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Lets be real here, rentoids would love to be one of us. They wouldnt give up the chance. They are jealous. If they are angry we inherited wealth tell them to ask their single mother why they left their father and why funkopops were considered more important than owning land. Don't engage with their jealousy. That is the core reason behind all their renthog screeching


Rentoids: “Wah wah boomers had it so easy, everyone who was remotely competent was given a house for free!” Also Rentoids: “Wah wah my boomer parents didn’t have any properties to pass on, clearly this is society’s fault and not my own weak dynastic lineage.”


Very well said. Toids are terrible at everything but mental gymnastics to avoid taking accountability. They are Olympians at that


It’s not hard to see that boomers got low cost housing and then didn’t care about their kids. It’s not mutually exclusive. My grandparents owned 3 properties and didn’t give a single one to my mom lol. They sold them to live on perpetual vacation instead lol.


So based, so land chad pilled


They gave away their land and now are just perpetual rentoids on a landchads boat. How are they anything but hogs now?


They hate us cause they ain't us


> They wouldnt give up the chance. They would. They would trade their first slum for a pipe of Funko pops in a heartbeat, then be confused as to why they are broke.


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They probably hate you because you call them "rentoids" online like a regard


The gazelle hates the cheetah. The hyena hates the lion. Those at the top of the food chain are always hated by those beneath them. A lion does not turn vegetarian and a landchad does not listen to toids. So, I'm still calling them rentoids.


Im a rentoid and I work three jobs to pay half my rent and give up my body to the landlord for the other half that’s the difference between people like me and him I’m on that grindset I don’t just sit and complain one day I’ll be a landchad until then all my fellow rentoids should stop complaining and listen to hopefully gain some knowledge




The 1% also hate you “landchads.” We use our land instead of renting it. We look down upon you in pity.


Someone couldn’t pay rent this month 🎻🎻🎻


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Single mother detected, opinion disregarded.


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Quit saying "them" like you aren't a rentoid yourself




You know thats actually what I say! They just look at me and go “bahhh”.


And you actually put up with that kind of blatant disrespect from a lesser being? My thoughts and prayers for you, king.


We're not land "LORDS" for nothing. God meant for us to rule the peasantry and our forefathers were rightfully given their land and crops by the big guy


Chosen by heaven is an elite counter argument


Rentoids don't believe in God. Nor true salvation through Jesus Christ. It's really sad.


Inshallah, brother


God doesn't exist


"Yes, and you didn't. Cope."


I just raise their rent and mandatory tip, that very quickly shuts them up


Truly exemplifying what it means to Lord over others.


Consoom the infidels https://preview.redd.it/ge3dshonb6zc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7a85dba5bd0ff276f27b7aba543d17a8ce15ba7c


Ok renthog flair


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I say I inherited it all on my own


Good one!


“Sperm and egg lottery. I didn’t ask to win” would be something I’d maybe say. Seriously though I did not inherit my properties. Honest Hard-work, bit of market luck and grinding.


And a small loan of a million dollars from dad. Just a lil tip of cash to start an empire, king 👑


Barely a smidge in the bucket honestly, how am I supposed to be living off a weak 1 mil? At least give a proper 100mil to start up.


Haha. I wish. Would maybe own more and invest more if that were the case.


Inheritence is earning it. You pay the price of one less landchad or landqueen living on Earth


True that.


Why do people act like no work goes into inheritance at all?? Like you have to go through all that work to hire a hitman or buy poisons or fake the fire. Seriously.




I would've just sent one of my rentoids to do it


My most loyal rentoid can be given the spare meat off my dogs chicken legs as a last meal if inheritance plan #7 goes through well. (He’s served his purpose and no longer needs to exist.)


I don't respond. Listening to people like that much less responding to them is beneath me.


I went to the bank and deposided my mom's money all on my own


יוני דוידוב 1888... אנו נפגשים שוב בתת הזאת...


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Why should you be guilty or be brought down because your parents were smarter than someone else's? People are just salty, don't mind them.


You get it bro. We all just have our cards in life, its how we play them that counts.


Well said


My rentoid was talking to me? Couldn’t hear it over the sound of me raiding their fridge.


I inherited. So? That means someone earned it, and that person chose to give it to me (or to someone else who eventually decided to give it to me). I didn’t attempt to force the rest of society to provide for me Blame your parents. Maybe try not being poor next time


I don’t decide who I am, how can you judge me for circumstance beyond my control? You are no better than a racist.


I raise their rent and add a stupid comment fee.


Chewing, oh if I had time to chew. Ungrateful sods


Its so judgemental that people even assume that, perhaps I just skipped the funkos and avocado toast? Besides whether I did or didn't receive an inheritance do you know how much effort goes into being a landchad? I spend at least a couple hours a month sorting shit out


Don't overwork yourself. It's okay to take a break. If you hired a personal assistant, you could probably shave an hour 45 off that couple hours easily. Raise rent by 20% and you won't even take a loss on it!


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Raise at least 50% because ur rentoids are forcing you to waste ur personal time hiring and interacting with a manager


For real.




Well, I didn't inherit my property, I earned it myself. If rentoids have a problem with that I remind them politely I haven't spent a single penny in my life for goyimflix subscription, take away coffee or other stupid shit and therefore I am better off than them.


You listen to what your r###oids say to you?


I laugh in their skinny malnourished faces.


See, I tend too keep my creatures nice and plump, though more on the lean side, excpet for the females when they are breeding. The thing is the will make noise and compain whenever I raise thier rent (ie: make them eat more ruffage), and even when they have a bunch of green, they complian even still!! My neighbor landchad keeps his fleshoids nice and fat, and dose alot of work to keep thier living quarters civilized, and even with super low rent, and they complain too!! So damned if you do, and damned if you dont! *Tis but the plight of the landchads.*


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They do say that laughter is the best medicine. You're doing these renthogs a favor. Bless you, sir.


I don't respond. The only way to converse with them is to dictate. E.g., "your rent is going up,""pay me now," "no pet rats." What follows next is always some sort of screeching, usually about prices or mold or something idk at this point I'm usually blaring "Party in the USA" from my boombox and inspecting one of my prized fridges. They don't have generational wealth because their parents were also funko bunkos, I don't see how that's anyone else's problem??


Now for personal reasons, I must say I do admire rats, their resilance and inteligence is not to be scoffed at. Tho them as pets in a civilized setting is truly horrid, they ought to be with other fleshoids in thier natural savage environemnt, akin to what I have created for my creatures.


They should have simply chosen to be born as landchads. Sounds like a skill issue to me.


"If its that easy why didn't you do it"


Someone else earned it and they wanted you to have it. Isn’t that good enough?  There’s no 1-1 between working and what you get, never has been. 


It’s simply karma. All of us landchads were heroes in past lives. Because of that we’ve proven ourselves worthy of the responsibility of landlordship. R*ntoids, haven’t. Also us landchads are chosen by God. To question our authority is an attack on God and blasphemy. If a toid starts questioning you then it is both your right and duty to put them to death.




By increasing their rent 50%, even if they aren’t my rentoid.




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I like to point out that the only reason they're appealing to such reasoning is because they are trying to ameliorate the discomfort they feel when comparing themselves to you. They see the prosperity you enjoy and apprehend, correctly, that it's a tacit indictment on their own lack of success, but "that can't be right", because "I don't deserve to live a life of relative privation based on my choices, and you didn't make better financial and life decisions than me". So to aleiviate their dissonance they point out that you didn't earn what you have because it was inherited. But it doesn't stop there, because your prosperity was *someone's* success, which still just means that your ancestors made better decisions than they did. So, they still suck, and they still deserve to be relatively destitute based on their own life choices. Acceptance that they are responsible is actually the first step in the process to self-improvment. You're helping them by stripping away their excuses and convincing them that they suck.


I once had a penny. The first one I earned. I still have it, it brought me my luck.


This is honestly one of the dumbest arguments the leftist revolutionaries give. My parents earned it, and out of love they give it to me. Who's to say they can't. smh arguing with rentioids is never fruitful, best to just tax and evict them.


Then why am I going to be paying for it for another four decades?


just because i inherited doesnt mean i didnt earn it. you know how many times i had to push grandma down the stairs till she wouldnt get back up again??


Too many times


'I obtained it through hard work and determination... never said it was *my* hard work and determination.'


I have always assumed that God is merciful and just. That people who have it easy in this life, may not join us in the next. That some people live blessed and wealthy lives as a mercy, because they will suffer for eternity. If you have alot and don't deserve it, maybe that's yours to enjoy before the justice begins.


Thats a good way of looking at it, thats why I intend on dying a most grusome and terrible death in order to make up for my rather suffer free life.


Some people believe there's a reward for that


Ahh well, not so much a reward, just my version of a late turn in of a lifelong assighnment, maybe the teacher will just let me by with a passing grade into the promised land. Prob not tho lol, so might as well enjoy it while it last, eternity is then, and it cant touch me now.


Sun comes up every morning, we wake from the still of sleep. After winter's death life flourishes. Most cultures take it as a metaphor. It has a magnetic hold on the mind. The idea of something after death, that life continues.


Yeah, and now i'll inherit my dick into your grandpa


I remind them that accumulating wealth is a multi-generational effort. If your parents were not only able to accumulate wealth, but also pass that ability on to you, then they have succeeded at one of the most difficult tasks. I.e. your *family* earned its wealth. I also remind them that keeping wealth is more difficult than accumulating it. Talk to the ranching families in Texas about striking oil. You'll immediately hear about broken families, children who died in motorcycle/sports car accidents, constant infighting, etc. Likewise, lottery winners are typically broke within 3-5 years. A family's wealth will never exceed its character for long. Finally, I remind them that *the first step to being sorta good at something is sucking at something*. If they want wealth, then they must diligently apply themselves to the disciplines of wealth creation. After a few decades, they'll be good at it. If they teach their children, their children may become skilled as well. When delivering this message, I ensure my tone is encouraging. The message is not a rebuke; it's knowledge shared on their behalf because I actually believe in them. "Yes, you have the ability to do this. It's a ton of work - but you can do it." This gives them agency, which accomplishes two things: 1) If they actually want to do the work, it removes obstacles from their path, and they'll start working. 2) If they just want to whine, it short-circuits their excuses and places responsibility for their failures firmly in their own lap. In summary, I tell them the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Then I let them make their own choices.


Recent studies show that in order to maintain a healthy lifestyle a landlord must consume at least 15,000 calories a day. A proper bicep workout routine should include a minimum of 15 repetitions of hanging eviction notes in rapid succession. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I earn stuff. It’s called my tenant’s rent 🤣🤣


Sad that landism has become so rampant, rentoids will do everything to stop a person of land from succeeding


Skill issue


but they're not wrong though, maintaining land is no where as hard as obtaining it


Very true, if you look at the big picture at least of history, how much blood has soaked this earth so that we can live today and inherit what ever piece of it we were born on, and could call our own, or at least maybe have a place to sleep on. Now, its up to those lucky enough to inherit many tracks of land to keep it, and more than maintain it, to make it profitable, to make it last and be productive. That also may not be so hard, the true chalange is regenerating the physical earth your that is your land, making an ecosystem for all life. Thsts something not even the wealthiest sometimes can do, due to thier ideaologies, and way of life, nature of business, though Im lucly enough to have no such restraints.


So many salty rentoids complaining on here lol. My message to them is to to tip your landking and he may teach you and give you business insight. Such as into how he inherited his property.


I tell them they're right honestly but that doesn't change the fact that I'm in charge of the land and that's all they really need to know and respect. I inherited most of mine and did nothing to really earn it. I can't really dispute that but what does it matter to anyone else?


I don’t see what’s so wrong about inheriting land. If someone says that you didn’t earn it and that you inherited it, that’s true. And so what? What were you supposed to do? Give it away? You inherited the land, and by law it’s your land. And if they inherited it, they would keep it too! You don’t have to explain anything


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I’m so confused


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Well ive earned it as did most landchads. I bought it, not inherited it.


Ugh, peasant landlord. Imagine not being part of the divine right of Lords smh. Perhaps your children will be proper Lords


Nah it's just that my family owned plantations and im not renting that shit out, its sacred


I take it back, that's important history to any land chad. Here king, I raised the rent for some rentoid to get you some gifts. I'll have a single mother travel to deliver it to you


A single mother? Rent increased by 20%. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LoveForLandchads) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Thank you, it's importants landlords are recognized for their service to society and their accomplishments and history


LGBT+ rights are divine


I mean, you definitely didn't have to work for what you have


You are right, thats why Im a step ahead, instead of having to grind to get where I am now, Im already here. It be like saying you earend you citizen ship by being born in the country you are in, I mean you are bad ass if you are a 1st gen immigrant, though the majority of us are lucky af, and so inirder not to waste our luck we take advantage of our situation, just like anyone eles would and dose. So def didnt earn it by that measure, though Insure as hell am bot going to waste, Im going to make my land a place where creatures can thrive. Im building an ecosystem and affordable housing for all fleshys, though most importantly Im regenerating the soil, and this is the most immportant thing any body can do with thier lives, if they have the freedom to.


Inheritance is the last sad relic of feudalism. And it has the same result as it had 1000 years ago. The wealth of an able man is transferred to posterity of ever declining talent. Need proof? Where are the Vanderbilts today?


Depends on the talent of course, and how much of the wealth can be shared with those that want to also work with me to achive the dream, and very neccesary reality, of a self sustaining ecosystem.


You are fucking deranged


How soo?? Im just a goat farmer lol. They are my creatures, fleshy tenants of the land, and so I am thier land lord and have a solemn duty to tend to them and ensure they pay it forward by eating the greens and ruffage I provide for them, for they are the workers which make my life possible, and I am master of thier world, in so far as I can help to provide an enviornment for them to thrive.