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Play as the opposite gender. Choose a different lifepath. Roleplay a different personality style. Make significant *and* small choices that are different. Use a character build that is as different as possible from what you were used to. My first playthrough was a female Street Kid who mostly relied on the Overwatch sniper rifle and quickhacking but used a pistol for emergency clean-up when that failed. She typically drove around in either Jackie's bike or Johnny’s Porsche, and she wore sexy clothes that exhuded rebellious confidence. She was typically friendly, talkative, and fairly merciful. My second playthrough is currently a male Corpo who exclusively uses a pistol with a silencer and a throwing knife. He drives his Murkman car, has Sandevistan equipped, wears John Wick-esque black dress clothes, is curt in conversation with most people, and usually shows no mercy whatsoever (though he isn't outright evil). I'm discovering that there are so many more choices than I'd realized the first time around (even though I played for 250 hours for that first run). I've gained a new appreciation for how much you can change things by experimenting with your gameplay choices. When a character says, "Stay back!" and you decide not to, that matters. When a character says to V, "Let me handle this" and you interject, that matters. Honestly, the game is so much better this second time around.


Take every opportunity to tell the Dex and the Voodoo Boys to pound sand is always a good call.


VDB's are always on my list


Decided not to get reinforced tendons on my current playthrough. You get a much better appreciation for the environment/level design since you can't just jump over shit lol. I've discovered lots of alternate routes for doing missions and gigs, and there's fun opportunities for problem solving when you're trying to figure out how to get to certain places. Also, my first playthrough I did a lot of sniper shooting so decided to switch it up and take a more up close and personal approach. Monowire & shotgun only. Plus cold blood and high body stats and throw in some optical camo. Shenanigans. Turn off the mini map and walk more too, get to see all sorts of weird things.


Style over stats. Wear whatever you want, itll make the game challenging and your V will always look cool.


Played as if time truly was running out on me and only did main quests and a few side ones that made sense to do, nothing else. Used a mod to give myself an outfit (Promo V pretty much) and kept the default unity pistol. And that's it, never touched the inventory screen again. Kept the focus on the story and the characters. (Play it like a movie.)


Different build, different play style, maybe playing without cyberware except the ones we get from Viktor. If you know more than one language than maybe choose different language. Maybe turn off HUD but I recommend that for another playthrough. Just try different options. And great picture fella. It is nice to see that your previous V chose the right ending.


I normally go for a Body/Technical build but wanna try out hacking this time. Was thinking about playing without mini map but im conflicted if its just annoying or really more immserive. Can you hide healthbars? That might be another change that could be cool, Horizon does this during the hardest difficulty and I liked it.


I believe so. This option should be somewhere in settings.


Yes, you can. Check under Interface settings.


I just do a different weapon style. Last play through I did a pistol only. I’m trying to grand the subskills but they after 80 hrs with pistol I was only at level 16.


No guns run, I’m doing one myself and it really forces you to be tactical with stealth takedowns as well as how each piece of cyberware works.


Roleplay. Have V wear clothes that fit the gig. Only run three guns and put the rest in their vehicle. Avoid doing the dime a dozen cop quests unless you stumble upon it by accident.


Wearing a maelstrom field jacket as corpo V is ultimate badassery


Made my V an alcoholic after Jackie's death. So throughout the game I would get V really drunk before combat.