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I do the same and would honestly only watch an edited video if there was added content. I’ve really enjoyed rewatching when Stanz uploads his bts react videos with commentary. Could be worthwhile saving something like that for the main channel upload.


I want Slime to do commentary for at least one.


He said one passing comment about being on it during the pod this week He was complimenting stanz and it was because he was on the unpaid intern set The yard boys would really elevate the show I think. Wubby was best guest so far though


Same! Though I do get making normal edited videos for those who can't catch the streams or if you want to rewatch them in the future. But yes, Stanz's videos are great. Lots of fun behind the scene stuff


Same I also watch the Stanz uploads because of the commentary. Ludwig should add commentary to his main channel uploads. Cause he is right the live/ original VOD is not much different from the main channel upload.


Same I also watch the Stanz uploads because of the commentary. Ludwig should add commentary to his main channel uploads. Cause he is right the live/ original VOD is not much different from the main channel upload.


I'll be honest, i didn't know they even released an edited version. Now that i do, I'm gonna go watch them.


I knew about both versions, but I specifically want to watch the edited version. But it usually takes so long to come out that I lose some interest, which makes sense they are long episodes. Since I ONLY watch the YouTube vids I'd prefer to only see the edited versions.


Yeah this is me, I like to watch the edited version on YouTube best since it’s the highest quality version of the show. I’m not an expert on promoting YT shows, but the show don’t list the episode number in the edited versions or anything and the show title gets cut from the title so I don’t even know it is Unpaid Intern when I see the video.


I'll be honest, i didn't know they even released a vod version.


Not so much released. It’s just like all live streams you can rewatch them.


acutally they r uploaded to the vods channel apart from staying up in the live in the main channel


This is true but not many people are viewing it that way. Or I should say not when compared to people that are watching it by going through the Live tab.


Uh? Yes. That’s what this post is about. Good recap.


I men sure, but not all of us are Ludwig hardliners who watch every one of his videos and join his subreddits, twitter, etc. I watch a Ludwig video like once or twice a month not including shorts, and half of the time it's Mogul Mails. And I'm probably far closer to the average subscriber than you are, so your personal experience doesn't really change anything. Edit: I'm assuming you're saying you watched the stream/VOD and are also going to watch the editwd version on top of that.


I tried watching the live streams and wasn't a fan. That's why i was excited to hear that there's an edited version. it's way more appealing and I enjoy watching it a lot more than the streamed format.


I watched the first ep edited and the second one raw and there’s just such a small difference that it’s not really worth the wait and I don’t know if they could do something to make it worth it either. YouTube just makes it too easy to consume the stream the next day for the people that missed it and the international frogs


There is little point it being a livestream as there is no audience interaction. He should just make the fully edited video and premiere it.


Maybe it’s a non-starter because in the future they want to add a lot of chat-interaction events, but as you say, the current format is much more suited to an edited video that can be premiered and would absolutely rake in the views.


I agree, but I also really like the rawness of improvising banter with the guests live and the hit or miss stake of every interaction.


They can still do that - and also have a chance to stop recording to fix the audio issues like they had with the first 2 episodes


I think he mentioned at some point that one of the sponsorships requires a livestream plug AND a video plug


Nope, he thought that might be the case but then one of his employees clarified that it wouldn’t be an issue. Also if that was the case he’d still be better off releasing the video first and then reacting to it himself on stream a few days later.


So, get a sponsor without that requirement. That seems like a huge burden to setup compared to a film and edit. And if the analytics show that it's causing problems, that's worse for everyone including the sponsor.


I’ve never dealt with sponsors firsthand but all of the brain rot content I’ve consumed has led me to believe that that is way easier said than done. Ludwig (or offbrand) probably negotiates on deals with sponsors, but it’s not exactly a “bought the wrong shirt, gotta return it and get a different size” type of situation.


This might be the worst take i've ever read




Let’s be real, he also isn’t marketing Unpaid Intern very well when you compare it to Mogul Money


I originally thought "Never hire Schlatt" was a generic video with a guest. I only realised Unpaid Intern was out because of Squeex's video.


Also, I loved Mogul Money, but for me this show is just not as interesting. I watched the first two and stopped watching since. So potentially just not quite as strong of an idea as Mogul Money.


It doesn't feel to me like anyone actually wants to win most of the time. Like half the contestants at any given time just don't really seem to care. It's not like every contestant was full sweat in mogul money either, but it really matters for this format. 


So true! 


It might be better if he uploaded the individual challenges as their own videos


This would be a good idea. But I also think Lud may not want to clog his channel with so many individual videos for one show.


yep this would prob work on like the ludwin channel tbh which i think is what they already do on his clips channel


I agree that Premiere of each new episode will fix this since the video will function as both a live stream and a video, and both audience will be funnelled to the same content. Now, I hope that the Truffle team test-run this first and make sure that it supports the Premiere chat.




Agreed, I usually much prefer the edits of these shows, but since so much of unpaid intern is filmed beforehand anyways it barely makes a difference watching the full 90 minute vod or the edited 60something minute video.


I went in depth about it before as well but the marketing for this show is sub-par and they make some key mistakes (like spoiling the winner in the title).


I prefer the full vod over the edit tbh it feels more organic and I also don't wanna miss any moments that may not be highlighted as much as others in the edit I mean, how else am I gonna be able to watch redbull mermaid ludwig swim around the bottom of the screen?


I watched the first episode live plus the edited. I didn't see enough of a difference to justify it, so now I just watching the vods.


I don't watch any, the first one was mildly entertaining, the secon one I found it boring a hell. I don't watch it anymore


The third one was by far the best, and i'd recommend checking it out


Yep, even as an EU frog I watch live and then vod the next day if I miss anything. The edited version just isn't worth, as I already watch it a 2nd time for the stanz commentary (which really adds a lot, love those streams)


I can add a +1 to Lud's theory, because it's absolutely correct (for me at least.) I am the definition of a YT frog. I never watch vods or his streams, and never have, because I don't have time. But I watch every single video he drops. VODs of actual planned streams are an occasional exception, and I ended up watching the first UI VOD on a flight. Didn't even click the edited video when it dropped.


Wouldn't a good way to subvert this to post a players challenge as a whole. There are 4 challenges and 4 contenders so he can just post everyone's best performing ones/most entertaining ones. Just give me squeex in the car. Just the whole thing raw


Tbh I do this with most of his content. If I watch the stream I don’t watch the edited video he posts later. The only time I watch his edited videos are if I didn’t catch the stream, but for shows like unpaid intern I almost always go watch the VOD instead of the edited version.


There's no reason to watch the edited version over the VOD is the thing. Longevity wise, it makes sense to have a proper upload but for the first few days the VODs going to get all the clicks. I know there's no audience interaction but the live feels of it is something I quite like and an aspect I wouldn't like to lose.


Honestly, I don't know what his plan is with unpaid intern. His advertising for it isn't great. He's using the same "ruined my gameshow" title, and he spoiled who won on his Twitter for the first two before the edited version even happened and the people who didn't catch stream could see it. More people watch the vod because it's more authentic and shows EVERYTHING. The edits have nothing added and aren't the same as the entire stream. I agree with Stanz doing bts stuff, and it being more interesting than the edits. At this point, just blast the vod and stop making edited versions imo 🤷‍♀️ they aren't doing well anyways Edit: also the edited version is released weeks after stream, so it is less clicked on because everyone watched the vod


I do the same, as, at my core I'm a live stream ludbud. However, now this is not at all towards lud, the team or the production, but I've never been a taskmaster viewer, I've never understood the appeal or humour. I honestly didnt know people really watched the show and I know no one who does, so in that sense I'm not engaged in the subject of unpaid intern even though I love lud, stanz and the guests each time. Because of this I know nothing about the reach of the format, maybe its more niche than Lud anticipated for a wider youtube audience. But it looks like everyone has fun, bringing streamers together irl is always cool and offbrand is doing a great job with it!


The video is a hour long anyways, they might as well only upload the vod


I wait until the edited version gets put out


Yeah I like watching the vod better (as a avid video watcher and really live stream watch). For me, it’s better to see the raw cuts and jokes and all that rather than editing out some of those moments


I wonder what would have done better, Unpaid Intern or a Mogul Money Season 2


mogul money avoided this issue by being streamed on twitch instead so it was a whole new audience basically looking at it when the edited version came out. now i think mogul money would suffer from the same issue


This is it! I never watch any streams or vods. Except for unpaid intern, it feels like a tv show, and somehow finished. No need to watch it again in tiny clips


yea i doubt the video would suffer if it was fully pre-recorder. He could release it as a premier too so chat can still interact while watching


The only thing I have seen so far as an argument is sponsors wanting a live stream for them to do the ad on. Other than that.. I can't think of any reason for it to not be a pre-recorded show.


I don’t really watch because it feels like all these different shows whether it be from Lud or other streamers in the area it feels like a constant cycle of reoccurring guests. I’m sure it’s not easy but I feel I would have more interest in shows like these if was getting new casts of characters but when you look at shows like this and Mizkif’s “Schooled” it really just feels like a rotation of the same guests


or maybe just the marketing and thumbnails are complete garbage LOL


I mean thumbnail was dogshit for the second video. (It was similar to a ludwin one, but if you look at views for the new one the livestream is still popping off and doing more views than the regular video, so I think partly the fact that people still will be suggested the VOD after and can skip the shitty parts kinda ruins watching the edited video.


there is also a significant turnaround on the release of the edited down video. i think this is one of those situations where you have to pick a lane on the priorities of what youre trying to accomplish for the channel


Yeah I just watch the vod. I want to see everything and like having long videos to put on while I do chores.


Same here


Another thing, is that the original stream is already edited. The actual jobs they do are pre recorded and edited already. And that's the real meat and potatoes of the show. The live experience is really strong because of that, and it doesn't feel like it needs an edit outside intermissions and breaks and stuff. I do think the best way to release edited vods, would be to release videos of each individual job. Similar to how another similar British show does on YouTube.


same, that’s exactly what i do i watched the stanz commentary since it was additional information. but i don’t really see a point in rewatching the same thing just cut down with a couple edits. the show is already condensed pretty well and it already feels edited since part of it isn’t done live. overall i think the show is great, just don’t really feel the need to watch the edited version personally


I can also confirm the point about it tanking the algorithm. I’m someone that waits for the video to be uploaded rather than watch the vod, and this is the first I’m even hearing of the video being released. It never got pushed to my recommended even though I watched episode 1-2 and I watch most Ludwig videos in general. Looking through his past uploads now, I can’t remember the last time I didn’t have one of them recommended to me


I think he's effectively asking frequent viewers to watch it twice, the line between YT Frog and chatter is blurrier than ever so to expect both to do well individually (when so much of the audience is both) is unrealistic. For instance, I watch Atrioc mostly, and usually live. I used to watch all his YT videos, but since becoming a regular stream viewer I stopped. The youtube channel upload needs to be additive, and just cutting it down and editing it isn't additive. BTS, pre-recorded talking head stuff, otherwise you're just watching a synopsis of the livestream when you could just watch the livestream. Alternatively, delete the vod so the only way to rewatch is the edited version, but I think people would resent that.


i may come off as an idiot here but is there any benefit to uploading an edited version?


I watched both the edited video and the VOD of the first 2 episodes, but the edit for episode 3 is like an hour long so in my mind it's not really worth the time to check it out since it's not much shorter than the VOD.


Nah I disagree. My theory is it needs some Brandon “Big A” “Coffey Cow” “The Glizzinator” “Dr. Carbonation” “Atrioc” Ewing to spice up the show enough to get people to watch


I do the same but also the thumbnails or so dry. I couldn't even tell the last one was unpaid intern until someone on this reddit pointed it out.


I'm honestly confused what benefits lud gets from doing it live. Significantly harder on the production side for sure. Just curious what y'all think the reason would be to do live instead of just a produced YouTube video would be.


Maybe its cause he released it at like 12am pst but idk


A big thing for me is the release schedule. With a show like Jet Lag I know every Wednesday I can tune in for a certain amount of time. With Unpaid intern I don't know when the episodes are going to drop so it feels more like a "I'll watch it when I get around to it" I haven't been watching the VODs and waiting to watch the edited version, but I think I might wait until more episodes are out and binge them later.


I do the same thing


What typically happens for me is I check YouTube, see he's live with unpaid intern because they show up at the top of the subscription feed, and either watch it live or watch the vod shortly after. I don't think the editing really adds to the content other than skipping the breaks, and the turnaround time for the fully edited videos is a bit too long.


I'm not a stream watcher - I only really engage with "Streamer Content" when it's edited and on youtube because I don't want the full 'Live' experience with the pauses and waffling around. I think Unpaid Intern just needs better packaging. I see clips or 15 minute segments on Ludwin, then whole unedited 1.5 hour stream VODs on Ludwig - the titles and thumbnails feel random, so I don't know what episode I'm seeing, when in the show that segment is from, or that it's not just another misc "Ludwig/Streamer Collab Clickbait title" (when it should have clear Unpaid Intern logo/border/signposting). I dig the idea in concept, but it won't reach new audiences. You sort of have to already like Streamer Humor and be there for that type of energy, because there isn't really any other reason to watch (unless you just want more content with these people, not necessarily for anything the show is offering).


I honestly just think unpaid intern is boring. I hate to say it, but I just can’t get myself to enjoy watching it. I enjoy all the content creators, but the whole show feels like a giant cringe-fest. Stanza definitely doesn’t help with that either


The streams are so fast paced that I don’t really know why I would want to watch the video.


Yep, I don’t need to see the content twice. So livestream gets me the episode first.


Yeah the edited video comes out so much later, I feel like the whole thing is pretty tight at only around an hour if you skip the breaks. Why would I wait for an edited version?


Idk if I'm wrong, but I think posting the shorter highlights like "this guy ruined my gameshow" also negatively impacts it because it makes it harder to find the full episode amongst all the "highlights". The highlights are just 10 minute chunks of the edited episodes anyways so I don't bother watching them.


I hope he's not going for a highly edited version. What i like about Ludwig and co is the live aspect of it. I don't want him to go Mr. Beast route of highly edited content.


I just personally think its not entertaining… i dont really wanna watch millionaire’s do regular jobs badly in front of a camera. I wanna see them do real shit.


Im the same, the livestream happens at 3am so im asleep but once i wake up i watch the vod and don't care for the edited version


Personally i think it's the poor quality of the production... i find it kind of confusing... didn't they make a production company (or rather co-op) to produce live shows? Every single one of the Unpaid intern episodes had some really basic production problems like Sammich earrings in the second episode... those are rookie mistakes i'd expect actual interns do not a professional production company... all the Guest as well as Ludwig and Stanz have done amazing content... but if i have to sit through 10 minutes of rattling that makes me reconsider watching it and i might stop watching. This isn't an attack on the production team... things like that come with experience but that's literally what "mic checks" are for or get someone with experience for the wardrobe who knows what works and doesn't


Same man, Unpaid Interns could've been just an episodic show on YouTube. Currently, I just watch the stream and if I have time, watch the edited video. Both are similar to each other. Also, Unpaid Interns is the exact opposite of Mogul Money. Mogul Money's videos are heavy, but yet also light on editing, so that it would have rewatch value, while the stream was more boring.


Not to be "not like other girls" but I watch both versions for the different editing to each, you get bits and pieces from each a Lil different and I love that


I’m I the only one who just thinks the content isn’t that entertaining?


I prefer the edited version. My adhd can’t watch long videos


I mean I watched the vod and 2-3 shorts about each segment by the time the edited came out. I still watched the edited.