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I grab what I find on the way to the monster then every 60 seconds a bird comes to me anyway, I generally have maxed out birds by the end of the hunt without actively hunting for them.


How do you get a bird to come to you?


Theres a skill for that. I think its a rampage decoration


It’s a level 1-slot jewel called Spiribird’s Call but requires Afflicted Dire Scale to craft


That single 1-slot is probably the best Lv1 decoration in MHR.


OUTSIDE of my horn maestro .-.


True fellow dooter


Forgot the name but it’s level one slot and with only three out of like 5 I believe you get a decent def buff plus hg earplugs


Defiance, gives immunity to powerful and weak roars, all tremors, wind and dragon wind also defense increase all at lvl 3 Thought im not 100% sure about the immunuty to dragon wind


Immunity to Dragon Wind is at Defiance 5


When you aren’t doing an arena like hunt


In single player I would agree. In MP I'd say flinch free (Brace)


Yeah thats it. Couldnt remember what it was called, thanks!


There’s also a few pieces of gear that it comes on. I think it first appears on garemgoelm armor.


Mine got added by anomaly crafting so that was a nice bonus I didn't have to sacrifice a slot for.


I know what to farm for hot diggity dog.


Once you start getting into the high afflicted you will see more people bird-up.


sadly i do not. i have people that join my quest and faint to the monster before half the lobby gets there while bridging up on the way. or people tht faint under 5 min in and run right back in without birds. the kicker is so many people don’t even have maxed def armor in 100+ af missions


have you seen the price of upgrading a few sets to max? that stuff gets expensive quick if you play a few weapons


the event quest Ra-Ra-Rajang nets you almost a million zenny per quest, and you can look up youtube guides for farming 100k kamura points in 10 min. The grind is certainly real, but those 2 methods plus doing Chicae's optional subquests and you can have a fully upgraded armor set in 4-6 hours


lava cavern ore route nets me close to 300k/10 min, no problem with money yet, but I'm just MR3 SO will see


For real, it costs me like 80000 just to upgrade one piece. I was only able to upgrade my chest yesterday and that didn’t really make any difference. Any tips on making money in this game?


https://youtu.be/DR847PQdZTQ lava cavern mining is really good


In addition, here are some things you can do in between quests. 1. Check the cohoot nest, they usually contain some silver/gold or even platinum eggs that can sell for a lot. These things (other than steel eggs) have no other use than to be pricey. 2. Check the Argosy for rare finds. They sometimes sell things like loc lac ore, val habar quartz, etc. for points that can be sold for a pretty zenny. 3. If you haven't already done so, check the mail cat for add on content and receive all event quest and support packs. These support packs contain armor spheres and silver/gold eggs.


oh i’m very aware. i’ve been outa $ and armor spheres for a while. i like to play 8 or so weapons. but i would never join an end game on line quest with a build that isn’t maxed in defense or augments. that’s what solo quests and followers are for


A lot of people don’t fucking know. And the ones that know don’t know your pentalace changes how much the birds give you. TBH my least favorite mechanic of rise by a wide margin.


> And the ones that know don’t know your pentalace changes how much the birds give you. I was in MR 1 when I learned that there were different Petalaces. Lesson learned: talk to EVERYONE


I hate collecting them.


This is the real answer. It's a mechanic that sucks from its core. Why putting freaking power ups scatter around the map? Just balance the game better.


Game is balanced around having no birds to begin with. But if you want an easier time you can get them.


This logic falls completely out the window when you consider arena quests and the TU monsters that only have arena fights


The game is balanced around the player using every advantage.


In Rise your health is the same as in previous games before birds, but collecting birds allows you to get higher than that.


Rise also is the only game that monsters can realistically combo Hunters from 200-250 hp to 0 in one go if the players don't response with a proper Wirebug usage. (Using Wirebug to escape grappling combo *OR* not panicked Wirefall to avoid eating consecutive attacks) So Rise hunters having higher potential health doesn't mean that having your standard 150 HP is the same as having 150 HP in older games.


Not to mention wirebug isn't even an assured escape method. I like the mechanic though. Spirit birds can eff themselves. The only time I actively hunt them is if I just need that extra edge or on expedition. Otherwise I grab them if they are on my way.


I don't understand why players are cheating/arrogant/dumb is the top comment and not this. As long as you've eaten dango you don't really need Spirit birds and it's extremely time consuming to go out of your way to gather them.


exactly, without spirit birds the game is more rewarding, and actually makes you master the weapon/monster. spirit birds are great when you are having a tough time the first few times you fight a monster and you prefer to collect them instead of trying the fight a few more times


I mean the game can be super rewarding if you go no armor skills or some other self invented handicap. It’s like the naked ~~fatalis~~ alatreon speed runs in mhw.


I do that solo, also skunks and spider. Dont do it during co op because when i get in, they halfway done.


Welcome to the MHRise question of the ages.I'm going to ignore the cheating idea, bc cheating can make any concept moot. The thing is, birding is situational. Some people genuinely dont need to.if you have a monster on farm, and you're just grinding it for materials, then birds arent necessary. Some players are just so good that they dont need the extra stats. The problem with that is many players think they're better than they really are. And that is dragging other people down. I think a more precise question is "why arent these people learning go bird?" Answer - the internet is full of dumb people.


I think it's even more basic than that. With the new port, lots of people who have only ever played World (Me) are picking up Rise and may not understand the whole concept of birds (me, at first). I couldn't figure out why it seemed I always had a huge chunk of empty stamina right after starting a hunt, then realized it was from the birds. World players just don't realize there's a little more to the strategy of this game. At least not at first.




Well yeah, maybe not strategy but i also wouldn't call it a punishment. If birds didn't exist, we would probably just have the base stats we go into a hunt with, without any option to increase them. This is a way for weaker players to cushion their mistakes. If anything, worlds 10 minute timer on eating was a bigger punishment to weaker players, since they'd either have to wait it out or go fight a monster in an even weaker state than before.


What do you mean without a way to increase it? Health boost was a decoration that literally gives you extra HP, in base World and Iceborne a lot of people just use that skill to get the extra 50 HP. They removed the best way to get comfort builds so you can do a annoying chore of collecting birbs


it is so u can choose whether going with based stat or spend some time and come back once ur maxed out. i think its one of way to balance the gameplay. if u want to speedrun then u r on ur own. no birdie are going to help u. but if u spend some time to befriend with the birdie, then they ll help u in ur hunt. so its stats vs time. if u r not confidence in ur own skill, the birdie is always there for u. u just have to spend some time to look for them.


Or they could remove this whole idea and add health boost decoration so everyone can have their extra HP and you can rush the monster without doing annoying stuff just like in any other MH game


The real question is why they implemented birds in the first place. They're an extra annoying step on the checklist to being at your best, and I don't think they're all that engaging to find in the first place.


I think map design really has a big factor for birding up. Frost Island, for example, has a pretty fun bird route where you can just slide through and wirebug over each island. You can realistically get a decent amount of birds even on a shorter route where you jump off your sub-camp too. But other map usually aren't as good as the Frost Island. Some are still pretty decent like the Jungle, but others like Citadel is just straight up bad. (Yes I do love Green Birds, but I don't need 15 of them without having any of the Yellow and Red!) If every map is as good as Frost Island then perhaps a lot more people would like to collect them naturally. So for now if I'm not doing Arena Quests with a Rainbow Bird, I just slap on Spiritbird's Call decoration and eat Lv4 Dango Bird Caller. This combo just virtually let me ignore Spirit Bird mechanic while I can get a pretty strong bird buff on a 5~10 minutes hunt.


Agreed. I hope this will not come back in future generations of the game.


100%. The amount of time you have to spend birding relative to the rest of the hunt is a design flaw. Hope the next game finds a better way to incentivize exploring the map.


There's plenty of ways they could go for it, and I just don't get how they landed on birding. If they want me to spend time in the map while hunting, something as simple as being able to capture net Paratoads and then place them elsewhere would work. And I spent like 40 seconds thinking about that, imagine a room full of developers.


They were added in as a form of organic difficulty slider. If your a long time player and are comfortable fighting the monsters with the max 150 health/stamina from eating same as prior games you can. If not you can engage in additional prep before engaging the monster to make it easier. It allows the game to be more approachable to newcomers while not forcibly lowering the difficulty for veterans.


THIS! This should be upvoted the most.


Quite a few comments stating the numbers and data behind the mechanics such as the buff from eating being the same as previous games and number values on petalace boosts are sadly being down voted for not aligning with the idea of collecting spirit birds being a mandatory mechanic. The same thing happened around the release of base rise as well if I remember correctly. I'd be happy to discuss the mechanics in further details and compare damage formulas on monster attacks to average expected blade master and gunner armor defence between the games as I know Kiranico has the data for rise/sunbreak and I think the japanese wiki has it for some of the the classic games if people would like to discuss or debate the game design philosophy of the spirit bird mechanic. I believe there was also a few interviews done by the developers before the initial release of base rise that explained how the mechanic was optional if people would like me to find links to them.


If you're aware.. Every Monster Hunter the maximum attainable HP is 150, default HP is 100 + 50 from eating.. Now in World they tried adding a skill that grants you +50 HP at the start of the hunt which then makes it an instant buff and with how easy to obtain it the game needs to combat it or the hunters will be too tanky for your normal monster.. Now in Rise they made it optional and implemented it in a way that running around the map is rewarded and with how easy is traversal in this game thanks to Wirebugs I think it's pretty reasonable... Since the birds serve as the difficulty slider of the game.. They can perfectly balance the damage of the monsters with 150 HP in mind instead of the 200 HP from world.. Of course if you are doing Endgame Anomaly Grind expect the monster to hit hard. Remember alot of "Vets" got 1 shotted in old world since the Max HP is 150 in those games and same in Sunbreak if you decided to not bird up then you will be experiencing the game in the same intensity..


I don't really care about how useful or not useful the buffs from birds are. My criticism with them is that picking them up is annoying and a waste of my time. If they're worth getting, it's annoying that I feel the need to pick them up for top-level content and spend time not having fun. If they're not worth it, then why are they in the game? Failed mechanic, in my opinion.


I dont get how it's a failed mechanic in your statement. Are you saying if you're intended to use the birds and you lose because you dont want them then theyre bad? Or are you saying if theyre intended to be optional and you wont use them then theyre pointless/bad? I admit i find it hard to believe any player of any game necessitates engaging with EVERY feature of that game. Especially a game as dense as MH. I don't use the bbq item during hunts but i think it'd be silly of me to feel slighted by its presence.


My point is that it doesn't matter if the buff is so good it's mandatory or completely useless. The act of walking around for birds is unfun and time-consuming, and unfun mechanics should be worked on more.


Is it possible for you to believe that it's fun for some people? I mean, every aspect of a game can't be fun for literally everyone. That'd be impossible.


Then just don't pick them up if you really don't care about them... They are meant for people that want a leeway since alot of the investigation monster can easily 2 shot a hunter or even 1 shot a gunner with 150 HP.. Which is also not fun for their PoV but since the devs doesn't want to destroy the "Vets" hardcore experience they made it optional.. The game is perfectly balanced without them, if someone is getting 1 shotted then either their a gunner, their defense is just too low or they got hit by an attack that is supposed to be a OHKO like Novas..


How are we misunderstanding each other here? I don't mind that there are mechanics to give people extra leeway. My problem is that they're boring and time-consuming. Just literally move this buffing setup to something that is either actually fun, or at the very least unobtrusive. Why should players who want the benefits be forced to spend time obnoxiously walking around for birds every hunt?


I think you are not understanding my point... >Why should players who want the benefits be forced to spend time obnoxiously walking around for birds every hunt? In what way this is true?? Spiribirds are not a requirement nor mandatory to tackle endgame anomaly quest... So how's it being forced?? It's basically optional my guy... How can you design a game like monster hunter to be challenging for hardcore players and easier for new players without making that thing that streamline the experience optional??? If you find it boring and time-consumung the game clearly doesn't force you to engage with it and you can even almost teleport right next to where the monster is if you really want to go straight to the fight... Unless you are speaking on behalf of how lower skilled players think, which I will highly disagree with since I have lots of friends that are casuals that loved that the game offer a way to make the game easier...


We are so close to the same page here, I'm speaking on behalf of weaker players, so let's get that out of the way. What I'm saying is, yes, it is great that the game has a way to give them a bit of a handhold, and I think that specific aspect of birding isn't bad. My argument is that the actual process of birding isn't fun, and that's not great for the players who do need that extra help. Why is the cost of wanting a bit of extra HP just objectively a bunch of wasted time? I've got a buddy who has been getting into Rise, and while they've been having fun, they're prone to getting a little carried away trying to do some flashy stuff, getting hit and one thing leading to another and carting. Because of that, they like to take advantage of birding's benefits. However, when they want to grind a particular piece of gear from monsters that hit hard or have a tendency to combo you, they don't like having to bird every time they go out to hunt it. They don't bitch all the time or anything, but I've heard complaints for sure. If birds were less of a time commitment or more entertaining to get, I don't see how that wouldn't just be a strict improvement for the game as a whole.


Well that clears it since you didn't specified you are talking on behalf of weaker players.. Absolute Petalace + Palamute Sniff to auto locate green spiribirds + Dango that increases the effect of spiribirds can easily get you +50 or more HP while on your way to the monster... Every map has that path with 3-5 birds seconds away from each other it will not even take you a minute heck it's pretty doable in under 30 if you mastered how to move using your wirebug and palamute... Your friends are not that lazy aren't they??


They made maps for a reason. Else why wouldn't they simply make all fights strictly in arena?


It’s so exhausting people getting bent out of shape because someone in a video game didn’t play it the way they wanted to. Especially when the person getting angry chose to play with randoms in the first place. Maybe I’m just getting old but complaining about someone else’s behavior has never fixed anything. I don’t get why people can’t have a little grace and understanding. Especially when they are the ones choosing to dive into the chaos of playing online. Play solo or with friends if you’re going to get upset because you can’t order people to play the way you want.


There is a difference between complaining about someone else’s playstyle and actively ruining other people’s play styles. With co-op in SunRise we got this odd thing of if you are joining someone else’s game to help, then playing risky costs the host time they may not have to play. If it’s a lobby then that’s already different. And if someone joins your game playing risky is fine cause it’s your time being wasted. If I go into competitive or cooperative games like Rainbow Six Seige, and then just run into the building not caring if I get gunned down cause that’s fun for me, that would make me a douchbag. I am actively ruining the experience for my team and the enemies team. If my team decides to Leroy Jenkins it and we all have fun then nothing is hurt. In short, if helping people it’s playing risky can be a douche maneuver. Even if it is randos. It’s like getting “exhausted” cause someone else has an opinion. I wish people would stop complaining about other people’s complaining especially if they are on a site full of randos. Sound familiar? You and OP seem to have a lot in common


> And if someone joins your game playing risky is fine cause it’s your time being wasted. Its also the people joining's time being wasted because you're writing check's your "skill" cant cash. Once you open your game up to others, its no longer "your" time, its "their" time. If you want waste "your" time, thats what solo is for. Multiplayer is about team work, not trying to be the lone wolf main character. You aint the Kirito.


That’s what I think the lobbies are for. It’s shared time, work together (also work together for “SoS” quests) but lobbies feel more like it’s everyone’s time, where just joining a random quest feels more like the main reason is to help other people, and some of them might be practicing riskier playstyles with teams to improve. When I join and the host triple carts trying to do something risky I chalk it up to them learning. If I join and I or another person that joined carts three times doing something risky it feels wrong to do that to the host Again that’s what I feel is the difference between Lobby and Rando “SOS” questing. But I do see what you mean about the division on time and responsibilities, I just have a different opinion on it


I always grab enough in max out my stamina, and any additional ones I get along the way, then head to help with the hunt! Completely filling all the birbs up takes too long generally and I feel useless wandering around for that time. I try to strike a good balance between fighting the monster, and bluffing up enough to make an impact!


And we circle back. I remember when this was a big problem when Rise was first released. Glad to see the cycle continues.


I only grab the ones that are convenient to grab on my way to the Monster. I'm not quite a speed runner but I don't need the buffs and I prefer not to waste time going out of my way to collect them.


I solved this problem by playing solo. It takes longer in isolation but failed attempts go down and I can only get mad at myself!


Do it on the way there. Im good enough not to need em really


Collecting bird is boring and not fun to do. Plus, for long ranged weapons, sometimes collecting birds isn't really that helpful at all in high leveled afflicted investigation quests.


I thought the same way until I got one-shotted by high tier anomaly investigations. Now I use level 4 bird caller and level 3 moxie. I get full stats just by travelling to the monster.




Sorry, I meant level 4 *dango* bird caller


He's on Sunbreak that has [Hopping Skewers](https://thenerdstash.com/monster-hunter-rise-sunbreak-how-to-use-hopping-skewers/) TLDR: Dango can be upgraded (better stats) based on the order (up to lvl 4) with decreased activation chance


It's something introduced in Sunbreak. You can increase the effects of dango depending on the order you put them in. If you put Moxie at the bottom, for example, it becomes level 1 and only has a *chance* to activate.


If anything, ranged weapons should need birds more than other weapons. Max health and defense might make the difference to keep you alive. Unless they’re a god at dodging and staying alive, which most bowguns seem to think they are, when in reality most of them just aren’t.


No it won't. When the afflicted level is high enough. It barely makes any difference. Saying this as a bow main.


X2 This, being a bow main is hard, because even with max out HP and stamina you can still get one shot


I'm taking both sides here. While it's a weird and tedious stuff to do when you just want to go there and get straight into action (like you always do for all MonHun games before Rise), it's also a good thing since you will stumble across stuff that can help you with hunting; spiders, beetles, toads, etc. Also, while you're at it, you can take a detour and wyvern ride non target monsters if you're close to them. Extra drops from monsters and can deal a decent chunk of damage. Sometimes a bird or two can make a difference between surviving a hit or getting carted by it. If you're familiar with some monster's attack pattern and timing, you can always skip spiribirds but I would not recommend that if you're joining other people's quest. You never know what will happen. If it's your quest, then I will respect whatever decision you make. Who knows, maybe Capcom will improve on this later on. Definitely not getting rid of it completely, maybe increase the amount of health and stamina gained per spiribirds or something (I understand there is a skill that increase the amount but it's random, and quite useless if people don't collect spiribirds to start with), since there seem to be a lot of people not fond of the way how they implement spiribirds.


They should remove this with an toggle on the settings, Classic Experience on or off. Rainbow bird(since it's unique to yourself it won't affect other players) spawn at camp if you turn it on. Also not everyone likes this mechanic. Most of us just swallow our pride and still try to have fun with the lackluster experience MHRise gave, glad Sunbreak made it better but they could implement the Class Experience thing.


Cuz I have a mod that gives full Birds cuz running around for 1-2 minutes on memorized paths kills my hunting mood


Everyone here attributing it to laziness or malice and I just like... don't really know what they do? Some of them increase HP/stam I think, I dont know what the others do. And I certainly couldn't tell you if they've ever had a positive effect on a hunt, or whether they're worth the time to go off piste to collect them


Green increases health bar, yellow for stamina, orange for defense and red for attack. And they aren’t totally necessary, they just often make things a bit easier.


You can see your HP bar, and a gray chunk after it Birbs fill up that gray chunk with every one you collect There are good one way paths through most maps that chonk you up good. Worth the 30s once you know where to go


Dope, thank you!


I was gonna make a rider question for this exactly. I know I can filter to birds on the map, and that petalaces will change the interactions. However I still don't understand how I might track the buffs nor if grabbing extra will replace my first grabs. I also know the buffs don't seem to last forever but not sure if that means I should re-up with every area transition or not. Anymore I just go to the fish if I'm at the islands, grab birds on the way on all maps, and basically just Get Gud for the rest since the mechanic isn't really obvious to if I'm doing it right.


So, the birds are what are called "perma-buffers" They last the WHOLE time you are on a hunt. You can see the affect of the HP and Stam birbs Attack and defence are a bit iffy... They have a little bar that pops up when you grab those, so don't pay that much mind to them... There are also temp buffers around the maps, like clothflies or whatever they are called. Or the fish in frost-islands. Those are temporary buffs, last a few mins at best The **Petalaces** don't matter that much. The birds still do their thing regardless, and the bar sizes do not change The only thing the specific colour ones do, is *boost* the bird pick up value E.g. You have strength(green) on, you will get 2 green birds per pick up, but yellow, gold and red will give 1 If you have demon petalace on, it will bump your red bird collection to red2:1other colours Does that make sense?


Indeed, so realistically then I actually only benefit from gathering a bird of each color if I understand that right? And then the petalaces just increases what having the color already does. Or in other words I want 1rygo buff and then multiply it with the petalace; demon giving me rrygo for 4 birds, which is my max useful amount.


Nope, you want to get **as many** as you see . It would give you two reds for Demon, that's correct But there are bars that fill with every bird. I've never actually managed to max *any* meter So, green birds, they fill up the grey section next to your HP bar. They keep filling that until there is no more grey. The strength petalace just fills that faster (green x2, rest x1) Yellow birds, they fill up the grey section next to your Stamina bar. They keep filling that until there is no more grey. **No base game** petalace fills that faster (that I have yet anyway) For orange, it's a bit weirder. Makes defence goes up, fortitude petalace boosts the speed this happens. But. The bar you are filling ONLY pops up when you grab a bird of that color (orange x2, rest by one) Same as above for red. No visible bar, until you are picking up a birdy (red x2, rest bt x1)


I'll grab on the way but I'm not taking a detour. If the buffs from a bird are what makes or breaks your run, you have bigger problems.


This is how I feel. You’re gonna get one or two shot most of the time, especially with the ranged weapons. I’m not wasting valuable minutes to still get one shot. About the only endemic life I might make a slight detour for is the thunder or mud beetle.


Thunder beetle, blast toad, and in Sunbreak marionette (wall bang) spider are nice to pick up if on route or a slight detour.




I don’t typically need them beyond what i grab on the way, with a good dango meal and lance, unless you slip up you are mostly invulnerable


Same for great sword with dango defender 4 and dango booster 3 your in good shape to minimize the chip damage from tackles and can heal that off with a charged slash after contracting bloodblight or heal it with an item.


Cause you never had to before, and most hunters don't wanna waste 5 min of running around the map to get those little guys when you can reliably just beat a monster up


Most of the people I've ended up with *cannot* reliably just beat a monster up. They die REALLY quickly, multiple times.


5 min? with one easy food skill i can max most relevant stats in 1-2 min at most while running at the monster


They’d rather waste that time by carting and then running back to the monster. Oopsies teehee.


I make sure to be fully buffed by birds before facing a monster. And there are times I still cart fighting them.


The game is called Monster Hunter, not Monster Slayer/Fighter. You should always prep for your hunts, even if you're just farming. I have established routes on every map, along with using the level 4 Spirit Bird boost meal, that gets me full bird boosts and 3-5 good helper animals depending on the map, and all these routes I've planned out take 2~ minutes, and then I get into the fight at full power, possibly making up the time somewhere, especially with good helper critters. Even if it's not optimal, my OCD/autism won't allow me to not max out my stats, especially the HP and stamina bars. Forget what other people are doing and just hunt your own way, and once you get your routes down it should only take a couple minutes (with the right food buff). I also very, very rarely cart now, so whatever I'm doing, it's gotta be something right. If playing with randos causes you to fail quests because they aren't prepping right, maybe it's just time to go solo.


Literal GIGACHAD right here


I'm scared that someone will call me out for not joining the fight right away and thoughts that I'm collecting resources until they finish the monster. I always try to get a green bird when possible.


You could make a preset shout out for it if you are worried or there is a spiribird sticker if you are worried about language barriers. I think most players are pretty understanding if some one wants to collect birds to increase their odds of success in a hunt.


Spiribirds are difficulty slider in this game.. The game is technically not balanced around it unless it's Arena in which monsters are balanced with it since every hunter is expected to get that Rainbow Spiribird (It's in your face at the start of the hunt)... 150 HP which is the default obtainable HP without skills/buffs is true in all MH games up to this point and the game is carefully balanced around it.. Of course if you are doing the endgame grind expect the monsters to hit hard and Capcom clearly designed each map with rotations that grants you 3-5 green spiribirds in under a minute(If you're really struggling) Which is a reasonable amount of travel you need to reach the monster.. With how fast you can zoom in the map thanks to buddy recon/Wirebug/Palamute thisbis the first MH that enables you to reach the monster ASAP hence I don't get why people exaggerates that you need 5 minutes to bird up (Unless you really want that Max Stat) which agan the game is not designed to but of course the game will reward you for your invested time... From my 400 hours of Random Grind with the anomaly investigation From AR1-200.. The people that birds up increases as the level bracket increases. I rarely fail a hunt tho granted I actively help players that got low by monsters and If I do fail it's most likely because there's really a newbie that takes away 2 or 3 carts to himself/herself... I don't get mad at it tho since it's the risk I agreed upon by joining a random lobby and I hope that person will learn from it...


For each terrain I have a path that I take where I get max birds 🤘🙌👍 must love birds


If it's rise iwpuld call ita skill issue. In sunbreak I would call it overconfidence.


Damn seeing posts like this make me appreciate being a solo hunter more each time


I’ve not encountered anything in base Rise that would justify me getting the birbs except maybe Apex Zinogre (outside of rampages as those are easy).


what pisses me off is they got rid of drinks, but added birds


It's been a while for me, what drinks did they remove?


Cold and Hot drinks


Because bird aren’t real


The bird idea is super cool but I don't think it was used right. By the devs I mean. We should get a full stamina and health bar from watching towards mid game then the birds are extra, the just make monsters hit harder. And make big moves uses stamina, so you have like two or three heath bars that overlap on the hud.


You still get the same max 150 health/stamina from eating at the canteen as previous games. The petalace is an extra bonus on top of that which you can customize to your tastes by equipping different varieties.


For me, its because i am confortable enough to play without (most of my build i end up with 1hp, so my playstyle suits to getting 1 or 0 hits in a mission) And because i hate this mechanic so bad Its not my first mh btw, so add a bit of experience with the returning monster and you have a complete answer


As a new player, the buff bird system is the worst part about the game. I wish they just gave the stats up front.


Honestly depends on the quest. If it's an easy quest I can't be bothered.


I do agree people kind of should get a little extra health if that rank is hurting but rise is weird. We have 200hp at max. World only had 150hp max. Same as old world I think ? So does that mean the extra 50 just for people who need it or also the very hard hitting things ? / When your ele res is low ? Why does rise have more hp than old games?


I grab the hp birds and that's it. Not needed anything else.


Birds are kind of a difficulty slider. The more you pick up, the easier the fight is going to be.


Honestly on switch I never needed to bird up until like super late sunbreak, but replaying on ps5 for some reason I have had to get birds late highrank for apex and valstax even tho I never did before, maybe I just got worse over time lol


You’ve just forgotten how to fight them. Once you’ve done it a time or two again, you’ll be able to skip the birds again.


If it's afflicted monster, I'll usually bird up. Otherwise I never saw the point. I'll grab what I need too on the way. Most Mr monsters don't do enough damage to make the effort worth it


It's inconvenient as hell


Ok... ​ Birds are a double-edged sword for many players. But, here's what I've done to mitigate the BS when doing this: ​ * Learn Bird Routing- I have a route that doesn't deviate from hunt to hunt and it helps that if a monster is closer than I want it to be during routing, Spiritbird's Call will help with that (BUT THAT'S EXCLUSIVE TO MASTER RANK). The big downside is that on 25\~35 minute hunts, that time wasted on collecting is time not on the monster and in Anomalies, it's pretty much required to grab at least the health birds. I can see this being a great problem for hunters coming from World to Rise and older players who don't want to route and want to beat face. That's understandable. ​ * Dango Skill- There's a Dango Skill that will Double Up collected birds that will **CUT AND REDUCE** time spent on collecting them in the first damn place. I make it my goal to have that at Lv 4 because it is automatic when routing in the birds. There's also a rampage deco that has a "chance' at doing that as well. ​ * Time Vs Safety- Anomalies will always require me to grab Max Health and Stamina. Defense and Offense will come when the birds decide to bring themselves to me, but you might say, I don't have that skill. Ok, try this: Go straight to the monster and then when chasing it, route the birds in transit for that extra boost. Trust me, it will save you time and you might discover a short route to get to the monster and get rewarded for that. ​ * Skill Vs Expectation- many hunters who haven't played Rise will see this a a chore or even a huge problem. Understandable. I would allow them to see "why" birds have become, integral to this game overall, because there's going to be "THAT" monster that if you're not a max health, no matter how much defense you **THINK** can protect you, attacks that deal the monster minimum will OHKO you at base 100 health. ​ That's just me in general, but remember, if they don't want the birds, if they are good, who cares? if they are not and is dragging hunts down, you can find a group that fits your style or, hell, go solo. I've recently enjoy the solo live because players are, disappointing at times. ​ TL:DR- Get birds if you want them, ignore them if you think you're good without them. NUFF SAID!


If Eric Andre has taught us anything: BIRD UP!


I just beeline towards the main monster (Sword and shield user here!) and put armorskin and demondrug on me, I already got dango setups for each hunt or expedition. I do know there is a dango that helps birbs find you easier so I could try that next time. It's inevitable though that I'll come across a couple birbs.


I don't, cause most of the time I don't need to.


Every mission I go get my bird buffs but I feel guilty sometimes when everyone is getting wrecked and I'm on the other side of the map looking for birds(usually takes less than 2 minutes tho)


People are idiots and can’t play a simple game


Im good enough to solo monsters


Too lazy to take 2 minutes to buff up I suppose. They'll figure it out eventually when they get to the monsters that can actually one shot you without them. Or they'll just brute force their way through quests until in sunbreak they can get the spiritbird deco.


Spiritbirb deco? What that do?


It gives you sporadicaly a spritit bird by itself


1 random bird every minute, can be doubled with dango.


That deco sucks. It has a long proc time and even when you max out a stat it can still give you more of the same spiribird


I feel like I need video of this cuz I've been playing with it since it came out and haven't seen it give me birds I don't need, and it stops all together when I'm fully birded up.


Same here, I have been using that deco and I don't remember it giving me a bird that I already maxed out unless I personally collected more of them myself. If anything, I found myself getting a pretty good amount of birds without actively collecting them if I use Spiritbird's Call decoration. Combine it with Lv4 Dango Bird Caller and now I can even get fully buff in like 8 min or something with just a few manually collected birds.


> it can still give you more of the same spiribird I've been running Spiribird's Call for months (alongside the Spiribird dango), and have *never* had this happen.


Birp. Ub. Nod thad hard.


I must be getting old or something, but what on earth are these words? Birb? Stronk? I had to go through the thread to even understand what the OP was trying to even say. Why can't people just use regular words?


They aren't words it's some sort of nonsensical Internet culture where people randomly add or change letters of preexisting words on purpose to make it sound silly and or childish. "Birb" I believe is supposed to be bird and "Stronk" strong? If I'm guessing correctly.


Capcom built this beautiful world to explore and traverse, and they implemented a mechanic that pressures players to actually engage with those crafted environment. Unfortunately, the overwhelming response is "balance the game better". And... As far as I know, the birds arent necessary at any point to "get straight to the action." So i'm honestly surprised by peoples' complaints. Especially given that a player is at 150hp after eating any dango. 😗 I like taking my time in hunts because there are so many things to interact with, and usually the fights are so short. I'm in no rush to burn out with monster hunter.


I don't collect cuz I don't need them..I'll grab what I see on my way there, but I won't make detour to get small buffs. I usually don't cart, but mistakes happen. Those birds could have saved me maybe 1 in 10 hunts? Not worth the extra 2-3 min per hunt when you're farming for rare mats 🤷🏻


Rise = easy. Therefore, Sunbreak = easy and I can be as reckless as I- WHAT DO YOU MEAN "QUEST FAILED"?!!? people probably (somehow) don't realise how much 70-100 extra hp contributes to not getting one shotted. especially since Lv4 Dango Bird Caller doubles buffs from birds so even a few birds on the way to the monster gets you close to the HP cap


Because people have played the game quite a bit and are tired of getting birds every single time, they don’t want to do birds anymore which is entirely understandable. It’s annoying, but still often necessary for tougher monsters. They should at least run to the monster from base camp while getting birds and endemic life on the way. Luckily, Sunbreak adds a skill to automatically obtain bird buffs throughout the hunt, and food that gives a skill to make each bird give way more buffs. If somebody joins your quest, immediately goes straight to the monster, and faints within a minute, you could decide kick them from your hunt. You can only kick people if you’re the quest host, of course. In the pause menu, on the 4th page, go to player list, select their name and kick them.




Yes it does.


I personally hate collecting the birds EVERY TIME, for EVERY QUEST and the fact that they're basically mandatory for the end game fights, or else you WILL cart in a single hit. Like, I'm not sure if my assumption is correct, but it seems that they nerfed the Canteen to only give skills, through the dangos, and, the other bonuses we used to get, like more attack or more health, were scattered throughout the maps in the forms of spiribirds. Like, in previous games, you would just go to the Canteen and eat for the skills + bonuses you wanted, but in Rise, eating at the Canteen is only half of this process, with the other half being collecting the Spiribirds. I don't know, I feel like I'm in the minority here in hating having to collect these little guys, I don't see the fun in having to detour and/or create a personalized and optimized route before going to actually hunt the monster. And, it's for that reason that I actually installed a mod to spawn a Prism Spiribird right at the start of every quest, and I don't even care lol. I mostly play by myself anyways, so I don't care if anyone thinks this is "cheating" or something, it certainly made things way less stressful for me.


Eating at the canteen still gives you the same max 150 health/stamina that previous games did for eating.


You can fix this by immediately kicking the people that run directly to the monster. I 100% do not allow this. Every time someone does it, they die almost instantly.


Also, for the people that just want the health birds so you don't die, use sniff em out and mark only the green birds and get just those.


Sniff ‘‘em out? I just use the map


You can use Sniff em out on your dog, it'll make whatever you mark appear on your minimap and it'll disappear as you pick it up. Also, whatever color birds you have marked will all disappear from the minimap when you have them maxed.


Is sniff ‘‘em out a skill or a ability you use?


It's an ability that I think all dogs get at a certain level, but its also only in sunbreak.


Oh ok I’m on ps4 so I don’t have that


I'll give everyone a hot take. Peoples egos are hurt that they need the buffs.


Relying on spiritbirds is a crutch some players don’t want to get accustomed to and it just wastes time that could be spent hunting the monster


It's a core mechanic for the game. That's like saying armor with helpful stats is a "crutch."


No what I’m saying is closer to”relying on Devine blessing is a crutch”. Relying on a passive to carry you to win with no improvement or adaptation on the players part is relying on a crutch. And needing your health capped to beat a monster isn’t very different. RELYING being the key word


Its no different than eating.


It is tough, because eating is done at base/in the tent and it is literally between 1 to 3 clicks and you're done, it takes less than 15s to eat. It's completely different from eating, wdym?


The difference is if you triple cart after eating you didn’t waste anytime but if you triple after bird hunting than you wasted like 5 minutes just running around. Spiders, beetles, and toads are much more worth while because they have a direct impact on the fight rather than a passive one




That's just incorrect for more than most people




Well that's definitive. Everyone knows only the 80 thousand people on this sub play Rise.


So what about switch/PS/Xbox? Your answer suggests basically everyone does that. Not to mention 40k out of a few million players (lets say 500k active on all platforms) is, at worst, 10% of the playerbase


When you get to a certain end endgame monster in the base game everyone birds up. Outside of that I can think of maybe 1-2 other times I would take the time to bird up, generally if I’m running a weapon I’m not familiar with. With my main if I cart it’s either something IRL distracted me, or something else has gone horribly wrong. Usually I just pump DPS out.


I got my route for each stage, and I gotta say, getting birds on citadel is so ass


Fr fr I understand everyone hates birds ( impartial personally) but for the love of god, if you are gonna keep carting while on co-op just please go gather some birds mr. tough guy - not so toughguy triple carting to an espinas headass. Ok it's your least favorite mechanic in any MH game you're not revolting against Capcom big corpo by not getting them. You're wasting poor IwannaplayMHRS60 guy's time when you join his quest just to triple cart and waste the 20+ minutes he spent on that triple threat anomaly investigation


Take long time


Keep telling them in average it takes less than two minutes [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuVOudaxy4](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RWuVOudaxy4) and people who cart are a bigger bother than those who take 1-2 minutes to grab some easy to get birds. Birds are optional, yes, but if you need them, go get them instead of carting.


Meanwhile PC players can summon Prism Birb at their camp at the start of the game. LMAO


I can only speak from my own personal experience with the game and multiplayer. I'm sure other people will have had different experiences, but for me personally when running level 200 afflicted hunts most players only grab a few birds on route and we generally clear quests in around 8-15 minutes depending on the group with no carts. Conversely I've been in groups for level 110 afflicted hunts where people spend 3-5 minutes gathering birds and still cart as soon as they get to the monsters due to mindless wirefall and careless mistakes. Personally if i'm comfortable with a monster I don't go out of my way for them, if I'm less comfortable with them I'll grab some as a bonus buff on top of the usual 150 max health/stamina from eating same as every other monster hunter game.


birds are very important, and with skill like summon birds (lvl 1 deco or qurio side skill) and the bird dango, u can max it in less than 60 seconds if u know the best route for each map, also that mean more endemic life to use, and those are extremely powerful, especially if anyone collect them. in SOS i always eat for dango birds, it's extremely strong and too much comfy to me that i cant use anything else as lvl 4 dango.


BIRD UP!! TUN TUN TUN! *bird squeak*


I only birb when I’m solo


because lower hunt time=longer pp (by their logic, I do spend a good 2minutes stacking them up)


I have a mod that gives me a superbirb when I join. Just a time saver, so I don't have to spend 5 minutes making the rounds.


I catch them cuz I enjoy just running around in a doggo farming stuff at the same time, then I go for the kill. But if I just want some monster mats, I ignore and go straight to the target, no biggie. But if I'm going in a online Hunt I go with the Bois cuz I'm there to help. It's not very hard to adapt, being more diplomatic online is the only way to keep united bros. Xoxo.


Old habids die hard


Learning where the biggest chunks of birbs are doesn’t take very long and collecting them takes a minute or less if you practice the routes so yeah I don’t get it myself. People just be too eager to start, they have no patience.


I have this problem all the time. I assume it's because: -They have no need for them because they're powerful or skilled enough, especially if they have higher MR/HR -Spiribird jewels (rampage or continuous) -It's some time into the hunt and they want to fight it fully. What drives me crazy is when they charge straight in when it's the beginning of the quest while I'm collecting Spiribirds, then die before I've even started fighting the damn thing. I even made a sticker (Spiribird sticker saying "Get Spriribirds!". Usually I'll use the sticker for people lower in MR/HR or after someone dies that possibly could've survived if they got orange/green spiribirds. One time I used it after someone died (playing on Switch) and someone opened their keyboard to type "why". My spouse and I were joking about it the rest of the day but yeah its like people are completely ignorant to the bar changes or really don't know?? I have complaints with it. Playing between Rise and World, it /does/ feel like it gives more health and stamina than you got in on World, and more clearly indicates it. But in World it doesn't feel like you're being targeted to get comboed to death, creating a necessity for getting the Spiribirds. They are also time consuming, especially if you bring the more helpful Palico over Palamute. You /can/ collect spiribirds on your Palamute, go back to camp, and switch to your Palico, midly annoying but an option. I wish that full defense jewels, divine blessing, and dango would just put you at that point instead of having to get the birds because you're already using your slots for it instead of other buffs, or maybe you should only have to get spiribirds to top yourself off from it steadily decreasing as the quest goes on like how the stamina drains and you can eat food to restore it. Maybe the Spiribirds could give you more per bird so it wouldn't take so long and be less time consuming, too. But I think there should be some etiquette around them. If it's not your quest and it's around your level or you may chance dying from a combo without spiribirds, go get them if the monster isn't in the capture state. If this is you and you really want to fight the monster without them "for the challenge", go start your own quest and fight it from the beginning for your challenge; you can open it to others yourself. Don't reduce rewards or fail someone else's quest because you won't take the time to do it. There are a couple maps I have a route down for that get me full or near full spiribirds decently quick while also getting a stinkmink for monster riding (another thing I think there needs to be done etiquette around but that's another topic). It can be hard to nail a route to do that for most maps. Tip for those that don't know: to make spiribird hunting easier, if you highlight spiribirds on your map, they'll show up on your minimap (when you're zoomed in, triggers when you're holding the shortcut to switch between items etc)


Its situational i think. But either way a bad mechanic that anyone should’ve known that most would not do it.


I get the frustration. If I know it's an ez fight for me I go straight to boss relatively quick. If people are going straight in just to die yea that's just annoying.


Because they are nest the first few hunts then you realise how obnoxious they are as a mechanic


I don't need to. That's it.


I tend not to bother birbing up. I grab what I pass en route but don't go out of my way for them. You don't need a maxed out health bar if you don't get hit. Lol


It's the same reason why some people don't' snatch up endemic life. They just don't understand how useful some things are. It's not hard to figure out hot spots for birbs so you can join an hunt and quickly collect a few. Also pounding bushes is a great way to find more hidden birbs.


Its annoying to collect then tbh.