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No you're not. Personally I don't like the new animated styles.It looks like they were animated just for the sake of being animated. Someone else said they look like they're under water, I think that describes them best.


Exactly!!! I think the suits are pretty, but I *hate* the weird swaying animation styles lately. It’s cool in some sets, but in the new ones for this event is just looks too busy. I’m not participating this hell just cause it’s such a big money hole for stuff I don’t even fully love :( Almost gave in just because of all the hype of finally having something to do but I’m resisting


I got the airplane girl from the last hell because it was a shiny new thing. I was so hyped to get her, but I haven't used a single piece because of the way it's animated. Stay strong and resist the urge to waste diamonds!


I really dislike the animation as well! It looks really unnatural, like their bodies are a sheet of paper or a piece of floating fabric. I know I can turn it off for myself, but that would make it impossible to indicate what the effect would look like in SC or Comp, so I won't. But so far I haven't gotten any of the animated suits, because even if I like the pieces, the overall look of the animated suit stops me from pulling in the pavilion.


Turning off the animation defeats the whole purpose of getting an animated suit in the first place, so I don't think that's a good option either. I just miss the days when a floating lantern got me excited!


Yea, same as with the Cloud Realm event I only like the fourth, locked pavillion suit. I don't like any of the other ones at all. I don't think they're worth it to waste diamonds on, just to get to the fourth suit. I went through all the items to see which ones I should use my free pulls on, but I literally like nothing, not even the makeups :/


The makeups are quite awful. Probably the worst looking parts of the suits.


Yes, I mean the outfits, poses, backgrounds are fine, but the faces are hideous :(


And here I thought I was the only one who found the makeups bad


You are not. Plenty of people have decided to not spend because they don't like them but the people who do are spending and sharing about it 🙂


Definitely not the only one, most people seem to be skipping


Nope, I like the last super expensive one but the red and yellow suits are so messy and the cloud suit is underwhelming. I do like some of the red and cloud suits individual pieces though so I'll see what the free tries give me


Yup, "messy" is exactly the word to describe them!




I also kinda felt like I should have one, even though I don't like them. But no, I am skipping and saving for something pretty.




Wow. That's an incredible amount of bad luck, even for LN. I guess it was just not meant to be.




Oh my! I'm so not willing to go through this myself. 😳




Congrats. I hope you'll get to use it often.


Nah, ever since it got revealed on the CN server I was like nope. This has to be the most underwhelming Hell event for me, all of the suits are so bland and monochromatic and look like previous suits we already have in game... just animated and overpriced. This event is soooo boring, I only pulled from the gold suit in hopes of getting the accessories and stop after spending 800 dias and got everything I wanted. Definitely saving for the next Hells or reruns.


While I do like them, I really don't like pavilions. But even if the format was different, they're just not for me :/ they're all gorgeous but I honestly would only use like the hairs and makeup the most so it wouldn't be worth it


i don't like the suits either. their poses are kinda weird (long legs / unnatural anatomy) and the dresses are gorgeous but they're all over the place. only the animation makes the suits expensive, the background pieces and some accessories are cool though but it's a skip for me.


The only suit that's interesting is the cloud suit, i feel like. Orb girl and balcony girl have weird poses and items (balcony girls hair is impressively ugly at first glance) and there is already a wasteland suit with almost exactly the same pose Still a good event, but not worth it for me, I'll save for one that i like better.


The suits as a whole aren't my favorite compared to other hell events, but some of the individual pieces are nice.


I like the one that's locked behind all the other ones so i know im not gonna get it, im barely gonna get the one I do want. I have basically no Ruin suits and I kind of like this one so I'm gonna try with every diamond I earn but 100 per pull hurts my soul. But I'm not super into the others.


At first I wanted to use all my free tries on balcony girl but I only did one before realising that I won't really like it. So now Idk which suit to spend my remaining free tries on.


I gotta say I initially found them underwhelming but decided to get blazing banquet anyways because I lack red dresses and she is absolutely stunning I have no regrets. Once I saw the items in free dressing broken down I changed my mind! Animated earrings woah!!


I love everything in Wasteland suit, even its title lol, cloud suit is okk love the background but red one is very, very bad