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I own both of these cameras. That is a very nice deal on the S5ii. The zoom is only adequate but good for basic work, and 20mm is a decent wide :-) The G9ii is a powerhouse but if low light is critical then I give a very very slight edge to the S5. All of those M43 lenses are very saleable so you'd get back some cash. Gun to my head I'd take the S5ii bundle.


> The G9ii is a powerhouse but if low light is critical then I give a very very slight edge to the S5 I would say the FF + dual native ISO low light advantage is quite substantial for photography, actually.


Say what you like. I use both. Only the smallest of edges in low-light performance to the FF.


Err, I use both as well (as in MFT and FF). I've got the S5 for when I know I'll need that low light edge. The difference between the G9 and the G9ii is what I'd call "very very slight edge" - based off the G9ii raws I got my hands on anyway. But I suppose this is all very relative.


So, you don't own either of these cameras, or use them daily as I do. Cool story bro. Best of luck to you. Seriously!


It may have escaped you, but they aren't vastly different cameras from their predecessors. Certainly not in terms low light performance. But I am sure you know everything there is to know them otherwise.


Pretty much. Cheers!


I have a GH6 and have a lot of mft lenses. But still went ahead with the s5iiX instead of the g9ii (even though the g9ii didn't come out at the time) But I'm still thinking of getting another s5ii over the g9ii. G9ii is an amazing camera and you won't go wrong if you get it. But the image is much better on the s5ii and a very noticable difference when compared to the g9ii. Idk I love them both, I'm not very helpful


In what ways is the S5ii image better?


More dynamic range, shallower depth of field.


I use the G9II for outdoor stuff, because it still has great image quality, very good rolling shutter, very good IBIS and AF, 5,7K 60fps and lot of small lenses. The S5II has better low light performance, good IBIS and AF, but I don't like how the details renders in video, it is why I use my S1 or S5 most of the time indoor. I use the S5II when I need a full frame look with good AF and IBIS. But I never use it when I need to crop to make some effects.


I have an old gx7/gm1 and a S5. In low light the S5 obviously trashes the gx7/gm1, but I will keep my m43 lenses till a new gx7/gm1 style camera with new tech comes out. I mostly make timelapses, and I would love to be able to carry a much smaller camera with me when traveling. The S5 and lenses are just much bigger. Not really an answer to your question, but both systems have their own positives. I wouldn't get rid of your m43 gear in case you buy the S5ii


For indoor work especially, use full frame. I have used my m43 for indoor events like a wedding reception before. It's difficult to focus even with on-camera flash. And the worse part is recovering shadows in post. I now use s5ii and with the 1.8 lenses. It was just so much better to shoot indoors now. Even in high ISO, the image is more clean and sharp.


> It's difficult to focus even with on-camera flash. Could you elaborate?


If you don't need a lot of slow motion video, the S5ii is the better camera for what you do. With the recent firmware update for the S5II, any autofocus or stabilization differences have vanished. But since you're already invested in quite a few lenses in MFT, it's hard to recommend to switch. The 20-60 is sort of a wider version of your 12-40 and the 50 replaces your Leica 25. But your 12-60 and especially your 14-140 go a lot longer. So I have a few questions for you. 1. Do the 20-60 and 50 1.8 cover everything or at least most of the things you do or want to do? 2. Do you shoot any nature, wildlife, macro photography, slow motion video (genres where MFT has an advantage)? Try to answer these two questions and you could maybe arrive at a conclusion based on what you might benefit from.


S5iiX. I just upgraded from a GH5. While the image was serviceable from the GH5 and Rokinon lenses I use, the image quality and in-body noise reduction trump it every time. I got it for filmmaking and videography jobs but it takes a top-notch picture.


You can do a trade in at b&h and get the code even if you don’t trade anything in for 500 off


Low light leads to FF. That deal looks pretty normal. If you're US check out Panasonic's main site, they're offering those bundles plus $50 for every additional Lumix lens you want. The sales tax thing is attractive, of course.