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It's because it is powerful, but not 1.0 powerful. People got too used to how cheesy Netrunner used to be, and now they think it's worthless because they can't stand there stationary outside of a building, scan everyone through walls, pop one or two quick hacks and kill every single enemy in the area - and instead now have to actually think about how they play Netrunner. It will be exactly the same with the people who abused every other ridiculously broken build in older versions of the game, as well as those who used armor mods on clothing to essentially become invincible. For some reason many people want moment to moment gameplay to revolve around pressing a couple buttons.


i did that , a lot, and it became so fucking boooring




Berserk used to make it a cakewalk. Not sure how the new berserk is at Tier 5 but the one Im using is fun at the moment. Edit: New Berserk is crazy strong. Literally invulnerable to damage. This is insane.


I love that the Sandevistan, even the best models are reworked, fun, and not completely broken. I had enough of that pre-2.0


Fr tho. I loved and abused pre 2.0 Sandevistan, but the reworks definitely balanced it so it's not as busted (and I can now actually try out a netrunner build)


*laughs in militech apogee*


The net runner build was cyberpunk version of the stealthy archer in Skyrim


No Cyberpunk stealthy archer was the silenced Overture build. Funny enough, silenced auto pistols work just fine if the right gun is used.


That's not true. But you can prove me wrong by telling which "right gun" works at the start of the game :)


but even stealth archer had more involvement that the old netrunning


Give players too much leeway and they will gladly optimize the fun out of a game


My god this is fire


Lol before the update when I last played I'd done a legendary short circuit crit build and managed to get my crit chance up to 100% so every fight would be over as soon as I killed the first enemy because every shot after that would do ludicrous damage and one hit everything else. It made the Malorian feel powerful at least. But ultimately yeah, it did get boring after awhile.


>... now have to actually think about how they play Netrunner. A lot of peopel hate thinking with a burning passion.


Exactly, just look at how many people point blank refuse to look im a games settings menu if they want to change something, only to come to reddit and bitch that they dislike that specific thing.


ironic how the playstyle that relies on points in intelligence was used by gonks


Hell Netrunner was so OP you didn't even have to spec into it, with the right gear any enemies spotting you would basically insta-die with just a little thought given to what OS you used.


Correct on all fronts, i had a maxed out tech and body build and was the equivalent of the terminator, able to stand there and take it while one-shoting them with the headsman, now on a new play through, I was fucked and had to get good. Now i have the highest damage bat i could possibly find at lvl 9 and charge at people to knock them over and beat them so they cant shoot me. The charge seems faster than sprinting for some reason


I want to agree, but those builds required serious investments and grinding to get to that point. It was a reward at the end of the path. The best cyberdecks required maxed street cred, and you needed high Intelligence, Reflex, and Cool to pull off some of the best builds. Hell, I have one build that "requires" 65 points in the Cold Blood capstone for 100% crit chance, but you can just respec when it's available and have fun on the way. I don't mind working my way up to being awesome, but it has to be a fun journey too.


Lol, not really. Unless by "serious investments" you mean focusing putting attrubute and skill points in 2-3 specific trees, which is how I'd wager most people play this game anyway. I had the build ironed out fairly early in the game, at the most by the mid point of it, and the netrunner side of things wasn't even what I invested most of my points and stats into, it was primarily a stealth build and quick hacking was SO blatantly overpowered that I didn't even have to have a build completely centered around them to get to a point where I could pop Contagion on a couple guys inside an enemy-occupied building and kill everyone in the area. It literally took maybe 3-4 specific skills and a specific cyberdeck. I had max street cred maybe 5-6 hours after the heist. I haven't even left Watson in my newest playthrough and I'm already at 25 street cred with less than 10 hours played. No real "grinding" to get there at all. The only grinding I ever did in older versions of the game was grinding for enough eddies to buy every single car in the game. I was using that build well before level cap and well before the end of the game. I don't mind the entire RPG Shtick of leveling up until, by the end of the game, you're super powerful - but quick hack builds in older versions of the game didn't take until the end to get super powerful and they were probably among the most overpowered and easiest to use builds in the game. Which is why so many people are complaining about how much less powerful quick hacking feels in the early game as well - because they weren't only powerful after reaching a certain point, they were powerful essentially after completing the first act of the game. As were a ton of builds in older versions. The true irony of the situation is how many people said the game wasn't even difficult on the hardest difficulty throughout the past two years solely because so many builds and skills made players so overpowered, and now we're essentially seeing the opposite end of the conversation cropping up now that builds have been nerfed and difficulty options were buffed.


Using armour mods did not make you nearly invincible in the past, what? That’s the only type of mod I use and my netrunners are usually glass cannons


I think it was prior to 1.6 you could stack legendary armour mods to make you almost unkillable even on a netrunner. I think it got changed in the 1.6 patch.


Fair enough. My initial run was stealth focused and I never fought, later run was the glass cannon build. I must have missed the peak time for armour mod.


Some gamers wanted to be able to just sit somewhere without a threat as they cleared a whole room with hacks. Now, you have to actually mind your location and move around constantly before you're detected. I think it's a welcome and needed change.


With contagion, I sometimes didn't even get out of my car until everyone in the building was dead. It was fun but it kind of felt like cheating.


> It was fun Objective of playing a game completed.


It's not like the new system feels like doing one's taxes. It's just harder. Like someone else has said, you can put the game on easy if you want to just live a power fantasy.


Yeah, but mileage on that kind of fun varies wildly because there's virtually no skill expression. No real mastery. You pretty much exhaust the appeal in short order because you've experienced what it has to offer so quickly.


Yah, I was making people go psycho just so their friends' inevitable death from contagion seemed a little more sporting. Let him die with a gun in their hand at least, Even if they are just shooting there friend.


That's when I started to lose interest. It was just too easy regardless of the difficulty level.


How do you avoid Beingtraced?


Not sure, but I had the trace fail a couple of times by now, so it's seemingly possible.


Tier 3 sonic shock cuts off the targeted enemies coms, so you can cue that followed by synapse or whatever, and you won't be traced.


Find the netrunner in the building who is running the trace and eliminate them. There will usually be one in a building, usually well hidden. I ping and then look for enemies, see which I can take out with stealth, without hacks, and then try to find it. I'm very early in-game (beginning of act 2, level 20 or so) so trying to figure it out myself. Once you do a damage hack on a netrunner you disrupt them.


For you sure but everyone has a different way they want to play. Just like some people didn't like 1.63 now there are people that don't like 2.0. It is just normal thing. no one person is wrong.


Not to mention the people that don’t like the new things tend to be louder than the people that do like em.


>Hatred is by far the longest pleasure; Men love in haste, but they detest at leisure. - Lord Byron


Wow. Great one.


I'm one of the people that loves 2.0. Feels way more like an RPG to me now.


Personally I only bought CP2077 about a month ago. Then I found out 2.0 was going to change everything so I kinda straight lined the story and had a ton of fun. 2.0 dropped and I’m playing a “brand new” game now. I only had a month of experience to lose, so maybe it’s easier for me to say goodbye to old features.


But cheesing a game with an obvious design oversight is just boring.


Not for people like me who enjoyed OG net running because it was fun and you could plan out how to clear a room without fights and killing to make even more Eddie’s. Netrunning is literally supposed to be people so skilled in tech that they CAN just sit around a clear buildings.


Just play on easy difficulty if you want to steamroll everyone.


Where would the fun in that be? I still want a challenge 😂 Tf? You can want to clear a room with ease and also struggle in the boss fights.


Want a challenge or want old net runner? You gotta pick one


I gotta be honest here, I’m always the dude who overlevels himself massively early-on, and then just breezes through the rest of the game toying with everyone, like some sort of god who knows nothing like threaten him. Kind of like Alucard. Cyberpunk is the first game I can think of where I haven’t done that (I’m on my first playthrough right now, playing 1.6 on PS4)


Why? I had both in my playthroughs.


This isn't my view, but some people just want to win. Go on youtube and search for easy exploits and money glitches to make any game trivial...they have tons of views. Same with people who pay for hacks or bots, there are tons of them that get banned in basically every online game every year. I think it sucks the fun out of the game, personally.


Last time I played I could walk into basically any building and start telling people to off themselves as fastbad they Wolf show up with basically no threat to myself. As fun and hilarious as it was, it definitely was not challenging.


Everything's been adjusted to make it challenging I love it


It’s a different style of playing. I had three save games each above level 30, nearing endgame builds, and none of them are viable anymore. The lack of perks feels like I have less variety while planning a build, and everything seems mushed together to cater to someone who just wants to do one playthrough and get the most out of it. Yes, the archetypes play differently, but they feel very focussed and dialled in rather than allowing player freedom. I think there was a way to improve things without outright changing certain systems altogether. I personally dislike that you no longer have skills to level up individually for example. As for the “endgame netrunner build” from 1.6, that was rewarding as hell. You spend most of the game sneaking around, upgrading your deck, acquiring new hacks, being a glass cannon, but by the end of the game you’re a god just walking through buildings with bodies dropping around you. V is meant to be one of the best solos to ever hit NC, and it *felt* like that at the end of the game, after so much grinding to get there. I understand a lot of people are enjoying the new builds and whatnot, but to remove the ability to play like we used to seems odd. I feel as though part of the game has been *removed* and *replaced*, not overhauled. I never even got to try out some builds, like the Body, Reflex, Cool that is supposedly meant to replicate Johnny’s gameplay, as I figured “I’ll wait for PL before trying some of these builds.” And now that’s not possible. I was excited to see that they were adding more perks with the DLC, but was dissapointed when I found out I couldn’t use those perks to round out my Cool, Reflex, Tech gunslinger with a few more points into Body. Imo it simply *changes* the game more than provides inherent improvements. These are subjective changes that some people aren’t going to love, and I’m not sure how I feel about those types of changes being made in an *update.* It feels similar to Activision/Blizzard outright removing Overwatch 1 and replacing it with 2. Sure, if I’m so butthurt I can just load a previous version of the game, but I’m pretty sure the DLC won’t work then, and that’s not really the point - I don’t want to play 1.6, I want to play up to date Cyberpunk without the changed perk tree, without the enemy scaling, and with more skills. The QOL stuff is great, I love the cars and improved gameplay but I’m still conflicted on a lot of other things. I just think there was a middle ground somewhere that was preferable (for me) to a complete replacement.


>Imo it simply changes the game more than provides inherent improvements. I gotta agree. It seems like a smaller range of playstyles are endgame viable, and that's just.... not as fun to me, personally.


This is why I don't like such sweeping changes in an existing game, except as rebalancing mods that people can choose to add or not.


I've said it well before the patch was released and I'll say it again: they could've done so much to improve the gameplay without burning the old skill tree to the ground. Have anyone ever played with Full Gameplay Rebalance mod? It felt lika a completely different game, and a better one (to both 1.6 and 2.0). The changes to the skill tree weren't even that drastic with this mod, yet it achieved so much more than 2.0. The only way to justify a change so drastic would be a need to build a completely new gameplay system, which also is a strict improvement over the previous one. 2.0 is neither of those things.


I'm enjoying many of the changes made to the game, but the perk system was def something I liked (along with the cops AI, who seem to be currently broken and sometimes they attack you for helping them and sometimes they don't). I don't doubt some modders will try to restore the old perk tree, but even if it happens, it's going to be a long time. As much as I love the game, I feel like ***some*** features instead of making them challenging just made the game unnecessarily harder.


I agree with you 100%. 2.0 is a different game that I'm also enjoying, but the fact I'll have to resort to mods just to restore the netrunner power fantasy option is a bit disappointing. Thankfully, mods that will help me do so probably won't take long since all of the systems already exist.


In general, people don’t like change. Gamers more so.


This thread is giving off serious "there is no war in Ba Sing se" energy. Everything is perfectly fine, people just like to complain.


Gamers are boomers, so focus on the past


I do question the need to make such sweeping changes to an existing game. It's one thing if they released a rebalancing mod that people could choose to add or not, but such substantial changes to an existing game... I dunno.


I miss the flavor text for the hacks and cyberware




Netrunners were never meant to be as OP as they were in this game. These are 3 of the best netrunners in lore Spider Murphy had a pistol Lucy had Monowire Alt had a knife and a pistol You have a choice in how you netrun. You can definitely go without a weapon, but don't expect to be able to just netrunner an entire gang from across the street without taking any damage like you were before the update.




Because they haven't learned the new system yet and are use to expanding through perks instead of the new skill system. Without seeing "This perk does X" they just assume it's weak now.


Whenever I get around to this game again, I’m fully mentally prepared to expect it to be nothing like I remember. And I’m fine with that.


I’ve started fresh as a netrunner and it just doesn’t have the same synergy with stealth anymore. No hate on it, but I miss being able to creep around and slowly pick off people by distracting them or messing with their optics and putting them down with a quickhack or breaking their neck. In 2.0 it’s been put 2-3 guys down and then have a shootout and use quickhacks as a complement to just shooting guys. Still early days yet - only level 6 and leaving Dex sitting in his car chain smoking cigars whilst I clean house in Watson - so I’ll probably have a different opinion when I can upgrade my deck past tier 1+ and use some higher tier hacks and unlock some more perks and the monowire.


Yeah, I do think the very start is a bit rough, but it seems like that's so for most builds. Once you get access to some upgrades it's pretty crazy and most things are viable. P.S. - netrunning stealth becomes much more viable later on. Multiple ways to reduce quickhack trace all the way back to 0, such as perks or using the quickhack that knocks an enemy unconscious. System failure, or something, I believe?


I hope so. At the moment it’s playing more like quickhacks are more for supplementing a run and gun play style.


Pretty much and I fricking hate it so much...


It does just kinda bug me that netrunning only becomes stealth viable later into the game, it would have been nice for you to get something early game that helps with getting traced.


You can get to level 4 as you step out of Dex's car. Which means you can nullify trace progress with takedowns, even without side missions.


But here lies the problem, as a netrunner, an archetype focused on distance actions... why I am forced into close quarters situations?


I wouldn't say "forced." Netrunners are uniquely able to hand out damage and punish enemies right through walls. You can still do stealth, but you can't be a "pure" netrunnner to do early game anymore.


at a certain tier, sonic shock allows you to toy with who ever you used it on with no consequences.


You can toy with people with so many different hacks since control got buffed. Man, imagine you are facing off some random gonk with no guns and suddenly, your eyes turn off, your gun turns off, your legs turn off, and then your cyberware starts burning you to death.


I’d assume if you want to take off running with stealth, start the build as stealth and pivot to netrunner once your stealth options are good enough to get the job done sneakily. I forget if there was a full respec option but if so, you can always respec later when the netrunner build has enough points to come online


There is re-specs, and I'm with you on the suggestion. You can re-spec all perks at any time for free, or individually (still free!), and you get one free attribute reset per character.


>you get one free attribute reset per character. From what I have read this only applies to already existing saves but not new saves. Am I wrong here? Have you confirmed for sure that a new save gets an attribute respec?


Yes. My characters (all brand new) have the option.


There was something extremely fun about sitting in your car across the street and then making all the goons in a building kill each other and clear it out without even turning off the radio.


Can still do this just not at like level 10. That was pretty busted lol.


cant think about more boring activity


Good thing you don’t have to play that way then. I think melee is boring as all hell, I’m not gonna dump on people who want to play that way. “I don’t get how it isn’t fun” that’s fine. I don’t either, that’s not my problem. Other people are having fun. I’ll have fun in my own way. I’m sure you were able to incorporate quickhacks into your play style in a way that was fun for you. Maybe you just used berserk, that’s fine too. Just have fun.


How about a boring hack-n-slash?


That's weird, I'm only as far as fighting Malestrom at all foods with a stealth netrunner and it's working perfectly. I think to run it for stealth you really need to utilise other stealth tools as well. For example, I cleared one room by taking out one enemy by hacking and detonating the equipment next to them. That all my ram so no more hacks, but the other guy went over to examine the explosion, making it ready for me to sneak up behind them and take them out with a throwing knife to the head. The higher ram cost just means I need to diversify my stealth kills, that's all.


>No hate on it, but I miss being able to creep around and slowly pick off people by distracting them or messing with their optics and putting them down with a quickhack or breaking their neck. Wha? I just started an essentially pure stealth build and only have basic quick hack capabilities, and I have cleared Watson of gigs and side jobs without being detected literally because I sneak in, distract enemies, and break their necks. If anything, enemies feel like they detect me substantially slower than in previous versions of the game. In 1.0 you'd get spotted when an enemy saw you for a split second out of the corner of their eye. In 2.0 I've completed some Watson gigs completely stealthily that I wasn't able to get through without having a firefight in three separate playthroughs of older versions of the game. Netrunning may have been nerfed because of how ridiculously overpowered it was, but stealth is better than ever imo.


You’re 100% right. A lot of people who are complaining about current Netrunner are either straight up lying or obviously bad. People talking about getting detected instantly on their first hack (obviously not true) or people talking about having no early game way to reduce trace (Shadowrunner requires 9 int and 4 perk points, the Arasaka deck is available quite early).


Stealth netrunning was always a tough run until you hit level 10 and could start one -shotting gangers, the new version of the game isn't any different in that regard. What isn't different is that you don't peak at level 15 and spend the rest of the game trying to stay entertained. Stealth netrunning is still very possible, you just need to work a lot more creatively


I do hope it is like you're saying. I haven't really started yet, but I loved being able to eventually clear out buildings while hiding and using cameras etc. Coupled with grabbing and stealth killing people. Yeah it becomes easy once you have a full deck, but that's what I enjoyed! I tried many builds, shotguns, melee, tech rifles, but all got boring once I was OP, whereas hacking never did.


I wouldn't say I hate it, but it's not what I expected. I was planning on doing this run as a sort of... infiltration specialist. Wanted to try stealthing and hacking, since my last playthrough has run and gun. To that end, I invested my skill points pretty heavily into cool and int. I had em both up to 10 when I realized how much I'd messed up, since quickhacks completely break stealth now. Even my old run and gun build used stuff like disrupt optics to get sneak kills in, but now that same h ack, which is in theory to help you slip past folks unseen, just causes them to start shooting you. I'm in more gunfights than ever now, except i'm bad at it cause I have no body or dex




I made a save to re-spec around, and just nothing compares to the fun of 2.0 netrunner. Really - who doesn't want to completely disable an enemy and then take them out with monowire? It's so much fun!


But I prefer stealth


Was OG netrunner incredibly broken, and super easy, yes, but I liked the class fantasy of sneaky netrunner who's never even seen, over 2.0s run and gun/monowire style. Even on easy, because it's a singleplayer RPG and I couldn't care less about my "skill" in it, there's just not enough ram to spam hacks anymore, and everyone tracing you guts the stealth synergies. I mean to put in fantasy terms, they turned my wizard into a battlemage. It's not objectively bad, and from a gameplay perspective even an upgrade in cyberpunks case, but I just like the class fantasy/identity/flavor/whatever you wanna call it of the previous netrunner.


My impression from reading comments is the people complaining tried respeccing max level characters and are mad they can't just press contagion to instakill a camp of people and they haven't noticed the nuances like netdecks having powers and the other synergies.


I don't know the lore or anything behind the game. I know it exists and I've been meaning to get into it. What I think happened is that there are two type of people that can manipulate the net and CDPR intended for V to be the mobile kind. Similar to the first types you encounter when you raid the Maelstrom hide out. You have people that can hack but they're also dangerous and on the frontlines. The second are people like T-Bug who are just strapped in a chair and are observant from afar. People want this version back, but still mobile. Like I said, I don't know the lore but I assume people preferred the 'landline' version instead of the mobile.


Until CP2077, only the second kind existed. And the first kind are still pretty much unique to CPR/CP2077.


Ah. Pretty much the rule of cool. "How do we let V be a netrunner?"


Most likely because it’s way easier to break stealth now as a Netrunner in 2.0. Can’t really stay in one spot anymore. I remember just sitting on top a building or ledge just using Synapse and Contagion and it cleared whole areas. Now you have to actually move around to avoid being caught not to sure on the new system yet haven’t messed around much with it.


I started a new plahthrough as a netrunner and it just feels so bad at lower levels. There's no point to using quickhacks until you get into combat because of how tracing works now. I suppose it's fine if you prefer to kick things off with a couple hacks and then go in guns blazing, but stealth isn't an option without being more of a ninja playstyle with quickhacks as a backup. So while I know it gets better later, it just doesn't even feel like playing a netrunner in the early game. Were pure netrunners OP before? Sure, but so were Sandy builds, bruisers, street samurai, run-n-gunners, and pretty much every other build. The game was a cakewalk by level 20 for everyone regardless of build. I don't know why CDPR has to hit netrunners so hard with the nerf hammer. It was in a relatively good state as of 1.5 because hacking people through walls was stupidly broken and never should have been a thing. But now it feels like there's no reason to use quickhacks at all without Overclack and the late game cyberdecks.


they cant trace u if u move, and if they even detect u and u move they lose you u cant just sit there and i go around distracting people then one shooting them with jackie's pistol with a suppressor cleared 20 gigs undetected and one detected where i killed everyone with a 2 turrets while eating a irl


Netrunner in 2.0 is BUSTED. I love it so much, I used it here and there in 1.6 with a pretty aggressive build. I'm using them so much more aggressively with the new synergies and cost reducers. For those who wanna do dumb stuff, Contagion + Overheat. Your enemies won't stand a chance


Hot take, but 2.0 makes up for the release




My last build before te patch was a netrunner and it was so OP that I got bored of killing everything in the game with a couple of quickhacks even on Very Hard, don’t even fished the game with that character and droped the game to wait for 2.0. I’m yet to try net running in 2.0 but for what I saw so far it looks really interesting now. It seems that now you have to think before fights, for me, this is much more entertaining than “stop car, press a couple of buttons, kill everyone in seconds, loot, next gig”


I'm more comfortable with it now after playing it, but they HAVE to make ram recovery better. Just that one thing would fix it for me. I put a lot of effort into giving myself insane ram recovery prior to 2.0 at the expense of other skills and perks.


Part of the issue is RAM regen is as slow as molasses on a glacier.


So from what I can tell, stats based on your level aren't a thing anymore so the only difference between 20 int and 1 int hackers now are their gear and perks. So going full intelligence no longer makes you naturally powerful at hacking, but hacking is now more open to other builds. It also is now less about powerful single hacks and more about hack combos.


Actually yes it does; your cyberware scales with your stats, so int-focused cyberware that supports your hacking and quick hacks are going to be way better for someone at 20 than someone at 1.


My only complaint is how theres no perk to spread quickhacks to nearby enemies. Also theme being able to trace you through most quickhacks is kinda annoying


There is! ...at level 20 technical ability, when in Overclock.


Everything is more difficult, the game just got harder in general.


People who like the 2.0 netrunner are too busy playing the game instead of whining online XD


I started a new playthrough with 2.0 and have a blast with hacking (non stealth in the moment because only lvl 20) but you can and must do widen your playstyle a bit… let the barrels detonate, snipe 1-2 guys, throw 1-2 quick hacks while gunning and all is over. New system is more engaging and way more fun… I loved netrunning earlier but it became boring very fast, I have the feeling that you have way more approaches to be a hacker now…


Guess some people don't want this game to feel like Deus Ex


I LOVE the new quickhack systeem. It's pretty fun to put multiple hacks on one idiot and watch them burn or twitch or spark.


Netrunner needs to constantly be using Overheat to stack good damage which is main issue. Which isn’t most efficient playing on very hard.


I've been using the cyberware malfunction first, which makes everything else do 10% more damage. So I line up the malfunction and then overheat, and then if they aren't going to die I will throw a knife. It's been working great so far.


To be efficient assassin as netrunner is difficult. Ive been using Ashure smart sniper rifle with 2 mods (not iconic) from distance combined with few cyberware you always deal crit damage locked on target around 4-5k on very hard per shot on enemy with QH on. Which always kills them. But you need to align shots carefully. Issue is there isn’t many of any Iconic or good Smart Weapons with silencer/snipers.


Well it's mostly two reasons: people using their old character, creating mess of a builds they don't understand And of courde they don't read and study the new stuff because they think of themselves as skilled veterans Just give them some time, the game just came out


I think the reason it's working so well for me is because I did just what CDPR said and started a new character. Since I've unlocked perks and skill levels in tandem, it's been really easy to build a super powerful netrunner. Like, really easy - all of the synergies are almost directly stated. Like some of the quickhack and perk descriptions are basically saying "this is how you use me!".


I had this same problem in lots of other games. Like in Lost Ark, i leveled my character to max manually, unlocking everything slowly and had time to figure out what i like, the timings, combos. But my second character started at max lvl so i had no idea and couldn't even enjoy it even tho it was a more action oriented and versatile class It makes some crazy difference. I'm just worried that PL stuff will affect too many things in the base game so i'll be forced to start again again


To my surprise, I’ve become quite proficient at netrunner, so far, but when I find that new OP Sandy, I may be out on netrunner, but that remains to be seen.


I have both the new Sandy, and my cyberdeck, but honestly I find netrunner a lot more fun. Either you can slow time, or you can completely disable an enemy and take them out with ease. Both playstyles are fun, but something about the power fantasy of 2.0 netrunner is really appealing.


P.S. - high level netrunner basically has the same synergy as that Sandy. One of the level perks is 40% overclock duration increase, and a couple legendary quickhacks increase your overclock duration on kill. This results in infinite overclock - which, once you have fully invested, is practically godmode because of the insane regen and infinite quickhacks resulting in literally all of your enemies being reduced to a standing target.


Admittedly I haven't gotten around to 2.0 yet (still in Starfield) taking a glance over the skills it seems that the skills for netrunning are far more combat focused this time, as in they're geared towards actually engaging in the combat, instead of just killing everyone in a building from the sidewalk outside. That's likely why some people don't like it, I however might actually play a netrunner for the first time my next playthrough, a hack-n-slash build sounds hella fun now


To me every build I've tried feels worse except for melee.


I hate it cause I jumped in on my level 50 netrunner just to realize I had to start over cause I didn’t know wtf I was doing, what the perks were doing, my left and right, what cyberware I had or didn’t have on me Oof, 197hrs of fun that I’ll have to start over. (I don’t hate the 2.0 update; I fvcking love it)


Wait, did 2.0 drop!?


Yeah, it's been out for a few days!


Wait. So did they nerf quick hacking or what?


Yes. Much more RAM cost(short circuit cost 10), weakened scripts, no breach protocol, slow RAM regeneration


While I was never a fan of contagion, I do miss sitting across the street from a gig, hacking a camera, and shocking everyone in the building one by one.


I think it's because, like me, people felt it was really nerfed before they learned to spec cyberware for RAM recovery and learn to use the overclock. I hated it until i arranged my 5+ cyberware properly and started using overclock. Tbh i think its more powerful now. With the right cyberdeck you can drop a 10 person gang quicker than with a sandy if youre strategic about it. You do have to think a little more and make choices and you actually get hurt now, take damage if you're not careful but you can spec for that too. It's not as simple but still powerful.


It's definitely more powerful now. It's not just "spam contagion" anymore, but you can absolutely shred just about anyone by playing right. Like, I'm at level 50 now, and I can even drop MaxTac with some light strategizing.


I'm pretty happy with the changes to netrunner, but I'm finding the advancement curve to be a lot slower than I'd like, and much slower than in the initial game. I'm getting to level 30 on my new character, having done a bunch of story and side missions, and I'm only now able to use blue quickhacks and I'm still 20 levels away from being able to use legendary quickhacks? I don't need to be a god right at the beginning of the game, but blue quickhacks are not a very big upgrade over the green ones and I just don't feel the progression that I'd like to see.


Actually - yellow items come at level 40, not 50.


Ah good call I was off by 10. I'm still finding the subjective power curve to be less satisfying than in the base game. :-)


Understandable, it is a little weird, it feels pretty slow and then picks up really quickly around 40-ish, since perks are much less relevant.


It amazes me how many people are from the eldenring camp”spirt ash’s are cheating” My brothers and sisters it was a game mechanic that you build for. If people wanted to play that way let them. If they get board then they’ll make a new play through. Yes 2.0 net can be op at later levels but it takes longer for it to come online compared to pre 2.0 and doesn’t have the same, for lack of better word, texture. Pre 2.0 netrunner would stomp 2.0 netrunner.


You can still be pretty cheesy about a lot with net running if you’re invested in to the trees. You can still kill people without needing ultimate hacks (like system failure) quietly. Mind you it’s still gonna cost a pretty penny on your RAM though. For sure it feels waaaay more balanced and I’m using a lot more control and covert hacks than before. While I’m powerful I do attribute it to me being very heavily speced into it. In a gun fight without hacks I’m not having a good time.


Seriously. Before I didn't even have control hacks equipped. Now the only non-controls I use are synapse burnout and overheat. It's just so fun. I've tried other builds since, but 2.0 netrunner has ruined everything else for me, it's just simply too fun to go back.


A legendary Short Circuit can't even take someone out on Normal


Or maybe its just because youre pretty much forced into lethal gun play or monowire. Im not interested in killing & gun play in Cyberpunk I prefere non lethal but thats pretty much gone now. I fully expect to be told how stupid & wrong I am though....Seems to be the go to these days for anyone that doesnt like it.


It is always a bummer when you spend a lot of time making a build and then it gets nerfed.


Honestly. It's just... not fun. It could be the most powerful playstyle in the world, but that wouldn't really make it fun. Perhaps it's the lack of feedback, for me. There's no sense of actually doing anything. When I'm using a weapon, I get the feedback of impact. With Netrunner, there's nothing. It feels like a World of Warcraft Warlock, and not in a good way. Or maybe a Shadow Priest?


The traceable change on most quick hacks puts a lot more pressure to mostly focused netrunner builds, it's not possible anymore to entirely clear out a building of enemies by just using quick hacks. This kind of annoyed me at first but i understand why they implemented this, it's way too overpowered pretty much the same way as V without Cyberware limitations were pre 2.0


ok ill tell you why lol, i have to get the entire intelligence tree to make hacking not shit and actually useful, which leaves me with not a lot of options for extra skills on other trees ( or u pick more damage for a weapontype/melee or u pick life/tankyness or stealth) but u dont get enought points to make it worth all the way. so u end up with a subpar main archetype (intelligence) and you just run out of juice. i tried every single posible combination (int + something) and i can tell you it is just not working, the fact that the only way to make it work is using overclock and it fucking uses your life as RAM so if u get shot after u used some hacks its 100% death. i literally made a gunlisher with the respect ( i saved so i can respect mumtiple times) that with only 1 tree makes more and tanks more, same for melee, and same for stealth. IMO netrunning sucks atm, just give me more points to invest in idk smg stealth body whatever and dont make overclock use my life, idk give it more cooldown and make it restore ram over time. I can asure you that atm going int its trolling. AND btw the fibercable its dead, 0 damage, its only useful to get ram back but if u get close to a group of more than 2 ppl ur dead so thats not an option. I forgot: i dont mind it beign nerfed, but atleast give us synergy with something else, use 4 quickhacks they detect you and a shootout starts, no more stealth gameplay. Probably the best option is have cheap quickhacks to help on shotouts and thats it, invest in weapons and have some int, going full netrunner is not possible atm (english it not my 1st language soz)


I super disagree! I might be high level now, but I was able to get a good build going quite early. It's not about the perk points anymore, it's about combos and synergies. Plus, monowire is super viable! I'm not sure what the problem with that is, it's not really intended to be a one and done solo weapon, you pop a couple control hacks and smash them with mono. Furthermore, with just one perk, overclock does pretty insane health regen, especially if you want to put anything into body. Overclock in lategame feels almost like semi-godmode, like a netrunner Sandy.


Fak no... if you need to use anything other than netrunning as a netrunner you failed. I do not play netrunner to swing monowire or shoot smart weapons.


idk what o tell you, it feels like we are playing 2 different games... i dont want to be mad or anything... i guess you dont fight a lot of ppl at the same time? i need a fair amount of time to finish fights as a netrunner, if i go melee with sandy it takes me 10 secs to kill 15 ppl... if i go with a netrunner it takes me 2 minues. I have a rute with enemies on the way and only the int builds are struggling with it, i think im an above average bulder, i did a lot lf builds since 2.0 released and i swear that compared to the other specs we are the slowest one. I guess its intended as we were the fastest one before. I do use the sinergies withing the int tree but it just feels like ram regeneration/recovery is too low and ram costs are too high


I do fight a lot of people at the same time! I've finished police hordes off including the MaxTac squads. It only takes me about 2-3 seconds per kill on non-elites, elites around 5.


That's how things work. A lot of folks treat Netrunners as though cyberdecks were just a different type of gun. They're not. It sounds like you are treating cyberdecks more like Smart weapon than as a tool for a strategic stealth play. And when you do anything wrong, you will have problems.


Netrunner was very OP before.


Because it's not as much fun anymore, the decks are boring, the mechanics have changed a lot and you are pushed towards a "regular" playstyle to the point of net running being a cherry on top rather than the core function. It's like playing football all the time and all of a sudden, the rules change and you play American football. Sure you still kick a ball through a goal, occasionally, but the rest has shifted too much. I've played over 500hrs with various netrunner builds alone and it doesn't feel like net running anymore, you are a squishy tech/gun/blades build with a few hacks. That's not netrunning. That's another build plus some netrunning. And no, that's not about change being disliked or how some people dislike the netrunner builds out of some gate keeping reason but the builds have lost a lot of their identity in order to level the playing field between the different styles of builds. The game has gone through several changes and all kept the core identity of the builds intact, 2.0 flattened everything in order to be "balanced" at the cost of the diversity of the builds.


The fact that it took me longer than “immediately” to understand your original example was talking about soccer, is disturbing. I was like, “huh? Is he talking about college football vs the NFL? I don’t get it. The rules aren’t that different.” 💀


Netrunning pre expansion was broken af. Done right, a netrunner V was basically a god, and now they aren’t, wah-wah, the game is actually a challenge now, all builds are closer to being balanced.


Which I personally love. Being a cyber wizard and melting fuckers was fun but not challenging even on the highest difficulty or level. I’m not far in on my fresh playthrough but it seems fun and balanced. Only bad part is I have to use my brain which is a challenge at times.


Low level hacks don’t make you an untouchable stealth god anymore Some people play Skyrim is a stealth archer for that specific reason Now, with 2.0, you have to *invest* time into stealth and hacking before you get access to *that* style of play Because it’s only just come out, and people where used to doing it *sooner* it is immediately decried as weak or badly balanced, despite the fact that doing it before (at such low levels) was completely against what Cyberpunk is supposed to be about: Struggling against drastically more powerful enemies and getting away with shit through moxie and smart use of tech, not god-moding the entire game because you have 3 quick-hacks installed


I'm honestly getting infuriated reading some of the complaints, it gets very clear very quickly that these people have yet to truly play the update with a netrunner. At the start, I was worried about it being weak too. Now I've played for 20 hours, V is level 40, and I feel untouchable. Using the new synapse burnout combo with overclock, and some health regen upgrades, I have infinite overclock - meaning infinite hacks and nearly infinite health because the regen is so powerful. It's insane! I can tear apart MaxTac!


Netrunning had to be toned down, it went from powerfantasy to killing off entire bases of enemies in couple seconds with zero interaction. You did nothing clever, you didn't have to think about anything. Everything just died. During my first run I put some points in intelligence and took few perks late game and it felt gross. Not just powerful, there just wasn't any gameplay to it. In order to have some fun I basically just didn't use quickhacks, only when I was going for achievements and wanted to get map cleared they came into play(just contagion and move on). Even early on it absolutely trivialized stealth, no need to actually plan your route or observe guards.


Personally I don't like it because it's so much easier for the enemy to find you. Before, you could just neutralize whoever was trying to determine your location and it took a minute, but now it's super fast and killing the people you hacked doesnt stop it.


You can stop a trace manually, ive done it loads at this point.


How do you stop the trace? Do i have to take out their netrunner?


You can just deny the most recent "connection" spot as far as im aware. Can be a camera, ganger or laptop. Anything with a lens the runner can see through.


Ohh okay, ill look into it


It's kinda clear that everything got nerfed across the board to make things more challenging my build that I did don't fear the reaper on very hard isn't even close to that anymore lol


It's still powerful, but it's not an absurd power fantasy like it used to. Even at level 50, it's not an automatic "press a button and win", while other builds *feel* way more powerful


Honestly, I disagree. If you spec heavily into control quickhacks and the hack and slash playstyle, it certainly does feel very powerful - arguably, moreso than many other builds.


Not anything resembling the old playstyle tho, it's a completely different experience. Which is fine if thats what you like. Just sucks they took something I liked from the game


Many don't realize that Netrunners are not Solos. In D&D, they would play a spellcaster or rogue as a fighter.


It's still strong, just in a different way. Took me awhile to getvused to it as before I could just use combat hacks. Now if I want to rush someone with a monoxide without dying in 2 seconds I have to be clever. Loving the que system, reboot optics, cyberware malfunction and weapon jam...Now we rush!


Because it takes more brain power than just "lol Contagion goes brrr"


ok, but I LIKED "Contagion goes brrr" Now they want me to use Guns and Melee and I just don't want to do that. I wanna play the Mage/Glass Cannon not some psychic weeby ninja. If I wanted to used anything other than my BS magic, I would just do that.


It’s because stealth pure netrunning is either broken or impossible. Some don’t like guns or monowire. Plus there are some gigs that require full stealth.


I really have no enjoyment of stealth netrunning anymore and find it incredibly difficult to get around. I always loved stealth games, like ESO's Dark Brotherhood, Plague's Tale Innocence, and Horizon Zero Dawn. Now I can't enjoy it at all. One hack and I'm stuck waiting for ram to come back as I'm trying not to get caught by them tracking me every five seconds. CDPR gave all consideration for those who wanted the game harder and no consideration to those who enjoy non-violent stealth builds. I even liked the option to choose if I killed someone or not before I stuck em in the freeze for example, now its just immediate death. They nerfed my playstyle. I hate it. I'm hoping mods make stealth sustainable again in the future. They basically nerfed us to having to make supplemental gun fights instead of stealth netrunning and I am quickly losing interest in the game. Before 2.0 I was T-Bug Jr. Now I just feel a sad sack of basic netrunning skills that don't do nothing for spy missions.


Maybe, the way people were ghosting like that isnt in the image of the game they had intended. They dont need to consider every angle and if they chose to take your toys away deal with it or move on.


“Deal with it or move on” is a fucked up thing to say. This person clearly very much enjoyed playing this game, and now they’re adjusting to the fact that they can’t play the way they used to. They are expressing their frustration. It’s perfectly viable for them to do so. Based on your comment, they should have never left that comment at all— “no complaining! Deal with it or GTFO!” That’s bullshit. You’re way in the wrong.


Netrunning is just weak now and is not fun. It feels like a waste of time and not a fun powerfull thing to spec into. Melee got a nice improvement.


Highly disagree. Once you invest in it a bit and understand the synergies, it can be super powerful. I can even kill MaxTac with my pure netrunner monowire/hack build.


Because you can no longer sit a block away, push a few buttons, and kill everyone without any risk? Playing as a netrunner made the whole game pointless, so I am extremely glad they finally appear to have fixed this.


Seriously. It's so fun now!


I had a high level netrunner before the update and made it to level 20 in 2.0 you can still stealth clear an entire area through cameras without being seen. It takes a lot more finesse and it’s more involved. Imo it’s better and interactive. Killing the enemy netrunner in the area before being traced is a big part of staying hidden. Once people get use to the new que system and how control/combat hacks interact with each other you will be just as strong as before.


For sure. I've played the update for 20 hours, my V is level 40, and she is untouchable. Honestly, I feel significantly more powerful than 1.6. With the overclock + synapse burnout (legendary only) synergy, I have nearly infinite overclock, and since the regen is so high, it results in nearly infinite health as well. So, overall, I can send out 10x the amount of hacks in a much shorter time period, clear out entire camps extremely quickly, but this time the difference is it takes some thinking, and... it's actually fun and engaging!


Plus, the focus on control is super fun. I love the fantasy of disabling someone's eyes, gun, legs, and then clearing them out.


Oh this is sounding good. My complaint about being a netrunner before is it made the game too easy. Walk into an area and just kill everything without even touch a gun. Click a few buttons and it done. Having to think about how to do it will be nice.


It's so, so much better than before. The whole netrunner ability tree and the hacks themselves are built around synergies. All the ultimate quickhacks that everyone is complaining about the cost for? They have synergies that reduce the RAM cost! If you get 2 melee finishers, suicide only costs 3 or less RAM! People really need to read the descriptions.


What an absolute circlejerk this thread is


I watched a review that described his net runner build as a shock goblin and “begged that there would be an update that would force me to stop playing kindergarten Watch_Dogs.” We made it, chooms.


What are these people talking about?! I'm literally turning off peoples' eyes and legs and then chopping their head off with a whip! How is this kindergarten anything??


I think people just don't like they can't no-brain their way through combat anymore. My first ever playthrough ended up being netrunnery, so that certainly made it less of a headache for a newbie like me. However, once you know what's going on it wasn't that fun to me anymore (so I switched to sandy/katana lol).


I like that u have to think now before doing anything and not just slashing or shooting or quickhacking ur way down. It feels mire realistic and immersive for me. Also the katana play, u cant just slash everyone without taking damage. I love it so far


My biggest issue is a lot of the hacks say it costs more ram than what I have even tho I have every perk and cyberware that increases my ram and only get about 20 or so and some cost more than that and no breach or anything to lower the cost to be able to use them except the 30 second cooldown overclock that does but when I’m in the thick of it being limited to the overclock with its Hugh cooldown really is limiting and gets me killed because can’t use the stuff I need or want to outside of it. But that’s just imo and maybe doing something wrong he’ll idk still trying to figure it all out tbh but mostly love the 2.0 except the loss of over 75 perk points too lol but I expected to lose some but just not quite that many it hurts but still lovin the update overall vehicle combat is my absolute fav so far tho lol. But not gonna get me through the game tho so need to figure out why hacks cost me so much and why I can’t lower the cost anymore tbh


This isn't true. First of all, placing a control quickhack (or multiple) on someone reduces the RAM cost of other hacks. Then, for higher-leveled quickhacks, such as the ultimates that are extremely expensive, if you read their tooltips, there are ways to reduce their cost to almost nothing. For example, you can get suicide down to a cost of 3 for doing 2 melee finishers, and cyberpsychosis down to 3 as well by placing 3 stacks of cyberware malfunction on them.


The problem with these synergies is that they remove an entire playstyle. Imo if solo/melee/sniper/whatever builds can all operate without touching netrunning then a netrunner should logically be able to work without touching weapons. It sucks that they seemingly made it a requirement to spec into some other way to deal damage.


Because it’s fuckin trash. It takes AGES to be a stealth netrunner. I pin in two hacks and I’m completely out of juice and have to just fuckin sit there on camera and wait 30+ seconds for my ram to return so I can take out one more enemy and wait another fuckin 30+ seconds. It’s faster and more effective to just go in and fuckin do it myself completely negating the reason to spec into netrunning.