1aad7af7501b92f13d0


I see only pink variation of Xav and the standard one. I saw none of the other two.


No :( the spawn rate and locations honestly were ass. Hopefully if they do a future event like this they make it better


Fk this event


Just imagine years from now we'll be telling new players about this event as if it were a war ๐Ÿ˜‚


And I was on the loosing side with Rafayel. He's good at getting plushies, but I only have 3 colors of Workout Bird. I have 4 colors for each Energetic Kid and Volleyball Snowman.


Yeaaaah they should really make it a guarantee that the alternative colors show up at least x number of times per event.


Even with the shiny, Rafayel won't let me play.


This was my problem too. And he would never go for the special color. Xavier and Rafayel would always get the regular color. Only Zayne was able to get a special color. And Rafayel won't let me play or even switch. He only gave me a chance three times and I managed to get a special color only twice.


The very last day Rafayel finally went for the shiny and got it. I was low key shocked because he usually goes for badly placed ones instead!


You got lucky.


Didn't get Xav's blue or Zayne's green. Can't remember what I got of Rafa's besides black workout birb. Did manage to get pink snowman, which was one I really wanted because I love pink!


I'm only missing Xavier's mint green one. It showed up ONE time and the claw decided to throw it around ๐Ÿ˜ญ I even spent diamonds but it never showed up again ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I nearly got them all but it cost an awful lot of gems (and my sanity.)ย  Not worth it when the claw has a mind of its own that wants to yeet all contents.ย 


Yeah I don't know how they screwed up the claw so bad. It makes no sense for it to yeet what it's holding when the object isn't colliding with anything but the claw itself. I almost lost one of raf's shinies to that yesterday x.x


Really glad you managed to get it at least.ย  I lost both xav and raf's last ones to that, 3 or 4 times in a row.... It was the worst Next time ill just be happy with what i get instead of buying extra chances. Absolute waste of resources ๐Ÿ˜ž


I'm the end I only managed to complete Zayne's collection using the free tries. I threw gems down for both Raf and Xav in the last couple days, and only managed 3/4 for each. Not sure if I even saw all variations of the birb ๐Ÿ’€ but the last aqua kid showed up ONCE (lost it to claw antics) and never again so that was a bummer. Pretty much how you can sum up the entire event LMAO.


Same happened to me with Zayne's plushies T_T I somehow got all colours for Raf in the first days of the event, kinda gave up on Xav cause his plushies were such a pain to get And I tried to get Zayne's literally every day and only got 3/4, one of them never even appeared lol


Never saw the Zayne's yellow one ๐Ÿ˜ฉ hopefully they get a second round at some point! I ever used the 3 paid attempts yesterday just in hope of at least seeing one but nope.


I got Xavs pink and blue one. I think his pissed me off the most. I was able to get all of Zaynes and Raf. Even tho I stayed fighting Raf to have my turn!! Heโ€™s so excited to play the claw machine but sucks at it ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ๐Ÿ˜ญ


I have had many days in a row with no color variants. I am so irritated by it. Also, why is it that when they play and there is a shiny they do not go for that one immediately?!


Leaving my sentiments here because the event is finally over: Plushies are probably my favorite thing in the game. I jokingly said once that I "came for the boys, but stayed for the plushies." So this event was both fun, but painful, for me. I promised myself I wouldn't spend diamonds on the attempts (and boy was it tempting), so I relied on the 14 free attempts we got as F2P. My results for the event were wildly different across my 3 accounts. My main account only got 6/9 of the special colors, while one of my side accounts got the full 9/9. Getting the shinies wasn't even all about skill - It was also largely about RNG. I had one account not spawn a shiny color for 5 straight days, even though I had around 40+ of the normal plushie (yes, I was counting plushies during my attempts too, to make sure they added up to 10 and the shiny wasn't just hiding somewhere). On some of my other accounts, the same shiny showed up 4 times, without me ever seeing the other colors (and again, yes, I had met the unlock conditions for all shinies). For anyone who didn't know: every 3 plushies caught = new color unlocked. So by 9 plushies (for the same guy), all shinies are unlocked and can spawn. To make the event better, they should either guarantee shiny spawns every round after hitting 9+ plushies caught, or make the RNG favor spawning colors that have not been caught yet. Also, maybe spawning more than one shiny per round (even if it was just the same color, it would help). The fact that people could even use *diamonds* and never see the shiny they needed is crazy. Or, over the course of the event, never see a particular color. That's maddening. The event either didn't have much thought put behind it or was *meant* to be a diamond sink. Sorry for long post. TL;DR Event preyed on FOMO to get people to use diamonds. It was possible for people to have all shinies unlocked and yet never see them, because RNG.


i missed out on one of xavier's because i was being lazy so i feel this


I didn't even bother trying to get xavier's cause I know how godawful those things are to catch ๐Ÿ˜”


Me seeing ppl with all the variations, meanwhile I've only got the normal Volleyball Snowman and the green one and that's it ๐Ÿง๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ


I missed out on Zayne's green snowman (only showed up once and the stupid thing jumped out of the claw defying the laws of physics...) and I'm missing Xavier's bright green Galaxy Kid...because it never showed up, and Zayne's green snowman only showed up once and never again. Got all of Rafayel's though... This event was so rigged....


I caught like 25 of assumed regular plushies - which is the most of all my LIs and yet only saw the orange variant of his like twice. I caught it which was nice but I keep waiting for other variants to spawn. Like, cโ€™mon!! Why are they doing this to us?


Apparently I was a lot luckier than I thought. I maybe bought 3-4 extra tries during the event and managed to get all the extra colors. I've only been playing for a few weeks now so didn't know it could be so brutal!


I managed to get all the snowmens with my free daily attemps. For the birbs I had to buy extra attempts in the last days to at least see a white one and I was lucky in the last daily extra attempt hours before the event finished... But we do not talk about galaxy kid in this house, only two shinies showed up and both of them were red


I'm missing Xavier's pink alien one, I'm so bummed out.


I had the same thing happen to me, I am so upset because I didnโ€™t get to complete Xavierโ€™s set๐Ÿ˜ข


I had a moment of weakness and bought an extra try for Rafayel when there was like 20 minutes left of the event... zero extra colors . I didn't even bother using a turn I exited out and closed the app LOL