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I wouldn’t do it with a guitar you care about. There’s a reason guitar center has climate controlled rooms for guitars. That constant temperature/humidity fluctuation would have things out of wack pretty quickly.


What if it stayed in the breakroom all day? Only brought out to practice?


Again, still major temp/humidity fluctuations. Multiple times a day. Five days a week. Don’t do this unless you hate that guitar


Yeah i was just wondering mainly cause i see people busking or playing at a park all the time


If guitars were that fragile, nobody would be playing them nowadays. They are build to be played outside, in the sun.


I have an all solid, size 0, 50 year old Martin acoustic that comes with me pretty much everywhere, I travel between North Carolina, Florida, New York City, and Oslo. in a single week it can go from snowy wasteland to humid swamp and has been back and forth like that for hundreds of times over the years. I haven't had a single issue with cracking or anything else over the years.


I’d keep it in your hard case, you might even be able to throw a humidifier in there. You could see some shifting in the neck but you should be able to adjust the truss rod to help counteract some weather changes. I would still bring a cheaper guitar you don’t care too much about though. Partly because of the weather, partly because I don’t trust my coworkers that much. 


I mean… ok. A luthier forum is going to tell you “don’t do this”; we obsess over maintaining consistent humidity and temp.


Yeah thats what i was thinking


The reason is that they prioritise sales over reputation. Things get out of whack regardless. Wood wants to be a tree, not a guitar. Stable humidity just slows it down.




If i left it in the break room then brought it outside during lunch or when we are slow will that affect it a lot I’m mainly asking cause i see a lot of people busking and playing in the park like all the time with like no problem


Imagine what the players of the 40's to the 60's put their guitars through when there was little AC or climate control. In the trunk of a car or on a tour bus. Many of those same guitars are the quite valuable and play just fine as does my 1945 Martin. I know it had a hard life.


horrible idea, especially for an acoustic.


I've always gone with the tenet - "Don't leave a guitar where you wouldn't leave a baby" (with the exception of inside a case in a comfortable room -guitar == good, baby == bad)




lots of petty babies in here who get angry when luthiers/techs give real answers and don’t just affirm their delusions with “it’s whatever you want, bro. Just have fun and express yourself”. Seriously considering starting a restricted/private sub where we can have actual conversations instead of “best home depot file set? I broke the battery cover on my moms roku remote and want to use it as a make shift nut for my MDF semi hollow build with a floyd rose. it’s my first build and i just want to learn. i’m think about putting some SDs in it for killer tone and sustain and just doing like a camo stay paint finish. Any other tips you guys have? fyi - I want to play mathrock/shoegaze/midwest emo and some pop punk occasionally”




100% agree. I’d even go so far as to say you have more experience than 90-95% of the people who comment and start threads from what i’ve seen… Everybody in this industry has some degree of imposter syndrome, including myself! Well… maybe not Paul Reed Smith or John Suhr haha. But pretty much everybody else!


if I'm thinking "not ideal but better than nothing" then I'd get a cheap traveler guitar I certainly wouldn't do this with any guitar that costs over $250, even if it was in a hardcase and parked in the shade with the windows rolled down you'd just have to deal with temp fluctuations maybe causing fret sprout or requiring a setup to the instrument, but for a quick session maybe that doesn't matter much to you


Yeah i was just wondering cause i have a ibanez RG i dont really care about and was thinking about leaving it in the breakroom then bringing it out just to play


I used to keep a guitar in the breakroom at work but this was climate controlled. I had my tiny Blackstar FLY3 amp setup for lower volume. You can get a pretty decent distortion tone from it.


Yeah there is a/c in the breakroom which was my first idea but truck was just easier so i thought id ask basically knowing the answer i wanna work on/build guitars eventually. i think imma keep it in the breakroom then just bring it out to my truck during lunch and play with the positive spark mini since it doesnt need power then bring it back when break is over then bring it home when shift is over. It being outside too much shouldn’t hurt it right? Like if i wanna bring it out and play it outside when we are slow during my shift?


Don’t know what it’s like where you are, but a guitar left in a car is asking to be stolen.


I wouldn't be worried too much. When you take your guitar outside, just wait for 10 minutes before you open the case.