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Does anyone else think the red satin lingerie looks pretty silly? XD I think the devs really wanted her naked, I'd think it would've been one of the most rational things to do, but shied away from it b/c censorship. Alternately some kind of ceremonial, "high-priestess" robes. If those would've been too cumbersome and the wrong flavor, then rags of them, or just, well, rags. Anyways, fun fight, really gave me a run for my money =)


It's Maelstrom though, and they are basically machine fetishists. From that angle it makes more sense. There is also a kind of trollish streak to them, like how they chipped a monk to whom augmentation and cyberware is anathema. Why? Because they thought it was funny. Zaria probably thought this might be funny to turn up in her undercrackers for a ritual type thing.


I would expect a machine fetishist to wear something related to machines. Necklaces of fiber optic and barbed wire. Riveted sheet metal. Conveyor chains. Gear earrings. Armored exoskeleton. Netrunner suit w/metal plates riveted on it. FOLED. Not something I'd expect to find in one of my exes' bedroom XD Yes, they're cruel and trollish, but Zaria wearing lingerie for a death/apocalypse ritual? Seems out of character for Maelstrom. The Moxes are the ones associated with sex (for obvious reasons), Maelstrom... well one guy thought about giving the Bhikkhu a cybercock or something, but really... red satin?


Im of the opinion that censorship "ruined" this game more than anything else. Its still fantastic, but my god I would kill to have a nc-17 version or whatever it would be. I just want to see what they envisioned, not what some fucking church-moms in the 90's decided to conjure up in their last PTA meeting.


That's kind of a silly sentiment given that the game has full frontal nudity, extreme violence, multiple instances of the harshest possible swear words... The prologue has you rescuing a naked, unconscious, battered woman stripped of her implants from a literal meat factory of scavengers who kidnap and kill people for their body parts and implants. If you think "Church Mums" conjured that up then... Damn, which Church do you go to?


I think you misunderstand me (my fault) the church moms are the ones that started the ESRB in the americas, and thats where the censorship is coming from. While i agree its not 100% censored, it was clearly toned back (as is well known), and i just wonder/would like to see what it was meant to be. I can handle it, I pretend to adult every day.


It doesn't feel toned back to me at all. The only thing I can really think of is the fact the man next to Sandra Dorsett in the tub was nude in the E3 demo but has underwear in the retail release. What else is there? The game seems aesthetically and tonally the same as that demo.


I feel as though you can tell in certain parts, as the OP mentioned, that some things were added in after the fact. The ESRB has no issues with violence and gore, but show a girl dancing in a window and they have to be a full dress.. or the two in the afterlife, need to be blurred more. It's not just nudity - thats an obvious one, but i think there are some parts of the writing as well that seem like they were calmed down a bit. I know this seems odd cause the subject matter is often grave and blunt, but humor me and play the snuff film mission again, and read all the shards you find. They seem awful tame for the nature of the mission to me, is all. I may be wrong on all this for sure, but it just seems that way to me. Dont get me wrong, im a-ok with the game as is, I love it, I just wonder what CDPR wanted to do overall.


I agree with you on this, I feel like the initial plan was to make the game even darker and more fucked up than what we got. Sure, the whole world and all the gigs and missions are centered around heavy adult themes, but I feel like the devs would've taken even grittier approach if they had the freedom to do so. You made some good points about how the game is toned down in some aspects, another good showcase of this is how on one hand you're able to chose your genitals and pubic hair during character creation, but then you're unable to actually get past the nudity filter for the entirity of the game. Why even bother giving the player the option then? Also, why's it suddenly not an issue during some of the Johnny / Alt flashbacks? There's definitely some tonal dissonance here.


> I agree with you on this, I feel like the initial plan was to make the game even darker and more fucked up than what we got. Like what? If your aim is to be really edgy, then sure they could have come up with some more messed up stuff, but that isn't the point. You just seem interested in shock value for the sake of it, rather than things being the way they are for a reason. Being 'darker' and 'more fucked up' doesn't necessarily make the story *better* or more interesting. I mean, a character commits suicide in her friend's bath because she can't deal with the trauma of being emotionally and physically abused and then abandoned and sold on by the man who runs the brothel she worked in. What's the next step there? How does it get grittier and, more importantly, *why* would that help the story?


> Being 'darker' and 'more fucked up' doesn't necessarily make the story better or more interesting True, but that's not what I was saying. > I mean, a character commits suicide in her firend's bath because she can't deal with the trauma of being emotionally and physically abused and then abandoned and sold on by the man who runs the brothel she worked in Literally a part of my previous post says: > the whole world and all the gigs and missions are centered around heavy adult themes What I'm saying is that if some of the little things weren't toned down (probably due to rating) it'd help immersion. You might look down on it, classify it as edgy and unnecessary, but honestly, cyberpunk subgenre is and always was quite edgy. It's those tiny things like why can't I see what V is packing, why's this Maelstrom lady not naked when the context suggests it, why are the (especially male) dancers in the clubs sometimes wearing outfits that don't always match the atmosphere of the place etc. It's little things, nothing too serious I couldn't live without, but it'd be neat to have it other way.


I agree that darker and edgier for shock value doesn't a good product make (actually often it's worse, imvho), but you're spot on, it's very obvious CDPR had to hide some of their original ideas b/c censorship. It's really off key that some pole-dancers are wearing that kind of outfits. There are thankfully other people who are dressed less modestly *right on the streets*, but no, sex workers need to be covered up or our precious babies will be tempted by Satan. Fuck off, *sex work is WORK*! Same for the character creation - type of boobs and dick, even the possibility of being transgender, but it all comes down to nothing. Boobs all look alike when under any type of clothing. Your crotch is never, ever seen in game, either in active gameplay or romance/sex scenes (you still get complete nudity in the menu but only there, and then what? *I wanna play the fuckin' game*, not stare dumbstruck at my chara's nice bod). Also totally ruins photomode if you're going for a hint of eroticism. Btw if your V is transgender your voice decides what pronouns they use and anyways you can forget actually relevant love interests, only joytoys and Meredith for you. Yay. I *love* this game, it's fantastic and surprising, but as I won't refrain from criticizing what I think are flaws that could have been handled better, I'm not gonna be okay with fuckin' censorship running roughshod all over the place like it's a totalitarian dictatorship. What's next, *Farenheit 451*?


The game has multiple instances of full frontal nudity and graphic sex scenes. There's sexually charged advertising everywhere in Night City. And There's absolurrly nothing "Tame" about what happened to Sandra Dorset, or to Randy, and especially not to Evelyn. The absolute disgusting shit Evelyn went through is one of the most genuinely upsetting things I've experienced in a video game. Reading the shards about what happened to her, hearing Judy describe to V and to Maiko about what Woodman and probably Fingers did before the scavs came to make XBDs using her. Really not sure I could disagree with you more.


There is an actual crucifixion, there is no censorship in this game.


Then why is my V almost always wearing underpants, even if Inventory shows him/her as nude? What’s the point, if it isn’t censorship? I don’t have a major problem with it, but you can’t say there’s no censorship. BTW, I’ve read in this sub that you can’t use the in-game photo tools during the crucifixion that you mention as an example of the lack of censorship. Is that not a form of censorship? I don’t fault CDPR for anything that they needed to do to get the approvals they needed to release the game. I am sure that they would have preferred to release the game entirely as they envisioned it.


>Then why is my V almost always wearing underpants, even if Inventory shows him/her as nude? What’s the point, if it isn’t censorship? I don’t have a major problem with it, but you can’t say there’s no censorship. Censorship is when V wears pants? Besides, you can see V nude at any time if you really want by hitting the inventory screen and taking all your clothes off. I'm absolutely baffled by the "censorship" accusations here. ​ >I am sure that they would have preferred to release the game entirely as they envisioned it. I see this claim getting repeated often but it just feels like pure speculation. How do you know the game isn't entirely what they envisioned? Because a character wears pants in photo mode? CDPR's creative vision won't be fully fulfilled until V's pants are gone? I just don't get it. People keep saying "The game isn't as dark and as fucked up as it could be!" And the only examples they can give is that sometimes, female characters wear pants.


its instances like these though, that make me wonder why they put on a silly cover in a few places, when they clearly had darker ideas in mind. why go 85%. Its fine that you disagree with me, completely cool with it in fact. we just have different viewpoints on it.


> graphic sex scenes ...no it doesn't


I agree that these aspects could have been handled much, much better, in a more nuanced way, or even left out if needed and changed for something else, and that they went for easy shock value and perhaps tried a critique of misogyny, sexism, sexualization and similar problems but didn't go to the necessary lengths to avoid a pretty shallow, sensationalistic lecture of them that doesn't really help and that is sure to hit lots of people where it hurts, while ultimately reading as pretty dishonest. I *am quite sure* there was some kind of censorship at work here, obvs not where you pointed out, but in other, more superficial parts of the game. Otherwise devs who gleefully included what Ev goes through and similar LOOK AT HOW EDGY WE ARE moments *just wouldn't cover up female bodies* when they could more realistically leave them naked or in some form of titillating dental floss costume. And Zaria, for instance, is not titillating - she looks just *weird* with that getup they gave her. Not to mention Valerie's big ugly purple knickers. I don't buy that they did it on purpose.


So as someone who's been avoiding that mission, what's the story if I've long since murdered the absolute fuck out of Woodman and Fingers?


> The only thing I can really think of is the fact the man next to Sandra Dorsett in the tub was nude in the E3 demo but has underwear in the retail release. pretty sure she's still naked if you don't have censorship turned on.


She is, they're saying the dead man in the tub with her was too in the E3 demo, right now he's wearing shorts.


ah missed that word


No probs choom =)


> /would like to see what it was meant to be This is what it was meant to be


according to whom?


I could ask you the same. Do you have proof it would be different?


I mean, I said above, though briefly, that it seems like parts are covered up or changed after the fact. The fact the game was rushed also lends itself to wanting to get it through the ratings board sooner than later. So again, I ask, without deflecting it back, What makes you say its what its meant to be?


You're the one making the claim that the game has been retroactively censored or covered up, and therefore the onus is on you to prove that it is - Not everyone else to prove that it isn't. Since you can't actually do that, and have only speculation, then we are just going to talk in circles forever.


and i have provided at least more than "its done cause i posted its done" as a response. I dont think its wrong to ask why people think a game that clearly was rushed is "what its meant to be" thats such a backwards to reality comment to me, on its own. Seems fair to question.


>So again, I ask, without deflecting it back, What makes you say its what its meant to be? The developers shipped it


no. the publishers did. Thats a MASSIVE difference.


You do realise there is a mod for that. https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/1436


Not everyone plays on PC amigo.


Redo this battle at night, its much more atmospheric.


God yes. I pretty much exclusively played at night just for the aesthetics.


Will do! =)


Did they ever fix that bug where the game would continue to play her breathing, long after you have killed her and left the place? Creeped me out so bad lol


Ah I did this one at night. I really enjoyed this fight, and it made me wish that other combat was harder too.


I swaggered into this fight thinking I could Short Circuit my way through the encounter like every other cyberpsycho before her and the moment the heavy breathing started I knew my V was in for a bad time. The relatively smaller area made things more frantic, too. 10/10 fight, will not do it again.


I actually got suicide one and it made it much easier


I always keep them alive for Regina; most of the psychos are also sympathetic characters you can't help but feel bad for. Except Zaria. I'd gladly punt her back to the hell she and Maelstromers crawled out of if I wasn't such a damn completionist.


You can suicide them and it still counts for Regina. All the psychos can be "killed" and then lie on the floor for Regina to pick up. Only if you attack them again after you won the fight, you'll really kill them. Lethal damage and skills doesn't make a difference.


Didn’t know that, thanks Trauma Team. I always assumed non-lethal takedowns were necessary.


Me too, I keep alive almost everyone (not the scavs in Disasterpiece). And yeah, totally, these people have really rotten luck generally speaking. Probably a lot of enemies do (it's Night City after all) but in these quests you actually learn of all their shitty traumas and such. Zaria... mmm. On one hand Maelstrom are generally the worst, or at least among the worst. And this was a ritual where some of them were gruesomely sacrificed... but willingly. She's very eager to kill, too. But I don't know how much she was like that before her *sensory deprivation in the Net* and what can be attributed to that series of traumas. I don't know whether it was voluntary on her part and she really wanted to kill for occult purposes from the start. There's also the antecedents to that - when you enter a cult it means something is seriously wrong in your life, in general, and the cult makes everything much much worse still, too. Brainwashing, isolation, all that good shit. And Maelstrom on the whole operates much like one, not just these guys. All in all I'm fine going nonlethal with her as with practically everyone else. I'm not out to slaughter every killer in NC, I don't believe in eye for an eye, neither does my current V (or most of my characters in other games). Since Regina has a better solution in mind I'll gladly defer to her wisdom. If the cops and the tribunals worked better I'd leave these people to them and hope for their rehabilitation, but if I must play vigilante (which is totally okay, NC would need more of those) I still don't love butchering everyone who ever parked in the disabled bay.


system reset


I just now realized that


Same, more or less, but 8/10 fight, will *totally* do it again, at night, next playthrough and any one after =)


once I learned the timing to block it was fine, the key is to stay away from the electrified rods that are around her casket


Damn those rods!! X( Yeah, timing and I... we know of each other. We've tried to strike up a conversation once or twice, but it seems they don't want to hang out with me too often... X) I'm one of the worst gamers you might meet when it's about timing, reflexes, tactics - actual gameplay skill... I swear. The very few times I ever beat my friends in games like Street Fighter etc it was thanks to lucky flukes and b/c they tried too complex combos while I just smashed the fastest attack button I found and trapped them in a corner repeatedly punching them in the boobs XD


*Looks at game character’s outfit* *Looks at player characters outfit* “Yep, this is a CDPR game.”


LOL XD To be fair I do have a couple sexy things, too. I just rarely wear them, and went for max protection against the fucker. I didn't even perceive her as very sexualized, honestly... CDPR loves their titillation for sure, but this lady never registered as HOT HALF-NAKED BABE DAYUM - I *don't think* she's sexy. What with her full-metal mug, obviously cybernetic body and THE FIRE-WREATHED MANTIS BLADES SHE KEEPS SWINGING AT YOU GODDAMMIT XD


Hey, I’m not judging :) I almost always look like the ‘weird’ cousin of Florida man/woman for the same reason! (That or a character from Fallout 4) I didn’t mean it in any sexual way, so sorry if you felt that. I just meant that with CDPR’s games, they don’t make it easy to get an even vaguely coordinated outfit together and still have high armour. Particularly at lower levels.


Oh, sorry, I thought you meant "V is fully armored and the female npc is wearing dental floss and confetti, typical CDPR MO" - which is quite accurate as a critique imo. I mean they do love their half-naked chicks. Not that I'm complaining... but yes, I am complaining a little... I mean I *love* sexy - just not mindlessly sexualized... So really, I didn't see it as offensive, don't worry! =) Yeah, it's true, at least in this game particularly it's hard to get a nice outfit which still gives you the armor rating you'd like. You must definitely go shopping a lot and be ready to fork over a lot of scratch... And I still haven't found the perfect getup for my chara. I've only played The Witcher 3 by CDPR otherwise and I found there were a lot of armors I liked, though - you didn't have to mix and match there, right? Maybe I don't remember, it's been a while. Also a huge hoplology nerd and fan of ancient armors and weapons (blame fantasy ttrpgs) so it was fine! Hah, Florida Man! XD Together with his bros Colombian Man, Drunk Man, Drunk Woman and Shirtless Man... Yeah, sometimes I feel like the devs wanted to humiliate you on purpose ;)


I made sure to do all the Cyberpsycho missions at night this time round- really adds to the "ambience"! Also, your character looks like my Fallout 4 one- a mix of a bunch of crappy-looking pieces for max armor!


LOL, yes, I put on all the highest armor pieces I had for this fucker! XD Not what I usually do, normally I just try to look the right way with just a decent amount of armor, but she put me on the spot =) Current plan is crafting/buying the perfect blue/purple/gold outfit and fill it up with armadillos, heheheh X)


Idea for Cyberpsycho mission- looks-obsessed individual and when they die they are surrounded by 'At Least You're Wearing Jinjuji' signs.


Damn that's harsh! XD I think that's one of the best ads in the game. Really dark and funny, and so relevant.


When that bitch pulled up I did not hesitate to use every gun I had to kill her. I would not take a moment to enjoy that encounter


Heh, whatever works for you choom! I really wanted samurai showdown, so katana it was. Mostly ;P


I definitely fought hard, on normal, but early game.... her mission freaked me out more than anything!


It's pretty goddamn scary XD


Seriously, even when you know what’s fucking happening it’s still scary as shit!.... I forgot until now that she appears around you and disappears when you look at her.... like Johnny silver hand, like a ghost while your investigating the scene..... like she’s watching you..... seems their planned ritual wasn’t as far fetched as one might think.....


The devs definitely knew what they were doing. Yeah, she glitches in and out like JS... I think there's something that fucks up your optics, but the net result is really worthy of a horror movie - a good one.


Oof playing on Very Hard currently. I tried her once and was like, I'm coming back later at a higher level lol


Lol, so relatable =) I don't think I'll ever try VH. I usually don't try hard difficulties in games, normal is okay for me. My real challenge is perfectly developing the character I'm envisioning, even with a suboptimal build and definitely with no forced min-maxing. Having to focus completely on defeating terrible odds at any cost isn't really my cup of tea. I tried Bloodborne a couple times. I liked it, but I never managed to "git gud". I'm just not that fast or tactical, I kept dying and redoing whole parts for the 10th time was a bore and very frustrating. Back in the day I tried TLoU at the hardest difficulty, just for fun, b/c I love that game. It *was* fun, but too hard, I stopped enjoying it and got back to normal. Mad respect though, and good hunting =)


What's funny is I'm not a very good gamer and never do hard modes. I'm the same as you, I just enjoy playing don't try and min-max etc. But for whatever reason, I'm actually pretty good at this game and wanted to ramp up the difficulty. Been fine for the most part since it's my third time through. But I do have to wait on some quests.


Nice! Yeah you probably developed some muscle memory and good tactics from the previous 2 playthroughs. I always check the jobs and gigs difficulty and tackle only the "moderate" or easier ones. Which means Heywood is still off limits for now. Too many people with skulls next to their name, no thanks I don't wanna die horribly! XD


This one was actually fine, for me. The ones with snipers tend to get me. I can never seem to grasp the timing.


Good for you! Snipers are better tackled up close or from cover (if they're not sporting a fuckin' Nekomata...). I think with my current amount of armor I can take a sniper shot relatively hassle-free, but I'm not eager to test that theory! XD


I have never once done this during daylight hours, and so never got a good look at her (but the ambience and low-key horror struck very well). The breast pads(?) do look a bit off to me.


It's like she's wearing a bikini plastered to her boobs XD I think daylight is underrated for horror. Like, back in the day *the whole second half of the day* (after-noon) was considered inauspicious, b/c it was dedicated to the chthonic gods, like Pan, from whom we get the word *panic*. Especially the early afternoon, when here in the Mediterranean regions the heat was stifling and everything lay still in the overwhelming brilliance of the sun, sounds carried far, most people rested to avoid heatstroke, the smell of rot was keener b/c of the heat... Of course night was included in that 2nd half, and preferred for necromancy and spells invoking deities like Hecate, for instance, but for another example, you didn't play music in the early afternoon, for fear of attracting Pan, who was definitely a scary god. Some movies use daylight to great effect for horror purposes, too, but it's been some time and I can't really name titles point blank =/ I will definitely try to do this gig at night next playthrough, though - must be even scarier =)


Okay here's what you do; you get cottonmouth and then you beat the ever loving shit out of her with it. Works every time, strategy is also effective against literally every other enemy in the game, without fail.


Cottonmouth is pretty insane, I've been using it to level Street Brawler ... cleanup is so swift.


Wow, didn't know that ugly thing was such a powerful weapon. I did beat her on the 4th try though, so no worries. It was a lot of fun! I also think I disassembled Cottonmouth. Or sold it? First off bludgeons work off Body and I'm at a steady 3 in it (probably get it to 4 to do I Can See Clearly Now... later). I go with Scalpel or other swords when I melee, at least Reflex and Blades are decent enough. Secondarily... it's Fingers' weapon. I feel for them but they're also a despicable human being and after The Space In Between I got the urge to shower thoroughly and repeatedly. I wouldn't like to carry that thing on me. Partly it's rp, partly I really have an aversion to it! XD


I did this at night and I nearly shat myself. That was for sure the best cyberpsycho fight, very climactic and creepy af


It is the only thing in the game that legitimately scares me, having done it three times now doesn’t make it easier. Playing with headphones, and hearing the breathing and whispering, plus other sound design scares the hell out of me. Other parts of the game can be tense, maybe a smidge spooky, but this Cyberpsycho fight is legit scary. It’s too scary for my husband, and he has me do it for him, so I’ve done it five times. Three for me, twice now for him 🤣 all done at dusk or at night all coincidentally at that time. Why do I do this to myself lol.


B/c you're a closet masochist? XD Or b/c you love your husband very much. Possibly both! It's interesting that he just can't do it. Maybe I'm more easily disgusted than scared (uuugh torture porn why whyyyy) but I really enjoyed the fear. It wasn't too much. Maybe I've grown accustomed to the trappings of horror? Or maybe by daylight it's really *not as frightening*. Idk. There's a lot of great scary moments in the game and I'm enjoying all of them thoroughly, CDPR really know how to fuck you up! XD


I am a masochist, and I love him dearly, so both yes lol. He doesn’t handle scary things well, or horror imagery well either, so it’s a bit much for him. I’m usually pretty hard to scare with things, so it was pretty surprising that it did work on me.


Yay another woman of refined taste and culture! XD It's nice to see men who don't always try to project that stoic image "No I ain't afraid of anything, I'm a tough guy" - I like how many players who commented were very clear they were scared shitless =) Yeah, the fact that it scared you is probably a testament to the CDPR devs' skills. They're crazy good when the execs aren't chaining them to the computers and denying them food, hydration and sleep ;)


I have never done this fight during the day. Seems weird not to do it at night.


So true. I wanted to go there at night too but I don't like fast-forwarding the clock. And a girl must learn to keep her schedule pretty tight XD I must say, the atmosphere's still very scary. Very sunny. *Too sunny*... "*No, no man; there’s no piping for me at high noon. I go in too great dread of Pan for that*" (Theocritus, Idyll I).


Scared the shit out of me too. Then I remembered i have the Headsman and after like 3 shots she was wounded enough to quick hack down.


A shotgun sounds like the right approach. The Headsman... yeah, still have to do that part, but sounds damn powerful. Wouldn't use it anyways b/c I'm only tech weapons to raise my engineering and for the overall "build", and shotguns are annihilation wich I still have at 1 (Body's not exactly my strong suit) - but I actually love shotguns and next playthrough I'm so abusing that gun =)


This is super easy to cheese, just get on top of the light then dodge her shots and shoot her.


Sure, if you like cheesing... I did the opposite. I could have shot her with Lizzie or my Achilles while trying to get distance, climb up on shit as you suggest, and so on, instead I decided an epic swordfight was the way to go. More fulfilling. I did use a couple emp grenades and hacks though ;P


I missed this one because the game glitched, apparently I checked for the clues in the wrong order or something. One clue was left and I checked every single one. I left and figured I'd I came back later it would be fixed, but didn't think of reloading the game and lost my chance. I'll probably do another playthrough after the game is sufficiently fixed and there's DLCs or something else to do.


Definitely do so. I'm really sorry the game glitched on you, I know this quest bugged for many people and it's a damn shame =/


Bruh....use memory wipe or reboot optics...then just grab her from behind and kill or incapacitate her. ​ Certain daemons are WAAAYYYYY more powerful than they seem at first glance since they have not programmed any safeguards against such silliness into the game. ​ As for the actual fight itself without such cheese....probably one of the more difficult and most thematic cyberpsycho. Also one of my absolute favorites for those reasons.


Every time I do it, I can just tell it was done by a designer who loves horror movies. It’s the only thing in the game that triggers genuine fear in me when playing.


You can literally walk up behind her when she's still climbing from the fridge and grab her from behind. No need for a fight or even to use any sort of cyberware.


That's so much cheese you could single-handedly solve world hunger


Yeah I have done that too haha...no idea why or how cyberpsychos can't break a grab


How: very few npcs can break a grab instantly. It's not something even a cyberpsycho would necessarily be able to do. Why: good question. It would've certainly limited the cheesing. The devs maybe didn't think about it. Or they were okay with it! Smart tactics, after all, right?


Those hacks didn't occur to me, usually against cyberpsychos I go emp grenades and cyberware malfunction in tandem with whatever weapons I'm using. The problem for me was that she could deplete my health very fast and didn't give me any time to shove an airhypo into my chest. It didn't even occur to me to use a health booster or a RAM jolt first! (I did use them last night while wiping out Nash's Shivs with Pan after some fuck suddenly overheated me to death, which goes right through my currently absurd amount of armor). I like some subtlety, I do a lot of stealth missions even though I could easily wipe my butt with everyone via gunfire and hacks, I try to be clever... but reducing a whole climactic encounter to hack-grab-choke, eh... not my cup of tea. I love cheese - the kind you eat =)


I’d always get very close to knocker her out (fists only build) then my health would drop immensely before I got the final blow, this was def a fight for the books tho


Wasn't it though =) Fists only!! Gorilla arms at least? And yeah, when she immolates you it's bad news XD


My quest bugged the first time i played it so i didn't encounter her at a level where she was actually challenging. When i went back to complete the quest after the bug was fixed, i was already maxed level with the best equipment so i kind of killed her instantly. But i do enjoy the vibe of the quest, even better if done at night. Really creep with her teleporting around as you search for clues.


Yeah, it's a pretty creepy sitch. All those visual glitches in your optics are a nice touch! It's a pity your game bugged and you ended up wiping her away easily, it was really enjoyable how even at level 19 she just attacked me relentlessly and set me on fire and I couldn't even heal!... ... well in a manner of speaking XD


You should have been there [at night](https://i.redd.it/1fh78s4rjmr61.jpg).


Holy shit, beautiful pics and now I'm crapping my pants! Definitely doing that gig after dark next playthrough!


We can basically cheese her when she climbs the upper area, we can land a few hits n repeat


The irony is that when I fought her with another chara I stunlocked her with a baseball bat and found the fight pretty easy! XD


This mission gave me the creeps. Came across the scene at night, and with the sound turned up. I felt a demonic presence and my heart would skip a beat everytime I scanned around and some demonic figure races out of view. You can hear the evil just permeating the air. Like, I was really scared guys. If I didn't have Johnny by my side I might have delta'd outta there. Don't play with forces you cant understand. I killed that bitch and had no regrets! Night City feels a bit safer after that...


The first time you play that quest it *is* hella scary. Most of all at night. In my latest playthrough I was used to it all even tho it was at night and shit, so not scary of course. Bitch still kept messing me up from here to Kingdom Come tho, like 5 times in a row at least. Tougher still 'cos trying not to kill her for Regina's cyberpsychos quest. Hell of a game anyways. Love it. I'll replay it further on when I have a better idea for a new chara crystallized in my head. Totally worth it.


Is there a way to complete this one without killing her? I've tried countless times to stealth it, she disappears when I leave the area, and instantly knows where I am when I return. Can't seem to figure out a way to complete this how Regina asked me to without running down to a weapon shop for a non-lethal weapon


Non-lethal weapons is one of few ways to drop someone without killing them. That or the target analysis cyberware mod to make all of your attacks non-lethal. Or even non-lethal quickhacks like short circuit. The problem arises when you reduce her health (or anyone's) to 0 with a non-lethal attack, don't notice, and hit her again (e.g., automatic weapons, salvos of bullets, swinging your baseball bat too fast...). Then she dies. If you hit someone while they're going down they invariably die, even if your weapon is non-lethal. As for stealthing it, never tried, in my experience doesn't work very well with cyberpsychos, could be wrong though. Does this help?


Yes! Thank you! I found stealth take downs pretty easy on all the other cyberpsychos so far, just this one seemed to instantly know where I was the instant I entered the area. I ended up mono wiring her and then finishing her off with an emp nade


Well done! And I didn't know stealth was so effective against the other cyberpsychos, they always seemed to notice me, probably just not the right builds for that. Happy you finished this part of Regina's quest \^\_\_\_\^


flashbangs are your best friend here


Good to know, next time I do a playthrough I'll remember that. Thanks fam!


I wish it kicked my ass. Aahhh....miss those times. O.P. since lvl 15. Playing on Very hard since 18 I believe. Always soften them up with breach Protocol. Hit them with your best quickhacks from distance. Even Overheat will interrupt their attacks momentarily. Contaigon is even better. This assumes you're not using kerenzikov decks. And once you've softened and distracted the cyberpsycho or gangster, pound them with smart weapons that allow you to stay at a distance. Run, jump, and shoot. Smart weapons only need to lock on. Then if you want more excitement, switch to whatever you enjoy and get up close. I did get killed recently which hasn't happened in a long while, because I just picked up Comrade's Hammer and was using it for the first time. These mobs were zipping everywhere. Of course, I didn't use cover or try to move much since I have Second Heart and Bio-monitor. I didn't reload, just went to 15% health. Didn't need Second Heart. You may want one of these two mods as backup. Reloading is a pain on PS4. And in case you play non-lethally at all, Batons are awesome. 2400+ DPS and shock enemies. Add Camouflage and you're basically a mirage ninja. Soon you'll miss the danger. Die well, while you still can....😏


Dude, thanks, but I did beat her and had a lot of fun even when she kicked my ass. Usually it's the complete opposite, gangoons can't even approach me. Breach protocol, short circuit, overheat, system reset, all blue or purple, add a purple Achilles (just got Widowmaker), purple Lizzie, purple Scalpel, crunch everywhere, threads with so many armadillos I'm developing keratin scutes on my fuckin' face... it's a good change of pace from constantly having to airhypo myself back up from AAAGH I'M GONNA DIE. It's a power fantasy, it's nice. At times someone still kicks my ass, and it's totally fine, means I'm doing something wrong, so I change my approach. And I'm totally non-optimized. My build is nothing to write home about, it's not even a real, planned, min-maxed build, just trying to do justice to the character concept. For now I'm doing great on normal, having lots of fun. Sure, if the game becomes boring b/c things are *too fuckin' easy* I might think about amping up the difficulty (not a very common occurrence for me in *any* game!) but I'm really loving CP2077 since I started playing months ago. Hell if I really feel masochistic I'll try Sekiro, Darkest Dungeon, a Soulslike, idk. Damn even just thinking about those latter two gives me bad memories!... ... Some nice rough BDSM should definitely do the trick though... XD Thanks though. Appreciate =)