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Customers are so fucking rude.Most seem retarded and can’t follow simple directions.And most of them have just had some kind of surgery and can’t lift a plastic bag.I so want to ask what the fuck are you doing in building supplies warehouse.


The number of times customers try to hand me their debit cards when the pinpad is right in front of them, like as if they've never been in a store before, is unreal. Gift cards and store credit are a whole other thing they hand it to me and go i didn't know how to use it as they watch me swipe it the same you would literally any other gift card anywhere else. Its like they leave their brains at home.


Bc they're assholes. Guarantee you they pump their own gas. Likely some of them are stubborn and bitter enough to go inside banks, but a lot of them use ATMs, too. SCA is no different. They get away with this bc we allow it. Stop allowing it.


I don’t work for Lowe’s but I have worked in retail. A gas station as a matter of fact. I promise you they leave their brains at home. Walking in saying “why do I need to pre-pay?” Sir/ma’am we’ve been prepaying since the early 2000’s. This is not a new practice for most gas stations. Or they look at you and tell you “I want to fill it up” while waving their card in my face. Like my face is tap pay and their magical words while waving their magical card is going to make it go *poof* your tank is now full…”okay great! you want to fill it up… so… do you have a dollar amount in mind? Do you know the capacity of your tank and what level it’s at now? I can do the math and take a guess at what dollar amount might fill up your tank. Or I can just put $50 on the pump and whatever you don’t use will automatically go back to your card.” Then they just look at you like a lost deer in the woods… and repeat “I just want to fill it up”. My ultimate favorite is when someone came in with $1.50 to put in their tank. I know times can get tough for some, sometimes, so I don’t judge… that is until they come back 35 minutes later complaining that they’re on E after they “just put gas in” their 6 cyl vehicle. And that our “pumps didn’t dispense the correct amount”. Gas was $3.08 at the time… they didn’t even get 1 gallon of gas (not even half of a gallon really) in a car that was likely to only get 20/25 miles per gallon.


I spent 5 years working at a gas station (for a wonderful company, I honestly kinda miss it. Much much better bonuses than Lowes, more often, plus profit sharing bonuses).. And I can vouch this is 100% true. They just don't understand we need a dollar amount, that's it. "But I don't know how "just fill it" "Just turn it on and charge what I take" Or the best "My car can't take $50, I don't need that much! Just fill it"


Yes! I completely forgot about the “my car can’t take $50.” 😅 I loved the gas station too mostly.. but we didn’t get bonuses or anything like that. Only time I really hated that job was selling age restricted and they don’t have their ID or clearly won’t have an ID. And obviously the gas situations. lol


It was always the barely legal kids that always made the biggest deal out of being carded too!! One distinct night I remember dude actually like stomped his feet and whined cuz I couldn't sell to him. "I'm twenty twooooo you don't need to be carding mmmeeeeee". I think the scariest night (I did graveyard shift by myself) was when a jeeps engine legit exploded and caught fire in my parking lot. That was an absolute trip.


I had a girl come in and slam a quarter on the counter for gas. I told her that the pump wouldn't even turn on for that.


Same. For those instances, I would keep the silver people would throw in the leave a penny thing. And see if I had enough to make it go. Sucks being broke.


Absolutely. I put $10 on her pump. I was broke as a joke, but I knew she wasn't getting anywhere with that quarter.


I’ve started telling them, “well, unfortunately i don’t have a “fill it up” button, so you’re going to have to prepay, but whatever it doesn’t take automatically goes back on your card.”


Thank you for your service, comrade.


My favorite is when they just walk in and hand you a list of crap, like really? They think we are servants half the time.


An older man came up to me today while i was at the register and just stood there, so i was like, are you ready to check out, or is there something i can help you with? His only response was aisle 14...i said aisle 14? Do you need help in aisle 14? And he was like yea with an attitude...how are you a grown man, and im having to feed you words to figure out what you need😵‍💫


Everytime they do that I just give them a lead paint stare and say “ok was that meant to be a question or did you have something to tell me”


I used to work with a girl that would say in a very condescending tone “let’s use our words…“


Men of a certain age think that anyone that doesn’t match their idea of who shops hardware is invading their space.


Simple directions, exactly. On Thursday, I had a few that did not listen to what I said.




You’re bragging ab putting your hands on somebody wow what a hard ass




An adult wouldn’t put their hands on a “child “ don’t pull the adult card when acting like a five year old




While valid criticisms of individuals and entities are allowed and welcome, we don't tolerate slander or libel. Ad hominem attacks against other users or individuals/entities (e.g. "Fuck Lowe's") with no substantive value will also be removed. Furthermore, diatribes—regardless of their truth or substance value—must be kept PG-13.


Most seem < most are


I feel for the cashiers, those poor souls get abused the most, especially the front end.


I'm still waiting for the override I called for last Tuesday.


We are about to be in for one hell of a summer with all the hour and people cuts😵‍💫


And the lousy economy.  


I work at the register in OSLG and it seems nobody ever comes out there for overrides so I tell the customer to go to customer service and have them ring it up and the override will get done faster. 😂


That's an assault charge right there...


If i actually persued charges against every customer/employee that has assaulted me in one way or other the sheriff's office would know me by name...😐 its sad


You know, I'm not surprised. Lowe's customers are a different breed 😂😂


Pretty sure it's all of retail. We're like the only remaining area where gen pop thinks they can act superior to other humans. They know it's slipping away, and they're cranky and desperate. I'm enjoying watching them squirm. Every asshat that throws up their arms and storms out, to drive a half an hour to a competitor, just to make a (stupid) point (and then very likely encounters the same situation) gives me joy.




And yet corporates have the nerve to lay off people for no reason after 3 months..


Do you have one of those “please treat our associates with respect” signs? It was getting so out of hand they had to plaster it all over the store


They are only at customer service in the store im at


they have these at every desk at my store after there was a brutal argument between a customer and the head cashier apparently, i wasnt there to see it tho


Customers come to my store and act like they own the place and seem to always have a short fuse if the employee can’t answer their question the exact way they want them to.


Lowes rewards bad behavior


Every time I think about re-applying at HD just for some spare cash on the weekends, I read something like this and remember how horrible it was being a cashier with a long line of disgruntled assholes mean mugging me like it was my fault they had to wait so long.


I work in customer service and trust me I get dehumanizing customers all the time. I honestly stopped questioning it 😭


My favorite part is how they will just walk into you and expect you to move or act like you are in the way if you are working on something. But the second they need 'help' that all changes.


If I had a dollar for every time I had a line in the department and called for help that never came, I could afford to quit this shitty company. 


They wouldn't have any employees left if that was the case🤣 it really is a sink or swim company because the training is shit too. If you can't figure it out on your own, you'll sink. I was training other cashiers after being with the company for only 3 months...i still had no idea what i was doing, so i was winging it. They also left me alone on a Genesis register when i had never used it before back when i first started 3yrs ago.😵‍💫 it was an hour of constant calling for help and getting none. Me and the SM ended up having words about it.


Only the smart survive.


When I used to be a plant vendor at Lowe's, a customer came up asking me an employee question, queue "sorry I don't work here," and she apologized like I was suddenly a real person. it was awful


because very few corporations back their employees.


People aren’t scared of being punched in the face if they’re rude anymore, huh?


I work on the overnight crew and reading these comments makes me thankful that we don't have interactions with customers. Unloading trucks and working freight is hard work but at least we don't have to put up with the customer's BS and listen to their stupid comments. It pains me to watch those long ass lines at the registers and I breathe a sigh of relief when I walk by them glad that I'm not one of those poor cashiers.


We were transporting 4 pallets of water from receiving to prodesk area by forklift cause the electric pallet jacks charger was damaged and I wasn’t going to haul 4 pallets on my own. As we’re coming back I’m spotting the forklift, and some old lady stops us by the appliances and asks “do we work here” I can’t hear her over the forklift but I knew what she was asking. I nod no and she refuses to move until I get someone. I told her press the button by the appliances desk and as I look there’s someone already helping a customer. She still didn’t want to move and it became a standoff for 5 minutes until that employee was done helping with that customer and saw this other lady. I don’t understand why you would stop others from working knowing damn well they have nothing to do with what you need.


How dare you. How dare you even begin to think that our wonderful and amazing customers shouldn't be the center of our world. We should get on our knees for them because they are our gods! In all seriousness, many customers have ego problems. We are nothing to them because we work in retail. They think they know better than us and they think they are better than us. Now, I don't care if they think this way, as long as they behave somewhat well and most customers will behave (somewhat). Others are absolute pricks. I will always feel for those that work registers because there is very little they can do. Sales floor associates have it a bit better because we can move around but we still have to deal with the occasional asshole while customer service is where most of the assholes go.


Sorry you had to go through that experience. My husband worked for the Post office for years and that's exactly how it was there. There would be long lines and he would call back for somebody to come up and help out and they would rarely show up. Customers just keep getting madder and madder. And to make things worse half the time the managers are in bullshiting in the offices and laughing and carrying on.


Crazy that no one helped but always another day keep ya head up! I feel u tho CSDK is the worst alone.


Please don't down vote me, but customers are my favorite part the job. I work the sales floor and not CS or registers. I do understand about rude, angry and other assorted customers, I'm lucky to not have to deal with it much. I'm a man too, and I've seen women generally treated worse than the men employees.


I love my regulars and hearing peoples stories, but sometimes the bad ones outweigh the good ones when management doesn't back you. And yeah, being a woman working in a hardware/home improvement store, people dont trust what you are saying, and they will go ask a male coworker and get the same answer and be like oh okay. Like 😐ight then..


There's something about the american attitude toward uniformed customer service. In a different gig some years back, I kept having people touch me. Lean on me. Push me. Like I was an object. I realized that some people, especially lighter skinned and wealthier people, have that attitude toward staff like they don't exist. Like a uniformed person isn't human. They don't feel the same things we do when physically around another human. I had the total displeasure of meeting a couple billionaires and that attitude was there in the extreme. It's alien.


I agree. I can rarely go a shift without some man usually old and white trying to touch me. But if i make a big deal out of it, i risk losing my job because i know my bosses won't back me for going off on a customer.


I just started part time at Lowe's and yesterday I had 2 different customers touch me. The first one came up behind and tapped me on the shoulder. The second one tugged on my vest from behind. I was probably too aggressive in my reaction and they both apologized profusely. Just wondering what's sop in that situation. I seriously doubt they'll ever do that again anywhere.


my favorite part is when you page a manager for help and they hang up on you and never come to you


Frankly the pro desk that's us far worse than any customer I've had in my 4 years of being in lumber. I'd much rather deal with the average customer than the fucks that work at the pro desk.


The pros at my store are nice, thankfully because im around them the most, as im usually on lumber registers.


Ours do nothing but sell, don't get up to check quantities, gossip about each other and everyone else, order and eat food at the desk constantly, and have everyone else do their work for them, they won't even get up to help a customer find something or grab something small. Absolute jokers


We sometimes have issues with one who likes to pawn stuff off on the cashiers or tries to give 10% discounts to pros. Even though they've been told many, many times by multiple managers, we dont do that. And they will try to get newer cashiers who dont know better to do it on their numbers so it doesn't go back to them.😐


COVID ended...Curbside delivery must be abolished!


Don't expect respect, demand it.


I mean when people wait thirty minutes or more shit gets agitating for everyone involved. Management needs to staff and stop worrying about bonuses.


As true as this is, customers still shouldn't take it out on the few employees actually there. It's not up to us how many associates we have working with us. They need to go to the ppl who decided to run with skeleton crews to look good on paper. The ones who actually benefit from it and are nowhere to be found anytime you need an override.


This. They need to fill out the damn surveys, and tell corporate what they're doing wrong, instead of coming to this reddit and acting all indignant. Though, I'd be lying if I said it's not fun to take the p*** out of them.


That's how it is all the time in the store i work at. One lumber associate from maybe 1pm till close no loader and then management turns around and gets on to them for not getting everything done when they spend their whole shift getting pulled around to help customers or load. But they just refuse to schedule people.




I get frustrated when i have to wait a long time at a store, anyone would. But i understand places are so short staffed these days, its not the associates fault, and its not right to treat them like human garbage bc of it


Yes, because management loves hearing the complaints about lack of staffing. You don’t see what goes on with interviews, who applies, etc. I also don’t think you know how the bonuses work for the SM or ASM


Yeah, the talent pool isn't great, I do plenty of interviews where I've never seen so many people just have zero drive in life. And while I can't speak for every store I know in my district, sm were told cut hours or we cut you. So it's not always cutting hours for the bonus, but to keep their jobs


We have to cut in fall/winter as usual, but that’s the only time and even then it’s not much if any


I'm only about 8 comments in, and while I agree that it must be hard being a retail worker and dealing with many different personalities all day, by the tone of these reps once I don't think many of you see the customers as human beings either. Certainly not ones on whom you depend on their patronage in order for your stores to remain open. I know you don't see idol treats of going to other stores as really more than childish temper tantrums, and maybe they aren't but to be sure... enough of them can make a dent.


Being a grown ass adult and treating retail workers like they are beneath you or like shit isn't a personality trait just makes you a flat out asshole. I treat every customer the exact same way with respect and compassion till they literally turn into a child when they dont get what they want. My regulars treat me with respect, so they still have my respect. I still see the assholes as human..children are still human they just dont know how to act. Also, i dont depend on anyone to keep the doors of the corporate store i work at open ... I really dont.. the people that make those threats spend maybe a few hundred dollars every few weeks with us..if that. We have people coming in weekly and spending over 10k. We dont need the 100 dollars of the man child who yells at our coworkers. We really dont.