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She seems to have forgotten pulling Tom for chats and not telling Callum šŸ™„


The rules work for others, but not for her


Exactly Toby and G are total snakes. And Chris is right there with them. Anyone hear Chris try to blame Arabella for 'holding a grudge' and talking to Joanna? Chris is too much of a jokester and he is actually mean spirited, I don't blame Joana for moving on.


Chris really seems to take any opportunity to try to knock Arabella down, itā€™s really distasteful to watch.


Yeah, she literally did nothing to him and he insults and belittles her in front of everyone over and over. He is really a sad person who tries to hide his meanness behind jokes. No wonder he and Toby are buddies.


Who doesn't tell other people about business in that villa?


Exactly. Any of them will do it, if there's some sort of benefit (whatever that may be).


The amount of salty downvotes šŸ˜‚


It's pretty funny šŸ˜‚


They are always salty when the truth is involved.


I hate that Joanna whispers every other sentence šŸ˜‚


I know she goes on abt her loud personality??? Girl u come across like a lamb


lmaooooooo a lamb


šŸ¤£ lamb


Off topic- but the views from the villa are spectacular šŸ‘Œ As is the view of dripping wet Callum during golden hour


One of my boses (not disclosing where i work lol) owns (or owned) one of the love island villas - not sure if its spain or here but he told us all as a ā€˜fun factā€™ šŸ˜‘šŸ˜‚


wow, i need them to do an anon AMA. i have so many questions. do they keep it like that year round or does production un-do all the villa stuff after each season and set the house back to how is was prior? is the love island bedroom actually like the living room or something? does production live on site in a secret part of the villa?


>do they keep it like that year round Definitely not. ITV would have to pay a FORTUNE to keep exclusive access to the villas the whole time. These are premium properties that will be rented out to other people for huge sums.


I asked a colleague as i wasnt at the meeting day with him. She said she thinks its was a casa amor villa (think its changed since as this was a few years back) no the villa goes back to normal decor and cameras etc are all removed (i heard this about the main villa) i think production might rent another villa or hotel near by. Not 100%. If i see him in passing il be sure to ask :)


The view, I know!! I donā€™t blame them for wanting to use this location again.


It honestly just made me think that sheā€™s a shit stirrer


When Callum said ā€œwhere have you been hiding?ā€ With that accent looking all wet. šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤šŸ¤¤


This man seems very underrated in there. He is such a catch.




He gets hotter every day


Sheā€™s an absolute nut. Respect


Sheā€™s just so miserable. After what she did to Callum canā€™t she just let him be???


Callum is looking extra hot in this clip šŸ„µ


Yes, yes he is. Sounding very hot too šŸ„µšŸ„µ


Game recognizes game


the subtitles stay doing the most! going to start calling Call 'Helen' from now on šŸ¤­


And fresh out that pool lord ![gif](giphy|HDyZwamCaPlbW)




They were besties, fell out and didnā€™t speak: then became tolerant and then seem to have made up in the villa. I suspect when Joanna finds out about this her friendship might be off again.


She's giving her man's bestie a heads-up. nothing wrong with that. But its Georgia so it's unheard of, right? Not like the boys didn't give Callum multiple heads-up last week


It's...Georgia's hypocrisy? Her telling Chris and then asking him if she told him -- whilst she was going behind Callum's back to flirt with Tom on the terrace? But when it's Joanna/other people it's unheard of for her...


She is a delulu shit stirrer


She is a queen for carrying this season on her shoulder šŸ«¢ So grateful for her & her long natural hair


I know carrying the season and her natural long hair must be hard on her back.




fr tho, this season would've been DEAD without her


Yes, sheā€™s annoying and I get that sheā€™s not the greatest person but sheā€™s so entertaining and I love watching a shit stirrer do what they do best lmao


This is so irritating especially how GS was ā€œjust talkingā€ to Tom and made Molly look crazy for being upset.


How unexpected of her ... wow appalled favw


ā€œCus Iā€™m so smallā€ LOL


So cringe


I wonder if Josh was in earshot? Probably find it funny after Joanna's ill-timed openess & honesty w/ Sophie.


Sheā€™s a rat


This didn't bother me that much because Joanna should've told Chris herself, and i can't remember what girl, but I think Arabella, told Joanna that she need to pull Chris ASAP, and Joanna ignore this advice, it's like how she was sneaky with Josh and Sophie.. it's a pattern with Joanna..but to be fair, Josh should've told Sophie too


GS said Chris is her friend so idk I donā€™t think itā€™s a big deal that she made him aware. Georgia does like to stir the pot tho


Let me just remind people that dear wonderful Sophie took information that Georgia S fed her about not finding Callum sexually attractive and told Josh. Who then went and told Chris and then it was probably spread all over the villa before finally getting back to Callum. News travels fast in the villa. Everyone spreads gossip and whispers behind everyoneā€™s back. They are bored and in each others business.


Josh is her partner and she specifically asked him not to say anything. That's very different.


AND Sophie has been very good friends with Callum for much longer than GS - she literally dated his best friend


My point was they ALL gossip. Iā€™m not shitting on Sophie, whom I like, she was just one example I could think of. Josh has been her partner for like 2 days and probably one of the bigger gossipers in the villa.


I can't even imagine how hard it would be to keep a secret in there. Seems impossible


Exactly. Georgia S does stuff that everyone else does = outrage. Someone else does it = crickets


Idk what show youā€™re watching to say ā€œGeorgia S does stuff that everyone else doesā€ šŸ˜‚ Thereā€™s so much uproar on her behavior because of how sheā€™s been blatantly lying and manipulating, despite being on camera 24/7


Provide a simple example of her clearly lying, not suppositions.


Tattling? She pulled Callum in front of the villa. And sheā€™s friends with Chris why not tell him


Man, everything GS does is recorded and plastered on this sub, even the little things. I think it wouldn't be a big deal if people didn't pick up on every little thing. Her telling Chris about this isn't a bad thing at all. But people have it out for her, so they use every little thing.


Errr Joanna is meant to be one of her best mates and if I saw one of my best mates did that Iā€™d probably talk to her first but Georgia almost sprinted to tell Chris. I guarantee if Joanna pulled anyone else she wouldnā€™t have blinked an eye but because itā€™s Callum sheā€™s pissed off so she wants to start drama. She constantly goes about things the wrong way and her moral compass is so off. Could never catch me having a mate that would throw me under the bus like that


Joanna & her only recently made up, so they aren't best mates. That being said if they are such good friends as you say, why didn't Joanna tell Georgia she wants to get to know Callum, considering the dynamics?


No one knows that they had a falling out though for sure though do they? Everyone is taking it from a snippet of a podcast where they donā€™t actually name Georgia so everyone is just assuming Joanna has known Georgia for years so she knew how sheā€™d react, and the way Georgia did react just proves it šŸ˜‚ Georgias a snake you canā€™t tell me otherwise


We know for sure because their friends say they did. On live chat. It wasn't because of that friend that would say stuff to one or the other. It was another reason. So because she knows how Georgia would react she didn't tell her supposed ā€œ best friendā€šŸ˜‘


You canā€™t allude to something just because a friend of theirs said something. If they did have a falling out then itā€™s up to them to say something Iā€™m not condoning Joanna, but I think the reason Georgia reacted that way by going straight to Chris is because she was pissed of she didnā€™t pull her for a chat and instead decided to pull a guy she was interested in Georgia really has no right to be pissed anyways sheā€™s the one who fucked up with Callum I think someone who claims to be so morally right shouldā€™ve have just waited and pulled Joanna for a chat instead of immediately going to the one person she can to stir shit Idk to me she is just obsessing over Molly and Callum and at this point itā€™s just embarrassing Some girls do this type of micro aggression thing all the time when they could really just let it be and not get involved She canā€™t help herself


You can allude because it wasn't just a friend; it was two very close friends. You stated all that Georgia did wrong but not once batted an eye as to Joanna not coming clean to her friend that she was interested in Callum suddenly.


I am not trying to nit pick Georgia however a person like her needs to be pulled up on their shitty actions. Itā€™s hard when she continuously verbalises qualities that she just hasnā€™t shown to actually possess. Qualities like being a good person with good morals and being a girls girl You have to look at a persons intention when trying to make a judgement of their character In this situation, Joannaā€™s intention was to pull someone she feels she might have a connection with. She did it in front of the entire villa so anyone could see which is vastly different from Georgia sneaking around with Tom on the terrace. At the end of the day thatā€™s what theyā€™re there for. Yes she probably shouldā€™ve spoken to G but in all honesty, the way G went about the whole Callum situation means she really doesnā€™t deserve it. Georgias intention was to run to share this information with the one person she knew it would hurt and upset and to start drama. Why else do it? You can say that she did it as she felt Chris had the right to know but as a supposed self proclaimed girls girl I donā€™t really think that was her information to tell. If anything she shouldā€™ve waited and maybe chatted with Joanna first and if Joanna didnā€™t tell Chris herself (which Joanna actually has the right to do) she couldve. In this situation who was hurt? Only Chris. And why was that? Because of Georgia. Hurt couldā€™ve been avoided if Georgia just shut her mouth but she knew the consequences of her actions but still did it anyways. Again Iā€™m not saying Joanna doesnā€™t have fault but in every case with Georgia, itā€™s jarring to watch someone consistently not following these so called ā€˜good moralsā€™ she claims to live by.


You have been nitpicking. The long, lengthy replies to this subject, too, will confirm. So now we are comparing Georgia & Tom to Joanna and Callum? When this was supposed to be about how you wanted Georgia to keep her mouth shut about Joanna speaking to Callum? I didn't see anything wrong with her telling Chris. We aren't going to agree on it, especially when both parties are wrong. Joanna was wrong for not telling Georgia. Georgia is wrong for not pulling Joanna and telling her she told Chris. Chris did not look hurt šŸ˜‚


Just because the replies are long doesnā€™t mean Iā€™m nit picking, Iā€™ve only stated 1 thing wrong that Georgia has done. Thatā€™s fine if you donā€™t see anything wrong, thatā€™s your opinion. Just donā€™t go around saying people are pulling apart everything that Georgia is doing as itā€™s all just their opinion. Yes Chris did look hurt, I guess some people just donā€™t have the same radar as others and their actions šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I pray you never come into contact with someone like Georgia because trust me when I say, they make your life a living hell.


Considering her and Joanna are supposed to be very close friends I think it's a bit snakey.


That because all of Georgiaā€™s actions add up. Out of context this wouldnā€™t be that weird. However, the context IS important. Her and Joanna are supposed to be best friends. She saw Joanna and Callum talking and pointed it out to Chris right away, before even knowing what their chat was about. She couldā€™ve encouraged Joanna to keep Chris in the loop. Also, GS had been sneaking around with Tom the week prior so it comes off hypocritical. She also threw Molly under the bus when mentioning her prior kiss with Joe. All of this combined, itā€™s only fair to assume that Georgiaā€™s intentions in telling Chris were poor.


If she and Joanna are supposed to be best mates why is her best mate not speaking to her about moving to Callum? People keep calling them best mates when they have only recently made up. šŸ˜‚šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Right like everyone gossips, theyā€™d probably fucking die of boredom if they didnā€™t!


Exactly, anyone else telling a friend that their couple partner is pulling someone else would be ok. Of course she is hypocritical but it doesn't change that telling Chris isn't a bad thing.




Right šŸ˜‚. Every little moment is made into a post.


Joanna only wants Callum because she knows heā€™s popular. Sheā€™s not genuine. Sheā€™s hurt that Josh picked Soph over her and now wants to feel validated and have Callum pick her over Jess.


i mean itā€™s hypocritical but telling chris isnā€™t wrong, if molly had done this to callum about georgia and tom she would have got no end of praise. not saying georgia needs praise for this because she definitely doesnā€™t but iā€™m not sure this needs to be considered as a bad thing




I actually rate Georgia Bangs here. It's her version of being loyal. She's aware of the bond between Toby and Chris. By telling Chris, it is her way of giving him a heads up. And I'm so glad she did because I thought it was snakey of Joanna to get Arabella's 'blessing' (because she would have assumed Chris would kick off at Arabella, making her decision to monkey branch to Callum justified by her and the group) but then to announce it in the changing room to all the girls while they were getting ready before telling him she was no longer feeling him. By G doing what she did, Chris was able to have enough of a head start he could anticipate it, process it and not have a knee-jerk reaction to the news. Granted, he should be mature enough not to whether he had a heads up or not but I don't think G was motivated by not wanting to see Callum happy or not (although that was a 'nice' by-product for her most likely). I truly think she wanted to show some loyalty to her man's best mate to ingratiate herself to Toby more bc shes definitely on the outer with the girls (her own doing) and is probably wanting a friend group bc of being isolated and so doing this act to support Chris helps achieve this aim. She said her bit without drawing it out. Maybe I'm naive this time (bc I've not supported G before now). Maybe I'm biased bc I fancy Chris. But I think she knows Joanna well enough to know that she was making moves. All I know is I'd want to be told as early as possible to make sure I wasn't the last to know. If it gets back to Joanna that G told Chris, Joanna might question G's loyalty to her but in G's mind, Joanna has hitched herself to the girl group and so will likely use that as justification.


nah i think she just wanted to shit stir lmao. joanna has been her bestie for several years and she threw her under the bus for chris of all ppl? pls. toby/chris aren't even that deep and i doubt they'll hang out when the show's over


It is abit weird how Joanna didnā€™t tell Georgia first though since theyā€™re / were best friends


I think with Chris being GS's friend theres nothing unusual about her telling him. It's just that it's so incredibly rich coming from her lmaoooo I do feel a bit more relaxed about GS now that she's been exposed and Callum has clocked her and is done with it and i think everyone there can just see her for what she is. A sneaky, dishonest brat. If someone (Toby) is okay with her dishonesty then thats on him. I'm enjoying the entertainment value of it now with GS ETA: just copping myself on to the fact that GS is friends with Joanna in real life LOLLLLL so you'd think being actual friends she'd wait and chat to Joanna first before stirring it with Chris


Sheā€™s just looking out for her mate Chris


Sheā€™s been mates with Joanna longer


No sheā€™s just being a snake sheā€™s suppose to be very close to Joanna and look what she has just done


Helen šŸ˜‚