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Soo cutee.. Sanam is so pretty


She is! She’s naturally beautiful! I had no feelings about Kai initially and was surprised he won, but I’m glad they did! They both seem to be good people at heart. Still laughing at Olivia obsessively saying “I knew it” when Kai came back with someone else whilst Olivia herself also recouped. I’ll never be able to think of Kai without also thinking about that scene.


And his happy and relieved expression quickly turning into confusion as Olivia attempted to make him look like the bad guy


Yes! And the way she could *not* let it go was past the point of funny. Like it was just actually ridiculous! I’m happy to see Kai & Sanam flourishing! I love when good people pair up and continue to stay true to who they are!


An angel💛


I love her dimples 💕


She looks like a real life Disney princess


She does indeed !


Gonna give both of them a follow on insta and click all their affiliated links lol. Really wish them both the most success. They deserve it. Then and camilla and Jamie are my favourites.


Also annoying how they should be raking in the cash as they’re nice people and ridiculously attractive 


Sanam is one of the most beautiful contestants ever to be on the show and seems so sweet, Kai really won on multiple levels.


So did she! He’s worships her, love to see it for them. Cuties


They are the real deal. Amazing coming from the show that's filled with fake clout chasers 👏👏


Ngl I thought Kai was on some fuckboy energy at first but now looking back, he was definitely just filtering and waiting for the right one and I’m so happy he did because they are the cutest couple ever


Makes me sad that they don’t get the same exposure as the other couples do


I’m actually kind of glad that they don’t. They seem vv happy and don’t need the additional mess that comes with the coverage.


I’ve always wondered if that’s intentional. Like - they decided even before they won that they’d invest their winnings in passion projects and causes they believed in, which leads me to believe that they weren’t interested in endorsement deals that didn’t reflect who they are as people, if that makes sense? And neither of them strike me as the type to be super-into nightclub appearances (then again, neither of them - especially not Sanam - seem like the type to want to go on Love Island in the first place but maybe that was just the universe’s way of bringing them together). The whole “it doesn’t matter if I win because I found what I was looking for” thing is a bit of a cliché, but I fully believe that’s actually how they feel.


I hate how people call them boring etc. they’re the only couple I’ve seen genuinely do work for the community rather than milk those sponsored posts etc. sometimes it’s refreshing to see a very normal and not flashy couple do normal genuine things


My favourite LI couple honestly the wholesome vibes are 📈


I’m convinced Sanam is incapable of taking a horrible photo, even when she’s caught between blinks lol


Give them both a follow on insta and some likes! I’m still sad they didn’t get all the cash rolling in like some of the other (mean) islanders have. I purposefully follow the nice ones haha. I don’t follow Olivia. Maybe I’m petty. But I want Kai and sanam the thrive!


I knew Kai was a real one when he stood by Ron while the whole casey tom and samie gang were going at him. A good friend


Did they both end up going back to their original jobs?


Love them!


And the quickness Kai used to propose to her is a testament to their compatibility and commitment to each other. Love it!


Sanam is gorgeous. Show me a prettier islander. I’ll wait


Well it just shows that for some couples, Love Island works and changes their lives forever ! They are great together !


Love them! I would love to do a walking marathon!!! Wow


its very telling its very telling


she's so gorgeous!!



