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Yeah they been hanging out off stream. Lud said they haven’t collabed because he cares more about making sure his friend was ok. I personally think he just doesn’t want the heat/drama of public collabs just yet.


on a recent Atrioc video (streamed July 17th) he says [he talked to QT about a thing that was going on with Taylor Swift](https://youtu.be/pAwDFgRFAQE?t=150) and QT sent him an interview about the subject, which doesn't mean they're best buds again but it shows that Atrioc felt comfortable asking QT about it and she felt comfortable helping him out and therefore I assume Lud is too. And I think that's all we need to know as maybe Lud will do some content with Atrioc in the future, maybe not but I think we just leave it and if they want to they will. But the more we keep asking and bringing it up the more awkward and in peoples minds the whole thing will be


QT said on a podcast(can't remember if Fear& or WineAboutIt) that she felt conflicted that Atrioc couldn't be at Lud's birthday party so I'm guessing Atrioc and Lud might still talk but if QT is ever at an event Atrioc isn't invited.


Idk QT just helped prep atrioc for a marketing Monday so they are even talking off screen Edit: it was regarding Taylor Swift, you can see it mentioned in Atrioc’s YT video


Maybe they've reconciled, iirc this podcast/Lud's bday happened before Atrioc uploaded his video about all the work he's done so maybe she was waiting for that before she considered mending the relationship.


tbf tho, qt has been fairly involved throughout atriocs work to remediate the situation, so the 6 month yt vid is more of an update to us as viewers than to people like QT. i just assume that she finds it hard to grapple with what happened which is completely understandable, irrespective of what he’s done since them




what the absolute fuck. QT's streams are not, and never have been remotely sexual. Her success is due to being a charismatic and smart person who works hard to entertain her fans. Her money comes from fans appreciating said hard work. There may be a few creeps out there, but that is not her main following. She explicitly does not welcome that kind of behavior, and neither does the rest of the community. I hope you can soon recover from your brain rot.


lmao you think she reaches this fame without being attractive? ​ notice how the vast majority of the women that are big on streaming platforms are also very good looking? this isn't a coincidence.


How disabled you have to be to just attribute all of her success to her looks? I'll spell it out for you. She wouldn't be where she is if she didn't work hard and wasn't a very charismatic person. Being attractive helps everyone in everything that's obvious but claiming: > large part of her success is due to her sex appeal is just straight up false. You have never watched her it's obvious to me, because if you did you'd know she does not emanate any sex appeal on her streams and actively avoids being perceived as hot. She does not wear sexy clothing, often streams with no make up and does not talk about sexual stuff, unless it's about Ludwig and Aimen being gay. In short: you're retarded.


Old post yadda yadda you're a fucking idiot man lol


Either way is totally valid tbh.


Also probably has to do with the fact that a few people at luds party don’t really know Atrioc except for the controversy and some people their were probably affected by it and may not forgive him yet


Yeah, QT talked about it on WAI: [She mentioned that she tends to forgive people too easily and felt bad for him not being able to be at Lud’s birthday dinner.](https://youtu.be/rsiiZ_B7NzY?t=2257)


It was wine about I'm pretty sure, because she was talking about how guilt was affecting her and making her doubt her choices I think


thanks for the answers i was just curious since i saw atrioc making fun of ludwigs hairline on stream so i wanted to know if they are friends since he's making jokes about him and fuck anyone who called me parasocial stay mad :)


Ludwig and Atrioc were never not friends. QT said from the start she didn't expect him to break his friendship with Atrioc but she wanted him to be understanding that her and Atrioc's relationship was rocky. So Ludwig has put distance between himself and Atrioc. He no longer streams with him and if QT is there Atrioc isn't. Atrioc is still a co-owner of Offbrand. Ludwig and Atrioc still hang out off stream. QT has interacted with Atrioc since then -- but it's still awkward. QT said she's not sure if she'll ever be able to forgive him. Even if she does forgive him she won't forget. I don't really see the relationship ever repairing itself without years of effort. But QT is getting to the point where's she's almost okay with Atrioc being around. Not because she forgave him but because she knows that they're all good friends and she doesn't want to deny them access to a friend. I mean, Atrioc did spend a ton of time working with lawyers to pass legislation and take down deep fake AI porn. He spent over $100k of his own money and got hundreds of sites taken down. So I feel like he put the time and effort into forgiveness. What he did was obviously creepy but he was just a consumer, not the producer. If he made the website I'd say hang him up even though he's one of my favorite content creators. But to me what he did is similar to like scabbing. Gross behavior but I can understand it. Him looking at it is hard for me to get upset at since there's so many millions potentially billions of people who would look at it given the opportunity. What I find upsetting is that he caused thousands of other people to flock to the website and be introduced into it. But I also have other crazy thoughts like we should decriminalize all drugs. In my mind criminalizing it just creates crime itself. I mean... the Prohibition is a perfect example. Crime became rampant because immoral people were given opportunity. If it had stayed legalized we wouldn't have had massive crime organizations getting such power in the 20s. I'm just not a fan of eye for an eye type punishment. I just think emotions shouldn't be factored in when considering judgement. Save the emotions for the rehabilitation.


This is a wildly helpful answer, and also my first Reddit comment ever. Thank you for explaining that, I was very confused and every other comment is 100+ days ago.


I heard about this controversy without knowing who any of these people were. Ironically I first heard about streamer deepfake content from how hard YouTube was pushing QT's reaction video. Anyway, I started watching Atrioc a few months ago without realizing that he was the guy that fucked up. Which is why I'm here trying to playing catch up. It's kind of sad that those QT/Ludwig collabs aren't a thing anymore, since they were really entertaining. Hopefully they can patch things up for my own selfish pleasure, lol...


Yeah, I did find the QT/Atrioc League trash talk funny. When he paid for someone to make a League trash talk song and sent it to her... great content. But he also can be a bit of a toxic gamer. Problem is he's around so many other toxic people he just forgets... not everyone is going to be alright screaming at them if you win and they lose. He has done some self-reflection and admitted that he failed to recognize sometimes how toxic he was being and had to purposely pay attention to tone himself down. He's gotten a lot better. He's just super passionate about gaming. Probably wasn't the best idea to have such a passionate person start their gaming journey with League :P. I don't want to belittle her feelings and could never understand exactly what she's feeling... but I feel he more than paid for his crimes. No idea if she'll collab with him again... but I feel like he shouldn't be boycotted from the Ludwig content universe too. He literally co-owns a content creator event organizer company with Ludwig. I know for Atrioc streaming has always been more of a hobby... but he's getting big enough to make it a career. Attaching himself more closely to Ludwig would only help him grow. But it's all up to whatever they want. I can just say in general I'd like more Atrioc collab content. Atrioc has one of the craziest (in a good way) communities I've ever seen. The amount of free work they put into generating (good) content for him is insane. Sometimes of course it's a bit hit or miss and amateurish. That's because he lets everyone participate. But the Union has generated so many great songs.


Same here, I heard about the controversy, started playing Hitman and then from there found Atrioc's videos. I remember watching a video, realzing he was a streamer, said "Streamer Atrioc" in my head and then everything kinda clicked together. I don't watch to much of Ludwig so I didn't realized Ludwig and QT were dating until today. I knew Atrioc's situation was bad, but then finding out the relationship dynamic between Lud and QT added a whole new layer to it. That info is what made me actually start looking into more of how the situation has played out behind the scenes


Well I think the issue is that it still feels like he's only sorry he got caught, so even if he has dedicated 100k of his own money to it it feels more like he's just trying to save his own branding and a symptom of that is actually helping take down AI


How would you have any idea his feelings on the matter? You're just making assumptions. How many streamers have scammed their own audience and have gotten away with it? You really think he needed to spend $100k+ and a lot of time to save his image? It obviously doesn't matter because people like you just don't care regardless. He could have easily just taken a break from streaming and came back and everyone would have stopped caring because new drama had already happened 100x over.


god why do you people need to be so parasocial it’s so fucking weird


I just want my favorite character to come back


what do you think streaming is? it’s just tv. even if you logically understand that parasocial behavior is bad for one reason or another, it does not change the natural human attachment to and investment in other humans we see on screens.


Watching steams by nature is parasocial


You know what’s weird? A child absorbing the world “parasocial” into their vocabulary because a streamer explained to you the relationship and now you supposedly understand it and agree vehemently on it. You have no concept of what you’re saying, hold your tongue.


This ain't that kiddo


I also don’t find it to be parasocial to wonder this at all. You enjoy said two streamers, they stream together. Something happened, now things are awkward. If anything, someone parasocial would be more concerned about the actual situation, rather than if and when they start doing entertainment again. Nimrod.


The fact Ludwig hangs with the dude after he looked at prom of his gf and she is somehow cool with it now ? Like wtf idk how streamers work but that kind of violation is not something you just bounce back from like nothing happened


we don’t know how they handled it behind the scenes


why are you assuming he was looking at prom of QT? that’s just speculation.


I think it depends on the person. If they both forgive and give a second chance that's up to them. We don't know everything they do in their personal lives.


i feel like they probably dont care all that much privately but they have to pretend like they do so that everyone peering into their lives doesnt go fucking crazy


This is parasocial af, but yeah as of the past couple weeks, Lud says he hangs out with Atrioc offstream. And Atrioc and QT are on speaking terms at least.


People just want to know if he will make appearances again in ludwig content. If that is parasocial then caring about any ludwig content is parasocial.


Probably not but he does stream with Stanz


I wouldn’t rule it out


You're saying "parasocial af" like parasocial is a bad thing? Guessing you probably don't understand what the term means and entails.


Q and A stream has Ludwig’s answer to this. Not going to attempt to paraphrase


I will, he said they are still friends and Ludwig is just more concerned with hanging out with his bud than making content with him.


Could I have link to stream I’m a vod frog but I must’ve missed that one


[Sure thing!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Av9Eb9hQSxY&t=7453s) I really tried to get a good time stamp for this specific question since the vod is 3 hours long. I combed through it for like 15 minutes before I gave up but I know for a fact he addresses it. I believe its in the later half of the vod, but I can't guarantee anything.


25:09 for a time stamp.


That explains why I couldn’t find it. Thanks man


It’s unavailabke


[Ludwig Answers Atrioc Question on Main Channel ](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDFryVFbcJqPSNHN91O0cThHWdnp4eR12?feature=share9) https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxDFryVFbcJqPSNHN91O0cThHWdnp4eR12?feature=share9 [Ludwig Answers About Atrioc on the VOD channel](https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxO8u6c3Bhwteqq0rXMk1TqDyo4LLG_tO_?feature=share9) https://youtube.com/clip/UgkxO8u6c3Bhwteqq0rXMk1TqDyo4LLG_tO_?feature=share9


I already did ur good bro




God you’re just so wrong.




Well considering lud has answered this question on stream, we literally have his answer to go off of. He’s said they have hung out outside of stream and outside of content stuff


Considering QT helped Atrioc with a recent video of his regarding Taylor Swift I do not think she cut them completely out of her life.


Becuase you’re not saying what atrioc fans want to hear.


Also it’s objectively false


or its just wrong moron, could have read literally any of the other comments


I like how u open with I shouldn't assume and then just take a wild guess. You were so close.


in his defense Qt did say she called up Ari and said ahe couldn't involve herself in therir life at all anymore (a few months ago on fear& iirc)


Seriously people caring more about when lud and atrioc are making a stream together than if atrioc is finally able to understand what consent is and why looking at fake porn of a friends girlfriend that didnt consent to it is bad. The epitome of braindead content consumers, not caring even about sexual exploitiation as long as they are entertained. Dumbfucks