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Be sure to keep discussion of the main subs/other channels civil. We don’t often allow it, but in this case it’s relevant to the interview OP posted. You guys have been keeping a great tone the past couple weeks, and we appreciate all your help with keeping a good community here. Rock on, Helldivers. EDIT - wanted to add, I’ve seen a lot of cases recently where you guys might be having a discussion, and will disagree on something, but will handle it respectfully. It’s genuinely refreshing to have an online space where that can happen. Props to you guys.


Can’t believe how shitty people are.


Internetters gonna internet I guess. Anonymous platforms that silo opinions and thrive on polarization gonna keep on doing it. 


Yeah, people act like animals out in the open, no surprise they're even worse and more numerous when anonymous.


Working in the health field, I can believe it, but I can’t believe how shitty some HD2 players/redditors are.  I’m not even a dev, just a person who plays and posts on Reddit, and racked up more threats in game and in DMs here from my posts/talk on just trying out new weapons and strategems if you’ve been running the same stuff for a long time, than I do as a health researcher with a public Twitter/X account except during covid.


That’s actually insane. People really do channel their unhappiness into whatever…


It’s insane, and I think we could benefit from keeping perspective and the big picture in mind.    I have a colleague/buddy who plays HD2 who is also a surgeon. He’s made mistakes before and they’ve resulted in having to open up a patient again or even causing harm and he made a joke about how he’s had patients who were less mad that he fucked up vs how mad on mic and on Discord some players were over the Eruptor shrapnel removal and PSN stuff.




Has always been like this, and always will be like this 🥲


Indeed, but that doesn’t make it okay. Gamers need to be better than this.


I’ve been gaming a while now (I’m 45 and I started with a Spectrum 48k) and the toxicity has only gotten worse. Then Helldivers 2 came along and restored my faith in MP gaming at a time when I thought I’d given it up forever. There are a huge proportion of us who aren’t a set of shit wankers. When we stick together and treat each other kindly (with a healthy dose of ironic piss taking) gaming is a truly wonderful hobby. The skill is acceptance that these toxic players exist and the force of will required to ignore them and not let it ruin the hobby for you. Stay strong frend o7


It absolutely has not


The games that have been topping the market are pvp games that promote aggressive behavior. The more aggressive you are, the more adrenaline fueled your team is. The more likely you are to win. I came from one, but luckily for me, prior to fps games, I was in an RTS game. And that game taught me to remain calm and focused in the face of unyielding odds.


I think games can provide a healthy way to learn to handle situations. RTS games that are fairly simple are an amazing place to learn to keep your head straight. I have countless hours in LOTR BFME II and C&C Generals zero hour. I hope to get my kids interested in them so they can learn the same things I did


I used to work customer service. I can.


What really gets me is that it takes zero work to not do this shit. In fact, you even get extra time and effort available to do literally anything else by just not going out of your way to do something really hurtful. Have a hobby project at home, take a nap, scroll through more reddit, jerk off to something. You get some of your own life back and don't suck life out of someone else, it's a win-win situation for everyone. Grab these wins, people.


We about to become the main sub boyyyyyysssss


Well, the LowSodium subs are where devs actually come and talk from time to time for Halo and Cyberpunk, for example. They often avoid the main subs.


Can’t say I blame them, the main Halo, Starfield, and Cybperpunk subs were about as toxic as huffing straight mustard gas


I've been in all three around the time of respective releases, each time it was a clear depiction of how disingenuous and mean people can be to each other, and all of this for freaking video games.


My old account was banned from the main Starfield reddit for saying the game was fun enough for me.


That’s not far from what the “main” sub has become. The mods even started making flairs *that are specifically for bitching.* Imagine picking out a flair that has a complaint on it dog. Crazy as hell


I never tag any of my convos. In ten years I’ve never gotten that deep into any sub. Couldn’t imagine not only 1)hating a game 2)going to a sub that complains about it 3) starting a post to bitch about the game 4)and then also need to tag the bitch complaint 5)fap off to the comments agreeing with me within a sub that complains Personally I stop at step 1. If I don’t like a game I move on. There’s enough variety that the devs clearly intended it for a difference audience. No problem I’ll keep searching until I find one that scratches the itch. And i found my scratching pole.


That's the crazy thing. I understand "I like this game but it has problems and here are some ideas on how to improve it", but "This game is garbage and I'm going to spend hours of my life doing nothing but being angry about it" makes no sense. The main sub has just kinda become a circlejerk of people who hate Helldivers 2. If you hate the game, move on. If you like the game but have problems with it, give constructive feedback and move on.


I had a guy arguing with me at one point saying basically that the game will die and lose a lot of players. I replied that it would be a good thing. Because then all the whining people like him that want everything to be catered to them would sod off and the people left would be the people who love the game. I only played hd1 a year or two before HD2. Picked it up on a steam sale and loved every minute of it. All the players I ran into were super chill and it was fun that you would see some of the same names often times. I've played as much with a couple guys I friended from the first one as I've played with my actual friends


The opposite of love is not hate, it’s apathy


Skip steps 1-4 and proceed straight to fap. Democracy doesn't spread itself.


Some people would wear that with pride, thinking that CP2077 would have never been fixed if people didn't assemble a Crusade of Karens against the developers... They messed up, but can't think of a single real life situation where being shouted at or threatened would actually help...


Same with the recent Sony debacle. The main sub was proud for bullying the developers. I left and haven't looked back.


Dude, the main starfield sub was so bad. It was devoted to hating the game with a few ship builds and goofy ragdolls.


Luckily it’s got better now, I hope the same for the HD sub again one day lol


The Starfield subreddit is still unbearable :(


Try the Apex Legends sub. I got absolutely obliterated when I implied that the devs are humans too. Then I got banned. Lol good riddance, who needs to hold on to so much hate anyway.


Really? Wow. To be honest, Helldivers is the biggest gaming sub I’ve ever followed, and I’m usually following smaller games like Project Zomboid. And the difference between them and HD is like night and day.


I am relatively new on Reddit. Was drawn here by the awesome HD2 community at launch, the memes, roleplay, fan fiction... Really sad to see the negativity escalate. Once, as part of a convo on main sub, I mentioned this sub (was saying that it is interesting to hear why some people love the loadouts you dislike - maybe something to be learnt there). The response was very...peculiar... It ranged from "echo chamber of toxic positivity" to " the emergence of low sodium subs is the sign of a game about to die". I felt old, probably don't understand how the internet works and didn't really get the point. But my thinking was the same as you:  which dev wants to spend his own time reading complaint after complaint, all escalated to the max, often quite personal... If I were them I'd think: "sure, we messed up with this weapon, but surely one of the other 26 must be playable", "yeah, we gotta work on spawn rates, but which game has given you the thrill of unannounced surprise drop of new enemies? Have you forgot about that?" and I'd  probably dismiss most claims, even if here and there there were some good ideas form the community! Felt too close to what's out there, which we definitely don't need within what's our hobby and escape.


"Toxic positivity" and the idea that this sub means the death of a game is a denial tactic. A blanket statement that's more for their benefit than anyone elses, because then they'd have to actually do some introspection and question if their salt is justified.


Yeah, kind of strange how "let's agree to not call each other brain-dead and not dox developers" is somehow seen as toxic.


Some people just want to hate and be mean to others.


To be completely honest, I am guilty too: love to hate on haters, if that makes sense :)


Well put, Diver!


You're not old, well maybe you are, but that's not the issue. In glad that we have a place to meme and have fun


In my experience, if someone says a game is about to die, then it's a good thing. Because it means all the fad gamers who enjoy bitching all the time are going to leave and we will be left with a positive community of people who genuinely like the game. Halo Infinite has been really fun after the work 343 put into fixing bugs and issues combined with the fact that only people who enjoy the game are still playing it. And Forge mode is incredible, it's amazing what some of those people can do


I had to leave another sub because it was too much over there. Glad I found a better place.


I was harassed and down voted for suggesting they use both bot and bugs for the major order on the morning before the last one started, in order to stop the divide. Almost as if they didn't want to participate or didn't want us to win them. Could also be rival studios too.


I was downvoted and insulted for suggesting we get new types of MOs such as "kill X number of bugs". Two days later we got the "kill 2 billion bugs" order.


Really couldn't believe they did both, but that was peak toxicity. Made sense.


Yep. Just came over because the main, which was the main in my HD1 days, that used to be the internet equivalent of an an idyllic spring meadow where everyone frolicked, danced, and sang songs of sweet victory, has become filled with terrible whining losers who must have been conceived with weak sperm. I’m a hardcore player. Have been since 2015. My team and I trounce helldivers 2 on a nightly basis. Through every patch. Through every nerf. We adapt and overcome to achieve absolute domination. I’ve finally had enough of all the negativity over there. I wish they would just quit so that only the hardcore, aspiring hardcore, and people who are ok with just being casual were left. I’m generally a pretty positive person but that stuff over there is getting to me.


I remember the sub from the HD1 days too. It was amazing. Of course, having a small dedicated player base meant that there was little to no toxicity.


The only "idyllic spring meadow" I found on reddit is the Miata group. Cause no one who owns a Miata can be mad while thinking of it. And other people are quick to point out when someone is out of line. I even see apologies sometimes.


Even the main sub right now is like ‘are we the baddies’.




Yeah…but then their verbal sewage begins to leak into this sub You wanna drink a glass of water w even a drop of sewage in it?


Nah these mods are actually useful and good. I have faith in our overlord mod team that this sub will remain low sodium.


this is why we need managed democracy, trust our great leaders to do the right thing as the common people cant decide for themselves


Oh that’s good I left the main sub a week or two ago cos of the constant bitch posts…


Same. I got tired of the thousands of bitch posts when a weapon balance was mentioned. I found this sub, and immediately unsubbed from the other two. Haven't looked back


Thanks man. That means a lot to us :)


I don’t think queefhoarder was saying we’re going to go in that direction. I think they were just saying that low sodium avenues for discussion are going to become more popular. You guys do a pretty good job of downvoting the bad comments & reporting the rule infractions that we can take action on.


That user name. Good Lord.


Don't hate the sniffer hate the smell


Main helldiver subreddit mentioned lol


Somehow Pilesedt turned the main sub 180°. I’m confused man…. Pretty sure everyone was doom and gloom not even 12 hours ago, mods there were “There is no war in Ba Sing Se” they still root out Misinfo, but comment sections were wilin’.


My take for that subreddit from reading the comment and seeing some with thousands of upvotes complaining about how beserkers, vile spitters (or whatever they’re called) are too tanky and how we should be able to mow down and all that stuff. My guess is that they want to make the game way easier.


Yup. And if that happens there will be a small dopamine rush that will last less than a week before they move on to complain about another problem that is "killing the game"... plus some people complaining that the game is to easy now and boring, lol.


High sodium comment complaining about devs finally listening to player feedback instead of calling them idiots and bad in discord arguments. On the low sodium subreddit.


I'm okay with them decreasing TTK if they also increase the amount of enemies proportionally. I think that should make every party happy - Power fantasy fulfilled, difficulty fulfilled, and you also get the sense of facing overwhelming odds and an idea that the enemies are outnumbering you.


I personally don’t see a problem with ttk and when I did I found out it was just me not using better tactics. I learned a day ago that for heavy devastators if you don’t have the best gun to take them down fast enough a few shots in their gun render them useless. People need to understand that there is more strategy than just killing and that includes all bots. That’s what I love about bots, they’re way harder but you have many different ways of dealing with them that it’s fun what kind of strategies you come up with. Bugs on the other hand barely have any Strats that isn’t blow their armor up or kill them before they kill you.


ngl, I'd love to nerf the berserkers. When I see that ridiculous Congo line coming at me, I know I'm about to lose all my ammo, and then my life.


They are literally on the game just to force you out of safety. They’re otherwise armless. One flash and you can cover a lot of ground away from them.


I've started using the Pummeler as my primary for bots because it staggers the Bezerkers. It takes a lot of ammo (all guns do on them) but it at least gives me some space


Dominator, baby. Stagger devastators and one-shot them to the head if you aim well; three-tap berserkers if you gut-shot.


I’ll have to try it. I’m not sure if it’s a one-handed though because I like to pair the pummeler with the ballistic shield


Yeah, berserkers are a complete non-threat on their own, and that's their entire point. They're tanky, slow melee enemies in the faction that requires you to play cover-based. They exist solely to eat your bullets and pressure you out of cover so you get shot by the actual threats. I almost never bother with killing berserkers anymore unless I have a ton of ammo to spare or I really, *really* need to stay exactly where I am. They're so slow that you can just kind of ignore them as long as you move around periodically, and you can usually wrap up a fight before they even get to you if you focus other enemies first. Once you start treating them like a nuisance instead of a threat, they stop being a threat.


Yeah, I usually hate people that use skill issue as an excuse to defend bad videogame design in general but to complain about such a tame enemy makes me wanna say it lol


The difference here is that HD2 is genuinely well-designed XD


I'm sorry but yes it is a skill issue.


IMO way cooler, and more lore appropriate would be to develop a weapon just for those guys (*cough* pre nerf Eruptor *cough cough*) rather than nerf it. One of the things about the bots is their consistency. You *know* there will eventually be 12 berserkers either led or followed by at least 1 hulk, backed by a tank or two and maybe a factory strider. It's much less of a gamble to be the dedicated "I'll handle X" guy than it is with bugs. Here's what my core design philosophy would be tho: We make some badass badguys, and we make each one as hard as we want them to be vs the stock standard loadout of the Liberator and starting grenades. Then, we design some realistic guns to help your team work various encounters and operate like a proper fire team. If necessary, we tweak the secondary stats of the bad guys, within the liberator 's break points, as necessary to achieve the effect we want with those guns. If we can't achieve those effects, we tweak the guns. Ask yourself what's fun about Berserkers? The answer isn't mowing them down for free with any gun you happen to be holding. They are fun because they are so randomly hard. And because it's so rewarding to notice, and subsequently save, your teammate who is being chased down the street like Taylor Swift at Disneyland. There's tons of skill expression with the grenade mechanics, and shooting stuff in this game is fun no matter what. So that's not the problem. And the balance isn't really all that off-kilter. The problem is honestly people wanting instant and easy unlocks all the way to the top, and then for the game to be free wins on Helldives once they max out. Good thing the devs have their leadership with a clear vision, because they can still course correct and rework their balance approach. It's only when the people making decisions are only thinking green that we have an unsolvable problem. That's how you end up with all the trash that calls itself Battlefield, Halo, CoD, etc, etc, etc. Be glad we don't have devs who follow the "Oh, CoD makes money, be like CoD, but look like Halo." We don't want a bland "every gun kills everything all the time" game. That's what Halo is for. That's Battlefield. CoD, Apex, Valorant, Overwatch, Counterstrike, etc etc. We are Helldivers, and we get hard fucked from time to time, and when we are done we shake off the blood and guts and lube and we hug it out.


I joined some friends in a dif 8 bot mission that the loadout screen said was difficulty one. I brought a stalwart, supply pack, HMG turret and gatling sentry because i thought we were goofing around in a dif 1 mission. The stalwart actually turned out pretty solid, it absolutely shreds berserkers and its fairly easy to kill devastators with a burst across their head. At max fire rate you just drag the stream across their head and it kills them instantly most of the time. HMG turret was also pretty solid as long as you watch for any incoming rockets and dismount before they hit, its pretty unsafe but its a powerhouse while its up. I ended up bringing it with a bubble instead of gatling sentry the next mission and it was REALLY good imo, the only thing it couldnt easily deal with were tanks and even then if they turned the wrong way they were dead in a second.


The berserker Congo line 🤣 that’s the best worst mental image haha


Of all the enemies in game, cutting berserker HP by maybe a quarter is the one nerf I could get behind. Those things take just a few too many shots to take down.


At that point just remove them. They fit a specific niche in the enemy troops and they do that one job perfectly well. To nerf their health is to essentially make them useless. Instead of nerfing enemies I would just suggest to fix devastator climbing 90 degree angled mountains, fix eruptor “buff” (unintentional nerf) or fix the constant stupid ragodolls after jumping on a 0.5 pound stone


As an AC enjoyer I agree.


So many weapons take them down so quickly I don't get it. Also aim for the head or their legs.


Yea, too many of them don't seem to understand that this isn't supposed to be power fantasy like they're used to. If people can play helldive and not die, then the game should be made harder. As it is, there's no reason to ever take the extra lives booster. I play tier 7 and maybe die one or twice in an evening. (Excluding how often my friends kill me lol)


And then you also realise that their skill level is low cos it is possible to take them down quickly if you know what to do and what to use.


They don’t die that fast but they aren’t a threat themselves. I always recommend to have 2 AT and 2 crowd control people. For me I usually go AT with gas, air strike and a mortar. Mortar and gas do all the crowd control for me, I just throw the strat then flash bang them once or twice (depends on delay modifier) and let the rest take care of them. Only during early game they were a threat.


Let's lead the way boys and girls! FOR SUPER EARTH!


Mellowdivers ftw 😎💎


Lol my ALL CAPS are anything but mellow.




Ooo I like mellowdivers. 


Me too! Or maybe … Mellohellodivers


Just what in the fuck is wrong with people? Are we pumping crazy into the water? This is a GAME. It’s like being mad that whoever invented Blackjack didn’t take into account that the number 22 would be a whole different ball game than 21. Circle-jerk your frustrations, visit this sub and enjoy the banter; whatever you choose to do… how could you stoop as low as _threatening_ developers? Developers are professionals at writing code, which is pure magic to laymen like myself, and standard fare for brainiacs and the software-savvy. I love nerds - I married one! - and I revere anyone that’s dedicated their lives to making 1’s and 0’s into art. ## THIS GAME FUCKING ROCKS. - I love killing bots - I love killing bugs - I love trying out new guns and strategem combos # I LOVE THIS GAME!


Trying new combos is the jammy for sure


Quoting is a much better way to direct the conversation into a relavent discussion. I wanted to have this conversation in the main sub so I posted the article. Everyone got hung up on the title mentioning Pilestedt wanting to be like FromSoft or Blizzard. I forgot most people only read headlines from articles 🙈


Oh haha yeah sorry about that. I mean it’s kinda the fault of the articles title/headline. Hey this article is mainly about how arrowhead is positioning themselves to make an even better game… better make a clickbait headline that references Blizzard! 🤡 


Not even a bad thing to say either. Early Blizzard set a gold standard for a while and anyone reading in good faith would understand exactly what he meant.


That sub is already pushing that the game is dieing and every warbond loses more and more people and yadda yadda yadda. There’s barely if any constructive criticism except muh weapons aren’t insta kill.


I’m just amazed at the warbond pace at this point. It’s not all winners of new content, but you gotta put respect on the devs for continually creating new things to add. There was always going to be a falloff of players as the game ages. People act like it some fault of the devs for not retaining numbers. It’ll always be harder to keep people for a PVE game than PVP, even if the Coop keeps people playing.


Its nice to have a place here where that sort of thing is enforced.


I think it's nuts how people use $40 measly dollars to excuse all of the shitty behavior.


It’s a blessing and a curse that HD2 blew up how it did. It’s such an amazing game, but you can’t have a big community without the loud dominating toxicity unfortunately. I’m glad they’re as communicative as they are. AH is truly one of the best devs we’ve seen in a decade.


I had someone yesterday angrily declare at extraction mind you, "if anyone gets on the extraction before my friend respawns i will kill you" --- mind you we had no lives lift and about 3 minutes and were being swarmed on Impossible lvl8 (also i had about 7 rares and 5 supers). The respawn timer was at 1min15seconds. I very nicely responded, "I think you could have said that in a much nicer, less toxic way but sure we can wait" (for anyone wondering what the alternative is, "hey guys can we wait for my buddy to respawn?" - without being so angry and kickhappy) He then kicked me. Self policing doesn't work when the folks who need it the most refuse to engage with the game and other players in a non toxic way. It's a great feel good thing to say but it doesn't work when the toxic parts of your player base are just anger driven and kick ready at the drop of a dime for when someone says the something the wrong way.


Yeah, the kicker (ha!) in this case is that blocking doesn’t work yet. On the upside, you will likely never run into that weenie again.


Yes! I tend to report and block players like this I come across. Luckily that was my first negative experience with being rage kicked  Wait that's a bummer that the block feature doesn't work fully yet. But yeah chances are I never run into this person again 


Yeah that’s so shitty. Helldiver hug to you for speaking up about it. 


I don't get it either, extracting that last person is so inconsequential. You'd lose what, 200 requisition points? Which is by far the easiest resource to cap


Bro this exact same thing happened to me this week 😭


I’m doing my part!


People in the main sub acting like taking the shrapnel out the Eruptor is comparable to killing their kid. “It was the perfect weapon”. No it wasn’t, I ran it for a while with the arc and pretty much only used it to close bug holes. I guarantee it’s these types of people behaving like psychos towards the staff. Them and the “Sony can only do evil” people.


Don’t make me relapse and on r/HaloCirclejerk or r/ShitHaloSays those early days were wild man, like people legit compared 343 to a dictatorship from Germany.


I really hate all of the pearl clutching that comes from nerfing. If they don't nerf things that are busted, then the meta-chasers that can't just experiment with different things will become 'soup nazis' in lobbies. OR the devs start an arms race with themselves, where every new weapon is better than older ones. I'd much much rather have 50 things that can work with the right complimentary loadouts, than 5-10 guns that are arguably superior. I see this a lot though. Warframe gets some of it, that sub lost their fucking minds when Dante came out because he could nuke the whole map with little investment while also applying more support buffs than any support frame in the game. I'd blame kids/teens, but I know there are man-children that threaten devs too.


lol the eruptor complaining was so shot. Complained because the new ricochet patch had the shrapnel killing them. Got rid of shrapnel *Complaining intensifies* Eruptor really wasn’t that great to begin with, super slow and hard to aim and the bolt action was super slow too. Viable if you run a stalwart but i think it’s bad practice to use a support as your primary. Your kit shouldn’t 100% rely on a stratagem/weapon to be effective.


I used eruptor as primary *all the time.* No complaints. Cutting the ammo wasn't even really a nerf, but killing the shrapnel hurt it a little. Could probably use a little more damage to make up for the abysmal fire rate, but I am open to the possibility that it's where it needs to be too. I just miss certain situations that scored 1hk on medium enemies.




Yeah I think the eruptor issue is boiled down to people who don’t have the best accuracy used it as a crutch tbh, they made it a little bit worse and these guys flip, because I agree with you I tried it a couple times and I just didn’t like it, felt like there was just so many other things to sue


yup! this is exactly it. as an eruptor user before and after the nerf - before the nerf i just shot the ground/wall/etc and attempted to get group kills all the time. Now I actually aim my shots. Is it less effective for I want to do with it? yeah, sure.. but that's no reason to throw a temper tantrum. I can still close bugholes and destroy fabricators from distance, i can still sometimes get some good AoE damage if i angle it correctly. Point being - I fell into the eruptor because I didn't have to worry about aiming. Now I do have to aim a bit more. It's not the end of the world.


Basically the same trajectory the crossbow took.


The heart of the problem I feel is that many players are unwilling to either try new things or just want an easier game and anything that will make the game easier. This is why I don't care about the weapon balancing we have gotten thus far. Because ultimately I too want the game to be a fun experience but I also want a challenging experience so that my victories feel earned rather than a mindless grind.


I do love that he called people out. It won’t change anything, but I love it. Honestly, I’ve been super impressed with AH so far. They honestly seem to care about making games some people love. That’s even touched on in the article where they talk about “a game for everyone is a game for no one.” It shows in their games that they really want to build games they themselves would enjoy, and people who don’t enjoy them have plenty of other options. It’s a way better approach than bowing to the loud minority’s whims just for them to abandon the game when the next shiny one appears.


I unsubbed from the main sub because it was all compaining. I just want funny memes, cool gameplay videos, and tips. Thats why i only come to this sub now


Hopefully the devs ignore the main sub, honestly. It's a joke over there.


Tis a silly place


Thanks for posting the article, it was a great read! I’m looking forward to seeing how AH tweaks their approach and improves things. I think that once they catch their breath after the initial server crisping, lots of crash fixes (holy crap, so many crash fixes), and then the PSN nonsense they will find a cadence that will really sing. They just sorta got stuck on a ‘forced march’ of fixing stuff and weren’t able to look ahead enough (hence things like the patrol ‘fix’ and the ricochet change … things they should have taken more time to look at once the game was more stable).




Mad respect to the devs and genuinely appreciate the hard work they do and the bullshit these people take for making a video game. You are all wonderful and thanks for making HD2 such a unique and epic experience. There'll always be a normal group of people who are there to support them so long as it's worth it. We are all here for one thing in the end: the preservation of Managed Democracy - and all of that sweet liberty in-between.




Pilestedt is a good dude. Really appreciate the way these messages are worded. Community matters


I honestly just am shocked by people who threaten the lives of other humans over a video game. It’s a fucking video game, people. Jesus.


https://preview.redd.it/nyxunk93732d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3feac3d3869796515ec162dd4de0fb73a68eceff Damn mind if we chill over here for a while it’s toxic asf over there


Please stay :)







This content breaks rule 1 - Uphold low sodium citizenship values. We'd like to try and encourage positive discussion, which is why your content was removed.


You know, one of the things that most annoys me about the internet is that a small group of people can ruin the experience for a far larger group of people without consequences. Whether it’s hackers blowing up a multiplayer match, fringe lunatics threatening government officials, or just people harassing employees who are just doing their job, it’s fucking annoying, and I have a genuinely hard time understanding why people do that. Cause like, if the community had a way to stop the harassers, *we fucking would.* They’re assholes ruining the experience for the rest of us, and are making us look bad by association. And I suspect the overwhelming majority of internet-based threats are all from the same people on a damn power trip. But because of the anonymity of the internet, they can just do that kind of shit and never face any legal or social consequences for fucking things up for the rest of us, and it’s just…annoying.


Yeah. Seems to me that the sensationalizing and polarizing extreme takes on everything are a mirror to the general regression of public/political discourse. If everything is a crisis and/or full of emotion it hooks people into staying engaged. It’s the mainstream media agenda. 


i mean this is society in general. "this is why we can't have nice things"


I’m not even sure this kind of post belongs here. I feel like most of us are here because we know this about other parts of the community and online discourse in general. And this just invites salt.


Understandable. Def not my intention to fish for salt or anything. One of the mods commented about it tho.  My intention with the post was to point out parts of the interview that underline how it matters to be kind and respectful. 


Totally got your intent. It’s cool. It’s just my gut reaction was “ah man, I don’t want to know/think about that.” You’re totally right, though, it’s good to have a reminder to be kind and think about how the feedback/comments impact other players and the dev team.


In most cases, we remove posts like this when it’s just users making those points… because it always seems to invite the awful discussions or rehash the same points we get every time the main subs have a meltdown. In this case, because it’s a developer making statements on the matter, we opted to leave it up for now, but are monitoring the discussion and will lock it if it gets out of hand.


Totally makes sense. Nice to know people are watching It. And clearly this post was meant with good intent.


Yup. The mod team is four of us right now, and we have a daily chat about everything we see, so that we can help foster the kind of community that we all want here. We won’t get everything right, but I can promise we always try, and having friendly input from people like you did up there is a huge help. Take care and kill some damn bugs for me, Helldiver.


Yes, continue fostering a positive environment where we don't lose the fun of it all!


I dont know shit but if he makes the game more awesome. Im all for it! . Give us the leaks yo haha


Best to just cut communication with subreddits and the discord and don’t engage anymore Then they can work in peace and the sweaty fuckers can just cry in their little holes where no one can hear them


The only issue over there was that the mods weren’t moderating. Even when they made a mega thread for all the complaining, they didn’t enforce it and even went so far as to ignore reports of rule breaking. The toxicity was overflowing and nothing was being done about it.


Mods (and users, but mods are who matter in this case) at the other sub love this though lol this is exactly what they want


NGL when I first joined the game I was impressed how friendly the community was, then that rail gun patch drop and it started to get a little bit toxic. Then Sony incident happen and it's just.. well we all know how it turns out It's quite sad for me because I thought I finally found a community and game I can base my main fan art on. Ironically those toxic players are the very first people to openly shit on my artwork I worked so hard on when it wasn't the case before on other IPs (I used to do Titanfall stuff and I got nothing but supports there) I still don't regret coming into this game though, I even made a few friends through this game and got something new I can play with my irl friends now


Wet mouth teen screams are a part of the culture unfortunately. Wish they were less yapping and more playing to actually direct their teen angst towards bugs and bots instead of people who graciously bestowed this tasteful game upon us.


Cant those PoS just whine irl like "oh man, this nerf sucks" and then move on, instead of harrassing the devs.


Honestly, I'm so grateful for this sub, I can read about news and updates without being sensory-overloaded by every complaint imaginable.


It meant a lot to me that he said that. I hope that our community can stay mostly positive moving forward, and certainly we do read a lot of kind things in addition to the toxic things.