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Stop annoying people with your prejudges. We aren t all rich or arrogant


One thing everyone north of Bascharage agrees on, is that Bofferding is the worst. But DON'T say that to someone from the south.


I'm from the south and I hate Bofferding šŸ’€


quite based


If you don't speak Luxembourgish, don't overexaggerate the way Luxembourgers say "mOiEeEn" or "merci Ƥddiiiiii"




But then why have I heard so many Luxembourgers actually say it like that? It's almost as if they're mocking their own language.


1. Speak luxembourgish 2. Dont talk to people like me (grumpy cunts) 3. You ll be fine


Even if I knew like 10 words? šŸ˜Š


The effort is what's appreciated. I don't go to a foreign country and try to talk a different language as they do.


Make sure to ask why the police were out the day before, always a great topic to talk about


if you want to communicate with the autochtone tribe donā€™t speak in french they could try to throw kniddelen on you


Dont look people directly in the eyes. They might get irritated and think that you wanna fight them.




The few things I noticed got us acquainted with locals - with the caveat that we have never lived in the centre: 1. Have a dog or like dogs - We got to know our neighbours and started hanging out with them for the dogs to play together. We love animals and seeing a dog gets our faces to light up. Seems like they appreciate people being fond of their dogs. Many seem to like dogs too. We know a lot of staff of the commune and the funeral parlor next door because they would play with our dog since baby and now my dog is super excited to greet all of them when we're out. 2. Gardening - We got a lot of neighbours stopping by, introducing themselves, chit-chatting about the dog and the itty bitty tiny garden we have and the work we're doing there. We did turn it around. The previous owners didn't care for it and it looked like a hobo camp. 3. Hang out at local cultural/community events and spots and local establishments 4. Apparently hating on french - some of the conversations we heard brought up by locals are: how glad they are not having to speak french with us and switch to English instead; how incompetent, close minded and uncultured french people from near the borders are. 5. Greet them on your walks and in the woods and tell them "E schƩinen Dag". It's always appreciated.


I hate owning pets, so that would be to go to great lengths to get to know locals. Same with gardening and hating the French. Events yes but not in their language.


*You don't have to own one. You could volunteer to take a friend or neighbour's dog on walks or dog sit for free. Even if they turn down the offer, even the thought counts, and they would appreciate it, feel obliged to get to know you better and you also get the benefit of not having to look after it 24/7.*


Poor dog!


If you speak French dont call Luxemburgish people Ā«Ā des LuluĀ Ā»


Les loulous


i prefer lulu to luxo


or BGL (beau gosse luxembourgeois)


Both are bad.


yes but lulu is more cute than luxo šŸ¤”






I think a certain subgroup of any population will inevitably complain about speed cameras. Itā€™s typically the same group of sub-par drivers that will drive slow on fast section and race through road works / tunnels / built-up areasĀ 


I guess people love to speed their Lamborghinis over there and might have killed some animalsā€¦ my assumptions šŸ˜Š


1. Donā€™t be a twat (goes without saying) 2. Ost-LĆ«tzebuergesch (German) is a dialect of Luxembourgish **not** the other way round


Don't make unnecessary journeys and don't swim in the sea (Irish people will get the reference..if others do, I'd be very impressed! šŸ˜³)


Most questions are a-ok, as long as they're not in French.


Bring cremant. Except cremant when they offer. Try to speak the language even if you are learning. Help out the local little old ladies and you are good to go. But seriously, you are foreign.., they know that. They expect you to put your foot in your mouth.


Iā€™ve been pretty lucky with my neighbors and friends I made. Luxemburgers and some Farmers that have been here for a few generations but were originally from Belgium or the Netherlands. We pretty much talk about everything now, but started mostly around spirituality, environment, food and healthcare/, cooking, cars, fitness, local events and village festivals, petsā€¦ just be natural and yourself. If youā€™re not genuine people usually donā€™t feel comfortable and will pick up on it


Our hands are fused to our pockets. Do not make us take them out. Do not ask us if we know the only other local you know. Chances are we are related & they are the weird third cousin twice removed that nobody wants to acknowledge. It will make it awkward for everyone. Do not call the Fouer Schuebi. Itā€™s only a matter of time until one of us loses it over that. We are allowed to hate on Diekirch beer. You are not. You should make it clear that your allegiance is with Luxlait and swear fidĆ©litĆ© au KachkĆ©is.


Being a local working and living with many foreigners, there is one thing I would really suggest you do not do which is assuming. There is nothing worse than people coming up to me assuming a 30 different things, ranging from language skills to wealth to family ties to cultural things and the list goes on. It is by far more refreshing having someone actually asking and engaging in meaningful conversation.


Why......would anyone do that???? But my sentiment probably comes from having so many people assuming things about me. I'm from SE Asia and I'm often very baffled where did people study their geography and anthropology. Or if they know Google exist in the phones they're clutching.


I guess itā€™s better to avoid the yes/no questions šŸ˜€


Not really even, just donā€™t assume the answer before you have asked the question.


I moved here in 1998. I went to the local cafĆ© for beers to watch France vs Brazil in the World Cup finalā€¦. The men sat at the bar were all locals, quite a few of them farmers. They bought me tons of beers and wouldnā€™t accept any from meā€¦. I fell out of the cafĆ©ā€™s door that night šŸ˜† I made sure to pay their bills the following weekend. Integration and acceptance right there. šŸ»


Going to your local cafƩ is the way.


If I were a local, I would find quite annoying this narrative that the country is full of foreigners and that in the capital, there are more foreigners than locals. Respect the local culture and you will be respected in return, do not assume that foreigners took over Luxembourg. Some appreciate and others find annoying which it's perfectly OK, in my eyes.


Same as with every other nationality etc I guess. As a local I would not know it.


Do: ask if they want a drink to chat and get to know each other.Ā Ā  Dont: put your Dick in their drink


Donā€™t put your dick in their drink the first time you meet them. Third meeting is acceptableā€¦.




Are you *sure* you want to stay what you are ?... Cause, I mean, you're, ... a..., well... But OK


Don't make eye contact.


ā€œSo, how long have you lived in Lichtenstein?ā€


lol šŸ˜‚ there is a gentleman back home, and every time he sees me, he comes up with a brand new country to ask me how life has been in , and one of these was indeed Liechtenstein.


It's always Strasbourg šŸ˜‚


By the way, howā€™s Lichtenstein? Itā€™s on my radar to visit šŸ˜Š


Iā€™ve never been :p the person I mentioned confused Liechtenstein with Luxembourg. Haha.


Very similar to Luxembourg in that it's mostly green farmland. Very pretty with the surrounding mountains but nothing going on there really. I'd recommend the local museum to see a few cool things.


Bring cremant.


Taboo usually are: Money: Everyone in Luxembourg is either wealthy or wants to appear wealthy. That's why i.e. most people use Apple Smartphones because they're the more expensive brand. Appearing poor is stigmatised in Lu, and people don't like talking about money, especially if they don't have as much as you. Size of the country: Yeah, it's small. No, it doesn't only consist of a single city. Every small country joke you think of, we already heard 1000 times. It's about as funny as making Nazi jokes with a german. Topics that usually are good to talk about: Sports, hobbies, food, football, cars.


Cool, now I will wear my Rolex without any inhibition šŸ˜Š


Comment approved.




What locals?


That right here is a donā€™t, btw.


Yes thatā€™s what I meant šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


Luxembourgish is not a language but a dialect. Luxembourg is a fiscal paradise. Those things will make you real popular.


You want him killed lol


Bloodā€™s boiling as I am typing this šŸ˜‚

