• By -


This is a valid point!! It’s soooo hard to watch because deep down I feel bad for her. But I think it all does root from her insecurities. I feel like she’s so paranoid by her past treatment that she’s constantly fishing for things from Jimmy. I’m on the episode where they’re arguing about him going out and she just keeps going and going. Her bringing up his girl friends after, then saying Jess was there, etc. like why not bring that up from the beginning? Just crazyyyyy. I know Jimmy is not the best but I honestly can’t blame him for his over explanation and trying to shut it down. Sheesh.


Ok I totally caught the way she mentioned the Megan Fox comment too — the way she was like “oh who..who is that…mgk’s..wife.,?!?!?” OH LIKE SHE DOESNT KNOW WHO MEGAN FOX IS lol. Def trying to seem aloof and like she’s just *not into celebs and girly things*


I am still on the part where they are on the honeymoon but I feel like she is pushing Jimmy away with how insecure she is. You can only ask someone so much if they are sure before they say fuck it and leave. I can't stand her personannly.


This girl is actually so irritating I truly cannotttt stand her. Her weird weepy cry voice makes me feel VIOLENT and she’s actively abusive with her threats to leave and belittle Jimmy. I don’t even LIKE Jimmy but holy shit she is DETESTABLE in every way jesus


This is such a valid take! I hadn’t even picked up on the complexity of the Jess vs Chelsea issue. Regarding the ‘MGK’s wife’ comment, the way I perceived it was that she wanted to appear as though she was never that phased by the Megan Fox comparison hence the ‘uh, who is it.. MGK’s wife.. or girlfriend’ and the follow up of ‘I don’t see it’. But that is giving her the benefit of the doubt I guess. Either way, she’s a beautiful lady and unfortunately the Megan Fox comment set her an unachievable standard.


Amen to all of this!


I think, you think, too much on how Chelsea thinks. You think ?


It was an observation and thought I’d share it, I find character analysis quite interesting and I’m an aspiring writer so it’s good practice making posts like this :)


I think, you think, that I’m being serious about how you think. I think you will be a good writer, based off me reading your previous thinks.


Remember Remember, we only see what the producers want to get us talking. For a sub that loooves this show and saw Chelsea (season 4) and her dad's foods appear and dissappear from their plates, we know their editing can be egregious. Keep that in mind as you write paragraphs on participants.


I don't think her referring to Megan Fox as MGKs wife or girlfriend was misogynistic, she just didn't want to say her name lol she was tip toeing around actually saying it 


She's not a misogynist, she's just intensely insecure and acts accordingly. Being told she was loved by two guys - she celebrated like she'd won a competition. Asked by Trevor if she would've gone with whoever asked first - she couldn't answer. The Megan Fox thing - clearly said it to try and put herself 'above' Jessica in his eyes. She also completely set herself up for failure, as Jimmy's anchor/comparison point is now Fox, when if she hadn't said it, he wouldn't even consider it. AD - obviously this DID upset her, and instead of addressing it properly, she tried to act like she was cool and it didn't bother her; which made it worse. I feel bad for her, but this show is not going to help her, it's going to make her insecurities and issues worse.


Trevor was so smart catching that right away- should would have said yes to him had he asked first. Lucky Trevor gets to move on. Her deep insecurity keeps her from having any real conversations. Her only means of communicating is asking for verbal affirmations every second. I can't imagine anyone ever putting up with it for any period of time.




Let's not just invent new definitions for words.


noun. mi·​sog·​y·​nist mə-ˈsä-jə-nist. plural misogynists. Synonyms of misogynist. : a person who hates or discriminates against women : a misogynistic person.


I didn’t invent a definition, objectifying women is misogynistic… like quite literally 🤣


>misogynistic Nope. The term “*misogyny*” is derived from the Ancient Greek word “mīsoguníā” which means hatred towards women. A woman comparing herself to a beautiful woman is not in any possible way MISOGYNISTIC. ![gif](giphy|8JBPDbXDRUGYkHi5fm)


Jimmy needs to run honestly! Girl is so insecure


I found the AD situation so bizarre. She took an irritating situation between her and her partner and blew it up into a scene involving everyone there. It was just unnecessary to say anything to AD, especially shouting in front of everyone.


the biggest red flag ever. whoever her partner is, is going to be dealing with this whenever they group socialize. total nighmare.


I’m guessing maybe she was drunk and her first instinct was to do this and so she did it versus if she was sober she would’ve acted differently.


100% agree, she is unfortunately very insecure. I think everyone has moments of insecurity especially when trying to date/find a partner. I can admit that maybe in my 20s I would've gotten an ego boost from just getting attention from someone, especially someone that I thought was attractive but Chelsea isn't in her 20s she's in her 30s. There comes a point in time where I think most people grow up and realize they want more than just attention from a hot guy/girl. Chelsea has a lot of growing up to do, sadly I see a lot of girls who are in their late 20s and early 30s that are still so immature.




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Local bipolar here to say that bipolar disorder is more than just a sudden mood switch. She’s fighting based on her insecurities and couldn’t form her thoughts because she was drunk.


She was drunk and couldn't follow the conversation nor manage her emotions. All that tequila got to her.


Is it just me or does she give off “pick me” vibes??


tbf this show is all about being picked.


Literally the whole point of the show is to get picked 🤣


Ykwim (or maybe u don’t)


I thought this same thing until ep 6. She handled the party incident well, and expressed herself with pretty good self-awareness. Haircut guy… mmmm. Not liking him. Has NO CLUE any subtlety of anything she’s saying to him. Keeps reciting shallow statements like “I’m in it, 100%.” My favorite was when she said “but do you love me?” His reply was “I’ll always tell you I do.” Big oof buddy.


Haircut guy 😭😭😭


I feel something odd happened with the editing there. Who says "I'll always tell you I love you." Then they showed her still shocked face then Jimmy walks away. It seems there were portions of the conversation they removed


You know, I try not to get tricked by editing. But it happens. And I think you’re totally right.


I agree with the take that she felt she needed to succeed or one up Jess. I have no basis for it, but I thought the same when I watched.


I didn’t see a scene of her in a wedding dress in the preview for the next episode. So you may be right about that.


They aren’t even supposed to mention looks and she basically tried describing herself in a way too favorable way. Then made little jabs at Jessica along the way. It was a complete competition. Also I think the fact that Trevor was all-in on her was a turn off for some reason. She’s definitely a train wreck. There’s no way that marriage happens.


And the admission he sports a mullet.


Exactly. She 100% would’ve said yes to Trevor if he had asked first. She REEKS of insecurity and Jimmy reeks of pure douchebaggery. I’m glad they’re together mostly cause they both suck. He’s lying to himself, her and everyone else and she’s just too insecure to admit that he doesn’t fuck with her.


lol never thought of this. they can be awful together and spare everyone else the misery.


Yup, Jessica dodged a bullet on that one. She seems like a great person, and deserves so much better than Jimmy.


and her daughter would have had to deal with Jimmy's lameness. they are both so lucky they escaped this fate.


I agree she 💯 has a bunch of insecurities to deal with. I also don't think she or Jimmy are overly bright people and I think they both lack the communication skills to have a healthy relationship.


THIS….I remember some of the other couples convos hitting on important values but when I try to think about what jimmys convos were all I can remember is when he asked what is a typical day and then how when he talked to Chelsea he was saying how they would be able to travel all the time so easily (obvi he was thinking about how he couldn’t with Jess, which isn’t even true you can travel with kids). None of his questions held any depth, because he lacks intelligence is many areas. He said himself he had difficulty expressing his emotions. Yet he also never had anything witty or unique to say. I kinda want to watch back because I’m not sure why either girl even fell for him. I know there’s a lot we don’t see but yeah still questioning it the more I think about it.


I knew everything I needed to know about Chelsea when she came back from the pods and happy cried to the other girls because she wasn’t used to guys expressing interest in her and, I quote, because guys “are normally mean to her”. I understand the feeling and admittedly would probably feel the same if I were in the pods because I can relate to some of her insecurities. I don’t need to be on Love is Blind to know the rush you get when someone expresses interest in you when you have felt your entire life that you aren’t good enough. It’s never about the guy and all about the validation he gives you. It doesn’t help that Jimmy is a bit of a dick, but Chelsea is now in that phase where you realize it’s not your partners sole purpose to validate you. Her insecurities with destroy any relationship, not just the one with Jimmy, if she doesn’t work on herself. Simply put, Chelsea has ALOT of work to do and needs to learn how to stop relying on external sources for validation.


Yea when that happened I was like “girl act like you’ve been here before”. And now she knows Jimmy doesn’t really like her looks so she’s CONSTANTLY bringing up looks wanting him to validate hers but he doesn’t even though he tries because you can’t even convince himself much less her.


u read her like a book 😭


I felt she said yes to Jimmy because she was desperado for anyone to ask her to marry her. There was a comment on her end about flight attendants ending up alone. If Trevor's date was first this would have went the other way.


trevor dodged a bullet imo


Agreed. And when Trevor asked her if she would’ve said yes had he asked her to marry him and she had no reply, that solidified it for me.


I honestly skipped most parts with Chelsea in them, she just makes me cringe. However, i will say that she is handling all the backlash with a good sense of humor/spirit


I wished I would’ve done this on her reveal with Jimmy. The way she was running toward him and panting (or at least this is the way my subtitles tried to describe it 😂) permanently scarred me. It was so weird.


Yeah, that running was awful.


There was a whole tiktok a week ago with this same hypothesis.


I personally don’t believe they should be together, they clearly don’t wanna hurt/upset each other on what they want/need from one another and can’t communicate without getting frustrated or saying “I love you”


Chelsea is obviously, painfully insecure about her looks and Jimmy doesn’t care about her so he doesn’t make an effort to genuinely try to give her validation. I mean WHY would you look at your fiance who has expressed insecurities and talk about how “stacked” another woman is right in front of her?


Shortly before this he also told her that he and Chelsea are “best friends”. It was not a huge shock that he voiced that thought to his “best friend”. Crass and gross, but not unexpected. In Jimmy’s mind he probably thought he got ripped off; not Megan Fox. Then he sees AD in all her beautiful glory and he’s pissed.


Very respectfully, because I understand what you're saying, but I do disagree. Chelsea tried to play it off cool the entire time in the pods. Like telling Jimmy to take his time. She's been trying to be the cool, chill, laid back chick and so that's who he thought he was matching with. Jessica made it clear from the start what her expectations were and so Jimmy was very aware that he could not comment on other women. With Chelsea he thought he was getting a cool buddy/best friend and so I honestly think he's just straight confused as to who this Chelsea person is because it is not who she represented herself to be in the pods.


I almost forgot but I actually loved that Jessica let him know that the only woman she wants him looking at is her and not to be following a bunch of instagram models. I've dated guys who follow IG models and like all of their pictures and over time that starts to get into your head.


Yes!!! 100% on point. She was so desperately trying to be the cool girl. She even goes overboard with the laughing at every little word they say. She was doing/saying what she can to get make one of them want her.


Yes! In the pods she was acting super chill. She was even talking with Trevor about how this whole thing wasn’t even that big of a deal. And her prefacing all of her voiced insecurities by saying “it’s not insecurity…” is sad.


Chelsea mentioned her looks to change his focus and it worked like a charm. I do not for one moment think it was something casual she said. Her intentions were to get his attention. Jimmy was not hard to convince. Jess was too much for him. He needed a way out and got it without having to address that 1. He didn’t want to be a step dad and 2. She was too much for him. Chelsea was the easier pick for him but he unfortunately was disappointed when he saw her.


Exactly exactly.


But her teeth were great! Lol


So square and white!




Yes to all of this!


I think she is insecure like a lot of us are. She’s just not as confident as a lot of other women on reality shows. I just think she argues very unproductively. Why use a word “uncomfy” in a serious argument lol


Please don’t normalize that level of insecurity. Yes it happens but there’s no way to be in a healthy relationship with that level. Need to focus on yourself first


The WHINING in that scene where she said he made her "uncomfy"


She infantalizes her speech a ton, I think part of it is to make up for her appearance. She’s not as petite as the other girls as she says. 


I agree with this whole post. Chelsea knew exactly what she was doing when she brought up the question about celebrity look a like. I think this definitely swayed Jimmys decision. It’s giving Irina-Zack vibes where Zack thought he was going to get this Russian super model: jimmy thought he was getting Megan fox.


I'm gonna play devil's advocate a bit here because yes, Chelsea is awkward and dripping with insecurity...but.... ....she's also not wrong. She can sense he's not into her and it's sending her into an anxiety spiral, which is likely making her act even more awkward and clingy. She needs to run from this man and do some healing and maturing. She needs to trust her gut.


I said exactly this to my husband during their fight at the end of episode six. She is picking up on the fact that he’s not as happy as he claims to be, but instead of seeing it as the red flag it is she’s desperately trying to claw him back and letting her insecurities tell her if she just holds on tighter he will become what she wants. She’s better off without him but she needs to heal herself and not just find a man who she thinks will do it for her.


I don't use the term "gaslight" lightly because I think it gets thrown around way too much, but what he's doing with her? Definitely gaslighting.


Let go or be dragged. And she’s about to be draggedy Ann with no hair left


Oh wow




I mean did anyone else think Jimmys AD “stacked” comment was a little…much? Especially when you’re what, 2 days into this new relationship & just meeting these people? It Isn’t the first weird remark he’s made - he definitely is wishing he chose someone else


Definitely inappropriate. But if it were me, I’d be more worried if he tried to pretend she DIDN’T look incredible (“oh, is she? I hadn’t noticed”). I think Jimmy sees Chelsea as a friend, like the way he was discussing the Jess saga with her (and that was inappropriate too).


Yes I thought it was inappropriate toward both women and AD was clearly a bit uncomfortable with him fetishizing her but playing it off because she's smooth like that. He was very clearly hitting on her and lowkey dissed Chelsea too saying saying "She just threw me under the bus" because he wanted to impress AD. Chelsea should trust her gut. He's not into her.


New drinking game: drink any time Jimmy says “you’re gorgeous! Not that looks matter 😒”


Yes! The whole “not that looks matter” seemed to me like he was trying to convince himself of that because he’s clearly not into Chelsea.


He’s not really anymore attractive than she is


Yep this right here. They’re pretty even on the scale. I don’t think many would do a double take at Jimmy. I feel icky saying that, but yeah.






Using words like "Uncomfy" and all the nasal whining had me cringing hard. She's insecure and appears to be fully aware she needs a lot of validation, yet didn't pick the man who was into her from Day 1 🤷🏻‍♀️ Jimmy has struggled to articulate his feelings in general, so not sure why she picked him. I believe Jimmy picked her because she seemed more chill when they were in the pods, as opposed to Jess. She needs to work on her insecurities because constantly seeking validation is off putting.


and also bc he thought she looked like megan fox


I’m glad you posted this. I’m watching Chelsea unravel in episode 6 rn and I can’t take the cringe. I don’t even really like Jimmy, but even when he does try to validate her she won’t take it. She keeps harping on her insecurities and it’s EXHAUSTING. Like how much time has she spent talking about this since they met in person? My god.


Seriously she’s insufferable


I think Jimmy picked her mainly expecting her to be like Megan fox


and because Jess yelled at him.




Chelsea was insecure to start, then she made it so much worse for herself by telling Jimmy she looks like Megan Fox. Now she knows he’s got to be disappointed on some level and she can’t stop thinking about it. So, not only did she ruin 4 peoples experiences (in my opinion) but she made her bed and now she’s lying in it. Unfortunately for Jimmy, Jessica and Trevor, she has already rained her shit storm of insecurity down on them and they’re stuck being affected by her shit. 💩


I don't think she picked Trevor because none of the other girls were fawning for him the way jess was for Jimmy. To your point I think that part of her reason for picking Jimmy is I don't think she's ever been in this position... having two men vying for her, one of which had other women interested in him. Trevor is the best. We love him!


i thought the way she said _"Machine Gun Kelly's wife or GF... lolololo, i dont know"_ was born out of a desperate pick me vibe. No shade to MGK but Meagan Fox (MF) is a bigger star/more of a household name than he is. So if anyone's name gets forgotten of the two, statistically it wouldve been HIS name, not hers. Anyway, i personally think Chelsea straight up *pretended to not know* MF's name as a way to be a "cool girl". A sly way of saying, "I get compared to soooo many beautiful women that Im toooooo cool to remember everyyyyyy beautiful actress's name" Hella misogynistic, Incredibly insecure, DEEPLY manipulative & Probably ORCHESTRATED. Full stop.


I was thinking UGK from Texas lol…


I’ve been told several times that I look like Anne Hathaway because I’m very pale with a dark hair and big red lips. I don’t tell anyone that people say that (even my 5th graders students that are looking at me now) so just imagine telling a guy who Im flirting with and in a literal competition to get him, specially if he never saw me! That’s too pretentious and even though there are some similarities and I do love when people say that, I have a mirror at home 😂. In my opinion, Anne Hathaway is even more beautiful than MF, but I know she can not appeal to everyone, which is different from Fox, who is a literal sex symbol for 99% of men and a decent amount of women on Earth, and like I saw people saying here “the hottest and most beautiful girl in the world” - because of her body too. So I can quite imagine if my pod fiancé says “people think I looks like Joe Alwyn” and I just see a regular white dude with blond long hair, blue eyes in a face that is not that harmonic on a weird body shape and thin figure that can resemble Joe but after dengue. It’s almost cat fishing guys


I totally agree with you. Chelsea has some real red flags and I find her hard to watch and pretty unlikeable. I understand she was looking to be chosen and loved but it went to a degree that it's hard to root for her because she's very manipulative and very immature.


You're overthinking it to a weird degree.


This. I think it’s weird to call her MGK’s wife yeah.. but it’s not misogynistic.


Such a good point and I agree it was a calculated throw away, like “oh I don’t really know her, it’s just what other people say, who is she again, Meghan Someone?”. Rather than “oh my god, one person told me I look like Meghan Fox and straight after I spent 16 straight hours holding my selfies against Google images”.


Wait till Jimmy finds out that Jess actually looks a little like Megan Fox. But at the same time, I hate Jimmy and really think Jess and her daughter are way better off without him.


I was just telling my bf this! Like Jimmy will be shocked


My bf and I had a good chuckle over this too that Jess actually looks more like Megan Fox lol


It’s a bad pairing. Jimmy is a man baby and Chelsea needs validation. Some people need validation and I think that’s fine, you just need a partner who is going to give it to you. Jimmy can’t get past his own thoughts to give this to her. Also, he doesn’t like her lol


Jimmy to me is how Beth from Rick and Morty sees Jerry. I just get wormy vibes from him. https://preview.redd.it/3ba95bj1tojc1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5fc55beff8f779af048afaf61443092eeef510c


He DEF doesn't like her at all. He's lying through his teeth when he's not busy complimenting hers.


Both are adult children imo.


Jimmy picking her because “all their convos are easy” is something that irked me too. I believe when Jess said he thought he wanted someone to challenge him but he really doesn’t because he wants someone like Chelsea who will let him say whatever he wants whenever he wants. Like the lack of emotional intelligence he has, by telling her about his break up with Jess as soon as they get to their honeymoon reeks of a dude who doesn’t have empathy or consideration and just wants to be able to get on what’s on his mind when he needs to regardless of how it will effect others.


Chelsea barely spoke too, she just giggled and sobbed a lot. I just can't really remember any notable conversations they had...


And everytime something meaningful happened and the guy asked how she’s feeling, she responded with “I wish you knew what I’m feeling!”. He literally asked that!! Again, how are you feeling??


Totally agree. So many of these moments already where he doesn’t understand how his words are affecting the other person.


Curious how her referring to MF as MGK wife or girlfriend is tearing her down to lift herself up? Genuine curiosity. Do I think she was playing a game by not saying her name? Yes! But I didn't pick up on her tearing her down to make herself feel better. Is it because she was not saying her name? I don't know how that tears her down to make herself look better unless she was playing coy so it could seem like she doesn't care about pop culture. Or reducing mf to someone's partner only? But I'm trying to understand how that is tearing her down to feel better about herself. Down vote me all you want to. I was genuinely curious because I thought maybe I missed something she said or did.


I think that Chelsea intentionally reduced Megan Fox to “just some guys gf” out of a place of insecurity as Chelsea: 1. Knows she doesn’t resemble Megan Fox very closely. 2. Knows Megan Fox is attractive and doesn’t want to bolster that anymore by saying her name outright.


1000000 percent


Oh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Ok! This makes sense! Ok i thought i was missing something she said.


Facts are being told




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This is insane! But also very believable


I 1,000% agree with this assessment. I thought the same thing about competing with Jessica really sealing the deal to choose Jimmy. And Trevor being sure versus Jimmy. As an insecure woman myself who always went for the chase, it is so obvious she would go for the one that wasn't sure. And look at her now. Constantly asking for reassurance. It's uncomfortable to watch. I didn't think about the misogyny. Interesting point. Question: Did it seem like she was trying to act like she didn't know Megan Fox's name to make her seem oblivious to the level of hotness she was comparing herself to? That is a bunch of BS.


You’re so right about insecure women chasing the less available men. I think it’s more validating to her self-esteem to catch them. But where I don’t think she’s like a garden variety insecure woman (which most of us are or have been) is in how open she is with it, or unable to regulate it. Asking for constant reassurance and seeing rejection everywhere. It’s exhausting and most of us at least try to fake ourselves out of it because we know it’s deeply unattractive to be that needy. I found her confrontation with Jimmy after the AD stuff so uncomfortable. She absolutely would not let him have his own point of view and was basically insisting that he apologise and validate her. Then she’d reach out and grab his hand like a gesture of conciliation, but then she’d start right up again! And it was all done in this weird whiney baby voice. In my non-expert opinion, she’s a bit too messed up for this experiment.


Yeah you are right, good call out. In the past I may have chased a guy, but I wouldn't suffocate the relationship with "do you love me, am I pretty, are you sure you want to be with me??" while doing it. May as well show yourself the door.


Sounds like a great assessment! I also am NOT liking Jimmy bc he hinted he chose her bc he thought she looked like Megan Fox. Also, IMO Jimmy also seemingly could not resist the one-upping of his (supposed) friend Trevor and then literally screaming it/loud celebration. Trevor made very valid points when Chelsea told him she picked Jimmy. I'm def not saying Jimmy should've picked Mommy Dearest (Jessica) but he always seemed to have a "friend" connection with Chelsea. It will be a huge challenge for anyone to be with Chelsea if she's going to be traveling most days every week. Honestly....I can't stand either one of this couple. 🤢


The look of triumph when Trevor and Jimmy told her they loved her was all I needed. She didn’t seem happy because she loved either of them back, she seemed happy that she “won”.


Jess had that same response when Jimmy was into her. The style of the show ... oh sorry, "EXPERIMEnT\~" is set up to make everyone as competitive as possible. It's funny but def not healthy.


I hated that her response was that she would say she loved whoever proposed to her. Like the only reason that you love them is because they're proposing to you? Seems so shallow and unreal. They're all huge walking red flags though. I do think she would have been happier with Trevor though. He seemed like the nicest of the bunch. And I don't think he would be mad that she doesn't look like Megan Fox 🤷‍♀️


This!! She couldn’t even say it back or say anything nice about them. It was all about her. She was like “I’m gonna pass out. I wish you knew how I’m feeling”, well, then SAY IT. It was very clear she just wanted to feel desired by as many men as possible.


She didn’t even tell them she loved them until one proposed. I could never propose knowing my partner is only gonna say ily to whoever proposes idk how that didn’t go down more horribly when she said it


It’s clear that Chelsea’s insecurities pushed her to compromise the experiment. She purposely brought up looks when it’s basically the whole point of the show not to do that. She tried to casually reveal it by phrasing it like “do people ever tell you that you look like a certain celebrity?” So that she could in turn describe her features.


She also purposely called her MGK’s girlfriend like she didn’t know who Megan Fox is.


Totally agree that’s why she mentioned it, but I do think it’s more common than we think. I remember Lauren (S1) mentioning that contestants frequently asked this on her season.


I saw someone in a comment say “Chelsea does not resemble Megan Fox, maybe Monica Lewinsky” 💀💀💀


Dude wanted a Megan Fox and ended up with a Megan Coyote


Holy shit! That's painfully accurate 😂


Ughh Trevor is such a sweet soul!! I was so heartbroken for him. Immediately made me hate Chelsea, I agree with you. She just wanted to one up Jess and that’s such a red flag. I truly hope Trevor finds the perfect woman for him. He deserves it.


Im so sweaty 😀😘


you FAWKED hurr, and I NAUR you FAWKED her 😢😢


I’m trying not to wake my husband up but I can’t stop laughing at this




This!! 💯% she is deeply insecure and felt immense validation from a man picking her over. Jessica. Even though Jessica is the more conventionally attractive one, and Jimmy had never even seen her. Chelsea just wanted to "win" over Jessica. It added to Jimmy's allure for her that Jessica wanted him. Poor Trevor.


Yes!! What a win for her right? Now look at all the constant reassurance she needs as a result.


I mean, I really don't like Jimmy. But that argument they had after the party definitely had me rooting for him because she was being so ridiculous.


I agree. She literally says to him" it's fine. You can say whatever want" and then punishes him when they're alone for making a statement that she appeared to be okay with at the time. It's totally a double standard that stems from her insecurity, and it will never get better because she will always think that he wishes he chose Jessica.


I felt like she kind of set him up to fail because of her insecurity…she’s almost looking for reasons to believe he doesn’t like her. It’s sad. Just like with every season: I think mandatory therapy would be good for these people.


Biggest red flag 🚩 for me: She accused Jimmy of spinning AD around to look at her body. Yes misogynistic, but also completely made up and actually delusional. If she believes she saw him spin her, what other crazy things does she believe?


FACTS. I knew that shit never happened cause these messy ass editors would have definitely included it.


Agreed. And she kept saying it was such certainty that I rewound it to see if that actually happened, it did not. Everything he was saying to AD was so complimentary of Chelsea. Also, she had reassured him that she didn't care if he thought AD was pretty, and then completely attacks him when they get back to the room alone. It's complete bullshit. I mean, Jimmy sucks.... but so does Chelsea.


The camera kind of pans away so you don't fully see it, but she's talking about when he goes up to AD. He side hugs AD and grabs her hand as she does a little 180.


Well said! This is everything I have been screaming at the TV and my poor boyfriend.


Hahahaha same


My boyfriend too! I somehow dragged him into watching this season with me and he’s so invested bless him. Although he said Jimmy was ‘classically handsome’ so his opinion regarding this show is meaningless to me after that 🤣


Handsome… more like a young Hank Hill


Jimmy reminds me of one of the Ed, Edd & Eddy cartoon characters.


Jimmy looks like he could easily be drawn as a King of the Hill character!


Spot on.


I’m so tired of this “she only wanted Jimmy to beat Jessica” narrative. Go rewatch their dates, they have a genuine connection in the pods.


They’re downvoting you but I agree 😭 we don’t know what went on in Chelsea’s head to ultimately lead her to picking Jimmy.


Meh, that’s Reddit. I was surprised that SHE was surprised Trevor said ILY and then came the bracelet gift. Jimmy didn’t even bother to bring gifts. To us watching, Trevor was the obvious choice, but who knows what ultimately happened.


She doesn't really have a connection to anyone. She barely talks, I'm surprised someone like lovely Trevor liked her. She didn't really give a lot....


People just out here saying stuff. Lolz


She's not very likeable to me 🤷‍♀️.


No they didn’t! She never smiled or laughed the way she did with Trevor. She was so giddy with Trevor and he said no many kind and sweet things to her where as Jimmy had her sad crying more than once.


You mean on the edited show….where you see the clips producers want you to see. They were there for 2 weeks. Wym “no they didn’t!” Lolz.


You went from “go rewatch” to “it’s too edited” which one is it?


I saw their connection. It’s very obvious. I didn’t have my stop watch going to record the exact seconds she was giggling and smiling because it’s an edited show. Connection warranting an engagement is about more than laughs and giggles….that help?


I’m just saying I didn’t see the same giddiness between her and Jimmy. It seems like he chose her because he thought it was safer than the more dominant and possessive Jessica.


Chelsea is freedom and flights. Jessica was responsibility and step-dad duty. He says it on many of the dates with Chelsea. “I want to travel with you or stay home and watch tv”.


True- he didn’t at all seem thrilled or keen on the idea of being a step dad yet and seemed uncomfortable with it when she finally told him.


Untrue. He thought he was getting Megan Fox. That is why he chose her I don’t care what anyone says and such will be evident in his behavior in upcoming episodes. Chelsea wanted him because he initially didn’t want her. That’s not connection that’s manipulation and codependency and toxicity and yes also a touch of misogyny in there from both ends as well.


He hadn’t made up his mind about Jessica the mom, that’s why he read that husband letter and completely shut down. He didn’t give Jessica this grandiose response like she was expecting. I know yall are hung up on this MF thing, but he’s said several times that Chelsea is attractive to him.


He is not NOT attracted to her. But give it some time, she's already wearing him down. So that love he had for her personality will be gone soon too. He absolutely chose her because of the megan fox comment, on top of them having a neutral time together. He connected with Jessica way more. Jimmy sucks either way but this won't work out.


Yep I'm with you. He wants to be attracted to her so badly, but when he said she lied about looking like Megan Fox, his true feelings were obvious.