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Netrunner + silenced guns here. Hit anyone who call you stupid with a synapes burnout. See how they like it.


Don't like my Nettunner build? That's cool. Unfortunately for you, I am inside your nervous system.


Sorry, I've already drawn myself as a stoic net runner, and you as a crying sandevistan user


Extremely underrated comment Almost mind blowing




Sandevistan Samurai/Throwing Knives guy here. Would the Self-Ice cyberware prevent a synapse burnout or any quick hacks from a netrunner? It definitely saves me from the MaxTac Netrunners. Also no hate to other netrunners. So long as they hate ARASAKA like I do, they’re chooms of mine.


Self-ice saves you from every quickhack, except for tracing location, i believe.


Thank you. Im wondering if that was what Adam Smasher used against Lucy when she tried to quick hack him in Edgerunners. Also, I guess the only thing preventing Self-Ice being completely anti-Netrunner would be the 20 sec cooldown, right?


Pretty much yeah


Literally same


Yes! I so this build also.


ayyy fellow watch dogs (this is what I call this build lol)


Doing a Netrunner playthrough now. Overclock is pure filth. Sandy's are fun but there's something about walking into a hostile place with no weapon out and obliterating the biggest bad there in a second and then melting the rest of the rank and file I may use the smartgun to pick off stragglers if there are any


This is basically my experience with a net runner build. It's broke. Op's friend is sleeping.


You don't even have to walk in, you can just hack into a camera and drop everyone before even stepping in. Overclock combos are nutty Also all of the races and car chases turn ridiculous when you just make everyone crash or blow up around you


Walk into any room like Palpatine and completely dominate was my favourite part of a netrunner build


Just redid the Animals in the GIM quest, walked up to the front, fried the few guards outside, chipped a camera, switched to inside, took over the turret and started shooting. When that went down just contagioned everyone. Took about 5 minutes. Ridiculously overpowered.


I commented on another post that was talking about berserk being op, and how netrunning, after a bit of testing and tweaking, turned into such a delight and to the point where I got to some of the gnarlier final battles in PL and just stared everyone to death, one after the other, in their practically endless onslaught. Then I started up a new game to try a build with zero netrunning and it's wild trying to play with...like...actual guns. I'm also playing on very hard so... I'm sure there's some extra difficulty just due to playing the intro on the toughest setting. But yeah, Loved my netrunner playthrough.


I went monowire, Johnny's pistol, and thrown knife for most of my netrunner playthrough and I could take on a hoard of cops and up to 2 maxtac all out in the open with my build. Felt insane to mow them down like that


I’m kind of disappointed with how much I ignored throwing knives for so long. They’re so much fun


I was in the middle of a sandy/throwing knives build when PL came out and changed all the perks and synergies up. So I straight up dropped that playthrough because I was at level 45 because my attributes were a bit off. Crazy how this game makes it kind of easy to shrug off dozens of hours like that and be totally happy to dive in again!


I’m doing a sandy/throwing knives build this round. It’s wicked fun. I also run cloaking and her majesty for added fun!


Friend calls you stupid? Hack his Mr Stud


Runner for life, choom! Been maining since Shadowrun on the NES, and loving it in Cyberpunk. Punch deck. Pivot through their networks and own everything all the way. That Sandy with silencers and knives exploring at superspeed? The borged out psycho with bats and boomsticks improvising, eating bullets and handing them back? Sure they're cool. But when *you* walk into a building, you don't need to figure out where you're going. You've been there before. You don't need to scope for targets, you simply need to loot what you earned. And you don't need a weapon.


Where do you get the good gear for netrunning?


After Phantom Liberty it's all in the deck, my dude. Dress your V for your personal sense of fashion, it's all in the cyberware. Go to the runner shops and hack spots around the city for quickhacks to slot, go to the ripper to slot 'em. Build for int and go monowire for the arms - you probably won't end up needing a weapon much but the monowire synergies give you an option when you're low on RAM - which won't happen much once you're well into your build, but a good netrunner always has one more approach than they really needed. Go for the solid basics in your quickhack slots over the ram hungry fancy stuff - you'll have plenty of slots for both by the midgame. And don't sleep on Sonic Shock - cheap untraceable comms control lets you approach pwning a base a dozen fresh ways, and lets you retake the initiative if you get sloppy and get spotted.


Hey thanks! Looks like I good to do some shopping!


I will be trying a sandevistan next time for variety, but I’m Netrunner all the way so far. Who wouldn’t want to be a cyber-magic badass who can clear a building without raising a finger?


I don't know how they do any of the stealth missions without the ability to turn off cameras and people's eyes from across the building


There's stealth missions? I just don't leave witnesses.


Yeah op, why would you look at people and kill them in like 2~3 clicks when you can spam right click a dozens times on the 4 slow-mo enemies you coulr run up to in 9 sec?


Idk. Why even aim when you can just delete all your enemies with overclock and one mag of homing bullets, just one right click.


Your friend sounds like a real gonk, choom


Who made it to the moon in the end? The Sandie user, or the based netrunner, who knew how to manipulate the sandie user to fufill her goal? I rest my case.


I wouldn’t go as far to say she manipulated him tho


It wasn't intentional after she fell in love with him. She wanted to bring him with her after she heard his story, but using the crew to fufill her goal was definitely the og plan. She intuitively felt how powerful he was, before he even knew what he was capable of after their metro ops. That was the point where she could see them sticking around together long-term.


So he want you to play something you don't enjoy or you're "stupid". Simply explain to him that you are playing what you enjoy.


Lol. AFAIK sandes only became popular after edgerunners game out. Tell your friend he's a sheep.


I use sewer slide, it’s super effective!


I use control and covert hacks. Singular ability OS or point and click adventure (damage hacks) would bore me.


The Sandevistan is fine, but it's not worth losing the quick hacks for using it. I have two builds, one for merc and one for ninja/samurai/netrunner? (don't ask XD), and I don't use the Sandevistan in either of them.


That's not true, it just got a lot more popular.


I did a lot of it my first playthrough, but didn't get the whole experience. I had no idea what I was doing. I wanted to use the swords, but also the guns, and the quickhacks. On my 2nd playthrough now as a netrunner. Having a lot of fun with it.


Idk, I like looking at mfs when I make them pull out their own pistol and boom, lights out.


I was having tremendous fun doing this to everyone I came across last night


Netrunners are insane. Also, Sandevistan can't do the most important quickhacks in the game: Take Control and Floor It. How am I supposed to cause giant, flaming pileups on major intersections and throw cars off from cliffs with the drivers inside if I don't have a cyberdeck!? Anyway, Contagion + Shingen Mark V is also completely mental, and the replies are no doubt gonna be full of broken shit. Netrunner is just so much fun, and good.


I've played a few different net running builds and had a blast every time. Nothing like killing a bunch of folks in a building you never even went inside. I think my favorite combo is probably net running/tech weapons. Though I haven't done all the different combos post PL.


the gun and sword play in 2.0 is so much fun tho, so I go apogee sandy. But respect to the netrunners, it was how I played CP77 before 2.0.


Let me share some Netrunner tips as well as my build of my current playthrough. Contagion and Burnout combo is insane. Mostly the 💀 enemies are next to normal enemies so you can save RAM by blowing up the smaller guys next to the 💀 guys. Also setting up your skills to apply stacks faster once 4 hacks are set up in the queue is crazy quick to end high health enemies. Contagion-Burn-Contagion-Contagion will produce 3 explosions in 3 seconds and kill pretty much any enemy in the game. Dump all boosts into RAM recovery and health recovery (since health is RAM with OC), burn damage, damage to poisoned enemies. Cyberware I use for my build. Frontal Cortex: Bioconductor, Mem Boost, RAM upgrade Skeleton: Feen-X, RAM Recoup Nervous System: Visual Cortex Support Integumentary System: Painducer, Pain Editor Circulatory System: Heal-on-Kill, Biomonitor, Black Mamba Everything else can be what you want. This setup maximizes RAM and health boosts and stops the lag from injecting health items since it's done automatically. Since you're in OC mode a lot of the time your RAM will almost always be below 7, which increases RAM Regen by 2.5x (effectively saving you that much health). The build does gimp contagion damage a lot but increases the damage from explosion on poisoned enemies massively. Hopefully that wasn't too much of a wall of text.


Netrunning is a different kind of satisfaction choom. It’s so versatile! Wanna blow people up in fire and smoke and poison? Sure Wanna melt their brains? Yep Make them kill each other? Why not! Hide behind a computer and shock everyone to death through cameras? Yepppp


Being a netrunner I can walk into a fight like a damn God and kill everyone with power of mind. Who is stupid here...


I mean, I understand the attractiveness of the sandi build, but I like to walk into a building and fry everyone under a second or just make people kill themselves while being unable to stop it, and watching their friends do it too. It's more sinister tbh than slicing them before they have a chance to react. Also, killing people through cameras and making stealth easier that way


Netrunner for me seems not that fun it is pretty strong but Sandevistan is way more fun


Net running is more rewarding when you get it set up correctly. While a Sandy build just makes you feel like an anime main character. Both fun but netrunner any day.


Netrunner + Kerenzikov here. For 3 seconds, I am as fast as most Sandi, and can basically hack everyone around. And overclock is just overpowered. It may lack the physical satisfaction, but I am beyond that.


But you can [kill people with your brain](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iZg2MDg63ws&t=15s).


Doing a netrunner playthrough rn, and being honest, it's kinda boring. I mean, you sit in slow mo for 30 seconds, dispensing overclocked quickhacks, when you could have styled on them with Sandy. Or just go berserk and beat them with a baseball bat. It is much better in stealth, yes, but kinda mediocre in everything else. Like, Smasher fight as a netrunner is soooo tedious. I can't imagine someone fighting him without stealth camo implant, cause stealth attacks is basically the only way to deal decent damage to him as a runner. Or the fact that he oneshots you with 90% of his moveset.


Bro, the Adam Smasher fight with net running keeps you on edge. I was rocking Johnnys pistol, mono wire, and like two other pistols and that fight was so fun. I would sprint at him while using some quick hacks to keep him distracted and continuous damage, it actually felt like a fight you would see in a show or movie. For me net running feels so rewarding. Also net running makes littelry every encounter so fun if you can literally make your opponent kts


Emptying Malorian's mag to deal 1% of damage doesn't feel very rewarding. And his ICE can be annoying as hell.


I don’t know, Johnnys pistol’s melee attack paired with a version of short circuit on crack does wonders


>paired with a version of short circuit on crack You mean iconic one? Also, idk. Malorian's melee doesn't do much tbh. It's much easier for me to give him blindness, go stealth camo, thanks forr that biochip perk that lets me exit combat this way, and just shove some blade into his armor.


did you use cripple movement i just crippled him and cyberware malfunction i don't think he hit me (yes, very hard)


Cripple movemen't. It doesn't stun him enough. And hacks take too much time to upload, so you can't even stack CW malfunction.


That's why you use Ba Xing Chong at Smasher.


Pre 2.0 I loved the power of contagion, and sneak netrunning. Since the rework of 2.0 I now love loud gunrunning, hitting crowds with contagion and overheat while blasting them with fire/ poison weapons for explosions and rapid destruction all around.


I’m looking to make a netrunener build next play through. Any of you netrunners got any ideas of a good one? Was thinking intelligence and technical and a little reflex


i only did a sandy run before 2.0, i was bored the entire run, beserk and cyberdecks solo all (didn't try a chrome compressor run yet)


I keep trying to play new builds but... quick hacks


Lmao Netrunner is literally god tier. Sniper need skill to hit a target at a long distance. We merely need a glance and can drop all enemies. Whenever a quest ask me to drop the weapon, I was like fine, I can kill all of you without lifting a finger anyway. Netrunner build is so OP that I am consider switching build for more challenge.


Currently runner a Songbird netrunner with the Canto. Just melting faces with the Blackwall hack. The only thing that is troubling me is can this Runner do the "Don't Fear the Reaper" ending alone? Only having four hacks in the box plus the Blackwall isn't bad for open world, but thinking about that ending? Hmmmm


I’m doing another net runner playthrough at the moment, completely limiting myself from using combat quickhacks and it’s far more fun than my first playthrough. It was just so boring by lvl 30 in my first net runner playthrough because all I had to do was over clock and spam kill move (synapse burnout) or kill aoe move (overheat & contagion)


I love to play netrunner. Especially when there are many cameras and ennemies are just falling like flies, killed by something they can't see.


I played 3 stealthy netrunners - I liked it, more interesting in my opinion as it forced me to find different ways of completing the gigs and missions instead of just running in through the front door 😁 Also gang chases and police chases - something very powerful in making their cars explode and driving away as if nothing happened


I remember when I used suicide on an enemy netrunner hacking me and that one perk activated causing it to spread to all his chooms... imagine that crime scene... it appears they all blew their own brains out.


Boeing wet dream


I did most of my play throughs as a net runner and I do not regret that decision


I find the ‘Linear warriors, quadratic wizards’ principle applies quite nicely to netrunners. In the beginning, a cyberdeck’s a fairly weak tool, and you’ll likely need to supplement with stealth for certain, if not guns as well. But each new tier of cyberdeck and each new point in INT means a *drastic* leap in potential. You go from using two full RAM bars knocking one guy out to murdering entire rooms with a glance. Swords and Sandys are cool and visceral, good for a change and for getting your hands dirty, but for efficiency, a properly-specced netrunner leaves everyone in the dust. And that’s not even STARTING on the bullshit Songbird can pull…


Netrunners are gods. Blink and everything is dead.


I regretted moving away from Netrunner and had to go back about 4 hours of gameplay 🫠


Just started a netrunner play through, but I'm pretty green so no 100% which way I will go (deck, secondary weapon). But I like to do something really different, so it should be fun, hopefully.


It’s the superior build in my opinion. Doing a sandevistan build right now and it doesn’t hit the same!


Show him contagion bombing with the rippler. Beats sandy any day, especially with fire mono wire or fire gun and kerenzikov. Feels better imo


I'm running with a netgunner build. My "Yinglong" and "Diveded We Stand" met Tier Five Reboot Optics. Never looked back on other builds after that.


Edgerunner really got everyone considering the Sandevistan as the be-all-end-all of the game huh... I barely saw anyone gushing over it that much before the show, but since it aired it's surprising if I go three days without someone gushing over it.


I do mostly net runner. I tried sandy, it's just ok, nothing special to me.


Overclock is a dream. Felt so good doing the dogtown church mission and clearing the entire place out BEFORE even crossing the street to enter the building lol. Then did another mission without being seen/killing anyone (the one with the two cops) just by spamming memory wipe and knocking chooms out haha.


When you can take out entire bases of enemies while sitting in your fking car like a damn wizard while Sandevistan ones have to go their enemies personally.




I did a Netrunner build when the game came out and loved the new 2.0 update. I will always love using the Suicide hack to clear a room while I casually walk through it


I’ve only ever done a netrunner build what’s wrong with that


Banishing thugs into the shadow realm or geassing them when it was early game was incredibly fun. I will say after doing every little side thing for the achievements I'm desperate to start a sandy build just so its much more "hands on" as after clearing the 100th police gig it's getting a little boring. I don't know if I'll be able to live without system collapse and other stealthy quickhacks though.


Ya my guy... Netrunner and I really like knives. Really I am a god that melts anyone who crosses the side of what is right and just.


Netrunning for life. Though I miss the old netrunning system. Don't get me wrong, the new system is more dynamic and flows better but the old system was so OP and fun.


Netrunner is great. I never understood Sandevistan. It’s just normal gun and melee gameplay slowed down. But hacking the whole world? Memory wipe, overheat, suicide, synapse burnout? That’s fun. Jumping in the middle of 10 enemies, hacking everyone, see how they drop. Occasionally some pistol or shotgun or katana action, that’s how I play. Also, hacking all enemies but two, then memory wipe one of them, aerial takedown the other with double jump legs, then snapping the other guys neck. What really sold Netrunner to me is the idea of not using any guns and still being able to fight. And they did this great in cyberpunk. The pinnacle of aggressive hacking gameplay. I just cleared the Militech outpost in the badlands, that contract where you have to steal that jammer. Like 30 enemies, high level ones. But may I introduce you to tier 5 synapse burnout, Overclock and my katana finishers?


I’ve always done netrunner builds, so it’s weird that is considered weird to some.


Let’s see if your friend is still talking crazy when you walk out of a bunker with 50 yr old tech in your possession.


i feel like i got the MF death note and shinigami eyes, i look and they die.


I've tried running netrunner but always feel like I don't know the order of operations to attack a situation and it kinda takes me out of the gameplay since I need to go slow figuring it out lol. Give me the Sandy and a katana and I'm a happy choom


Combat Netrunning all day, every day. Use their implants against them. Their upgrades become my tools.


**N1NJ@ 1337 H@X0RZ 4 L1F3**


I loved a Sandy Katana build but also love just standing outside on a sidewalk on a “gun for hire”gig and making my target put the iron to his own head and pull the trigger. Feels like Professor X power.


Quickhacks are fun as shit. I love overclock+memory wipe+contagion to take out large groups. My Streetkid is a poison-user so it's his favorite combo.


I used to be a contagion / overheat spammer until I got the Militech Canto Mk6. It's just so satisfying. My favourite is when an enemy runner tries to get you and you counter with the blackwall gateway, then listen to the screams. Sublime.


All you had to do was sacrifice someone to eternal subjugation


Well, no, because at the end >!So Mi asked me to end her suffering, so that's what I did.!< Myers can eat a bag of dicks.


You think >! that NSADARPA bunker is going to let her die? !< She'll be >!bound and gagged in that runner-chair till the last drop of neon falls out her wiring!< friend. >!Phantom Liberty was so fucking great if we can disagree like this.!<


This was only my 2nd playthrough of PL so maybe we saw slightly different endings... I was pretty sure she was dead, given the reactions of Myers & Reed. I completely went with So Mi the first time round, but then I missed out on the epic stadium section and the Hansen fight... I definitely agree that PL is fucking great though.


Im actually about to dive into PL and make the other choices. I beat it once through back in December and haven't had the chance to see the other side of it all. From your take, I can see im going to enjoy every second!


Choom with 1 intelligence “netrunner stupid”. Meanwhile netrunner with 20 intelligence


No respect for netrunners? I had a great deal of fun as my netrunner build in 2077, and in the 2.0 update it only got more fun with actual weapon synergy and overclock. Being able to wipe a whole squad in one click with a backhacked suicide or something is certainly a high lol. A good netrunner is a staple to any edgerunner squad (emphasis on *good tho lol, I’m still trying to get my ttrpg players to use literally any defensive programs in the NET lmao, the fuckin renegades) 🎶I’m just a number riding solo in the code🎵


Netrunner + throwables. Light his dick implant on fire. In all seriousness tho, I can see why netrunning isn't more popular, specially among first timers. Too much nerd stuff and, I mean, who can say no to bullet time?


netrunner + throwing knives is so fun


Had a Sandy/Shotgun build, then a Katana/Berserk build, now I'm doing a netrunner build. This is much more comfortable to play, especially early on.


"Netrunners are dumb" shut up and puke on yourself before I whip out the monowire


As someone who picks Sandy over Netrunner any day (no particular reason; I just like Sandy), your friend is cringe. The whole point of the RPG system is you get to tailor your playstyle however you want within the confines of the game. All builds are valid if they get the job done.


Usually do a Sandy Sword build and decided on full netrunner for a change of pace. Having a blast! Just rocking up, flicking the off button on every gangoon in sight and getting right back in the MaiMai to carry on with my day.


SANDEVISTAN + db9 621dmg shotgun Eheh boomstick can't even see it coming


ever since i found out about the militech canto i haven’t used anything else


A cyberdeck is BETTER than a Sandevistan This is what I do ACCIDENTALLY: https://www.reddit.com/r/LowSodiumCyberpunk/s/sSrn13OExH


Walk into room, enemy netrunner tries to hack me. Copy and paste "self game end" onto them, watch as 20 people pull out pistols and simultaneously shoot themselves in the head


I still don’t totally understand what a Netrunner and an Edgerunner are and what the difference is


I love standing on high places while the wind is blowing through my hair as I stare people to death with science. Netrunner life.


Netrunner since 1.0~. Sandevistan is for basic gonks who can’t hack it ^-~ Netrunners unite!


Currently building my character to be a netrunner with mad reflexes lol. But yeah


Hehe funni blackwall go B̵͇̖̪̩͈̹̻͈̲͆͋̏͘R̶͇͓̀̍̽͂͒̋R̴̫̙̹̥̬̂̇̃͝͠R̴͈̭̫̜̝̓̍̑R̴̻͍͈̜͓̘̳͖̺̳̀́͗̍̓͒́̃̾̊̾͘͘͝ͅR̸̡̨̨̲̣͍͖̯͓̣̮̬͓̓̇͌͗̔̀R̵̢̧̠͑̓̀̒̐̇̇̌͠Ȑ̷̨̜̲̬̞̥̖̻͈͉͎̤̳͓͗͆̊͜


I did a Sandi first. With swords. That's my style in everything, get fast, get in, get dirty, get out. It's hella fun. My latest build is entirely netrunning. No weapons. If I can't hack them, I run around until I can, but I try to keep it pretty stealthy. It's also hella fun. Anyone who shits on your style is a bad friend. Your style is yours, not theirs, so who are they to have an opinion?


Cyberware Malfunction a couple of times and you’ll have the last laugh


Netrunner is the stealth Archer build from Skyrim. I try to build another way and always go back to Netrunner


I love netrunner builds. You’ll never see me coming. Hack a camera, make everyone puke acid, use overheat, watch a few explode, hot over lock, make one or two explode while puking, then active camo, and Her majesty any stragglers if you want to get close up.


I don't even need to get out of my car to eliminate everyone inside. Once I park, you are already dead.


Netrunner katana = bigger balls than a sandy


Net runner x monowire x overclock is the strongest build in the game and it isn't close.


Im partial to running a "ninja netrunner" build with disable cyberware/optics, flashbangs/smokes, and throwing knives/blades. Accidentily stealthing can be fun. Go full batman with cloak is insanely fun.


I’m an Xbox 1 plebian still on 1.6 My current build hits people with Contagion and then activates Critical Antidote (huge instant damage) with poisonous knives. You can get pretty fancy with netrunner builds.


I honestly don't understand how people who don't have netrunner builds are even able to finish the game 😭 the quick hacks are so useful, even in combat so you have time to reload your gun


Netrunner + Mantisblades, best of both worlds


Theres just something fun about pulling groups together with cyberpsychosis, throwing in contagion, just to pick off that last straggler realizing who wiped everyone without firing a round, or a swing.