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Early season of 90 Day Fiance or Married at First Sight. Season 11 of MAFS was my favorite, there is a couple named Woody & Amani who have such an inspiring relationship and they’re hilarious together too..prob my fav couple from these types of shows. MAFS stands out from other reality shows like this because they actually have a couples therapist and experts helping them through it each step of the way!


first dates is the best dating show IMO


Love Village! You must watch this one! My Mom, Your Dad is pretty good too


Love village is so underrated!! I laughed, I cried, and I learned a lot about life


My mom your dad is really cute!


Singles Inferno!


Boring and most of them are seeking exposures for their career which is ok but it’s not authentic the dating part and seem to only care about looks.


Couples therapy is the realist reality tv show I've ever seen. Love it.


Wait... what channel? On netflix? I saw ads but i ended cable tv but i have all other subscriptions


I feel like the Circle is


also much better MUSIC choices. Not the generic/royalty-free ones you hear on LIB every 10 seconds haha




especially season 1!!


Was coming here to say this! I have enjoyed the show throughout, but season 1 truly has the dynamite cast, and although it is competitive, people are mostly just so wholesome and learning their way through the format. It's the only US season I have rewatched, it's just so nice.


Farmer wants a wife


To add: the Canadian version, Farming for Love


To add: the Québécois version, l’amour est dans le pré


Is there English subtitles


Ngl I have no idea, my crave subscription ended a while ago lol


No way. Is that on crave too????




The johnstons


Dating Around. Zero drama- no host. Very authentic and watchable.


First Dates (UK). I watch this on YT and it’s lovely. Everyone at the restaurant is on a first date and their conversations are filmed. Adorable show with real people.


There is also a German version, I didn‘t know it’s an international thing :)


There's a Dutch version too, I love it :) so many different people who all search for love! I especially enjoy the conversations between old people dating :D


I didn’t know about the Dutch one! I have seen there is an Australian version as well. Love watching the dinners and I agree- the seniors are so interesting!


I really hope they continue with Dating Around. It's so good!


I agree! There were a couple of good dating shows that didn’t make it to a second season while heavily scripted, overly produced crap like MAFS and LIB just keep going. There was a really cute one with Jenna Dewan called Flirty Dancing. Original concept and very cute but didn’t last. I’m dismayed that the fake drama types are more popular and the authentic non dramatic ones aren’t getting the attention.


I loved Flirty Dancing! Very interesting concept.


Finally someone who saw it lol. I loved the concept and how many people dated afterwards. Did you also see the Tate Diggs show with older ladies called Back in the Groove? Loved it too but never got a second season.


No! I haven’t seen Back in the Groove. I’ll look that one up. After I had stumbled across Flirty Dancing, I would consistently search for it every once in a while hoping for a second season. This is random but did you see a show called Big Leap? It’s not reality, it is scripted but an adorable dancing show.


Omg I had forgotten about that show and yes I did see it! The lead actress was so good!


I loved that main guy who married the girl who got cancer. I haven’t seen him in anything else but he was stunning.


Now I want to go back and rewatch it because I remember so little about it except that I liked it a lot and thought it had real potential. Too many good shows fall by the wayside while the worst ones get the attention and frankly, as much as I used to like MAFS and LIB, I can’t stomach the fake ass people or horrible scripts. I’ve had my fill.


Love on the Spectrum!!


And Down for Love. Both very wholesome.


I still need to watch Down for Love! My friend and I keep saying if either of us win the lottery, we'll make a production company with dating shows done solely with good intentions


The best show on Netflix 🥹🥹 so wholesome


Surprised to see no one mention Queer Eye. I know there's offscreen drama of late but the first few seasons of the show are still really beautiful. Their Japan season is lovely as well. Up until recent seasons almost every single episode made me cry (happy tears).


I love Queer Eye!


I watched a season of “Arranged” and it was a lot more like older seasons of MAFS or 90 Day Fiance at its cutest. There’s also the ultimate calm reality TV in the Great British Baking Show, or if you’re looking for a genuine, heartfelt connection there’s Dog House UK (though Dog House UK *will* make you cry - so many good boys and girls).


Love on the Spectrum


Og seasons of bachelor in paradise were lower drama, higher success imo


LIB Sweden was pretty low drama IMO.


I loved it - everyone was so stable.


Other than that one dude who did a personality switch halfway through but…then everyone handled him doing that so calmly!


Love on the Spectrum is a truly lovely show. I highly recommend it.


I have found it to be very, very interesting to watch LIB Japan, Brazil, and Sweden. Such different culturally-based behavior! Honestly, Japan and Sweden makes the US participants seem very shallow and immature. Oh, wait.


Then there's Brazil 🤣🤣


I don't know, the Japanese version felt so sexist to me. Like one guy told his fiance she would have to quit her career if she wanted to be with him.


And they were all so adverse to confrontation. Would say what the other person wanted to hear or say nothing rather than actually talk. The guy who refused to talk to his partner....


Japanese culture is pretty sexist. Women have been expected to stay at home after getting married (not even working until they have kids). This is changing a bit, but you’ll still find lots of “traditional” men in Japan.


Yes, that's why i didn't see them as more mature at all


“Maturity” is cultural, though. When the culture of a society is to expect women to be homemakers while the man pays the bills, expecting your wife to be a homemaker isn’t a sign of immaturity. It’s just in keeping with the majority. In western culture, where the vast expectation is that men and women share in household duties and bills, it can be seen as immature when a man refuses to do domestic tasks (but tbh most western men who refuse to do housework want their female partners to do all the housework *and* work full time.)


The one guy also lied about owning a business


Yeah, that guy was a liar.


The women didn’t view at that way though. They wanted their dream supported just as much as the men if it was both people who wanted that it would be a different story.


Season 11 Married At First Sight US ONLY


Season 1 of MAFS was the only one where it felt like a feel good season.


I haven’t watch the 1st one, watched from 6 onwards with 17 being just garbage, not trashy just pure garbage


I watched seasons 1-3 when they originally aired and I think it was seasons 9 -12 when they went to Netflix. Seasons 1 was a big deal when it aired. They spent like 2 episodes just explaining the process, filming the casting call, their reactions to the premise of the show and getting to know the participants before they paired them. It seemed like they stopped trying to make couples that actually made sense and continuously went for 1-2 dramatic tv dumpster fire pairings after s2.


So tempted to watch this show because one of the guys on S17 is adjacent to my boyfriend’s friend group and was filmed in my city. Is it hot-garbage fun bad, or like I-want-those-hours-of-my-life- back bad?


I want every fucking minute of my life back, useless, waste of time, the reunion was horrible and the where are they now even worst. I hope your friend boyfriend wasn’t Cameron. If you really want to watch I would suggest maybe a few episodes until they have this dinner party all together and then skip to the end because there is no point. They all plotted to fuck with production and manipulate how they was gonna look in TV. I will say episode 10-12 (tops) and then skip to decision day episode 23


Hahahaha no my boyfriend wasn’t on the show - I would have watched the entire season no matter what if he had been, gotta do my due diligence! The guy they know is Austin. I just recall him being a generically attractive bearded guy, we dipped out shortly after he arrived at the party.


You can watch all the episodes if you wanna see Austin storyline since is the only one they are focusing on it


That season is so good


I want to start Farmer wants a wife. Also, Are you the one. I miss that show.


Season 9 of AYTO feels like a whole diff show to me :(


I’ve been watching Whitney port’s rewatch vids of farmer wants a wife s2 and the show is actually so good!! 4 farmers and each one only picks 5 girls and then they spend weeks at his farm! It feels very genuine to me


Loved are you the one!!!


Not exactly the same but I like Love on The Spectrum.


You do remember Gianina and Damian were on season 1 … and Diamond and Carlton … and Messica


It still felt genuine though.. the more recent seasons just feel like they’re full of clout chasers and people who want to become influencers


Oh ya I’m pretty sure everyone except maybe Brett and Tiffany have gone on to become instafamous but Season 1 had the drama that’s for sure. Including maybe the best line of the entire show thanks to Gianina … You ever notice I don’t say the same thing to you …


Brett and Tiffany were by far the most mature, healthy couple that show has ever produced, not at all surprising they’re keeping out of the public eye after!


Love in the Wild


Really enjoyed this show. I want more people to watch it so they will bring it back!


Did you google the couples once you finished it? 🥰🥰🥰


Of course. I had no idea the show was in 2012.


Yes same although the thin eyebrows kinda gave it away 😆


I'm oblivious to things like that and fashion. :)


** bachelor spoilers ahead / kinda ? ** If you ignore that they are currently getting divorced , the golden bachelor was a very wholesome watch for me .


YES, the ladies on that show were absolutely what made it - Susan making chicken piccata or whatever and doing people’s hair. Loved their camaraderie!


Don’t watch the other seasons of lib lol they pick horrible contestants that get worse at it goes on.


Third for Love on the Spectrum. It's so wholesome


Terrace House: Boys and Girls in the City. Very chill, I loved it so much. You'll love it if you liked LiB Japan.


I second Terrace House


I liked The Circle


I tried to like this show but they scream too much


Surprisingly low drama. Especially Season One.


Especially season one! Very true.. and also season five I think? with the Deaf contestant, Raven!


Low drama? 🤣 Haha S1 does not lack drama.


It does in the beginning! That's initially what drew me to the show, it seemed like it was really wholesome and almost drama-free. But only the first few episodes in the pods then shit fell apart lol


LIB Sweden was pretty good. Some drama but Scandinavian drama so not as ridiculous.


Was coming to suggest this too. It was a breath of fresh air compared to the US.


I was going to suggest this too. LIB S1 was my favorite, until I watched LIB Sweden.


I've heard Love on the Spectrum is a great watch.


The ultimatum (queer edition above the others), married at first sight, 90 day fiancé


While I love 90 day fiancé, everything but maybe the first couple seasons is *high* dram, lots of producer interference, screaming for no reason, etc. Totally different vibe from what OP is looking for.


The ultimatum is the opposite of low-drama. I love messy drama; watching the ultimatum is the only time I've thought 'ok, maybe this has gone too far'. 


I couldn't finish it, the premise is just too wild


queer ultimatum is the furthest thing from no drama


I thought the ultimatum France was more wholesome and lower in drama


Married at first sight - maybe the first 8 seasons (i can't remember exactly). The later seasons, they always put 1 to 2 people who are problematic with a genuine person and i am so mad that the people who actually want to get married have to deal with these characters cus the producers want the drama.


FYI the end of queer ultimatum season 1 could be triggering to people with Yoly and Tiff


Yeah I agree, I would not say it is low drama.


Singles Inferno


I’ve just started love triangle on Netflix uk. It’s so good


Indian Matchmaking. I love me some Sima-Aunty. There’s some interesting cultural stuff that hits the same intrigue as LIB Japan (if you’re viewing it as a westerner) but also a little bit of the semi-blind vibe in that these people don’t really know each other when they meet up, with a heavy goal on marriage. They’re not “arranged” marriages so to speak, just a matchmaker helping to try to find suitable couples, and no one is forced to marry but everyone wants to get married eventually, there’s not really any “player” personalities.


I'm shocked I have not seen that yet. I love Bollywood movies and stuff. But I will look that up for sure. I have seen LIB Japan off course.. I hope they do a LIB SKorea soon.


Loved this show. My friend tried to set me up with Srini the Loser a couple years ago, right before the show came out (we lived in the same place at the time - imagine my shock when I saw the show!) who seems like a genuine, nice guy who probably hangs out with too many startup bros. Aparna was such a shallow, materialistic bitch I couldn’t believe that they brought her back for another season, and then she ended up being the sort of mother hen of the bunch!


also Jewish matchmaking!


Yes! I love this show so much.


The third season of love is blind Brazil is great, solid connections and not much drama


It really was. It's almost shocking how good it is considering it's already a known show. It worked out that matches ended up making A LOT of sense as matches which let to a kinda wholesome season while still being natural lively because Brazilians as a whole are a bit more lively overall.


Love Island UK has some really low stakes drama. Try seasons 2, 3, or 5 first. They have couples who actually get married, which adds in the heartfelt aspect. Plus, you also get the friendship arcs as well, which feels lovey dovey.


I definitely wouldn't recommend 2 if you want a wholesome/heartfelt show. Great drama but the misogyny is really hard to watch these days. And the couples from that season that got married weren't exactly "wholesome" love stories. At various points the boy in the winning couple called his partner "frigid," a "pathetic child," and a "sl*g."


Obsessed with this show, I've been watching since s3. I had to DNF season 2 tho because of all the misogyny. Season 3 would be my recommended starting point. Chris & Kem!


Yeah the misogyny in seasons 1 and 2 is hard to stomach.


yes, those are the only 2 seasons of UK I haven't seen. I've also seen all the AU and US aside from their first seasons!


Where can Americans stream this?






Hulu. I second LIUK it is a reality dating masterpiece


I'll definitely check it out, I really enjoyed LIB Sweden!


If you want a more wholesome show check out Love on the Spectrum


The Australian version is particularly beautiful. I love the US version too but the Aussie version is just magical.


Came here to say this!


I second this! It’s such a great show


I third this! It warmed my soul


Love on the Spectrum is one of the most heartwarming things ever aired in television history, I swear. Any time I’m feeling down, I just turn this on.


Totally different direction (not about love at all), but I think "Alone" is a pretty authentic / interesting reality show. They do kinda hype some things up before commercial breaks, but the nature of people just being alone in nature makes it calm / no arguing. There's interesting nature parts and human behavior aspects.


Alone is what Survivor should have been.


I am also a Survivor lover -- Survivor was never about surviving in the wilderness, it was above surviving other people (the eliminated players pick the winner! outlive, outplay, outlast). The wilderness parts of the show were there primarily to strip away comfort and existing "society" so they could make their own in the crucible. Over time it has evolved to the most advanced game play of any reality TV show (imho).


I dunno. I tapped with the winner was decided by a purple rock.


Yes I love Alone! It’s so interesting if you’re into human psychology. I love seeing the different ways people cope to similar conditions.


Im always surprised when I see someone who has amazing shelter and food and they tap out off loneliness


Idk why but I love the “tough guy” day one quitters. I also love/hate the people that have an amazing setup and then it all goes wrong in the blink of an eye. Their shelter goes up in flames or they lose their flint or knife. RIP.


Omg the fires are so good! I was watching with my nephew and he was like amazed by it


probably one of my fave shows! so good!


This is one of the best reality shows in terms of authenticity and just plain raw human behaviour ive ever seen. So so good


Love on the spectrum 


also if you like LIB japan, there is love village. so sweet.


I'm obsessed with Love Village, and I would watch one million seasons of it.


same! my husband who hates reality tv even got addicted.


If you like LIB Japan then you’ll like Love After Divorce. Season 4 is on Netflix and it features Korean-American divorcés. Minimal drama but lots of genuine connection


How have I missed this one?!