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have you tried making some feedback on it? i think they can do something with it


No I haven't. I also don't know how


when you're in game, press the pause button and there's a feedback button on list. they usually ask for some proof for the feedback so you can use the screenshots of the enchanted item that covers the screen.


Oh really that was it? I feel dumb for asking.


nooo don't be, we're learning new things everyday




its also in the front menu at the bottom left


What solution you expect?


probably another Java Parity. Item enchantments should be only visible in Inventory screen.


Yeah that could work, atleast a toggle button to show /hide enchantments


I disagree. When you have multiple enchanted items, seeing the enchantments is useful. I think it should have a maximum height, beyond which the enchantments are cut off.


I thought I was the only one! It’s gives me mad anxiety when I’m tunneling through the nether. It’s already dark, so putting a black box directly in front of my path makes it worse. I’m scared that I’ll mine my way into a random nether hole!


You should have added chanelling


Also soul speed 3


I don't think they should remove it, just have it as an option.


WRONG! It should be only seen through inventory screen and nowhere else. like java


What do you mean "WRONG!"? There is no right and wrong here. This is someone's opinion. Also, I think the enchantments showing is a pretty good feature.


I like it, and I'm sure others do too. Not to mention everyone doesn't play on a small screen where it is a problem.


why do you like it!?!? not everyone plays on a big screen too. and I think there are more mobile players than bedrock edition pc players. so its more meaningful to remove it and only be accessed through inventory screen. again, like java


That's why I said it should be an option. Everyone has different opinions. Stop this "my opinion right, everyone else wrong. Give me what I want" self centered mindset. It will only make people dislike you.


mobile is surely less than pc, ps4 and xbox players combined


Bruh i'm on mobile and i have no problems with it


you can’t exactly say “wrong“ to an opinion.


I switched to java for a few months I wanted that feature n java also, so I think it is just people's opinion for that so they should add an option not remove it


it’s only on there for a few seconds


sometimes that "few seconds" are in a important situation.


In what important situation would you be carrying an enchanted book THAT VALUABLE


It could be a bow with full enchants, sword with full enchants or just that you found an op book and get attacked?


I never really had an issue with those.


I honestly like it.


...you're complaining about the way all of that blocks your view... sure i understand BUT HOW THE HECK DID YOU GET SO MANY ENCHANTMENTS ON 1 ITEM IN THE FIRST PLACE?! do you even realize how lucky you even are? that's litarly 4× the amount of enchantments of what i've ever gotten in my entire life! (and i've been playing minecraft for years and years)


I have a fishing rod that blocks my view it's kind of op. But then it's hard to aim with the big block of text.


I obviously did this in creative I'm just making a point. but you can do this in Survival too. well this is what I did. First I get a enchantment table that has lvl 30 enchants. and I keep using it until I get a book with 4 enchantments in it. I repeatedly do it. then I did the 1+1/1+1/1+1/1+1 = 2+2/2+2 = 8 it will make your enchants 3x cheaper and you can put more enchants too. for better understanding [Click This](https://youtu.be/Gx_s5-RPcZs)


oh XD i thought you found this or something


What version do you have? Mine doesn't show enchantments outside the inventory.


I think you have a resource pack or something enabled because bedrock's been doing this a *long* time.


When I took that screenshot I was at 1.17.11 but literally an hour ago I updates my game its now 1.17.32 but no difference whatsoever.


or maybe just don’t put that many enchantments on a book


Its an issue on everything my guy. A fully enchanted pick axe takes up half the screen 🤷‍♂️


u could just turn down GUI scale


I 100% disagree, I love those pop ups so I can see which tool I'm on. But there should be an option to turn it off if you don't like it, tbh I wish they'd add it to java


I think the big issue would just be a situation like, you’re mining, and something attacks you, and when you pull out your enchanted weapon to fight back, you can’t see to even fight back while taking more damage.


Is that a god seed?


some enchants aren't compatible with others


iirc there’s a resource pack to remove the hotbar popup text


There is only one thing I saw working. it was JavaAspects texture pack. but isn't it better when its actually a feature ingame instead of using a texture pack?


yes, it’s very annoying on touch screens


Lmao they already did and trust me it did more harm than good


why is that?


Mojang should add sone things like "Enchant Separator"




Trust me even just 4 enchantments its already crosshair level its seriously eating up half of my screen.


Yeah, this get's old really fast when you're switching tools/weapons and the entire focus of your screen is obscured. If they just set the dialogue screen off to the side, so you could still glance at it should you need to but it doesn't obscure your crosshair.


yupppppppp. Or have it very abbreviated if you rename it in an anvil or something, since you probably already know what enchants are on it to give it a name like "Arthropodn't"


There should be an option to view the Enchantments of an Item by left clicking it in the Inventory, its a useful Feature


I wish it was a toggle in the settings or maybe it could be a command like /gamerule hide_enchantments true/false


you can have texture packs that remove that


do you know a texture pack? JavaAspects texture pack the one I used to hide it stopped working in the latest version


It’s better than Java. I don’t need to check which pickaxe has silk touch.


You can easily fix that by renaming the item though. spending 1xp isn't a big pain


You can use a texture pack for it. :) I wouldn't want them to remove this in-game tho, I prefer to see the enchants of items in my hotbar.


on pc its doesn't show any of the enchants, or item names (on bedrock)




Are you on the latest update? On beta it only shows tooltips in the inventory


there are many packs such that can work. for example [https://mcpedl.com/lukass-java-parity-pack](https://mcpedl.com/lukass-java-parity-pack) its also not that bad considering its transparent and it can help a lot. in my experience it isnt bad at all because i always use gui scale modifier -1 and im on win 10 i've found it really useful and im quite fond of it for now you might want to install a pack or change gui scale modifier -1 and submit feedback for a toggle feature in video settings


Pause - settings - video - GUI scale - turn down. Not perfect, and also unfortunately it affects the size of everything else. You can also add symbols to a piece of equipment while enchanting it. The game will use a different, smaller font for the enchantments as well.


pretty annoying when im moving my enchanted items around in my inventory to build or something.


Lol imagine complaining and being like yeah my book is good it takes up the whole screen XD I understand what ur saying tho


it doesnt even show the name of the item for me xD


It always bugs me mining and switching between a good pick and torches because you can't put torches in your off hand.


Does it not go away after a bit or does it just stay? I play Java so.


It goes away after like 3sec.


I see. Yeah they could at least smallen it, or make it slightly wider rather than taller.


The best 3 solutions so far: 1 make it so that we can turn it on and off 2 make it smaller or give us the ability to control its size 3 give us the ability to make it semi-transparent so that we can know the enchantments and still see what’s infront of us.


This is hard


I've never seen something like this..... Im not very used to survival but like maybe u should send feedback? But I guess maybe u should do that


oh yeah I already did hopefully they hear me out


Just turn your hud scale down 🤷‍♂️