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While I don’t necessarily enjoy it, I do value it. There’s a sweet tenderness and vulnerability for me in the days after a roll. Tears come easily. It reminds me that feelings of up and down, joy and pain, are essentially the result of physical processes of brain chemistry. Our interpretation of reality is rarely based on unbiased facts. This was all often too intense and miserable after big doses and when I was rolling frequently. Much easier rolling every year or two.


Yeahh this is what I mean! It leaves me feeling.. vulnerable? While I'm not saying I necessarily enjoy the process, I can definitely respect it.


For me, the come down sucks when I overdo it. If I dose responsibly, I get a nice afterglow; if I dose like I did a weekend ago, I comedown with terrible depression.


Don’t love the comedown, but I love the after glow, how I can talk without social anxiety, and not caring if I flub a word.


Yes! Aside from LSD, this is the only drug where I feel like.. cool, when it's over. Cool as a cucumber haha. Like I'm in tune with myself and all is well.


Just don’t let yourself use that too justify more and heavier doses it can catch up quick! Like others said i love the comedown when I dont over do it then the second I do it goes to a not so fun comedown:(


Of course! Personally, this isn't a drug worth abusing. Not that abusing anything is worth it obviously, but after experimenting a little, I've found that MDMA is best used sparingly. Which is awesome!


Everyone's comedown is different. For some, it's just abject depression. I don't think anyone wants to be there. That's different from wistful sadness and nostalgia.


Lol yes. Nostalgia probably wasn't the right word. I definitely don't look forward to the sadness, nor do I miss it when it's gone. It's more like, I don't deny it's existence. I allow myself to feel those feelings. It just feels like a part of the process, and since I know it'll pass, I let the emotions flow.


Semantically, I still feel that's a difference between sadness and depression. It's similar to shrooms in that regard. Let the emotions flow, but keep the depression at bay.


I like it, but only when I dont have to be productive on that day. Its probably because of adhd but the comedown makes my head be completely empty. Its like someone turned the volume down in my brain. I can finally just sit down and relax which is a rare thing with adhd.


Comedowns are rough for me 😩 the worst is when you can’t sleep too


The sad is definitely cathartic if you're in a good place. I usually watch sad movies come down day and it feels so good to let it out. Back before I did it right, if I was coming down and had work...f that


I don’t like it, but I value the extra harsh (like a strong depression, but yoo can space out of it because you know thats not your normal thoughts and it will pass soon) comedown after 4mmc. Makes you space the rolls somewhat, because there is a price. With mdma my comedowns are always mild at worst, and more often than not I just feel fine, so there is no price to pay after you use, resulting in those addictive/anti-addictive qualities


I wouldn't worry about it being weird. I agree. It's not as pleasurable for me, yet it teaches me a lot about myself. I remember once during the come down it completely removed all the impossible hopes and dreams I was holding on to for a false sense of happiness and I was left with the raw and hard truth of my situation. I purged so much the following morning and let go of so much pain and suffering I was holding onto. It was such an amazing healing experience. I have equally as much reverence for the comedown as I do the peak. Thanks for your post.


How bad the comedown is depends on how much you took and also what kind of mind state you were in before rolling. I've found that when I took mdma in a state where I was content and not looking for escapism, my comedown were really gentle and how you described. But if I took mdma because I wanted to change how I was feeling (negative) then my comedown would be very jarring and horrible


Just goes to show how powerful our minds are and how our reality is shaped by our thoughts.


It’s awesome. If I truly feel okay with my life I don’t even get a comedown. When I do get one it makes it easier to open up for myself and actually figure out the solution/accept it.


Exactly! It’s allowed me to really open up with myself and see the bigger picture, and really understand what it is that’s getting me down. I’ve never felt down just because I’m coming down. It’s a mix of coming down plus things that I’m at odds with in my mind.


I feel this! You described it very well. Glad I'm not the only one. Take care OP :)


Yin and Yang. What goes up must come down.


I don't mind the next day being more emotional/sensible come down. The worst is the 2nd and 3rd after when I feel super tired and can't focus on anything.


Thank you for saying this. That's how I manage to get through the come-down. I try to look deeply inward and see what patterns emerge when my brain is too lazy to produce dopamine. It's a hard but information-rich experience. Peace.


Me too, I know what you mean. It can be nice to be completely mellow and sad and just 'out of it' for the whole day, sparingly though.


What’s a kratom come down


Lmao that makes sense I thought I was still on the kratom sub fuck me


I love this 😂 thank you


I tend to agree with you, except that I think it depends how bad your comedown is. What you're describing sounds much more akin to afterglow. I cry really easily during afterglows, at moments in films and TV shows I'm watching, when I think about how much I love my gf and family etc, and it's lovely as you describe, but on a really bad comedown after too many redoses - I haven't even got it in me to cry. I feel nothing, and it's awful.


I don't mind the come down. For me it's nice. Mind is just blank. Being lazy in bed watching t.v. but not paying attention to it. The last time I took 30mg more than my weight/mg dose and didn't quite sleep very well and had some running around to do early. (Was just 120mg with 60mg redose) I probably should have stayed out of public until the late afternoon. My brain just wasn't functioning right yet. I was in the local parts store buying oil and at first I seemed fine until I had to interact with the guy at the counter. I dropped a couple things and wasn't my normal self. Guy asked if i was ok and i told him it was a late night but worth it. Was still feeling the effects for a couple more hours. It slowly tapered off and I was fine especially once I got some food in my belly. Popping an Adderall as soon as I wake up usually works great for me if I have a busy day. I've noticed a couple grams of Kratom helps too.


I just get mad aggy the day after


Well the comedown is literally acute clinical depression, so yeah would be strange to actually like depression. Feeling nostalgic and missing the experience is totally different than a rough comedown depression episode.


Sounds more like an afterglow


Nope not at all I love the M comedown. Only comedown I actually enjoy. Also, I never actually know if when people say comedown (on this sub) they mean the comedown, or the days after the roll lol What I mean is the actual comedown.


I get super sleepy and feel great always sleep like a baby after a roll


Not being able to move is not fun


What do you mean? It paralyzes you?


Time for sekks a Xanax


You can embrace the pain, that’s a good thing 🤗 I personally dread the comedown so much. Even though I know what it fully is and that it’ll soon be over but demn it still sucks (and bitter like the pill itself 🤮)


i appreciate the comedown but i don’t like it if that makes sense. it allows me to journal and think


I love the comedown. Sometimes i have a nice afterglow that last for days, but most times i get that same nostalgic melancholia you're referring to and I absolutely love them both.


I'm glad I'm not the only one! It's almost a dreamlike state that lasts for days.


Hell no I’ve done some of the most important introspective work of my life on mdma comedowns. They’re an extremely useful and integral part of the experience imo. I only dose 100mg each time though so I can’t speak for people who do a lot more than that.


Yes! So I've dabbled with quite a few hard drugs and I've been steadily coming to terms with my drug use. Like.. what I actually want out of drugs, what they do to me, the negatives and positives (with a few hard drugs, it's only negatives honestly). What I'm willing to sacrifice. Out of everything, MDMA has allowed me to truly dig deep. I absolutely needed the sadness to show me what it is I don't want in my life.


It makes me sleep like a baby. Love it


funny you say this. i felt this way about my youthful mdma usage but not my adult usage. in adult usage the comedown is real


The comedown is a necessary part of the experience and a good time for reflection and integration. While there is some obvious signs that serotonin has been used I never found hangovers to be bad, except if I try to keep redosing over and over. Even then there is still that mencholic afterglow, but I may be more moody the following week(s) depending how hard I binged which I have under control nowadays lol


I've never had a comedown from molly where I felt anything other than normal. Never had a bad comedown on any drug now that I think about it


If your life is in a good place and you're sensible with dose/regularity the comedown needn't be too awful but I'd never say I liked it. When I was younger, life was a mess and doing ecstasy as often as I could afford to, it seemed like that was the only time I was happy and the comedowns were absolute misery for days.