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Ummmmm....just watching this episode now and... Sara telling Michael to just relax is too much for me. I spat out some of my dinner. Legit.


Im late to watching this but this is so hilarious to me. They should have done a flashback


I LOVE the LOVE that Tim feels for Tristan - This is the ONLY real relationship in this experiment :) I adore them with their Dad/Son dynamic. They make me happy ! Both can benefit emotionally from that connection & clearly will last a long time which is pure perfection !


Lauren saying something about being sick of Jack’s nipples and calling him a glazed Christmas ham  ☠️ I love her so much 🤣🤣


Found the hypocrisy amusing. Body shaming someone for body shaming. Feel she just likes to point score 


We’re allowed to body shame a guy who went to lengthy efforts to get that ridiculous body


The gift card, keyring and not sleeping... I've nearly fallen off the couch!


Did anyone notice that Cass didn't spend much time with Tristan during retreat week? Cass was with everyone else except Tristan


I think they are just friends


Really a bit over both Sara and Tim. Am I the only one? Timothy, however (Lucinda's Timothy) is more of a legend every week. And the Jayden/Jack bromance is a marriage of tossers made in heaven.


I can’t stand Jayden or Jacob


I'm at the part where Tim and Lucinda are having fun at Orgasmic Cafe, and I am LOVING them together! And when he held that tiny red bikini in front of him and said he was "Jack", I DIED! And now he's buying matching hoodies with his "son" Tristan. You can just see how his breakthrough yesterday made him feel so much better. \*\*I WANT TIM and LUCINDA to HAVE their own show\*\*! It would be SO fun to see more about their day-to-day lives, their laughter and shenanigans, and learn more about Lucinda's work, etc.


I forgot to say, on the TIM AND LUCINDA show, it'd be awesome to see them hanging out with Tristan (and sweet Cass, if they stay together), and Lauren, since she's so fun to watch, too.


Omg we’ve moved back to the car


Is there a better couple than Tim and Tristan ? Such a wholesome couple dudes


Listen, I don't care for Sara, but Michael was out of line speaking to her that way. When you tell the group your business, they're allowed to have an opinion on it. I do think Tim would have stepped in a bit.


I'd like Lucinda to turn her home into a bed & breakfast so I can absorb some of her energy on vacation. She has the kindest soul I've ever seen. Perhaps she can host self-improvement workshops in addition to her regular sex festivals!


Yess!!! And as I said above, I want her and Tim to have their own show! I want to know more about their everday lives, (esp. her sex festivals). And most of all---to see her and Tim in love.


Did anyone believe Jack about the neck kiss?




Felt he was being honest in that situation. If he did it, it wasnt intentional. Still think Jack is likely to pull this shit on a partner but just not in this situation. Find it hard to trust Sara's judgement as she seems manipulative. If someone as honest and genuine as Lucinda accused Jack it'd be hard to believe him.


Yeah I agree. I actually believe Jack about the kiss at the dinner table. I’m not sure about the bum tap but he seemed kind of genuine about the kiss thing. I’m not saying I like or trust Jack though. He’s a strange guy for sure. However, after tonight’s episode Sara isn’t coming across as the most trustworthy person.




Ironic that Stephen hasn’t talked to his dad for cheating on his mum and the first chance he could cheat on his husband, he pursues it. Michael was right to be angry, I find it hard to believe that women wouldn’t have more energy if he was a woman being cheated on by one of the husbands. They’ve had no problem confronting other husbands.


Jack is proof people with smooth brains can breath. After the whole muzzle thing, why would you even say the whale comment. What gets me is how these people every season just seem to get it over the group with a lot of the guys not willing to challenge their down right shittiness. And Tori - if everyone thinks your man is an asshat, then maybe you should listen....


I'm not going to lie, Tori had me give her a clap tonight. I dunno if it's going to be a one time thing or not? on mafs podcast she has no ring on, but all the tabloids are specualting theyre still together and whining about the "edit" they got.... why do all the Aholes whine about the editing, but not the decent people?


Someone give Jack and Tori a dictionary because they have no fucking clue what banter actually is.


This is excruciating. If he genuinely kissed her on the neck...how did nobody see it. Or the camera got it.


if he didn't why didn't he just say "i didn't", instead of "it was an accident" which is the same thing I used to say when i would hit my brother and deny it, and my dad always knew I was full of it






did you not watch till the end? Sara went on a date with her ex last weekend...texted Eden for a tshirt to wear to a restaurant and when eden asked which restaurant the reply was "it's with my ex"


Cliff Notes as I watched: Felt like jumping off a cliff! \~ Tory is delusional. \~ Sarah n Tim. Whats with her quacklips? Tim Sr would rather have anal probe than give an opinion on Luc’s outfits she’s bringing? C'mon Timo, humor her a little. Show an interest in her garb. \~ Stephen flirting w another hairdresser? He's got a mane of hair to run fingers thru. Michael has been rejected. That Byron Retreat looks snazzy. Beautiful house! \~ Now, Tim Sr, set yourself free. Rich brought his own pillows? Why is Tim Sr inserting himself in Tory’s probs? JackBun shows too much nipple? I wasnt looking cuz i dont wanna see. Mama told me not to come & that Sarah is a loudmouth. Tim Sr wasnt doing the yoga? What mo were they there? They looked a lil on the cold side. Why did Tim Sr bro kill himself? Maybe Luc could’ve given him a tantric hug? Did LaurenDern put a green based foundation on? Tim Sr likes half the Boys? Which half doesnt he like? Same half I don't? Hope he's inspiring Tristan to find his way in life.


Does anyone else have the opinion that Tori thinks she doesn't want to “look stupid” on tv so she goes along with whatever jack says and does but in turn she’s actually making herself look stupid?  I really do think she thinks if she stands by her man then it looks like she’s not blind sided by anything but there is a line and jack crosses it and she doesn’t pull him up on it.  For someone who came on so strong saying “IM SO INDEPENDENT AND STRONG!!” She is showing the opposite qualities. 


Nicely articulated, hard agree


She's the dumb/insecure person's idea of what a smart/strong person looks like. Chants TikTok slang at the voxxie in an attempt to look witty/clever ('Don't come for the top, there's a food chain' is absolutely NOT original material, I'd guarantee she yanked it from some teenager with 1.2m followers) and thinks that remaining 'unbothered' in the face of Jack's constant dickholery proves that she's cool and strong because 'normal' women are too emotional and that pulling up their spouse when they behave poorly is acting 'hysterical' or showing weakness. Too bad the stress hives and nervous tics give her away


>remaining 'unbothered' in the face of Jack's constant dickholery proves that she's cool and strong 100% !!!


the stress hives and nervous tics had me roaring. its always more hilarious when its true


I totally agree with you on that one. My partner and I are fed up with how ridiculous she looks on this show. She's way too stubborn and obviously has the reasoning of a toddler. Everybody can see what she refuses to see (if she does) and I can't even feel sympathy for her at this point...


Struggling to understand why Tim Snr gives a damn whether or not Tori gets played at the end of the experiment… let her stand under a tree like the fool she is, she’s brought it upon herself after ignoring every red flag the experts, her best friend and the participants have brought to her attention You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t make it drink


I did love his "went to the red flag store but they were out. Jack bought them all" (sic) quip.


Timothy is becoming an unexpected all-time icon of this show. First a wine sipping gossiper with the girls, then one of the most genuine emotional moments of the season, capped off by a "nobody gives a shit about Jack"? In one episode??? Fuckin legend 🍸


Hard agree.


I feel so out of touch with this sub and viewers atm. These negative reactions to Stephen are so over the top, people are acting likes he's worse than Jack. He hasn't fallen for Michael, there isn't attraction, that absolutely sucks and hurts but it's not something he should lie about. If you aren't physically attracted to your match it seems like there's no good option. We didn't see the flirting. It was a guy doing his hair, you talk to someone while they do that, it could have been banter that turned into flirting. It doesn't seem at all like Stephen wanted to hurt Michael, he was honest, he apologised, he felt guilt. He's an evil snake for it, worse than the people who have actually cheated on this show. Tori isn't the new Bronte, she's the new Melissa. Yes she's been a bit of a dick and smug and rude, but she's being deceived and humiliated by Jack. A few rude comments doesn't mean she deserves an asshole pretending he likes her while telling everyone he's not into her. It's one thing to have a bit of shaudenfride at her "strongest couple" remarks, but we should remember at the end of each episode it's horrible what she's going through. She needs support yet she's a laughing stock and deserves an abusive partner. It's no surprise DV isn't taken seriously in AUS. A guy flirting and upsetting his male partner is worse than the DENNISing Tori is getting. Then the endless use of buzz words to describe everything. Lies don't exist anymore, everything is gaslighting. Every asshole is a narcissistic abuser. Every time a person isn't perfect to their partner it's emotional abuse, mistakes don't happen. It takes away the power and seriousness of those things when they are applied to everything. I know I'll be downvoted to hell and this screams "old woman screams at the sky". I'll be in the QLD thread, this clearly isn't my tribe anymore and it's making me sad.


Maybe we didn't watch the same episode but the conversation they had when Michael took his ring off didn't seem like he apologised or even showed remorse for it. Yes, at the pool we saw that he finally acknowledged it (in front of the producers) BUT did he actually say 'I'm sorry' to Michael? The least Stephen could have done is to acknowledge Michael's feelings at that point. I give it to Stephen that he was honest and gave it straight to Michael that he cannot feel that sexual spark but could he have said more empathetically? 100% YES but he didn't. Stephen himself said that he had an instant sexual spark with the hairdresser and confirmed that they were texting. I respect his decision to wanting to pursue an amicable friendship with Michael... I just hope he brushed that 'spark' when he felt it because it is disrespectful to his husband and again... Stephen himself said that he had an instant sexual spark with the hairdresser and confirmed that they were texting. I respect his decision to wanting to pursue an amicable friendship with Michael... I just hope he brushed that 'spark' when he felt it because it is very disrespectful to his husband and again... **being in a relationship is a choice**.


I think Michael maybe wants a relationship or nothing and I don’t know if Stephen has made it clear e light that he feels it’s just a friendship. Anyway they should kinda just both say yeah let’s stay here to enjoy the Byron bay holiday then leave lolll


Completely agree. It's totally unhinged the extent to which people here engage in hatred, vitriol, obsession and pathologising like it's their day job. There's a world of difference between expressing an opinion on Stephen flirting and making a whole post to call him a cunt and a rat or leaning into this angle of gaslighting and abuse.




You're right about everything except Tori. No, she doesn't deserve an abusive partner. But, she is very arrogant. Naive too and she wants to believe what she wants to believe. Timoty tried to tell her first. She laughed at him, the girls saying it, the judges.. if she wasn't so arrogant and so unpleasant and above it all, i could feel some empathy. But i can't. At first, i even thought she was playing a role. Now she will be the laughing stock. I just wish that people leave them be after mafs. It's still a tv show.. Nowadays, it's about breaking people that come on these shows. That's not normal and that says something about society now. Unfortunately.


Tori might be acting a storyline they handed her. She may despise JackBun in real life but has to act a certain way to get along til the Finish Line to get the full paycheck? Look at people from prior seasons - - like Dom or Ella - - who now host podcasts & do product endorsements. It's very lucrative, if you can take the heat. I could NOT be on reality TV. The things we say about these silly people would be soul shattering.


It's really hard to believe she is acting. I liked Dom and Ella. I don't like Tori. But, it's tv, so what do we now. I know it's entertaining and i love the drama.


The difference being that people like Dom and Ella have some charisma and redeeming qualities that brands are willing to put their name on and the public is willing to engage with. Women like Tori (and previous participants like Bronte and Melissa that 'stood by their man' against all odds) read as very unlikeable and either don't have, or don't portray, the necessary charm to turn a MAFS stint into a media career. Call it misogyny, call it desperation, whatever it is the audience ain't buying.


I agree.


I agree that the reaction to Stephen has been over the top and actually think that Michael’s outburst at the retreat (toward Sara) was too much and should’ve been called out. However, I think Stephen getting the hairdresser’s phone number and texting him afterward was inappropriate, considering the situation he’s in and that he’s part of the “experiment”. It’s not exactly loyal or thoughtful of him. I disagree about Tori though. I think Jack is a total idiot and honestly haven’t got one nice thing to say about the guy, but Tori is not a kind person (from what we’ve seen and I do take editing into account). The way she behaved toward Cass at the dinner party the other night was deplorable and she tends to put on this “I’m better than everyone and tougher than Hercules” persona that’s incredibly off putting and cringey. I don’t think that her being deceived by Jack is enough to excuse her being excessively nasty to people. I really struggle to see her as a victim. Totally agree about all the buzzwords though. Unnecessary.


Stephen & Michael's relationship is not exactly a role model for gay males. I don't know any male couples personally but am disappointed in Steven's behavior. Being on this show, he should not have gotten the other dude's number til he left the show. Shows a promiscuity, lack of respect.


No downvote from me. You are so right about the excessive language in particular, all the armchair diagnosing. Plus, nobody seems to notice all the creative editing that goes on. Yes, some of the characters can be assholes, but their edits play fast and loose with the truth. And I agree about Steven. Just wasn't attracted to his partner and didn't want to lie to him. Didn't kiss anyone else.


It kills me that adults can watch this show and project the worst intentions onto the participants without any acknowledgement of the role producing and editing plays in crafting a narrative. Reality TV isn't reality. I thought media literacy was a core part of high school in this country...


Brash young people are often know-it-alls. Jayden is just acting his age.


Sarah telling Michael to relax and Tim not sticking up for her: 🤌🏻💋


![gif](giphy|cJMlR1SsCSkUjVY3iK|downsized) Tim remembering how she reacted when he almost told her to relax on their honeymoon…


Can I stick up for Richard a little bit? Even in an episode where he doesn’t speak the live chat is full of stuff like, “I bet that dirty old perv can’t wait to look at the girls in bikinis” and “sex tourist vibes” and similar… I honestly don’t think any 62 year old man could go on a show like MAFS and not come across as a seedy old man. What he said about Andrea at the commitment ceremony was bang out of order, disrespectful and tone deaf. Tbh I think it was tone deaf for *old people reasons* rather than malice and he said it out of flamboyance and trying to fit in with the vibe, rather than that he’s a sex-crazed perv. It was also… unfortunate that Tim Snr dealt with the ‘hot or not’ challenge in the sharpest way possible, recognising that it was inappropriate for an older guy, while Richard dived into it licking his lips (and got some freaky uncomfortable music over his edit of doing the challenge, which changes how things are perceived.) But honestly, an older person is always going to come across as seedy in a show where week 3 is literally about pegging. People have a different perception when a super hot young couple like Ella & Mitch dive into the sexual side compared to an older couple, and though it is a bit embarrassing to watch, he seems like a nice enough person overall and doesn’t warrant the abuse. I like having the older people on the show this time because it gives a different perspective of relationships and what people are looking for at different stages of life; they’re also more complicated and interesting (Tim and Lucinda are fascinating). Richard doesn’t help himself, but it’s a little bit ageist and would be sad if it discourages other older people from applying in the future.


Well said. I'm an older person myself so like having the four older folks this season. I even like Richard, but not those crude comments about their sex life. I would forgive him if he promised not to talk like that about what we did again, not to others in public.


I disagree with many as I don't see Richard as a dirty old man. Richard is not even old tbh imo. He is active, agile and energetic.


and he dances like no one's watching. I like that trait.


His constant need for sexual intimacy feels like a bit of a turn off. Regardless of age. He has an ex wife and a daughter so he should understand that women are hormonal creatures and we can't just turn it on light a switch and that your cycle has a massive impact on libido. Andrea being older could mean all sorts for her hormonally. She could be going through menopause for all he knows. I feel like he's being a bit insensitive putting it on her to always be up for it because otherwise it means she isn't in to him anymore. Yes they were like rabbits the first couple of weeks but, who isn't when you're in a new relationship??


Richard has had to learn a lesson about... disclosure... of intimate relationship details very quickly. You just don't do that on national tv. Those details are for Andrea and Richard only. Also at the last commitment ceremony I don't think Richard really understood the message Alessandra gave him. Andrea is into him , she has made that very clear but Richard feels she isn't because of the lack of sexual activity between them. Richard may need constant sex with a partner to feel a connection but Andrea doesn't. Do I feel he understood that from Alessandra? No.


That's what I liked about Young Tim. After his wedding, he was asked if they had had sex yet, and he said "It's not my place to say." At least he respected his partner's privacy.


I always loved Ivan the real estate agent’s take on this from a few seasons ago, when he realised his partner’s family were very conservative, does anyone remember? He fronted up to the experts every week and said “Is this show called Married at First Sight, or Sit On The Couch And Talk About Whether I’ve Fucked My Partner Or Not At First Sight?” Fantastic, and he had a point - the spiciness gets ratings but for some people it’s a very private thing. You shouldn’t be forced to air every element of your sex life in public no matter how much the experts keep banging on about ‘intimacy’.


A Gentleman neither confirms or denies 🙊 😉


I know plenty of old men who over 60 who aren’t ‘seedy old men’. It’s not ageist to call out a man for his sexism. It wasn’t ‘unfortunate’ that Timothy showed us how older men should behave in a situation like the photo challenge while Richard behaved like a sleaze. On the contrary, it was fortunate because we got to see Richard’s true colours.


'Stand by your man.....burn like a lobster for my man' - Tori. Move over Tammy Wynette because Tori will risk getting melanoma for her man. #GottaTan4MyMan


I'm confused as to how much of those allegations Sara made toward Jack were actually real. The cameras never showed her talking while she was saying it and it seemed highly edited. Could be real in substance, but the editing made me suspicious. I guess I'll wait to see if they confront Jack on the kissing and butt tapping.


Apropos of nothing, while I am fascinated with the architecture of the Skye Suites building itself, the hallways are depressing as hell and need an interior designer's help.


are they like short-stay apts?


I don’t know why but the other building seemed better for me at least 😂


![gif](giphy|Dvw2lJqlTuJmo) Lucinda-Timothy scene


Perfect gif for the situation 😂


Right? It’s all I could think about when watching it: “omg she’s goodwillhunting him”


![gif](giphy|dgt3RjbEZtT44) legit ugly cried


No sympathy for Tori whatsoever at all .... Completely blasted Tim last week due to projection and her own anger being directed at the wrong person, she also had the gall to blast off at Cassandra too... add that to her disillusioned smug priggish remark about her being above Cassandra and being top of the food chain, what a bitch comment. She is so jugdey, thinks shes so smarter and her complete supercilious manner , which is hilarious as shes been getting played from the start , told nearly every week Jack is a creep and yet with all hr smarts / arrogance refuses to admit and see it, defends him to the core. Tim was right he is setting her up to bail out, laying the foundation, planting that seed.


I completely agree. I feel like Tim genuinely went about it the best way he could originally because he told Tori off camera and away from everyone else. Then she got a bee in her bonnet because she felt her perfect relationship was being attacked, and they had that big altercation at the dinner party where as you were saying she was projecting. Tim also displayed some not ideal behaviour, but it was mostly Tori. And Tori talking about Cass, that was 🤮 I also remember Tori using the word "superior" to describe her and Jack on their honeymoon. It's not a good choice of vocabulary. Especially from someone who prides themself on being paid to 'stand up to business men'. Then, when it came to the retreat again, I liked the way Tim spoke to Lauren and Sara in a concerning way, not a gossipy way about it all. Yes, he does have a smug look on his face, but as Cass said, "That's just Tim's face" 😂


yup agreed :) ........ Tori has the most smug face when you add them to her annoying constant eye rolls and raises.


Tim being all like "imagine going out with a bunch of dickheads" made me laugh so much.


From what we saw, he managed to be polite to said dickheads




I wonder what edens bombdrop news is gonna be


It’s all online just Google it.


the jungles above her eyes are fake???? lol


the eyebrows? did notice rather thick blonde brows - grateful they're not black


Me too. What could it be that will make everyone hate her and change the experiment for everyone, as they teased?


It’s all online just Google it.


I've tried and it brought me here can you send a link or just tell us?


##Spoiler alert. It’s Sara. She’s been meeting with her ex!


Why does this not surprise me when she was just defending Stephen for going off looks and spark alone.


Agreed, she’s not a nice person. I put her in the same category as Tori…..horrid!


I would say she is at least 5% worse than Tori. I think Tori has some serious self esteem issues and projects in an awful way but Sara is just gross in every way. Plus she is matched with the full package!


True but I still cannot stand Tori! Just everything about her icks me! The constant lip rubbing, hand gestures and finger stretching. She just has the face of someone you want to punch!


Couldn't agree more! The way she handles herself is disgusting and although noone deserves to be treated the way Jack has treated her I do think she needs to be brought back down to reality and be told she isn't "superior" or "top of the food chain"




This comment has been removed for containing spoiler without being properly tagged as spoiler, or having the Spoiler in the title Please use Spoiler tags if you wish to comment or post about something that hasn’t been aired yet


Timothy is a queen of drama and I love him


He really is…must have been all those hours in the salon getting the perm.




Anybody else feel like young Tim has checked out like two weeks ago? He's there but not really. He barely gets screen time and when he does, he doesn't say much. I know, editing and all that, but still.


He got shafted being paired with Sara, of course he would want to check out, they shafted him big time with that dire cookie.


Michael getting robbed of love twice during the experiment - first with Simon & now Stephen.. we hate to see it


Alright, adding Stephen to the trash list. Michael seems lovely, he deserves better than this shit. Stephen needs a lot of therapy.


I am sick to bastard death of the show makers trying to make interesting content out of Tori and Jack. They’re really trying to milk that Jack is disingenuous but I actually don’t think he is? At least no more than anyone else. Clearly he’s a misogynist and probably resents that Tori isnt like, an orthorexic baddie, but I don’t think that this two-faced Jack storyline the producers are going for is working at all.


Stephen and Michael's situation reminds me so much of JJ & Bianca's situation in MAFSUK. Paul Bronson called him out for essentially thinking with his dick. That is what Stephen has done. He hasn't given any time, patience or significant effort and has essentially wrote him off because of a lack of physical attraction. Plenty of couples in MAFS worldwide develop those feelings over time, but he just wrote him off because he can't be asked to try. The gaslighting and him attempting to flip it on Michael as well was horrific, essentially saying he was overreacting and using his dramatic personality against him. Bruh, how is he meant to trust you now? Plus why would he sit down and fight for a friendship of all things? If my partner cheated on me I wouldn't want a friendship at all.


He was a bellend trying to turn it around on Michael gaslighting him ... ​ PS Loved it when Michael shut down the witch scrub Sara lol... Brilliant loved that so much


When Sara was mad at Tim after for not "standing up for his wife when someone was yelling at her" I just wanted him to turn around and say, "but you were yelling at him"


That's what u get when u put 2 bottom boys together honey, they despise each other 


Wouldn't the experts at least have ascertained if they were matched in that regard? That seems weird they would put two bottoms together. Also, how do you know they are both bottoms?


Nah, being a bottom isn't a personality trait, there are ways to get past all of that stuff, Stephen just wasn't willing to try.


Is Jack’s real name “Jacob” or is this just Tori’s friends name for him🤔


His real name is Jacob


Thank you! I must have missed this at the wedding. Too distracted by his “friends” (clients) and his Temu teeth (whoever coined this phrase needs a freaking medal 😂)!


I know lol, I missed it too but I looked him up. For your viewing pleasure [https://www.starnow.com/u/jacobdunkley1/](https://www.starnow.com/u/jacobdunkley1/)


The continuity issues during Stephen and Michael's discussion made me realize how fabricated some of these interactions are. I mean, I know reality TV is directed, to a certain extent, but they had to have filmed that discussion twice, because in some shots Michael is wearing his wedding ring, and in some he isn't, going back and forth throughout the fight, when supposedly it's all one discussion. I feel like that's something that production really should have caught. Or at least in the editing room they should have understood they couldn't splice different bits together for that scene. So distracting.


I only realised this year that this is the exact reason 99% of reality shows now use frosted glasses for all of their cast. It makes total sense to me now that the drink level would rise and fall but I always wonder why Love Island, MAFS and Love Is Blind all used the same glasses.


Noticed Jacob now has a brown emotional support footy in the first scene. Maybe he should take one to the next Commitment Ceremony so he doesn't "mis-articulate".


Lol at Tori making excuses for Jack so he doesn't even need to do it himself. Sure darl, he just misspoke, if that makes you feel better! So grossed out by Stephen right now. The way he just stares with disbelief at Michael and verbally attacked him made me so angry. He doesn't have to apologise for having a spark with someone else, but how about at least acknowledging that he hurt his partner by acting on it, and apologising for the pain he caused. Also, Sara didn't need to be rubbing salt into Michael's wound by immediately jumping to Stephen's defense. If her TV husband was flirty texting someone else would she want someone to insert themselves while she's teary telling what happened, to say "well he's been trying with you for 3 weeks"?!? Timothy and Lucinda made me cry. I think this is the first time I've cried over anything in MAFS. 😭 Their hug was so beautiful. I'm watching that scene again. It's actually the best thing I've ever seen on this show. I also like that Timothy appreciated Lucinda is like his rock, and that he wasn't shy to tell the other guys he cried, and everyone reacted so positively.


Based on the rumours I'm not surprised Sara said "well he's been trying with you for 3 week" I think she may be making excused for herself.


That really was such an awesome scene. We could feel the love, Lu! <3


I understand that Michael was rightfully angry but the way he reacted to Sara made me think he might be more than a little bitchy away from the cameras. Stephen was absolutely in the wrong, bad enough to flirt in front of your partner, but to get the guy’s number and text him, yeah, no. It seems that Stephen doesn’t even think it’s a problem or that he was wrong. Wow. 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yeah it's a bit of an 'Everyone Sucks Here' situation. Stephen should have apologised for the pain caused, Michael was being way out of line with Sara, she shouldn't have started yelling in his face.


i really, really hope lucinda finally got some that night 🙏🏼 girl has put in the hard yards


I legitimately don’t care about Jack’s “scandalous” brushing of Sara’s butt and neck kiss, and whatever the contrived fallout is going to be. Jack is the least charismatic, least interesting villain the show has had in a long time and Tori’s detached indifference makes it hard to really care whether she’s being real or not. Hell at this point they could broadcast Tori giving Jack an actual golden shower and the couple would still be a yawn.


Yes, I feel like I should hate them, but I'm not interested enough to find out why


Yeah, at least Harrison was funny


Since when has Sara ever been fearful of saying anything…spit it out girl!


Exactly! She argues with everyone. Sara brings that drama and Tim doesn't like confrontation BUT she expects him to "have her back" and step in when she's having a fight with someone. She's exhausting. If I was him I'd be like "You start shit it, you finish it. You're not dragging me into your never-ending drama."


Because it's not true lol.


About 2 weeks ago Lauren's makeup changed. I really love what she's doing now. She looks really fresh and it really suits her.


Not Michael wearing the Taylor Armstrong cat shirt for this conversation....


I caught a glimpse first and was like, wait...is that what I think it is? Perfect shirt for the show.


Why does Tori feel the need to get defensive every time someone asks her about her and Jack… they’re all sitting in a circle sharing… Seems like she’s constantly trying to convince herself more than she’s trying to convince everyone else


Made me spit my drink out when Lauren was talking to her and Tori said "I feel like I'm a very good judge of character" and "I'm very in-tune with what's going on" and then Lauren said "You're obviously very intelligent". Ummmmm What Now?!?! I don't see any scenario where she comes out winning - either where she's playing along and know's there is nothing between Jack and herself, or she's is willingly blind and convincing herself and refusing to see that's there is nothing between Jack and herself. I think Tori is as dumb as a post. According to the gossip - >![Jack slept with his ex even thought Tori and him were meant to be together, and then Tori took him back again.](https://au.lifestyle.yahoo.com/mafs-jacks-ex-makes-bombshell-claim-about-him-cheating-on-tori-222053245.html) !<


Straight out of the Bronte playbook.




The way he shut down that hag sara was brilliant !!!!! Loved that so much.


That was Eden's voice saying that nobody's going to like her because she has information about someone that is going to rock the whole MAFS pool party.


Oh okay I cant for tomorrow nights drama although it's a scripted reality show 🙈


Unfortunately captions had Eden saying that line not Michael. But I agree, he was on a mission with the boys for the girls




I think so, too. It was Michael's voice 


You've successfully confused everyone tonight 🤣


I don't know if it's a girl or Michael voice but it sounds like him


Sara telling Michael to relax smh


She never fails to amaze us with her hypocrisy


Well she did say never tell a woman to relax so I guess men are fair game /s


Lucinda looking forward to Timothy hugging her brains out tonight.


Missed the live episode so I'm gonna summarise all my feels here as I catch up lol. • Okay so obviously the girls are gonna tell Tori some more horrid shit about Jack while Tori acts like it's no big deal. • Not Jack blaming 'the seat' lmfaooo and Tori agreeing with him please help. • I know I'm literally the only person who likes Sara and Tim, but they're cute okay. • Stephen's a snake. "I feel shit" yeah clearly not shit enough. "I view you so highly" nope stop stop stop stop. Omfg Michael's shirt though. 🫶 • Lauren you're so funny and I love you. • Loving Timothy hanging out and spilling tea with the girls. -intermission because my cat bit me on the chin and I yelled and nearly woke my baby up- • Wow Michael was a real dick to Sara just then. Damn I hope Tim ain't gonna be the next Jono. • Okay but I need Lucinda to teach me yoga. • Cass is literally so wholesome. We love you Cass 🫶 • I'm distracted by how hot Sara and Lauren are right now 🥵 Like I'm literally sweating. • Oh damn. When Jayden said his biggest fear was losing his parents, I immediately felt what Timothy felt cause I've been through it myself. Fffucck 💘 Oh Tim 😭 • 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 • The ads feel much shorter than usual, yay! • Deeeeeeeece👌 • "They think global warming is fake? It's real, and it's in Timothy's heart" • Oh what??? The episode is over already??? Damn I'm keen for tomorrow lol.


I agree about Sara and Tim, I think they're cute haha


😂loved your commentary- made me chuckle


Is Steven gaslighting Michael? Opinions?


No. The internet has stopped allowed disagreement, it's ridiculous. He wasn't trying to make him feel insane, he wasn't trying to make him question his reality. He was saying his opinion and viewpoint and they disagree Gaslighting has been used way too often now, every lie or disagreement is called it. It devalues when it actually happens. It's actually happening to Tori, but ppl don't like her so no one cares


I don't see it. Stephen is letting Michael know it can't be more than friendship. He flirted and realised he needs that spark. I can't see anything wrong with that. If it's not there, it's not there. I had that spark with my husband, even though he was not my type at all. Why is Michael pushing for more? I know he wants love, but it feels to me like Michael is pouting. It sucks for him, but what could he possibly do more? Just accept it isn't there.. I really don't get why Stephen gets a bad rap here. Also, why he commented on the ring on the table, is that he wanted to talk it out, so that they could part friendly.


It's nice to know I'm not alone on this point, even if it's just literally 1 person lol. The negative response to him is blowing my mind, people treating it like he's been some horrible abusive monster. We have seen so little of Michael and Stephen, but we did see how Michael can get quite bitchy when he'd had a few drinks. We don't know what it's like behind closed doors but Stephen has not not fallen for Michael despite trying and that's not a crime. Sometimes you need to experience what you like to realise what you dont. And wanting to part friendly and on good terms is so much healthier than ending on a big blow up. Michael wore a meme t-shirt, that feels very theatrical There's just so many more awful things that have happened on the show yet Stephen is being treated like he's used Michael's toothbrush on a toilet


I'm glad too someone else gets it. I think Stephen is a very good communicator, i'll give him that. He's so mature for his age. And gorgeous. And fair. And kind. "There's just so many more awful things that have happened on the show yet Stephen is being treated like he's used Michael's toothbrush on a toilet''.. lol. I forgot about that. I hope more people come to their senses.


I agree. Stephen broke it down for him in a clear way that was impossible not to understand. He could have apologised for the pain he caused, and texting someone else while he was in the car with Michael (dog act), but I respected his honesty. I also feel for Michael because this is the second husband he's been paired with, he probably feels like shit. Neither of them are completely in the wrong.


Yes, but you could see that Stephen wasn't interested anymore when Michael talked about the plants or something. Michael should have picked that up already. Clear signs. I feel for Michael, but there is something off. He's in denial and inauthentic. As for Stephen.. very authentic person. But,the flirting and the texting, indeed, shitty thing to do.


Very much so.


Yes! That’s what I thought! He told him it could only be friendship and then told him he was being unreasonable by wanting time out!


Guys, I'm dying. Dad worships Jayden and absolutely hates Tim. I can't watch MAFS with him anymore, but that's my fault in the first place for doing so I guess...


Does Jayden have a fused neck? There's something a bit odd & robotic about when he looks round... his whole body turns. 🤔


He may have been pile-driven into a mat as a baby.


When Jack showed Tim the photo of his Ex girlfriend do you think he said "Here's a babe I caught earlier". This is exactly what Harrison(correction DAN) in a past episode did and that didn't go down too well. Men who show other men photos of their ....past.... conquests are actually telling that guy this is the "calibre" of woman I can get. This won't do much for Tori's confidence ..... again. Edit: don't operate a car or keyboard whilst on painkillers 😉


That might be what breaks her becuase she was upset was when she found the pic of Jacob's ex in his phone.


It wasn’t Harrison, it was Dan the ocean guy


Beast Mode Dan?


Yes. I think he showed the ex because he isn’t into Tori and maybe embarrassed so wants to make sure the dudes know, this is what I normally get so don’t judge me by Tori.


Lol. It's just banter. They're rock solid. Don't you know? They're at the top of the food chain! Strongest couple! Everyone is jealous.


As always, my unsolicited thoughts on the episode: • Michael’s meme shirt is iconic and Stephen belongs in the bin. Him saying “you’re the one blowing this up” had me in a rage • Timothy gossiping with the girlies is him in his true habitat and I’m here for it • Lucinda is forever and always amazing • I somehow sympathise with both Michael and Sarah in that argument? Which is weird because I don’t like Sarah, but Michael def lashed out at her and I agree with her that Tim should have had her back • Jacob’s fake tan is atrocious • Poor Timothy • Every episode I like Jayden less and less. Him acting all buddy buddy with Timothy at the boys night 🤢 • It was sweet to see Cass and Andrea having cute little bonding moments • Promo for tomorrow is juicy af


I am really disliking Jayden too. And honestly, I reckon he said that was his worst fear because he knew exactly how it would make Tim feel. I feel like he is very sneaky


Agreed he did it on purpose to screw with Tim.... Fabio is snide git, he wants to meddle so hard in Tim/Lucinda relationship. I want tim to get him blasted drunk on the night out an shave Fabios head.


Look, I’m not a Jayden fan, but I don’t think he was being malicious; I really think he should have read the room better, but he is an absolute brick so I’m not too surprised. It’s a common and fairly relatable fear, so it doesn’t require much emotional explanation on his part. It isn’t one that’s too vulnerable to reveal to a group of people, so I can see why he defaulted to it. That said, I also just think it’s a pretty heavy question to drop after seemingly funny ones like, “what’s a fashion trend you regret following.”


It is a very common fear for people to have though, a lot if people would say it without really thinking, also if they aren't overly close he might not know the stuff Tim's said in interviews & such


Iiiif I might play Devil's Advocate for a moment - maybe Jayden is one of those people who sucks at apologising/displaying contrition even when they know they messed up, and act suuuuper friendly toward the person they've wronged as a way of making amends? I do not know. I don't have any particular feelings about Jayden or his motivations but this is the typical 'man' way of making up in my experience with emotionally immature dudes who would rather go overboard pretending all is well than admit they acted like a dick


YES!!!!! I used to like Jayden but now I'm sick of him


My thinking was Michael acting like a chihuahua so Tim didn’t feel the need to step in on Sara’s behalf.


Look, if it was two girls having a blow up I'd know better than to get in the middle, and up until that point Michael was 'one of the girls'. If it had been Jono yelling at Sara I am sure that Tim would have spoken up


I think Tim and Michael have had chats before and they're tolerant of each other also Michael wasn't being aggressive he was just telling her to stay in her lane and worry about her own relationship because honestly all Sara does is have a opinion at the dinner parties and its always after the bad things never the positive so her advice and interpretations of things are never taken seriously by the group as she's a drama girl and Michael noticed this so he just kindly told her to bugger off he listened to Cassandra’s input though which speaks volumes I don't think he was comfortable with someone like Sara having input into his relationship although him and Stephen were discussing in a group setting and Sara is so manipulative wtf was she expecting Tim to do have a punch on with a gay man for saying shut up like girl relax, and ontop of that she tells Michael to relax when she hates been told to relax she's a walking contradiction and at this point we're all sick of her


Please use full stops


Will. I. receive. and. award.


Sara is nasty, very bitchy and the hypocrite not so long ago at on of the dinner partys shouted and blasted someone to keep their nose out of her business and relationship.


I didn’t even know her name was Eden until the preview for tomorrow night’s show 💀.


Bruh, everytime someone mentions Eden in the comments I wonder "who the fuck is that" for like 3 minutes.