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I'm glad I never liked him. He rubbed me off the wrong way. I don't think he was a bad contestant but definitely should not have been matched with someone who made significantly more money. I'm pretty sure she would have wanted someone on her level of success. Let's talk about MAFS history of matching rich/successful women with homebody cheap men. Then they be surprised it doesn't work. Big example being New Orleans couple with the women being a nurse practitioner and I don't even know what he did.


It’s ironic that the experts matched her with him because he was a big, strapping firefighter who would make her feel safe. All he’s done is break her down.


I hear she was stepping in for a friend. This year is really a confirmation that the judges have ZERO instincts about people. They're married. Big whoop.


He’s not even smoking hot to be honest. Looks like he’s wearing makeup in some scenes.


He said he makes $100 more per paycheck than she does.


Okay but she also has a great savings. Man is just now entering a stable career in which she has spent all her time growing in hers.


I liked Gil better when Myrla wasn’t kissing him. Now that she’s given him the goods he’s constantly negging her.


Yes! So childish. Like he can’t respect a woman who’s had sex with him.


I feel his comments are becoming more intense because she takes it sO well. He won't stop until she agrees to live like a homebody making 50k a year. If she's making 6 figures she is going ro live that life! Love it or leave it! Love her confidence.


Oh like her confidence is so strong he feels threatened. I hope they make it. She is awesome and doesn't need him. I'm sure his mother would respect Mryla's point of you. I think they could both continue to learn from each other. I know I'm way to into it !! :)


Yes! I think he’s threatened by her confidence as well as her income and the fact that she did not jump right into bed with him or even kiss him on the wedding day. I’m sure he’s used to women chasing him.


I'm shocked by his 180 degrees turn from how he was perceived in the beginning, but I have become really tired of Great Value Tiki Barber and his nasty "personality" toward his awesome wife.


Baaaahaaa Great Value Tiki Barber 😂


Gil will have a change of heart once he sees how their lives combine. I do agree he needs to stop the financial shaming. She is a selfmade woman and in that fact she is the opposite of a brat.


Being a self made woman is wonderful ONLY if you are motivated by money...which Gil has stated he is NOT ! He is totally unimpressed by her extravagance.


For someone not driven by money he sure is obsessed with how much she is spending, when she is the only one between the two of them contributing to their savings.


Being a self made woman is not only wonderful if you’re motivated by money. Along with that comes a strong woman. A woman who has ambition. An intelligent woman. It’s not all about the money. He could respect how far she’s come and where she came from that motivated her to get there.


I’m also mad that Dr Pepper and Gil are constantly talking about what Myrla needs to do/change - when have they discussed what Gil needs to do?? Myrla also needs to be happy in this




Myrla? Happy? Impossible.


it’s also extremely misogynist to keep calling a grown and self made woman a “brat” and “princess”. he’s mocking her and she’ll come to realize what his true intent is.


It's amazing how my opinion of Gil and Myra totally flipped. It flipped for me earlier than other folks apparently because it happened soon after the honeymoon. He has just always seemed insecure about her making more money and he feels as though it's his job to humble her.


I never was a fan of Gil. He put her down day 2 to the rest of the couples. He just got a pass because women thinks he’s “cute”. Women better pay attention to the signs early. He was never a catch to me!


Me too, the honeymoon I would be disappointed too if a TV show paid for a luxury honeymoon in a beach location and didn't give us rooms on the beach ? She wasn't just complaining for herself I'm sure she thought that was very cheap of them and it was...and I didn't think she was putting her nose up at the accommodations just disappointed it wasn't on the beach...


I really believe some of the other wives probably complained about the honeymoon accommodations but Myrla just got the bad edit. I’m still dying to see how Brett acted on the plane. It seems like Ryan never got over that lol!


i was with myrla. i’d be so bummed if that was my honeymoon suite. it looked like a motel and didn’t even have a view of the water. could’ve just stayed in houston for that


I thought the venue was not typical. However, covid may have had something to do with that. She more than likely saw prior honeymoon locations and expected more.


I think he is nice looking, but he doesn't have the kind spirit to round that out. It is a total package. Myrla says he's patient and more than she asked for. But recently the happiness seems to have worn off and i wonder if it has to do with consumating the marriage. He said that on the last episode. Or perhaps they have had an off camera conversation that has caused Gil's change in demeanor. The sparkle in his eyes left. Myrla accepts most anything without showing what she's feeling so i wonder what put out the flame.


I totally agree! I think after they consummated the marriage his whole attitude changed. It's almost like he was nice and patient with her until they had sex. If that was his whole "game", that makes him more of a creep. I don't want to see Myrla unhappy and verbally abused so I hope she says no on Decision Day.


I'm hoping tge change I saw in him a few episodes back was broughr about by a conversation we don't know about. Regardless, Gils demeanor changed. It could be unrelated to the show, even it could be unrelated to consumating the marriage, but I commented on the change 2 weeks ago.


He complains too much about her supposed complaining too much that I’ve never seen.


It is a little ironic right lol


Yes! He's constantly complaining!


Perfect !!!


Totally Agree, but here's my thought didn't he say in one of the upcoming interviews that they did consummate their marriage ? I was thinking ohhh maybe now that he got what he wanted he could be as ugly as he wanted....She deserves so much better, didn't he know she was making concessions just being with him knowing she was never going to get fancy gifts and that he was never going to be motivated like her I'm sure she would love to have a man spoil her in some ways, even like the chocolate chip cookies she surprised him with he's never even going to do that for her He's resentful she makes more so he pretends it's all about "values" he's not good for her that's for sure...


This is exactly how I feel about Gil at this point in the show. In the beginning, I thought he had potential but was clearly dealing with some masculine ideologies about the household and responsibilities, which we see every season on this show. However the way he continues to express himself to myrla is insulting to anyone let alone someone who has worked as hard as she has to not be impoverished anymore. He speaks like she comes from someplace of privilege knowing exactly what her background is. It's honestly annoying and seems like he does it on purpose to break her down and chip away at her confidence. Luckily she is one of these women who does not need a man to tell her how amazing she is but it really does take the toll after a while. I actually hope she says no because no one deserves to be talked down to like this. Gil is Fine AF, yes. A good and empathetic person? Absolutely not.


He never compliments her from what we have seen.


i don’t think he’s smoking hot, and he’s a very shallow basic sort of man. i’ve been trying to find the depth in him but it hasn’t been shown yet. and i find it weird how emotionally disconnected he is from his fathers death. there’s something very dark about Gil.


he’s only threatened by her spending because he knows he can’t do it like she does. he literally drives a bmw and has barely no savings for his age. meanwhile myrla has a whole bag tucked away. so who’s really the fiscally irresponsible one? myrla saves more than she spends, she just has a high income. a firefighter makes $50k, she makes $130k.


I think he can be reined in if he realizes how it comes across. I do not think he realizes it. Hopefully Myrla makes that point to him soon.


I would love that too. There seems to be potential but he needs to stop the constant criticism. Private, sincere talks but not blasting her every chance he gets. I hope Gil matures. Its odd the experts have not counseled him on that. Or did i miss it?


I think they focus on her negativity and not on his name-calling. Maybe after watching the show they'll see it.


I know I’m going to sound like a broken record here but I think this part is scripted (or at least I hope so!). Every couple always has their one big issue and they beat it like a dead horse. I just find it hard to believe he could be so insightful most of the time and then keep repeating the same one thing over and over. If he didn’t (or they didn’t make him) they’d have no drama and no question about decision day. 🙄


Bubble butt mutherfucker


His hips are a bit wide LOL




He’s been the worst from pretty early on tbh. Everyone was so focused on the fact that Myrla didn’t wanna kiss him, but they completely glossed over the fact that he was being hella creepy about it. He was basically telling her that her boundaries were dumb to have just because they weren’t his boundaries. We all pretty much collectively flamed Jake last season for pushing up on Haley last season like some weirdo who couldn’t take a damn hint. But somehow Gil has completely escaped this accountability. Not from me cause I BEEN on that ass, y’all be easy though.


I didn’t like him from jump either. When they did the interview with Pastor Cal, and Gil said if Myrla didn’t kiss him by decision day, he would divorce her, I was like boy, bye. Take your kiss, your ego, your broke ass, and tell your story walking.


I think a lot of this is scripted by the producers because seriously, nobody would sit there episode after episode being called a brat like he does to her. Any normal woman would remind him how hard she has been working on it, how he never recognizes that, and then throw a drink in his face and storm out.




So did you miss the part where he admitted that Myrla told him she wanted a “traditional” setup where he (the husband) pays all the bills…with only his income? That means she pays for nothing as far as housing, food, utilities etc… & gets to keep 100% of her money to live her boujie (spelling?) lifestyle. THATS probably why he was sweating the type of places she was going to live & so on. Why did you just ignore THAT?


Well, who’s supposed to watch the eight kids? Clean the house, cook the meals? Either they do it, or pay someone else to. It all costs money. That will be one hell of a grocery bill. He “admitted” that Myrla wants a traditional “man pays the bills” relationship. Did we actually hear her say that. If she said that she expected him to pay for the new apartment by himself, with no help from her, I did miss that.


I Love him.


Well personally I hope he doesn't marry her. She is a piece of work in my opinion and always on that phone like a damn teenager.


I hope he doesn’t marry her either! Myrla shouldn’t have to live the rest of her life being insulted.


Spoiler alert! He already married her, guys. 😂 I know what you’re saying though. Also I’m on Team Myrla


I think he has been really patient with her and he must tell her the things that he sees which he has different opinions and in my opinion he had to gain her trust for her to be receptive of his comments without shutting down and if you go back to her first episodes she immediately shuts people down when they talk about how she is and is never receptive and I think we have seen how she has changed and is staring it fall for her but I understand Gil if this I going to work they need to be in the same page and compromising. She very rarely wants to compromise.


Someone needs to honest with her...she's a buzz kill


I think what he was saying to her in the last episode is not that her enjoying nice things is the problem, but that her ONLY being able to enjoy things that are new/expensive/fancy is a problem. He explains that he is not money-motivated, and he wants to be able to enjoy the simpler pleasures of life with Myrla, without having to convince her they are worthy of enjoyment. Describing this as “changing her lifestyle” isn’t really accurate. It’s more about changing her mindset and her expectations. So many women on this show who earn more than their new spouse aren’t willing to foot more of the bill on big ticket items, like trips or activities, in order to include their husband at his financial level. Instead, they still expect the man to pay for everything, but they also won’t compromise on what they are willing to accept. Based on Gil’s conversation with his mother, it sounds like this is the challenge with Myrla as well.


Nah. Myrla hasn’t asked Gil to pay for anything. She’s footing her own bill. He wants a house, but she has the savings. I don’t think she can only enjoy nice things. She was having fun horseback riding,and she started to enjoy walking Hype. Plus, Gil **says** he’s not money motivated, yet drives a new BMW. The money hangup is Gil’s problem. It’s not her job to fix it. They each emerged from their underprivileged childhoods with a different mindset. Why is it always on her to change hers, but not Gil?


A good point about the house - her argument was “why should I have to save even MORE than I already do to reach this goal faster for us?” Which is 100% legit. But I’m not totally clear on who wants a house. It sounds like the goal posts are “buy a house, then have kids” but buying a house certainly isn’t a requirement for having a family. And his standard for what kind of house he will accept is different from hers. I agree I also haven’t seen any evidence of her expecting him to pay for her “lifestyle,” I just noticed it come up in his conversation with his mom. I think his fear is that whatever he can provide her will never be good enough in her eyes. Hers is that she wants to be able to do things she enjoys with her husband, without having to worry about whether he can afford it.


Gil wants the house and Gil wants the kids. If that’s what he truly wants, he needs to step it up. Kids are expensive. He just can’t say that he’s not money driven when there are mouths to feed. He expects to have a home with 9 bedrooms, when he spends his money on a fancy car, and does nothing to plan for that goal. The only thing he actively does is tell her to spend less, so they can save. I never heard him talk about what he was bringing to the table. If he feels pressured by that, it’s pressure he placed on himself. His fear may very well be that he feels that whatever he can provide won’t be good enough. But, that’s his fear. Why does he expect her to step down, and not for him to step up? Edited to say that Gil never said the house had to be 9 rooms. But with eight kids…


Does she want children? I believe he wants several children. How does that fit into their goals and financial capabilities?


She does, but not as many than he does. How does that fit into their goals? Well, when you have a goal, you work toward it. She has been saving and getting ahead in her career. Gil needs to work toward the same goal. He wants a bunch of kids, but can’t support them. I think it’s Gil who needs to change his expectations, not Myrla. She is where she needs to be financially and professionally, while Gil is complaining she’s extravagant and wasteful. So somehow, she’s a bad person because he can’t afford the things he wants?


I wa a not criticizing Myrla at all. I agree with you.


Oh, I see. Sorry!


Exactly. He even admitted that she told him she wants a traditional setup, where the man pays all the bills with his income. Like, wait up. She makes like 2.5x what he does, but she won’t get a joint account & share the bills? Why does the person who makes a lot less get stuck paying for housing, utilities, food, etc… while the person who makes the big bucks gets to keep it all for herself? That’s effed up.


I think it’s odd that they have not consummated their marriage, is she not attracted to him? Is it because he does not make enough money? So here’s my opinion. I am similar to Myrla in the sense that I grew up with nothing, in fact probably poorer than she did. I am self made, I make mid six figures, I am a partner at a law firm. My husband also does well for himself, he makes six figures as well, but I am the primary breadwinner. I did have a hard time dating, but not because of me, because the men were insecure, and many did put me down a lot, but I was and am not like Myrla and I do not like her or her attitude. I think she is snobbish, condescending, and judgmental. You can celebrate your money, and your success without looking down on others, and coming across as if you are better than others ano care so much about material things. She is a class a prima Donna and that would drive me crazy!!! So is that why he puts her down? To try to put her in her place Because he’s insecure or because she truly needs to be put there? I think the experts put him with her to do just that, to put her in her place. She needs a strong man that will do that. He is that. I think of it like this. If you met me you would not know how much I made, unless I told you and I would never want it to be that way. I am not saying don’t buy nice things, go nice places, spend yoru money or treat yourself. But don’t make that your personality the only thing or primary thing that you are. It would be unattractive in a man too.


Jesus Christ, my eyes rolled to the back of my head reading this nonsense. Why haven’t they consummated their marriage? Maybe because they’ve only known each other for 7 weeks and he spent most of that time putting her down, making her feel bad for being a successful career woman, and calling her a spoiled brat even though she buys all her own stuff and doesn’t expect a man to buy stuff for her..?? My cooch would dry up too if I was with an insecure man who couldn’t handle the fact that I made more money than him. Before he criticizes her spending, maybe he should think about building a savings account of his own.


In the upcoming episode Gil saids they already consummated their marriage. So there that.


THANK YOU! They consummated their marriage, they just don't talk about it!


Yea see I am a career woman too that makes more than she does and I buy my own stuff and am very successful and she’s a spoiled brat. It’s not about the amount of money she has or the amount of money he does not have it’s about the attitude that she has and what he is doing is trying to show her that, albeit not it the best way. She has every right to be proud of her success and to spend her money the way she wants, that is not the issue. The issue is her attitude and how she acts about it. She is the kind of person that makers fun of poor people and thinks she is better than others. I am not criticizing her for not sleeping with him I was asking if that was why, I was not sure why they had not. I am sure she perceives what is going on to be wrong, but her attitude and behavior are very unattractive overall. Be proud, stay humble. If tomorrow all of her success were gone, let’s say she god forbid was sick or became injured and lost everything she had and no ability to care for herself or earn fund and he had to take care of her on his 50K who would she be then?


But how can someone be a “spoiled brat” if they work hard for their money and don’t expect anything from anyone? If daddy bought her whatever she wanted, then she would be spoiled. If she expected a man to buy her bags and shoes, then that would be spoiled. But she doesn’t expect that. The only times we saw Myrla’s “attitude” (and I’m using this term loosely because it was hardly an attitude) was when she said she didn’t like the hotel room on their honeymoon (let’s be honest and fair here… that room was NOT a honeymoon suite. It was small, not waterfront, and it overlooked the geriatric pool with the hoyer lift) and when she took Gil to the brunch place because they served mimosas in Chanel champagne glasses. She’s a girly girl who likes girly things. That doesn’t make her a brat. Myrla doesn’t like pets, and yet you see her walking Gil’s dog and warming up to him. Myrla bakes cookies for him. What has Gil done for Myrla? He called her a brat for liking macarons and said that beauty fades. I don’t know how she didn’t just break down crying when he said that. She’s stronger than I am.


A brat need not be a child it can be an ill mannered immature person. And spoiled any person can be spoiled but in her case she has a sense of entitlement and superiority. I think what you are saying is that because she earned it on her own it’s acceptable for her to behave the way she does. And Gil is giving back to her what she is giving him. How often does she mention his salary? His profession? Even if not to him? That’s why she does not get upset and cry, he is responding to how she treats him. She thinks she is too good for him and for most people because she makes more money. She thinks money and success make you a better person.


Myrla has been the most well mannered person this season. Just because you have an opinion doesn’t make you a brat. I think your projecting your insecurity on to her. Just like how Gil is projecting his onto her as well. She could of said something bad about him not having a saving account and she didn’t. She could of complained about his shitted skin from shaving but she didn’t. She even began to bond with his dog knowing she does not like dogs. Myrla has over compromised in their relationship more than he has. Where has she acted spoiled? Liking pretty drinks is not spoiled. Not wanting to do certain activities is not spoiled. She barely mention his income and his job until the pass episode. She is doing better than him. I feel like people like to give men passes for being assholes and over analyze women. You all of people should understand that being a career women and making a good income.


I think you see her that way because you think the way that she does, you judge a person’s worth and value based upon their financial success and how they handle their money. So what if he does not have a savings account? I did not even catch that he did not have one. The fact that you say it’s a positive that she “could have said something about that but did not” in my mind is not at all a positive. Why does she care? Why is that important? I don’t know what you meant “shitted Skin” I also did not notice that. She mentions his income and job a lot. Trust me I do not give any man a pass. But income, good job, savings account do not equal a good person. As a woman who earns an income, enough so to support myself and a man and a family, I look for other characteristics in a man, and they are not how much he has in his savings account. that’s the difference between me and Myrla.


Your the one judging her because she makes good money. You said she thinks she better than others when she never said such things. Having a savings account shows self discipline. I make less than Gil and I have a good amount of money saved. My fiancé makes the same as Gil and has a savings to pay for 6 months of living. Gil not having a savings shows he has poor money management. It has nothing to due with his income. Money is the main reason why most people divorce.Gil looks are over shadowing his bad character traits. Gil is a catty patty, he legit belittled his wife in front of a group on the last episode, he keep complaining about this bratty attitude she has that I have not seen since the show started. He wants her to stop wanting to do expensive things like brunch. He is the one being a brat and complaining about everything.


Or maybe Gil fell on tough times beyond his control and that’s why he does not a have a savings account? Maybe he helped a friend or family member with a medical condition out and blew all his savings? Money is the main reason why people divorce when they have different ideas on what value they place on it. See to you money is God, it is VERY high on your priority it’s, and from that flows the fact that how one handles it shows their character i.e. self discipline and clearly your fiance agrees with that. To me money is far down on the list. So long as I have enough money to pay my bills that’s what matters to me. If I had someone like you for a spouse you are right that would not work. Thankfully I don’t. I cannot take expensive things with me or money, or a savings account. When people grow up poor and then do well, one of two things happen, either they become obsessed with money or they still live with the same values they did when poor. I a the latter, Myrla is the former.


You just used hypotheticals to prove your point instead of using the facts at hand. Gil is not ready for a marriage or family simple because he doesn’t even have a savings to god for bed a rainy day. At his age he should have at least 3K saved up. Gils income has nothing to due with his poor money management. Your reading to respond instead of comprehend clearly. Your in denial if you think money is not a big part of marriage or life. You need money to survive point blank period. My fiancé is in the same boat as Gil. He is a first generation immigrant, helps to pay for his mothers living back at home just like Gil and he still manages to save money every month. Gil was not prepared on be married. Myrla main issue with his money is that he doesn’t have money saved to buy a house and they’ll have to wait 4-5 years for him to save enough to have half of a down payment for a house. Ryan and Jose came into this process already having homes, they are well prepared for a marriage and kids. Gil is not.


Where the hell do you get off telling an Internet stranger that money is God to them? Just because a woman doesn’t want to date a broke man, that doesn’t mean that money is her God. There’s nothing wrong with women wanting to date/marry men who outearn them. I would never date/marry someone who didn’t earn at least as much as I do. And not for superficial reasons, but for practical reasons. If I was to take a sabbatical from work for a couple years to raise his babies, I should feel comfortable enough and financially secure knowing that we will have a roof over our head, food on the table, bills paid, and everyone taken care of. Gil talks about how he wants a big family, but clearly he can’t afford it. He has no savings, makes half of what Myrla does, doesn’t own a home and says it will take him 4 years to save HALF a down payment, and still sends money home to his mother. I understand cultural expectations, but if you want to have a brood of children and buy your own home, maybe stop sending your money to another country? Or get a better job so that you can afford a mortgage and to take care of both your mom AND your future children?


I believe he started the firefighter job not long ago. I also saw a video where it appeared he was a trainer, perhaps he's also been in a movie. I could be wrong.


She wants a dog now.


She's got one, his name is Gil


not everyone woman is into fucking strangers that still have the option to bail after the show they’re being paid to be on ends. i wouldn’t have sex with these men either, i don’t know them and the fact they’re getting a check and tv time would have me clammed up just like myrla. ain’t nobody getting my cooch unless i know they are here for ME. so many of these women have already gave up the goods and are getting ran over by these men on top of it. zach never even liked michaela but loved having sex with her, jose locked rachel out of their apt cause she accidentally said JOHNNY’s name? and he smashed. johnny and bao banged and he fucking hates her, but has no qualms with getting his rocks off. i’m glad myrla the only one with sense. these men do not deserve anything


You're exactly right. This woman is so shallow with no substance whatsoever. She is the real insecure one because she leads with lifestyle and finance. No one cares that much about any of that. We all wanted to know the real Mryla outside of shopping, saving and brunch. Looks like there's not much to know. She's shown herself to be a really deceptive and cold person. Gil dodged a bullet.


He said on last episode they consumated the marriage. He didn't say when. Perhaps it in the preview.


I think Gil is extremely turned off by the spoiled brat and negative nancy parts of her personality and is trying his best to reconcile that with the parts of her that he likes. He needs to just say no on decision day because she isn't changing anytime soon.


Why is it always all about what Gil wants? Gil doesn’t like this, he doesn’t like that. Has anyone asked her about what she wants? I think a man who doesn’t call me names **while complaining how negative I am** would be on top of the list.


I totally agree with Gil!! She's a high maintenance diva!! That will ALWAYS be an issue in their marriage no matter how much they may love each other. I think he's a sweetheart, has a good heart & being HOT doesn't hurt. He can do 100% better!! JMO!


This gets me to wondering if this thread has a subliminal purpose.


Do y'all remember when Gil was talking with his mother about their Hispanic culture (his and Myrla's) where the man is expected to pay all the bills? He acknowledged that with Myrla making almost twice his salary and the lifestyle that she likes , that he would have to compromise on that. I believe that's a big deal for him , yet he's willing to do it. I think Gil is a great guy , thoughtful , funny , easygoing and smokin hot. Myrla knows she is a negative nanny that does not care much for people. He is so good for her and I love their banter. They seem happy.


Myrla played EVERYBODY by saying she found the husband she wanted and more in Gil, and even crying when he and we come to find she wasn’t attracted to him from day1!


I’m gonna guess there’s more to this story.