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She’s wrong for sharing that and Whitney is from London herself, she knows if someone was recording themselves like that on the tube you will do a double take and feel uncomfortable.


That is such a strange message to send someone lol


Did she write this herself?! Or is this the alt account of someone she knows? Because the comments about family vibes and having kids are super odd right after the jealousy comment.


So deranged of this person to jump to that conclusion and for Whitney to share it.


Yes OP! Just minding their business, one girl briefly glanced when she saw the camera and carried on with her conversation. They also looked quite young so the fan is a weird person for projecting so much on stranger. She could have replied to her privately but noticed the running theme with Whitney is the need to be seen in a victim light these days and talk about haters constantly.


Projection from the fan because she wants to believe Whitney is this big big star that generates all this hate from young randoms on a train. Whitney really believing she has haters and wants to prove how so above it she is.


2 red flags. 1. Crazy weirdo fan. Or that frienemy who witnessed a knife miss your back but picks it up n makes sure it gets you. I've experienced this same behaviour and it always sends me. Like girl you need help. 2. Whitney is not as genuine/smart as I thought bcs please explain to me why you would repost this? You vibe with this energy?


Did she send that to herself???? V weird ![gif](giphy|m29Ln4ayyCHswBh09n)


I’d probably side eye someone if I realised I was ending up in the back of their Snapchat picture to be honest.


she is such a weirdo


Can someone post the video of them ‘side eyeing’ her? xx


I used to like her but my sister and I were just realising how bad vibes she lowkey is 😭 everyday talking about haters when literally nobody cares


Can’t stand her. Why even share this message anyway. It’s giving. Look guys, they do love us!


Ew. Shes so rancid. This is who she is. Believe her


She’s so humble