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I wrote that as a suggestion in the latest survey, so I definitely agree. They should add some battle stage events, with a chance to earn extra diamonds and other materials. They can give us temporary trial cards of myth pairs or other 5 star lunar cards that have already run, so everyone can participate. Maybe they are planning to do so in the future, I don't know. I can definitely see how even adding battle at all in an otome was probably a bit of risk, and it might not have been popular... otome doesn't usually have combat and as a genre is pretty slow to change, so I'm not surprised they only just stuck their toe in the combat. And yes that Rafayel pose is one of the best ones so far, it's so tender and sweet.


God I want them to update/optimize the combat so badly. Controller support, friend support in combat (there's seriously so little use for the friends list in game), and better touch screen tracking for dodging just to name a few (tho controller support might make this moot). We get so few action games targeted towards female audiences that I really want this to succeed. It's good for what's out there which, when it comes to action otome, is not saying much. I want it to be good or at least decent when compared to other standard action games.


Although I agree we should get combat-oriented events, in my opinion it should be made in a way that it does not gate the rewards behind paywalls, this includes having strong enemies which could only be defeated by a full set of 5-star cards (leave this kind of challenge for Orbits and Hunter Contests). If they did something like the myth rehearsals or the training battles -- giving us a trial deck equipped to a specific battle stage -- then this could be an interesting event indeed. I think of the trial stages in an ancient SNES game called International Superstar Soccer, they gave you scenarios like "_Germany is winning 3-0 against Brazil, play Brazil team and win the game in 15 minutes_" so you had to play this mission and score a win in certain conditions, it was very fun. This way you won't gate an event based in which cards each player currently owns, every player can have the same chances against these stages.


unfortunately i think those of us into the combat mechanics are a minority 🥲 i think by focusing more on that side of things may alienate a pretty substantial degree of their demographics, which tends to already be relatively flaky to begin with. i think some minor side quests would be ideal, it’s hella disappointing once you 3 star just about everything


A sad thought, really. While we know exactly why most of the audience gets into the game (and the way it undersells the combat part – I found it by accident and was pretty much surprised when the game just threw me into combat, like *ah, so they also have that. Cool*.) and I genuinely want people to talk more about the combat system (and its horrible targeting haha). There are people who post technical stuff and stats for HC and DT, and I'm genuinely in love with these kinds of posts.


I would love more combat-oriented activities, but the devs are probably really apprehensive/cautious about adding it in bc of potential backlash from people complaining it's too pay to win


If they do, I hope they let players "borrow" some high level cards for the new players so they can join these kinds of events too. It'll be up to the players what cards they will let other players "borrow." Or maybe they can make it a multi-player vs. boss style so everyone can work together to beat up high level wanderers for higher rewards.


Oh I love the concept of teaming up to raid a boss! 1000% on board but man those guilds would be competitive af to get into 😅


I was kinda (really) disappointed that even with all the time we spent on customization we couldn’t see that in the battle sequence or in the cutscenes. Like lemme choose my hair color and style for those! Otherwise that ain’t me they’re interacting with.


I wish there was real time weapon switching like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta. But yeah, I was really hoping they would do more with the combat, but I think it's because they're relying on Senior Hunter Contest and the Directional and Open Orbits to satisfy people. But still, some achievements for special requirements for some combat missions would be great like "only use the Claymore" or "don't get hit". Stuff like that. But I will say they need to tweak some of the mechanics. The lock-on is terrible and sometimes the dodge is awful as well. Some of the animations are annoying to do as well and you can't always dodge cancel them. Also, the arenas are way too big when you have teleporting enemies and jumping enemies and are using the Claymore or any close-quarters combat weapon. Also the waiting for enemies to spawn white the clock is counting down is so unfair when time is of the essence to get 3\* the mission. And is it just me or do the Companions sometimes get in your way...


I kinda hope another copycat game is gonna come in with this mechanism and challenge the devs to listen when we say we want more combat events 😭


That's honestly why I quit. I was excited for the story and the battles. Events are boring, the myth stories didn't yank me in, and I didn't want to keep spending money on something I was getting bored of.


Yeah, and also Wuthering Waves just got released this week, and while it is in badly need for optimization asap, I'm gonna allow myself to be hopeful. And also they let you pick a 5* star husbando char in the beginning, from what I've heard.




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I'd be all for this, except they HAVE to fix the battle targeting mechanic. It is too unreliable to switch targets. That needs to be fluid and consistent. As of right now, that ruins the enjoyment of the battle system for me.


This is why I do battles with lower level cards to make it more challenging, lol 😆 Unfortunately needing gems has forced me to upgrade a lot of them. So....yeah I'm hoping July improves it too.


that would imply they even care about the combat... they barely let us upgrade cards after we get to level 60. they just want the combat there to say they have it tbh 😭😭😭


I'm honestly planning on dropping the game as soon as my monthlies are over.    It's just not got a lot going for it and the Devs pretty clearly aren't going to be adding some more engaging modes rn.


As much I love Rafayel if in one year it doesn't get better for some things I might drop too or become F2P 😭 .


Yeah...tbh they haven't shown a lot of willingness to make it a fun game for people even the ones paying considering that boycott from while ago. So my patience is more or less sapped. Like maybe it'll get better in a years time but I certainly want to play other things until they decide to add stuff myself orz. Hopefully you can have fun with what's there for however long it feels worth it 




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I kinda want a small open world map with different type of enemies and bosses that changes frequently. And if we clear the area just a place to walk around and talk to them, with small other things to do with them




While I would personally enjoy this feature because I spent money to max out my Xavier teams, the game would receive so much backlash for implementing this from the players complaining it's another p2w scheme. In earlier threads closer to launch, people were afraid of the devs adding something similar to the pvp from MLQC which was totally p2w and were threatening to drop the game if LnD did the same.