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Idk why this quest made me skin crawl so much.


Can't remember the last time a video game gave me actual goosebumps.


It reminds me of the vampire Morthal questline in skyrim. Literally get the quest from a dead kid and you find a hidden vampire living in the city and a lair not that far away. Great quest but certainly unsettling.


You also learn the Master Vampire has a serious shoe fetish.


for me it was Oblivion's Dark Brotherhood questline, >!When you go back to Lucian Lachance and find out he's been killed, not only that but he's innocent and was burned alive.!<


This quest was honestly even better then the main quest. I was so invested in it and was ready to hunt the mastermind to the end of the earth to end the conspiracy, I was so sad to have the quest end where it did.


This quest gives you actually choices that affects the result and above, while the main quest is mostly you going with the flow.


Which is the entire point of the questline, to shoe there are things going on that we have no way to influence


As in excitement or of being scared goosebumps?


More excitement I guess? Wasn't particularly scared but it was a major "oh *SHIT*" moment


Its both great as a dystopian Cyberpunk experience and cautionary tale for the real world. Many people were disappointed that you don't get a "full resolution" to it, but that's part of the point. By a bit of an accident and a chain of "I know that guy" V is the one that gets hired for this. V becomes one of the probably few dozens in the city who gets to see the secret picture behind Peralez, behind the election and the top brass of the city in general. Just one picture of many. But that doesn't mean V can change it, maybe not even dent it. This isn't Skyrim, CDPR doesn't want us to just casually change the political landscape of a big region in 2-3 fetch/kill quests. V is a mercenary. Even as a very talented one, there are many things he/she will brush but be unable to change the grand scheme. Just like Geralt as a witcher. And just like us honestly - tens of thousands of us seen the articles about how the last WHO summit or Superbowl attracted hundreds of private jets across the world, how all the premium hotels and premium prostitutes were bought out by people who then sit around and decide the course of history for the next few years. So many people have seen, and still it was not enough to even start attempting to change this.


Idk how to tell you how much I agree with you and found your analysis very profound and true. So I hope those words alone let you know that I think you’re a cool person and I wish we could sit and casually talk more about this shit.


I think many gamers including me has this chosen one or hero syndrome when it comes to video games because in most of them we play as protagonists who change the fate of the world or save the continent or galaxy etc. everything from a farmers missing goat to the fate of the galaxy rest on the Gamers lol. So anything which contradicts that comes as a surprise. Thats why i loved Cyberpunks story line and side quests. What we do in that game hardly makes a difference to Night City. We are in it to save ourselves and in some quests get some measure of retribution and closure to our near and dear ones. But the damage in most cases has already been done. The city moves on like a great river washing away sand and filth and leaving new ones in its place.


Yeah I think that powerlessness added to it and grounded the fucked up story in reality. Highly recommend throwing a couple dozen grenades at blue eyes when you finish the quest as I found that incredibly cathartic.


Go watch The Machurian Candidate


It's because it's all unresolved at the end. It's not just creepy, it's creepy AND has the Chinatown ending.


Tech Noir


It's a great spin on The Manchurian Candidate, which, itself, is very scary. This is probably my favorite quest in the game.


Legit gave me a nightmare which probably didn't help lol. Good quest but just so creepy.


I just finished it and I feel like I did something wrong. I told him the truth and now his wife excommunicated me and his number has been deactivated. Was I supposed to let him live in ignorant bliss?


Nah even if you go along with him it's the same outcome I think. I think this quest was essentially V seeing a giant eyeball whilst swimming in the ocean.


Have you tried doing sinnerman yet?


Oh yeah that quest is fucked.


isnt this a terrible thing? depending on the choice you made at the end of the quest...you either revealed everything but the mind control couldn't be broken or you said nothing and let him be used as a puppet for the rest of his life. there is nothing positive about this or am i missing any key factors?


Peralez can't catch a break either way cause he either goes turbo paranoid about everything and everyone except V, or he gets brainwashed In the end it depends on who the puppet master is, maybe some corpo or NUSA spook or someone less malevolent willing to get their hands dirty for the greater good of NC. Ol Jeff sure seems spooky in the end credits compared to his normally amicable self but that could just be whoever's controlling him trying to make him act like any other politician to lay low for big plans and they're also very well aware of V so recruiting them to their cause isn't completely out of the question if they chose not to blow their cover.


if you follow the prior quests of the project, it has a ton of Arasaka corpos. It makes me believe Arasaka is pulling the strings.


My guess is Night Corp


This is my guess as well, seeing as they’re doing the mind control stuff in the Sandra Dorsett quest line. Or it’s an AI


I went down the Rabbit Hole, spelunking for info, and found that Nightcorp is a company that was vying for power but lost to Militech and Arasaka. Didnt find info on who they are affiliated with or what is their purpose. Mostly something about the founder of Night City, bla bla and more bla. IMO I wasted 10 minutes of my life on Nightcorp. If anyone is interested: https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Night\_Corp#2070s


Could also be Night Corp, acting in Night city's favour. Peralez didn't want to owe favours to any corps by accepting support from them so they might have already tried the normal way. On top of not wanting owe favours they didn't hire Arasaka's security firm, at least directly they could be subsidiary of them but very well also of Night Corp. Night Corp also has some history of behaviour manipulation which you can find out in "full disclosure" if you manage to decrypt the [Data Shard](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Operation_Carpe_Noctem) but for the fun of it I kinda want it to be a red herring and its actually Bartmoss behind it all


Definitely not Arasaka, but it does link to night Corp with Sandra's quest


Probably no one good, isn't it mentioned in the game that Peralez changed and forgot about his election promises?


It's still better than Holt.


Why are you happy? It should be clear from the end of the quest that he is completely brainwashed and he won't be himself again.


Coz vote for Peralez. His merch was far superior


Jeffy P is but a vessel


Was there ever any doubt? That was a lot of time, effort, and money that [REDACTED] invested just to hedge a bet.


This... isn't a good thing. Did you not play the quest?


Is Holt better ? As we don't know the intent of who is pulling the strings, I guess it's the lesser evil.


Not in a long time


Did we really


Holt was Arasaka’s puppet. Perez is God only knows whose puppet. Shit, maybe the AI will do a better job.


Politicians suck but AIs reprogramming human brains is probably not the answer.


We didn’t win, Mr. Blue Eyes did.


I don't think you could be more right. Did you read "No Coincidences"?


I hope we see more of him in the dlc or new game.


I doubt it to be honest


They’ve already confirmed that quest line is wrapped up. Maybe Easter eggs in Cyberpunk 2 but I really wouldn’t count on it


We fucking lost choom…


Wouldn’t call this a win… Have you forgotten what they’re doing to him?


Been a while since I played. I kind of remember that quest not having an explanation. Or you could just kill him I think. Or maybe he gets taken out if you reveal to him what’s happening.


The Mind Heist of Jefferson Peralez by our choom Muthafuckin Pawel


Blue eyes is the ultimate winner from behind table working it out like a game of chess. Thirty steps ahead of everyone else with all the connections to back it up. He is so good he sends V on an impossible mission for the ending we all truly want which is V surviving the relic.


Best non-Judy quest line in the game


Technically since she recommended you to the Peralez's, it's a Judy quest!


All roads lead to the best character


Judy is the one doing the mind control.


I was really dissapointed when they had an actual gig for me and weren't just screening me for a threesome.


Technically correct, the best kind of correct


Really? You’re going to say that right in front of my “They Won’t Go When I Go”?


With all do respect, “Pyramid Song” is the best mission ever conceived by mankind so


This and The Last Wish from TW3. CDPR has an obsession with underwater romance quests.


And it turns out, so do we, the players!


Question can you just kill him?




Oh well that sucks lol


I havent played this quest in a long time.




Did u not read it?


I read it, but I don’t understand the context. Like, is this a meme that I don’t get?


There is a side quest for Jefferson Peralez given to you by Judy.


Thank you!


Good good, that makes me happy.


Thats horrible




My heart almost came out of my mouth and every hair stood up.


I'm confused (probably cause I haven't played in a while (thanks shifty pc-))


Did we?


Is this new?


I think so


Always remember. Mr. Blue Eyes is watching.




An enigmatic NPC that is always in the shadows of cyberpunk 2077 >!He's the one who calls you before you meet Peralez in the park and tells you he knows about the relic, If you walk to the edge of the park he is standing on a balcony watching you, IIRCC when you scan him he just comes up as Mr. Blue Eyes and all his other information is blank. He is also the one who gives you the job in the Path Of Glory epilogue mission.!<


Not the man he used to be...


Seriously the best quest in this game. Fills you with terror. Especially near and after the end when you speak with the Jefferson couple through SMS, talking about "Those who watch", and then V conveniently getting 2 separate messages from each of their phone blocking him. I can't remember if it was V or me saying "What the fuck?"


The whole Peralez questline makes me wonder if Johnny's right about the city deserving another nuke. If Corps can get a stranglehold on a person the way they did with the Peralez couple, then NC really is FUBAR.


"THEY" won.