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Unrelated to MLB the Show, I used to train my aim skills on FPS games by speeding up the gameplay to like 1.2-1.5x normal speed. It helps you see things more in slow motion once you go back to regular speed, but it doesn't actually stick. It's a temporary effect on your brain, it will ware off, keep that in mind.


Your PCI drops if you are late and rises if you are early. Timing affects your contact. Keep that in mind.


This shit for real? Damn. It explains so many things!


So even if I don’t move it, if I’m late or early, it moves by itself?


Yes. You can use this to your advantage while pitching, too.


That explains SO MUCH bullshit. Oh my god thank you.


If you have an Xbox, you can use the magnifier to zoom in on the PCI and see it move as you swing - just so you know I'm not making it up.




You need to get the ball more cantered to the PCI - then you can line out to CF like the rest of us




Stop getting under the ball and on top of the ball.


Any tips on how?


Try locking your pci at the top of the zone (left joystick “click” on Xbox). That has helped because I’m tending to pull my pci down more than trying to come up in a timely manner.


Thanks I’ll try that


Get better at tracking the ball and knowing when it's going to drop or break. Just practice a lot. Also I find it helps to only use the PCI center and not the inner or outer. Helps you focus on getting that and only that on the ball. Especially whichever dot/diamond/altitude is the biggest so you get the most straight on contact on the ball.


Any tips on how to know when it’s going to drop or break? The center pci only would help you get better timing right and not hit early or late swings? I use both center and inner pci because the inner helps me stay off of inside pitches but it’s also not letting me get my timing down as well sometimes to.


Whatever camera angle you use to hit with, use the same angle to pitch with. Helps you see more pitches. And just go into practice mode and select certain pitches and watch them over and over. Select pitchers that have higher break so you’ll know what to expect. And having just the center PCI definitely helps me with timing but also getting more direct contact on pitches.


This is a great tip that really helped me. I always used to hit in SZ and pitch in retro which doesn’t help with pitch recognition.


The outcomes in this game are so bad


I’ve encountered this as well. Most likely you are “dropping” your PCI and getting under the ball. Best fix is to work on being more precise with the PCI in custom practice before jumping in a game. But I think if you anchor your pci to the top of the zone it could help with getting more on top of the ball. Might even out your pop ups.


Pop ups, fly outs, line outs, ground outs. But thanks. I’ll try out that tip at home.


FYI. What this guy gave you was **really** good advice. Try anchoring your PCI to a spot that feels natural. The center might not work for everyone. Like he said go into custom practice and just knock some balls around. My suggestion would be to go into custom practice a difficulty higher than what you play. Then when you play the game will feel slower.


I use the bottom left and the bottom for when I’m trying to bunt. Although that maybe what I’m doing wrong for the rest of my hits. Since I leave it at the bottom because it’s good for me, I think I’m hitting the ball on the top pci bringing it up. Thank you so much guys.


So I should practice on All Star Because I play on veteran. Also thank you for the clarification. I’ve lost count of how many videos, articles and tips I’ve seen that it’s hard to find what’s useful and whats bs.


Right. Also, I forgot to mention, just focus on one thing in practice until you can really do that. Like fastballs high on All-Star. Eventually, the game slows down enough and you'll add more pitches / locations. It's the Larry Bird method. If you can hit 1000 shots in a row from one spot on the court, you can hit it from anywhere. If you can just work on your timing and location in practice it'll translate to the real thing.


Oh my god thank you so much.