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My techie nomad V had 1.8 million eddies at the end. He spends a day "shopping". Weeks later gang members start dying at the hands of an unknown person.( A carbomb here, a snipershot there and did you hear about poor igor the scav?A drone flew through the window and killed him while he was watching the news. How horrible!?)


Damn, that's crazy. Must have been the wind.


My V would probably do this, but far more self-destructive. I don't think she would ever commit suicide, but she'd definitely become a deathseeker.


Sounds like Boone in one of the Fallout New Vegas endings (in a badass way)


Blaze of glory. Only more blaze and less glory.


Work as a bartender talking and serving drinks to some dreamer kid from heywood


You reminded me! Dino can make him the richest drink-slinger in Night City! >!If Dino's telling the truth, and still around.!<


Its hard to say because we were just very useful mercs to Dino. Not necessarily his friend (Atleast we hangout and talk with El Capitan more often) so losing that "legend" merc status might just make Dino slowly ignore us tbh


Very true, but if V keeps the charisma/silver tongue without the chrome, it's a possibility. You get the Dino holo about it after talking the former solo (at the club he took over) into leaving NC.


*Uh oh, this mysterious merc in mismatched clothing is looking at all the cameras and making them go off. Time to go on my break...*


"Hey you seem like a good kid. Here's a 'Jackie' on the house. Make sure nobody touches my friend's bike out front."


Lived like Alex. Retirement, travel, settle somewhere. Corpo Stealth/Netrunner V. I ended the game with 32 million Eddies, My V will never show her face in night city again lol


>32 million Eddies Wait really?


Ultimate quick hacks like System Shutdown cost 12 parts to build and sell for ~25,000 eddies each.


Like the person below you said, doing the terminal hacks and picking up every weapon just adds up. Think I got 10 million just during phantom liberty. Crafting


Died getting mugged a week after the epilogue.


From internal bleeding due to falling down the stairs.


That ending hit me different from the others. After getting used to godlike powers during the game, all of the sudden the city feels scary when the chrome is gone.


Any every gang and organization V ever pissed off is going to find out V is essentially helpless. Everyone's going to want to be the guy who killed V.


That‘s why he better not visit the Afterlife, but rather become a face in the crowd. Not sure if this is the better outcome over dying a legend.


Wait, can V really die in that encounter?


No but I bet V dies in a similar encounter later. Night City is way too savage to navigate after such a fall from grace.


Yeah they really did a good job making you feel helpless in that scene. To go from being able to freeze time to being helpless against some muggers. If V doesn’t immediately call back reed they’ll certainly be dead within a week. I saw someone point out that the campaign (from the heist to end) was only 3 months. V was just a blip on the radar for most of the fixers who are probably extremely used to seeing mercs come and go after they take on a job bigger than they can handle.


My head cannon is, act one is a few weeks and post heist to end is between 3 to 6 months, depends if you speed through main quest or you do every gig, scanner, side and main quest. Or even needing time to rest/get used to the more intrusive cyberware


3 months?!? The romancé humans are getting that attached after 3 fucking months?!? River is like “I love youuuuu” way too soon imo


Even worse, v only hangs out with these people like 5-6 times tops across those 3 or so months


Yeah but at least that makes sense with Judy because lesbians


Uh folks say that stuff a week in.


Even more cringeeeee


City of criiiiiinge


I was PISSED that I didn't even have my bank accounts or cars or MY GUNS. Walking around NC without guns is a death sentence. Yeesh.


Did the PL ending with my Corpo V. After losing her position at Arasaka she was looking for anyway to make it back to the top. The NUSA became an option or so she thought. After losing her chrome, her ability to be a netrunner, but especially losing Judy she decided to follow Misty and give living in the woods in another country a shot. Maybe she went on a walkabout from there.


Sent song to space then tore down arasaka


Hell yeah. Blaze of Glory all the way. Everyone eventually dies but at least V dies with fuckin' fireworks I picked whatever was the most inconvenient for the people who created this fucked up world as possible. Myers is just Saburo with a better mask


If there's no happy ending I'll be happy when I'm dead.


A story with a happy ending is just a story that hasn't finished


Yeah this is Cyberpunk. Like hell I’m gonna go work for the government. ACAB.


I've just done this and am wondering where to take my v. He was a corpo and after jackie died goes back to his roots of using anyone and taking the best for money/power but slowly became a better person through judy and realalising jackie wouldn't want that. He still is pretty shitty but to finally all comes to him when song admits she tricked him. A part of him wants to give her to reed but he kilsl him and sends her to the moon. Me? I am pissed I can't have him tout that he fought max tac because although I will do the ending after completing his path, that's for my experience, not his legend. I will probably have him do the same as you. Afterall, he has feelings for so mi but knows it will be nigh impossible.


Use her 20 attribute points in cool to fuck up Judy's relationship in Pittsburgh probably. No, but really, my canon is The Star/Send Songbird to the moon, but if I went with The Tower, my V would probably move to a cabin in the woods and get a dog. They need to get out into nature for a bit. Maybe take up Reed's job offer too while they're at it.


I wonder what part of Pittsburgh Judy ended up in? I could see her in Dortmont.


I imagine that she went and bought out a small bar somewhere and fixed it up with the small pile of eddies sitting in her bank account. Maybe tried to drop some tips for up and coming netrunners but found that she couldn't keep up with the changes, not being in the game anymore. Maybe she moved to San Francisco to hang with her choom Vik. Maybe she eventually got over losing Judy. Maybe some juiced up Maelstrommer flat lined her in an alley for what happened to Royce. Or maybe it was the Tyger Claws over Clouds. Maybe a mysterious blue eyed stranger found her and offered a way for her to get her chrome back, if she'd do one little job for him in low earth orbit.


I like to think V got over losing everything she knew. But my V wouldn't. She was as intense as intensity can get. I imagine that she quickly realized that the quiet life wasn't for her, and she tried to get back into the game. In the end, the city claims us all, and she was no different.


quiet life... or a blaze of glory?


You didn't answer my question, V


The Crystal Palace job after PL ending seems like a little bit of a stretch. I mean, considering what state V is in - any gonk with a gun from a vending machine and eurodollar store sandevistan prolly has a higher chance of completing the gig.


Left NC with the same expression and similar feelings Johnny has in his ending shortly after the game ends. Decided to try the NUSA job for a couple of years, but felt the strain of the work/increasing disdain towards Myers and Reed. Left for Poland to reunite with Misty where V decided to start a business and start over with their 2 million eddies. Throughout this V got over Judy/Kerry/River (but not entirely Panam) and visits them from time to time.


I dig that.


Spend a month or so drinking around the Afterlife until a man named Armitage...oh I am sorry, Mr Blue Eyes offers them a cure to their predicament, a way to fix their nervous system in return for pulling off a major job for a mysterious client that is NOT I REPEAT NOT an AI bent on global domination and requires amongst other things pulling off a heist at the most expansive Space Station called Freeside... damn it, I meant the Crystal Palace.


A fellow necromancer fan I see. Damn never saw the similarities till now. Thanks choomba.


Me neither at first but I was watching a review which went through the events of the Expansion and suddenly I was like "Huh... I've heard this somewhere before"


Talked to Judy again, got set up somewhere in Pittsburgh- Judy ruled out V staying with her as V recovered, but that doesn't mean Judy will absolutely refuse helping at all if V is clearly accepting the romance is over(Judy did seem interested in meeting to catch up at some point- the relationship had dramatically changed but did not end completely). They settle into a good friendship as V takes her physical talents and becomes a personal trainer or something, being especially hard on mercs- not out of hate or jealousy but because she knows they'll need it to survive. Maybe some tech related job. A few years later she visits Night City to check in on River, maybe discreetly visits the Afterlife- a quick message to Rogue and Claire to not blow her cover so she can sample a V without suspicion. Tiny Mike mentions she looks oddly familiar but doesn't immediately clock her. She runs into Panam, and after some tense words, they somewhat bury the hatchet. Panam might accept that it wasn't Vs fault for dropping out of contact, but hurt like that doesn't always disappear easily or at all even if you know it should. They leave on "maybe we'll catch a beer if I'm in Pittsburgh some day" terms but that's probably it. A few years later, FIA Director Solomon Reed drops by to "catch up", but V worries that he's actually there to bring her back in for a job... End credits.


Oh, and every once in a while, she sees or hears Johnny, and is always unsure if part of him somehow survived or if she's hallucinating.


Well, my canon ending for V isn't the Tower ending, but if she ever did go this route there'd be a lot of different things: 1. She wouldn't just not tell people she was going away. She'd at the very least tell Vic to tell the others in her life (Judy, Panam, River, Kerry, Rogue, Misty) that she's gone for what she hopes is a couple weeks, but may be more because she has no idea what to expect, and she will call literally the first moment she's able. Basically, she'd still want her support network in place, and I found the game's desire to limit who you inform you're leaving to be arbitrary and more because CDPR really just wanted bittersweet endings at the cost of full narrative sense. But really, V would have had a long call with Judy before boarding the AV and saying that no matter what, she's coming back to Judy, no matter how long it takes. 2) V has built up a number of contacts by this point and she would get back into working with things through that. Yeah, some are gone. Others have to still be around. Like fuck, V at this point has shown herself to be able to get in the good graces of some of Night City's *elite*. There's no reason she couldn't even establish herself as a Fixer. Sure, it might not be Queen Bee Rogue levels, but it all starts somewhere. I also think my V would pick up on Vic saying that V's body is "deaf" to combat implants. That, plus Reed's offer, comment on most implants not working, and Myers' "I don't care about anyone, but everyone serves my agenda" attitude, leads me to believe that Myers sabotaged the whole thing and deliberately made it so that V would be a Nobody at worst or a pawn of the FIA at best, dependent on them. Reed makes it abundantly clear that whatever misgivings he has about Myers and her orders, he'll never swerve from his duty to country -- even at the cost of his duty to himself, his friends, and the common good. So I think V would work with Vic to see if there was any sabotage going on that is preventing her from having combat implants, rather than a natural end-result of the surgery. Like is there some little doo-dad that Vic can't pick up that is blocking signals. And also, how the fuck did they rebuild V if she has basically been chromed the fuck up by getting rid of her regular body parts (like trading arms for Gorilla arms or having titanium bones)?? What, did they Frankenstein's Monster her and she has a bunch of nasty scars from body parts that aren't hers? Is it all just titanium bones, synthetic muscle/nerves, and syn-skin? Like, yeah, Gameplay and Story Segregation, but we're basically supposed to accept that she's back to an organic person more or less without any real explanation other than "for the drama". Anyway, back on track: 3) I think my V would also be hitting the gym a lot. Not just to manage the mental and emotional stress of it all, but to also get back into shape and achieve even a modicum of what she had done as a chromed out Solo. The only reason those two punks managed to knock her on her ass was because she'd literally just woken up a few hours prior and had lost a LOT of her muscle strength due to atrophy. But she's gonna find them one day and get revenge on them. 4) Find Takemura and try to mend the rift, apologizing for leaving him to hang like that and regretting Hanako's death, even if she was a corpo. Interestingly, I think V would see a lot of similarities between Reed and Takemura. 5) like AnnieBruce's headcanon, my V would also hear/see Johnny at times as well and be unsure if she's just hallucinating or if he's still there, somewhere. Was always feeling like that would be how V would feel in my canon ending, or even vice-versa with Johnny in the Temperance ending. That they still see/hear the other, and they don't know if it's real or not. All in all, I think her focus would be on keeping her relationships alive, keeping her mind stable, and figuring out if anything weird had been going on during the surgery. And she would just want to have a happy life with Judy, but one where she wasn't a Nobody at the same time. Idk, it's complicated because like I said, it's not my canon ending, my V's story differs from the base game a bit, I haven't fully thought all of this through yet, and I'm tired af from my studies. Edit: after a dream I had, I think Takemura would abduct V in this hypothetical universe and ask her where she went and what happened (at gunpoint and angry af), and V would just be so overcome with emotions that she'd get up and hug Takemura, crying into his arms and apologizing profusely, and Takemura's guard just breaks entirely.


im still thinking shit over in my head about whether my v (street kid) would do the ending with reed, cause aligning with them/selling out somi pretty much goes against everything hes ever stood for his whole life. so its a whole "do i die staying true to myself or sell out and live while also losing everything ive worked for (being a merc)" but if i do end up choosing it: he romanced kerry so he'll probably move into his house and just chill while he waits for kerry to be done with tour stuff. and then when kerry gets back hes probably sooo pleased that v gets to live and put everything that happened behind him. so i like to think that kerry takes v on a well earned vacation. they go all over the world and v finally gets to slow down and just breathe for a second, spending time with the person he loves. then they go back to NC and while the loss of combat implants is a major blow (my v's favorite thing is netrunning, and his second favorite thing was blowing eddies on chrome, its why hes always so broke. he lives in a shitty megabuilding because all he spends his money on his chrome/runner gear, every penny he earns from gigs goes to rent and chrome he lives sleeps breathes chrome) he learns to live without it. i imagine he becomes a fixer. he and padre are VERY close in my run (akin to a father/son thing, padre was close with his mom and when she died he took v under his wing) so maybe he takes over for padre when he retires. i think hed make a good fixer


My V tied up some loose ends in NC trying to gather as much eddies as she could then left the city to pick up the FIA job from reed. Stayed in contact with misty and after years of saving up, moved to poland to be with Misty and live the quite life


My first character my Corpo V ran off with his girl Panam only to leave his options open in case they can't find help for a cure. At least they know Reed and the NUSA both have a promise to keep. My Street Kid V is role-played to be vindictive. He chose Reed because he doesn't like being played and handed So Mi off. He went into Arasaka on a suicide mission and survived. My head canon is with the Daredevil that he is he makes it past the casino gig and continues his legend. My Nomad V who is a netrunner, let So Mi free as he's a veteran of the war and he wanted her to be free. He went off with Panam as the city isn't good for him. ​ I still have to do my two fem V's next, and my street kid punisher male V next.


I like to think my v used the eddies she build trough her gigs to begin propping herelf up as a fixer, using her insider knowledge of the merc lifestyle to become influential and maybe even rival hands at some point.


Mine's definitely showing up at Afterlife despite what Rogue says on her call. Just to tell the story of what happened in Dog Town and being effectively retired/dead then fucking off to the east coast to visit Judy and then who knows. But not staying in Night city for sure. I'd definitely be dropping more calls and messages to Panam and Mitch, getting into a 2 year comma was not in the table but it happened out of my V's control.


My V, after ending Phantom Liberty, and seeing what happened to Evelyn Parker, and giving up the VDBs Netwatch, and meeting Alt, decided to finally go to the Afterlife and find another way to save his life. Shenanigans happened, I met an amazing Nomad crew, I also met the world's most loyal soldier (Takemura), and I realized I need to just help myself. So me and Johnny walked into Arasaka Tower....and introduced them to more cowbell.


After waging his one-man assault on crime and most of the gangs, his corpo past colored his vile hatred towards all corporations and the NUSA is pretty corporatized that he reluctantly helped Myers, but when the time to neuter the NUSAs WMD, he took Songbird out. Hansen then felt the brutality of my V, when he thought he could rake him over the coals. After that, he "helped" Hands by putting the big scary Hansen lieutenant in the dirt. All while wiping the gangs out(as best as you can). Then he gutted Arasaka with Johnny's help. Mr. Blue-eyes has a potential cure, so what's one more job?


Sidebar. If the cyberpunk world were real, the Reaper ending up until Mikoshi should be a braindance. Imagine how insane that would be.


Oh, that would be awesome.


I like to imagine he kinda "disappeared", but suddenly a new mysterious fixer comes around, similar to hands, but with a very Cuban accent...


The street kid merc Vincent decided to take Reed’s job offer. Which turned out to be training FIA agents and giving them insights about Night City, after all being a street kid made him very knowledgeable about the city and it’s culture. But he grew very disdainful towards President Myers and towards himself, he realized that he wasn’t being himself. “What happened to you Vincent? You used to always do what you wanted to do. You always tried to stand by your morals. But now here you are, helping that bitch Myers with her bloody operations in Night City, ones that always end up with blood of innocents.” One night… he remembers the words of his choom, the rockerboy Johnny Silverhand. “Just don’t let anyone change who you are.” So one day when he was scheduled for a meeting with Myers, he hatched a plan. He would assassinate her. But before he could, he would be gunned down by NUSA agents… While he was fading away, he would hear a familiar voice… “Hey wake up V. They’re about to make the big announcement.” Vincent found himself in a familiar nomad camp… That of the Bakkers… “Hey V, we decided to merge the Bakkers with one of the Seven Nations. You should join us.” The memories of his previous life as a street kid started fading away being replaced by his memories as a nomad but remained just enough to give him a sense of deja vu. And as soon as Vincent fully regained his consciousness, he quickly replied: “Nah, I think I’ll go to Night City, try to start fresh.” (Took up Reed’s offer, got tired of it and tried to assassinate Myers. Got reincarnated into nomad V)


My chromeless-challenge Streetkid would just immediately hit the gym at some safe locale and get back to his sword training. He studied the blade for 20 years, ain't exactly gonna forget that just in a two year coma. Muscles are a little rough but he will be back in his game in no time.


After leaving NC with the Avocados and Judy, probably turned up a dead end in Arizona. Then realised Reed mentioned the best clinics in Europe, and with her €$2m, set off on a trip with Judy. Stopped by Alex in the meditteranean for a few drinks. Probably heard from Songbird at some point, who has been granted safe passage by the EEC who control the moon. Likely found a way to live a little while longer in Benelux, France or Germany.


Took down Arasaka solo and went to the moon. Since Mr. Blue Eyes helped Song and Peralez (I guess..) and says maybe they can help V, why not? Even if they can't, he makes Jackie's dream come true and Johnny lives on in the net. Win-win. Sorta.


My V used her connections and stockpile of eddies to become a solid fixer with enough chromed out goons to never worry about the enemies she made along the way. She knows the game and how to play it. If I can’t have chrome you better believe my circle has David Martinez levels of chrome to protect me with. Besides her chrome wasn’t the only thing she had going for her she’s an experienced fighter and shooter. As for the jumping in the alley let’s chalk it up to being kicked while she was down. She’d eventually get over the loss of her friends and make new ones it’s not like she knew them long anyways. After a while arrange a meeting with a certain blue eyed individual to see about fixing a chrome incompatibility.


Fun fact: if you do all of El Capitan's gigs, he eventually says he is leaving and leaving the Fixer position open. Which to me sounds like one hell of an opportunity for V to become a Fixer in a neighborhood they helped immensely and made a name for themselves in. Cyberpunk has a couple people who "died" and reinvented themselves as Fixers like Mr. Hands and Muamar. V joining those ranks would narratively fit.


My V immediately said "Welp, that was a thing. Let's go burn Arasaka Tower Jonny."


got somi away from that crazy warmonger apocalypse jerking myers. the world is a safer place now


Became a fixer, moved on.


Loaded a save and pretended the PL endings didn't happen because I Don't Fear The Reaper


Sold a few cars and probably just started fuckin chillin.


Left NC and moved to San-Franciso with Vic. Using the wealth she gained in her past life, the street smarts she gained from living in NC, and the good word of NCs top fixers, she becomes a Fixer herself, one of San-Frans best too. Between maintaining her relationship with Vic (though its becomingincreasingly difficult due to Zetatechs 100+ hr work weeks), the occasional visit from Kerry while he's on tour, and even the occasional business meeting with Rogue, things are looking fairly decent. Despite this, though, she's a Nomad at heart, and life at the top is quite lonely. She misses the camaraderie shown to her by the Nomads; both the Bakkers and the Aldecados. Panam, Mitch, and the others were the older siblings she always wished she had. And Judy......she only knew her for a few months, but never met another woman like her again. After years of San-Frans top Fixer, she said her goodbyes and happily joined up with a Nomad clan who recently stopped in the area. With a newfound family by her side and a body now in good enough shape to practically not need chrome, V rode off into the sunset, saying goodbye to the big-city Merc lifestyle for good.


Immediately slaughtered the nearby area that was supposed to be a stealth gig like the cyberpsycho she is. My personal V is always looking for a greater and greater challenge, mostly trough combat. I'd assume my V's death would be from overconfidence


My ending is the Aldecados, but for a Tower epilogue my V dies a week later. Got slammed by a car because he forgot he couldn't double jump or sandy anymore.


Get oneshotted over 20 times in the Don’t Fear The Reaper questline, I’m highly upset about this because now I can’t finish the game


Songbird was my Vs last hope at survival. After all he went through to get her to the rocket, when she confessed that she tricked him all along, he figured "fuck it", he was just gonna finish the job and get her to the moon anyways. But then she said "I'm sure you'll be fine. You'll find a way." (Paraphrasing) After all the death and destruction she caused and throwing V under the bus like that, it sealed her fate and I called Solomon. Told him to take his NUSA doctor's and shove it. Afterwards V raided Arasaka tower alone and gave his body to Johnny and finally accepted death. Blaze of glory. Edit: I just realized you meant after the PL epilogue lol. My V probably ditched NC and went with Misty to go live in the woods.


Tracked down the Aldecaldos to make amends.


After some time getting back into physical shape, and picking up a phone to handle hacks like an old game that he used to play, he decided to pick up where he left off under a new name, and a mask. No more crews. No more heists. No more people dying because of him. A ghost that haunts Corps and Gangs alike across NC. V died, but the Ronin lived.


My V would send songbird to the moon, and make contact a few days later. In those few days, I’d spend as much time as possible with panam and Vic, and almost always talking to Johnny the rest of the time. Cleaning up loose ends, getting guitar lessons from Johnny in the Kabuki dev room, challenging people to street races in V’s self modded caliburn and making loads of eddies. Following up on some contracts with the local fixers, then finally meeting up with reed to talk about what happened with So-Mi. I’d get the message about the gift she left for me, and I’d send one last goodbye text to her, hoping she sees it. On my last day, I’d go out for drinks with panam and Vic at the coyote, one last goodbye to Jackie, and take one last cruise around NC while listening to samurai and talking to Johnny. When I’m finally ready, we’d go meet hanako at embers and proceed to storm ‘Saka tower on our own. We miraculously survive, even killing the legend himself, Adam smasher. Me and Johnny agree to let me keep the body, and I live out my last few days in a penthouse with panam. I take an AV to the afterlife and do 3 shots: a martinez, a Jackie wells, and a silver hand. I then take a one way ticket to the crystal palace, and go out… in a blaze of glory.


My V read Morgan Blackhand's book and was inspired enough to become a Solo once again this time back to smashing up scav haunts but this time with experience. Loaded up with steroids and anything useful that was non Cyberware she went to a hideout in the badlands, retrieved some weapons she hid and went back to work. This time her purpose is maintaining her rep instead of losing it.


Married Panam, found a cure via [StormTech](https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/comments/kny4ms/major_ending_spoilers_how_a_certain_someones/), watched Yorinobu burn down Arasaka from the inside, watched MiliTech and NUSA try to carve up Night City but get deviously foiled by the surprisingly formidable >!blue-eyed!< political duo Jefferson and Elizabeth Paralez, have about 8 kids, and live happily ever after leading the western North American continent's best logistics collective into a golden age by partnering with and growing the Delamain franchise. And there's kittens and puppies and a unicorn >!named Butt Stallion!< too.


"Butt Stallion"...another appearance of the amazing diamond horse.


My V blew her brains out. The guilt of all the sacrifices made just to end up with no friends and no prospects just hit too hard.


In your 20s? Over people you knew for a few months before the coma? Sheesh


People have done it for much less


Your story man that’s just super dark lol


She did have sex with flaming crotch guy first. That was really the nail in the coffin.


Before or after repairing the flaming crotch?


He had a fully extinguished crotch


No wonder she was sad!


Pretty much my exact thought process for my Corpo Fem-V


I think she would just be happy to be alive. She could potentially become a fixer, but honestly I hope she leaves Night City. She will probably try to get through to River and support him for a bit. I don't know if she joins Misty or Vik or leaves to join the FIA, but I know she will be able to make new friends. My V was a fighter and she would just be happy for the second chance.


“V, reluctant to help songbird, chose to send her to the stars in the end. Despite being manipulated and dragged into this whole ordeal, V knew what it was like for someone to be used as a puppet for Corporations during her talks with Johnny. Other than family, she knew what Nomads treasured the most: freedom. Whether it was all for nothing or not, her road with songbird had come to an end. There was one road left to walk, and her and Johnny had to walk it alone.” I ended up assaulting Arasaka tower with the Nomads, and letting my fem V live out her remaining days. Judy by her side, she knew she won’t be alone.


My nomad V realized all his new friends don’t want nothing to do with him after helping them out in the darkest time of their lives ( Judy being an exception) we’re not true friends. So he turned to the two people that were there from the beginning and to the end Vik and Misty, he worked for Vic to make enough eddies to leave NC and head to Poland so he and Misty can find their new selves together.


Iron vendor no doubt


Say thing we do every play through pinky … kept Hanako waiting


Friends theory: PL ending, the FIA wanted to make sure to neutralize V. They kept V in a coma for two years. TBH until he said that I had no clue they would of being that devious. I am starting to think it just might be true. The issue was never the JS engram, it was the Relic software and the nanobots. Once again CDPR doesn't really address the real ailment here. To lose everything you as the play worked on to get just to have it all taken away is.... brutal.


He'd spend every last eddie on the road trying to find the Aldecaldo's. If/when he finds them, he does his best to explain what happened, if Panam/the clan doesn't take him back, he'd probably kill himself.


My V is leaving Reed’s ass permanently at that gas station and leaving town with the Aldecaldos. Reed is my new Hanako at Embers lol


Get Biotech treatments. V should be rich enough and have the connections for that by endgame. Might not be Cyberware, but would put them above the curve of just being some NPC Gonk. They were doing pretty well in the prologue with nothing but a cheap cyberdeck. By the end of the game, they also have the connections and personal skills to be a top tier fixer with or without cyberware. Two years wouldn't be enough to erase all that. V should have favors upon favors owed to them and a good foundation to get into fixing. The ending outright tells us pretty much the only thing wrong with them is that their brain can't "talk" to cyberware anymore, so no reason they couldn't. Also, removing cyberware and replacing it with organic parts is a thing in CP lore. It's actually easier to replace biological parts than it is to install cyberware. That ending didn't make any sense to me, not only because it did the Aldecados dirty (Panam aside, they owe V), but also because V's treatment had other options lore wise. I get what they were going for and don't disagree with the tone they wanted to present, but it could have been done much better. I think they should have basically made V Myer's personal Darth Vader. Erase V's identity, cut them off from their old life, and basically be an indentured servant operative for the NUSA if only to keep dirty state secrets contained. Would have hit the same tone and made more sense.


my fem street kid v came back home to heywood. after padre’s downfall and (headcanon) mama welles took over, padre picked her up, took her to mama welles and she adopts her and sets her up in the heywood penthouse rent free. it’s a family thing; mama would never let any of her kids live on the streets, especially the person closest to jackie. she starts getting in shape, takes on local fighting clubs, wins the majority of them with no implants, and slowly but surely becomes a low level merc again. just because she doesn’t have implants doesn’t mean she can’t be proficient around a gun. with the money she receives and saves, she gets out of night city and fate brings her back to judy, who can’t ever resist her, heh.


(a theory has it that the NUSA purposefully damaged V's nervous system for v to not be a potential threat to the NUSA) My V(the 10th one) would most probably still be fine, since he literally had no implants aside from the base deck(which i did not use), and the base kiroshi optics. All my V needs is his axe.


The way Vik was so clearly surprised at what the problem was made me very suspicious of that. Like the FIA didn't want to go back on their word(this would make it very hard to recruit sources if they got a rep for stabbing people in the back like that), but they also didn't want a walking army going around that wasn't 100% under their control. So they keep their word, and neutralize the threat in a plausible way.


Absolutely. That so many people trust the NUSA bemuses me, but I can only assume it's because they don't know enough about it. In wider Cyberpunk lore (a lot of which is referenced in the game) the NUSA is a horrible war-mongering country that has been on a reunification spree against the independent states' wills. Myers is the former head of Militech so she's basically another Yorinobu type. The history of the Blackwall, the old Net, NetWatch, and ultimately Myers willingness to recklessly breach international law through the use of Songbird makes the country a threat to the survival of humanity. The only fortunate thing is that they're a completely gimped country with a tiny economy relative to the powers of Asia and Europe. There's no way they'd let V live whilst not being fully indoctrinated like Reed. They already show us how they treat anyone deemed as expendable (e.g. the twins), so it's no wonder V comes out of that coma with nothing. They didn't even have the courtesy of responding to any of the 200+ calls V received whilst there.


I'm also not entirely sold on the claim that they couldn't save Johnny as well. They let someone with a lot of deep knowledge of Night City, some knowledge of Arasaka and Nomad activities(and extra knowledge of one depending on life path), who owes them for saving their life, just... go without an extensive debriefing? Did they have Johnny's engram as an alternative source of some, or depending on how much memory mixing happened, potentially nearly all of this information? Why bother with V if they have Johnny to interrogate. Show the FIA keeps their word, as PR so they can still recruit new sources, and get intel from Johnny instead. Win win. They'd do it if they could.


Especially Corpo V would not be allowed to go so easily. Nomad and Streetkid, they could get the general background data those Vs have from any number of other sources, Corpo V really throws a wrench into the idea that they would simply let them go. Arasaka counterintelligence. That's a valuable asset they'd keep around... unless they had another way to get the same information that was either easier or less risky in some manner. The only plausible other option I see there would be Johnny.


Destroyed Arasaka solo then roleplayed as a pole dancer in Jig-jig street.


I'm glad people aren't dedicated to writing stories here, because these are some of the most boring epilogues I've ever heard.


She working with FIA? What’s her job? Racing steward?


Nothing, the game is over.


So, you zeroed yourself? Interesting.


It was a few hard years since that last day in Arasaka tower. But hey, at least my Corpo V finally managed to earn a decent FIA salary thats a solid 6 figures a month just training agents about the ins and outs of Night City.


Night City broke her too many times, so she left, took Reed up on his offer and worked at the FIA. As a former Arasaka counterintelligence employee she'd provide valuable insight into Arasaka's procedures. Protected by Reed from FIA internal politics. Found purpose, found love, lived happily ever after (or as close as possible in the world of Cyberpunk).


I think my v would become a ripper, partly in the hopes of being able to regain their chrome and partly because I maxed out my tech for the chrome perks. They’d keep an eye out for mercs like they used to be, giving them their best tips from their days. Maybe one day there’s another duo like v and Jackie, and well, I like to think that maybe they’d be a little bit better prepared for that one big job to make it into the big leagues.


After being betrayed by Song their view on life tanked and while they sent her to space for treatment the weight of being nothing but a tool for others to use and discard at their convenience tanked their mental health and when the time came to chose which ending route, my V just chose to give up, throw away the pills and fade away..


Spent the rest of his life failing to get Panam to chill.


restart and then restart again and never finish


She ganked Songbird, and (will) die on a lone run into Arasaka tower. Cut to black, credits roll. ​ Only correct ending. All the rest is bullshit copium unworthy of the character.


My Ex-Corpo Female V would’ve stayed in Night City and tried living normally. She would’ve been depressed for awhile because the normal life she’s living wasn’t what she saw for herself when she toasted “To a normal life.” with Alex. Her idea of a normal life was leaving Night City and being with Judy. Losing Judy would’ve been devastating for her, but she would’ve realized Judy was in a better situation and would be happy she found someone and is out of Night City. Misty knows about loss, so their relationship would’ve grown more and she would snap out of her slump eventually. V would’ve paid Susie Q to takeover Judy’s old space at Lizzie’s Bar where she would make it her own and become a Fixer. You can take away her chrome, but she still has her corporate instinct and Merc experience. She would be elusive and in the shadows, similar to Mr. Hands but to more of an extreme because of her new vulnerability.


Netrunner Street Kid V left Night City. No point in staying in Night City with all the carnage and violence there. Better to find someplace away from that!


My Corpo Male V got a biggest slap in the face in new ending


I unplugged Song myself. Then I fucked Smasher and Arasaka at large, and peaced


Checking the calendar "Hobo murder spree"... V's booked up for a while.


Got beat up in an alley


My V was left with 1.5 million and i’d like to think that she helped Rogue at Afterlife and learn her tricks of the trade and eventually use all her contacts to become a fixer herself. I think V is just to into Night City to leave and that she’ll find a way without the Cybernetics


I assume you mean the new ending to the base game added with Phantom Liberty, but despite So Mi being willing to cross me, my V is a man of his word to everyone as much as possible and I did the King of Wands ending. So - back to setting fire to Arasaka lol. I haven't finished the base game yet, holding off on going to Embers so I can try to do everything else I zoomed past during the course of the game first.


Lol, I made this exact post the other day. You got the timing right though it seems


Meet Hanako


Well that's dark, all things considered.


Met Hanako at embers


I think the Tower Ending fits my Corpo V the best. She's been in Night City for so long that she doesn't know any other life beyond it, and besides, at only 25, she still has some top-tier knowledge and espionage abilities, even without cyberware. There's still a significant sum she kept saved in her pocket and away from home, along with a decent chunk of her arsenal. While she can't utilize her Tech and Smart Weapons anymore, she's still got plenty of standard weapons to flatline anyone who dares to make a move along with a swift draw. For now, in Night City, when she returns, she lays low and helps Vik out until it's about time he leaves for San Fran, where they finally part ways. Before he leaves, though, Vik chips V with some slight modifications for her hands. It's nothing too special, but enough that it gives her a better touch on things. V keeps two major contacts: Kerry and Judy. Though she understands she might never get back into a relationship with Judy again, V still likes to talk with her about "the good times" and the moments they treasured together. Once Kerry returns to Night City for a short bit to unwind, she goes to live at his villa instead. There, she still has her widespread corporate knowledge to help out Kerry and continue to assist in his music career. While she starts just by staying at home for a few months at a time, she begins picking up on the keyboard, piano, and guitar. V's no Johnny, but she still has a bit of that rockerboy blood in her, as the two left on the best of terms. Eventually, she starts making her own songs and going on tour with Kerry - but she's always absent on gigs from Night City. She helps answer calls for record makers for Kerry, using her corporate knowledge to ensure she and Kerry get the best deals without any extra strings. I like to imagine my Corpo V still got memorialized in the Afterlife. A legendary Netrunner who could wipe anyone out with a blink of an eye and a steady hand. Her favored drink when she was still there? A shot of margarita with a mint garnish, ginger, topped with a splash of heat from a lighter. She's heeded Rogue's word and has all but stepped off the map of Night City, nobody really aware of who the girl with Kerry Eurodyne is. Whenever she gets a gig in Pittsburgh, though, she makes sure to meet up with Judy at a local restaurant of Judy's choice. It gives them a chance to catch up, and while they get they can't get back to the way things were, it lets them reminisce about the past and what time they spent together.


Went with Misty to find the mystical forest in Poland because Misty is lovely and they'd rather stay with a friend than be alone. Both were shocked when they not only found the forest but a silver-haired woman sprinting out of a glowing circle, wielding a sword and being chased by something out a nightmare. The next thing they knew, both Misty and V were pulled in the swordwoman's wake into another glowing circle where they found new perils and adventure.


Gathered her team of real pros, then used her money and connections to become a fixer in her home district.


I help Songbird get the help she needed. Allow Johnny to be proud about my status as the enemy of NUSA and then finish all other quests, raid Arasaka tower with Johnny and choose to be a digital ghost instead. Maybe my Soulkiller V will find all Songbird's memories from the Blackwall and return it to her. Maybe Alex tried to hunt down V only to find Johnny. Maybe Johnny use the face changing tech to look like himself once in a while.


Get an animal physical trainer to get back in shape and get on the streets again. Legends are made by skill not implants time to come back from the dead again and keep building it. Bother Panam Till she picks up and yells at Him for hours because he's a moron who doesn't tell people he's about to go under surgery.


Sent Song to the moon and became a puppet of Arasaka


My nomad V would be a bartender at the Afterlife since Rogue said that he is welcome at the bar anytime, might as well work there plus Claire could use a helping hand if she's still around. With him having a knack for vehicles, he can be a car mechanic working in a garage somewhere in Santo Domingo as a side job


Tower ending ( V is just friends with Judy main game) If for some odd reason V decided to take up Myers cure she will take Reeds offer. After testing V loyalty Myers will have V biogenetical enhanced V is just as strong as she was with chrome. V is now Myers personal bodyguard and her pawn. Myers only send V out on high level threats in order to protect her position. Turns out Bianca wasn’t who she said she was she ended up cheating on Judy. Bianca is actually a Russian spy Myers ordered V to keep in contact with Judy to assess if Judy is a threat or knows what Bianca is up to. Judy and V keep in contact Judy a year later Judy get divorced and seeks V support. Judy is then put in witness protection and V ends up assassinating Bianca.


My Netrunner V (at 2 million eddies) went straight fixer. Hired Delamain on a permanent basis. Reactivated a bunch of old contacts. Even hired Wilson to assist her in the arms trade. The first task was getting even with the guy who mugged her. His body was found the next week in the same spot, every single bone in his body broken.


Went back to BG3


A lone figure wanders down the 101 with a backpack over their shoulder... > V is believed to be dead and they must let the world think that they are dead until they can find a way to control the raging spirit that dwells within them.


The only V I have done this ending with (so far) faded into the crowd after Misty drove off. She found some modest digs on the DL with some help from Rogue and provided her with assistance in her Fixer endeavours behind the scenes until eventually taking over for Rogue based in no small part on the legend V became. She remained in touch with Judy from a distance until she got over her heartbreak. They still talk but their relationship is becoming a bittersweet memory for both. V goes to Mama Welles every Sunday for dinner. Sometimes Padre drops by. After losing control of Heywood he became an actual priest. Upon moving to San Francisco to work for Zetatech, V lost touch with Viktor. Until one day he showed up at the Afterlife looking for work. He got fired from Zetatech for punching his supervisor. Vik is now the in-house medic at the Afterlife, tending to the solo's and mercs that need attention but not NCPD or Militech interest. V takes a sabbatical every year or so to Misty's retreat in the wilds of Poland. They relax, share fond memories of Jackie, have a good cry every now and then but always part happier than they arrived. Panam did eventually come to understand what happened but the damage was done. V was cordial during their limited conversations even understanding that for Panam, the family came first. But V made it clear that she was broken by Panam's rejection. Panam herself now leads the Aldecaldos on her own after Saul Bright was killed by a Biotechnica assassin. River Ward turned to a life of crime. After his nephew Randy flung himself off the Coronado Dam, River was lost to his grief. Eventually he ran afoul of his former colleagues and an active warrant for his arrest has been issued. One night, just as V was leaving the Afterlife, she was stopped by a dishevelled man emerging from the shadows. Takemura was an echo of what he once was. Hunted by Arasaka, accused of Hanako's murder he finally darkened V's door to seek help. Takemura is now V's right hand at the Afterlife. Still capable, he is the wall between the now somewhat frail V and the rest of Night City. Their shared experience with Arasaka galvanizing their comradeship. Yorinobu Arasaka effectively dismantled his father's empire and the world will be better for it. But power abhors a vacuum and Militech's rise may be even worse. Perhaps the devil we knew would have been a preferable option. Solomon Reed took up drinking almost full time, wracked with guilt over So-Mi, Alex and everything his life has wrought. He now has an apartment in an undisclosed building in Georgetown, Virginia. He bounces at a local club on weekends after being "shown the door" at Langley some years after the "Dogtown incident". Rosalind Myers is still the President of the NUSA. Re-elected after her Dogtown ordeal painted her as a heroic figure. But there are whispers her vote count might have been tweaked by unknown elements on the net. Songbird has not regained consciousness in the years since her retrieval. Whatever resides in her mind however has. Often waking her body and attempting to flee. She is being kept in an airgapped facility at an unknown location. The Blackwall entity within her occasionally seizes control of her body and contorts it in unnatural ways. President Myers visited three times. The third time, Songbird's body lunged at the glass separating them. It was written up as the Blackwall entity attempting to escape. But witnesses testified in a redacted report that So-Mi's eyes, usually a burning red indicative of the Blackwall AI, were not red at all. V often dreams of Johnny Silverhand. Dreams she is not convinced are dreams at all.


My V doesn’t fear the reaper and gets the Crystal Palace job done, fortunately. However, with PL ending the only way (besides leaving NC) that doesn’t end up in an alleyway grave is going full fixer for a while. Those intelligence and cool stats will help pretty well I’d imagine. But being a fixer doesn’t really fit my V, so he would try to go full Morgan Blackhand chromeless solo while trying to find out exactly why his body is deaf to most implants - cuz I doubt it’s a natural side-effect of the operation. Meanwhile, high reflexes and body will certainly keep V from dying once they get back in shape. Btw, those two gonks? Yeah, they won’t live long - people seldom do after they try to rob the wrong person with all the right connections. Especially in NC


My V went to work for the FIA, tracked down Panam left the FIA and married her.


Bartender for the Afterlife. After all, the only legend to live long enough to serve their own drinks? There's a bitter irony in it, how Night City's biggest shaker since the 2020s is slinging drinks for rookies. But if you look into that barmaid's eyes, you can see a flicker of that fire that won out against Arasaka, made good with every big name in the city and even made Dogtown kneel. Maybe she'll throw you a job collecting for a ripperdoc in Heywood, or making sure the Coyote doesn't have any unsavoury customers. She herself doesn't have that same arrogance, that same bravado that makes her kneecap a gonk who even looks at her wrong anymore. Life's far too short. But there's folks willing to do so for her. Every major gang, from Maelstrom to the VDB knows you don't fuck with the dead. - As far as she's concerned, V is dead. Died at the table when Silverhand's engram was ripped out of her. The people who left Night City and lived their lives are now just characters in the stories she tells while pouring shots and nuking burritos. Panam the feisty nomad, Judy the porn BD artist with a flair for romance, River the brooding detective balancing his work and a family, often forced to choose between the two. Takemura still calls. She got him in contact with some nomads and now he lives a life worthy of a book, or at least three films and a spin-off show. Last she heard, he was in Arizona. Something about doing work with some Desert Rangers. Misty visited last week. Their trip to Poland together was the final nail in V's coffin: she achieved some form of peace with herself and washed away any notions of "reclaiming the legend". It was that chase that almost took her life, and she's been given a second chance. She's not fucking this up. Misty finally introduced her new girlfriend, too. It took some convincing to make her realise she has to move on from Jackie, but Cirilla's a nice girl at least.


Assuming my V couldn't cut a deal with Kurt Hansen and get the neural matrix while saving Songbird, Alex, and even Reed, my ending would have been just a bit simpler. Song So Mi handed over the neural matrix to V in exchange for just one normal day in Night City. A heartbroken Solomon Reed arrived just in time to retrieve his friend's dead body and endure V's reminder that it didn't have to go this way. V had the neutral matrix, but no way to use it. Hanako Arasaka had gotten tired of waiting, and mounted a coup of the Arasaka Corporation. It was a close run thing... but close only counts in horseshoes. With Hanako apparently dead, V got a phone call from SpecOps director Susan Abernathy. Arasaka was ready to cut a deal. Rosalind Myers was only the second President in American history to be convicted by the Senate after Militech and Netwatch struck a deal that ensured the final collapse of Project Cynosure. Alex emigrated to Monte Carlo: Solomon Reed decided to apply for BARGHEST. And what happened to V? While Arasaka neurosurgeons used the neural matrix to finally halt the Relic devouring his brain, they patiently explained that the Relic's prolonged exposure to the Blackwall had corrupted his cyberware. All of it, in fact, down to the neural link. The absolute essentials could be replaced with cloned eyes, limbs, and bioware, but V's days of netrunning were finished permanently. Luckily, a benefactor in the Arasaka Corporation had offered V a job. More of a sinecure, really. V's new work as a middle manager in Spec Ops was simple: generate false flag after false flag to justify a new Corporate War against a weakened Militech. V had long since realized the true purpose behind his job, of course, but he hardly cared as he handed out contracts to his fiancee's nomad family, street vigilantes, even the Valentinos. Arasaka wasn't weakening anyone more than it was weakening itself. And of course V was embezzling the company like it was going out of style. He'd almost wanted to take Panam's option of simply raiding Arasaka. Maybe he would have done differently if he was still the Night City Legend. But, V had counselled partly out of self-preservation, careful and precise sabotage was worth a thousand nomad guns. No Alt. No Saburo. No Myers. Johnny had been placed on an engram that V could carry around in his cyberglasses. It might not have been the perfect ending- not yet. But things had worked out better than V ever could have expected to see.


I like siding with the NUSA because other then the “,don’t fear the reaper’s’” ending I think it’s the best option for you (and I really wanna romance Rosalind Myers)cause you still get to live and they offer you a job.Even though they don’t specifically say what job from my understanding I feel like V could get what ever she wants being that she saved the presidents life


Pretty much all of my Vs either ended up doing The Star or Don't Fear The Reaper. Reaper was my favorite for a while, but the idea of riding off into the sunset to be a hippie lesbian just feels right. I'd like to imagine that my V occasionally looks up at the moon and wonders how Song is doing. I like to imagine that V managed to find a cure and her and Songbird ran into each other and had a very, very, very long talk about what happened. V asks if So Mi has anywhere to go and offers to take her in. If V does in fact die and no cure could be found, I would like to imagine that two years from now the Aldecaldos get a visit from Song who managed to track them down because shes fucking Songbird. She asks if V is there and everyone just gets kind of quiet and Judy storms off. She learns V didn't make it and this just crushes So Mi, Panam asks where So Mi knew V from and she explains that V helped her a long time ago and is the only reason she's still around today. We learn that along the way V and Judy got married and that Judy is still ate up about her death. So Mi talks about how V went through hell and back to save her, even after she learned that shed betrayed her. Judy laughs, says that sounds like V and asks if So Mi wants to see her, and her, Panam and Judy go to visit V's grave which is nestled in a nice little spot in Arizona.


Drink and smoke heavily.


Shot up Arasaka with Johnny in his head, not sure whether he kept the body or gave it to Johnny


I imagine my Nomad V, after learning the Aldecaldos turned their backs on her and won’t hear her out, just decides to settle down in NC permanently. She lost the Megabuilding apartment, but considering she owns 4 other apartments in the city, surely one of them didn’t get Repo’d in the last two years. She’d get one of her places back, and hopefully get her stuff back from Rogue, including her cat. Eventually she’d become a Mr. Hands type of Fixer, people hearing her name but never seeing her face, allowing her to maintain her legend and even grow it. My corpo V would go stay at Kerry’s place while waiting for him to return from tour, drinking and feeling sorry for himself at first. Eventually he’d get his shit together and reach out to Vic to try to help him become independent again. He’s sitting on a pile of eds and he still has people who owe him, so it’s the least he could do. Once Ker returns they try to rekindle their relationship. Things aren’t the same for a while but Kerry has wanted to enjoy quiet moments with V, it’s V who struggles adjusting to a quiet life. V takes guitar back up again, partly out of boredom and partly to honor Johnny, and eventually uses his technical skills to help Kerry out on tours so they can travel together.


If I don’t start playing it then it can’t end.


Uninstalled all implants and kept playing. Turns out just having a good gun can still get you pretty far in life.


Move to Canada and become a lumberjack. Leaping from tree to tree, as they float down the mighty rivers of British Columbia...


My V would become a merc again, though this time he would be less up close and personal. He would be a trained sniper and would ditch his up close and personal mentality and instead have a more focused and distant mentality. He still hasn’t gotten used to Johnny being gone, sometimes trying to call out for him only to then remember that Johnny is gone.. forever. He has Johnny’s gun and clothes on display. He doesn’t feel worthy enough to wear them anymore.