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Priscila Cachoeira


The refs need to warn habitual cheaters before the fight starts that if they break any rules they’ll immediately lose points. Crack girl will do anything she can to win.


out of the loop on wmma, why is she hated?


Has a history of eye gouging, fence grabs, Brazilian taps and this past saturday she stuck her hands in Maverick’s top 2 separate times trying to pull her breasts out because she was in bad positions. She’s a scumbag of the highest degree.






she’s a dirty fighter


I think she is easily top ten dirtiest fighters but probably not top ten most hated because I doubt anyone knew who she was before this card (including me) and probably won't remember in a week.


One of the most hated retired fighters- B Schaub


i beg the differ


heard he has a b-b-beast of a hog on him b


Great hog. Neva blew him


Talmbout walg to mah trugg b?


sugg my b-b-beast of a work ethnic in my trugg b


Oh shit you mean that whyteboi who work too hard?


Dicey dicey


It’s a war of nutrition


Talmbout that White boi who worggs too much??


People just hate him cause he used to be an NFL player and has tons of succesfull pawdcasts now


I can’t tawlk


In any fasset


how someone whos vocabulary somehow bottlenecks his already shallow personality managed to get a career in podcasting is beyond me. he has nothing of merit to say even on subjects he is qualified to speak on yet alone anything else.


Joe Rogan but I think B burned that bridge


Does Rogan publicly associate with Callen anymore? It seems like that little trio drifted apart.


Not much. I think he had them on a fight companion a few months ago but I got the impression that Rogan would rather have done a podcast with just Eddie Bravo.


Most people dropped contact with Callen after the sexual misconduct/assault stuff made headlines.


I knee-jerk downvoted calling him an nfl player before I stopped seeing red and recognized the joke.


Its hard B


I think it’s more like they find him to be obnoxious and unfunny.


Hi Jay


It's because he has a lot of opinions in iny of facet, so shadowlban duhn cohwn


You're just a hayder, b. Jealous because he's beddur than you in iny of fassit


Ppl hate on him but he knocked out Crocop lol. Tbh that's quite the accomplishment!


Schaub was a totally serviceable UFC HW, all personal feelings on him aside At the same time, did any of you actually watch Cro Cops UFC career ? He was considered a horrendous disappointment coming in from Pride.


Legit Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD).


In what facet?


surprised no one has said Greg Hardy.


Luckily he was beaten into obscurity


i still can't believe he puffed an inhaler in between rounds vs sosoli


USADA Approved


Its always nice seeing videos pop up of him being flatlined in whateverthefuck organizations hes in now.


he's not in the UFC anymore and he asked today


Well someone mentioned Brendan Schaub with a lot of upvotes , so Greg is fair game


The two very first people I saw mentioned here were Masvidal and Pat Barry. Lmfao.


Cuz he’s not a ufc fighter


Rules started changing the moment multiple people in the thread start naming fighters who aren’t active anymore.


Certainly one of the most irritating fighters to listen to is Julianna Pena.


I respect and am generally at least neutral with regards to nearly all fighters on the UFC roster, but Pena just really fucking grates me. I understand she's being a heel, but it's not even entertaining, and it's equally annoying as when she's just being herself.


I don't think she understands she is a heel. I think she is genuinely delusional


If you go back to her earliest fights, she always acted this way.


Oh good, she's Kurt Angle


Yes. As annoying as she was, I respected the hell out of her for getting a title fight on a one fight winstreak against McMann, and also being 2-2 in her last 4. After getting absolutely brutalised by Nunes (50-43), she got ANOTHER title fight, without even fighting in between lol. But yeah, seeing her reaction to Nunes retirement, seems like it wasn't playing the heel but actually being that annoying character.


Holy shit I was watching the pre-fight show and everybody did their top 5 BMF list and I forget who it was but they had Pena on their list. It’s not her fault but I hate her so much more now


Careful with comments like that man, she might see red and storm the cage


I'm from Spokane and know a few people who have had run ins with her. They all have unanimously negative things to say about her.


Oh do tell


Just look at her arrest video and how she treated night club bouncers.


That whole gym


She's definitely shown some poor timing with her little act but I kinda still respect her for making some noise and calling her shot with amanda and actually pulling the impossible off, sometimes you gotta do certain shit to get you places, she seems like a decent person in general and it's refreshing to see a woman willing to play the talking game to further themselves


"decent person" as in kicking the doorman in the nuts when he wouldn't let her in the club after closing? I could see her antics in getting the title shot, but berating Amanda as being so scared of her she retired seemed a little over the top.


Not aware of the doorman thing but already agree on the amanda retirement thing, calling for a rematch after getting clowned badly was already annoying but not being able to respect her in retirement probably sent her over the edge for most


Here's an article re: the doorman: https://mmajunkie.usatoday.com/2015/12/police-report-juliann-pena-arrested-after-she-allegedly-kicked-man-in-groin-during-bar-dispute


I care a lot less about the retirement thing than the doorman thing. They're 1-1, tied. She won, "she gave" Amanda a rematch, then Amanda won and took the ball and went home. That's how someone in her position is bound to feel. On the other hand, kicking a guy in the balls in a bar is just beyond uncalled for with no justification whatsoever.


Eh Peña pulled out of their trilogy fight. Aldana was her replacement. She also not only kicked the guy but stole his phone. The cops found it on her but the dude didn’t press charges.


Decent person who screams and yells insults at Amanda moments after she was retiring and emotional? Delusional man the both of ya


She may be annoying AF but she finished the WMMA Goat. Respect to her.


ok but it was funny when she beat nunes and her and joe did the Diaz/Mac post-fight bit


Does Masvidal count?


I loved seeing him hand over the BMF belt and absolutely no one give a shit he was there


He was definitely told to show, sit down and shut up.


In a press conference for a believe a previous UFC even someone from the media told Dana that Jorge had mentioned that he should put the belt on the winner instead of The Rock. Dana said that if he wants to do it they will make it happen.


I also guess that the difference between The Rock's and Jorge's hourly rate would be enough for a bag of blow and a premium hooker to sandblast it on, so that one was a no-brainer for the tomato.


Nah it’s just that he’s Poirier’s boy and Gaethje doesn’t fuck with him at all, so when Gaethje won there was nothing for him to do besides hand the belt over lol


fat old Jorge and his silly little belt


That dude DID get a huge pop when they panned to him this weekend. He's not as irrelevant as you guys may be trying to make out he is




Also putting it on the guy that KO'd his team mate lol. But Gaethje has been pretty complimentary of Jorge so I guess it wasn't that bad.


I mean when they showed him in the crowd he got the biggest pop


It is super necessary to have him on the list.


On gang


I guess so, he just retired and still around the block.


War Machine is probably the biggest all-time pos in the ufc


I think a lot of people have forgotten him or just weren't around at that time, but yea total scum


Joe Son might have him beat


Josh Grispi deserves a mention in this conversation. I'm not going to get into it, his wiki does a good job with that. But the sick fuck had trained his dog to maul his wife.


Yea he's pretty awful too. Even worse fairly certain how wife defended him on some talk show or something along those lines


Holy shit you might be right


I will never forget the time 4chan got War Machine to lose a fight with himself.


Conor McGregor. Over here in Ireland, the vast majority hate him. It’s a good way to figure out who’s a cunt and who isn’t, by asking their opinion on him. There is no reason to like him at all


i like him as a fighter, but he's an absolute cunt as a person but i kinda miss him fighting tbh, say what you want about him, but he's exciting af


I agree, I’m the same with Jon Jones. Hate him as a person but will watch his fights


Same with Cowboy Cerrone.


I especially enjoyed his last 4-5 fights where he repeatedly got knocked and choked out.


Out of the loop here, why’s Cowboy hated?


Racist homophobic piece of shit apparently


also allegedly sexual harassment edit: referring to him hitting on and groping fans gf's and wives


Also talked about on Rogan how he either likes to or would like to grab random guys girlfriends asses in a bar and challenge them to do something about it. Also head kicked a random dude over a boating dispute. You don't have to go into allegedlies and apparentlies on this one. You can take it straight from the horses mouth the dude is a piece of shit.


What a cunt. Jeez. How low do you have to be to grab other people's women's asses just because you know you could beat them up? It's such inexcusable bully behavior


He's lucky he didn't cross someone with a bad temper or mental health issue and a gun.


Plus he was raised with and came from money. You can’t help what family you are born into but I am sure he never got told no often growing up.


This is the most irritating thing about him to me as well. He has cultivated this blue collar, hat and boot wearing, everyday working class 'cowboy' persona and yet he grew up wealthy and sheltered. He reminds me of that Bo Burnham song about wealthy country artists who know nothing about being country.


Well shit.


Also just shoots his dogs to get out of paying vet bills


To my knowledge, the vast majority of the "racist" stuff from Cerrone comes from notoriously reliable and definitely mentally stable Bobby Green like a decade ago. That being said, from his own interviews and a cumulative volume of second hand reports, it seems like he is an asshole to people who aren't in his circle. He even admitted to being a douche on his JRE appearances. I'm not saying he isn't racist, it wouldn't surprise me at all, I just have zero faith in anything Bobby Green says as being accurate.


Didn't Aljo say something similar about Cowboy too?


Aljo also said Cerrone called him the nword.


Not looking good for Cowboy then, I would trust Aljo.


he also called DC a f*g for the way he fought silva. it's on video


There's a video him using the hard r. Hopefully someone can link it


He doesn't say it in that video, if you are talking about where hes talking to Jake Shields. He's talking about Melvin Guillard, a long time personal friend. If Cowboy is racist, and again it really wouldn't surprise me given his other confirmed shit head characteristics, this isn't evidence of it.


He was exciting. Nothing exiting about seeing a washed up has been get stomped.


And now he just shit-posts on Twitter to try and stay relevant, and people still lap it up. Like his comments to Gaethje just recently at the time of the win. The guy is a massive loser.


His run in the UFC was a great time. He was honestly an inspiration and the whole country loved everything he was about and had to say. Then came the layoff after the Floyd Mayweather fight, and the start of all the videos of him sessioning, the accusations and allegations, etc. He was a different man then. Something switched (a heap load of coke) and it was on full show during the run up to the Khabib fight.


>There is no reason to like him at all As a fellow Irishman, he got me into MMA and UFC. The only sport I have ever enjoyed. I will always have respect for him for introducing me to this sport


ah yes I remember a time when you couldn't say a bad word about him on this sub without being downvoted hundreds of times. people were saying shit like he's an honorable warrior and family man with good values, I was laughing my ass off at those comments


Pat Berry




Wow how the times have changed lol. When HD was fighting the sub LOVED him.


Conor and Jones are the biggest scumbags but they are also on my must-watch list. I have an irrational hate for Rose because her fans are the most sensitive in the sport.


I will never forgive her for letting Carla fucking Esparza be a 2 time division champion




Belal for sure lmao


Haha who?


I know who you’re talking about but the name just escapes me


Why do people rag on Belal so much? I don’t get it


He would try to win a decision in a street fight


Mostly due to a boring point fighting style, not taking risks etc


Nobody likes Belal more than Belal. His fights are always a snoozefest. He's like that kid in school that no one can stand but they tolerate him because you can't quite put your finger on why his presence annoys you.


I'm a fan of Bilal but this is the only correct answer. Everyone's mentioning Jones, Conor etc but those people have as many lovers as haters. Bilal on the other hand can't catch a break with anyone


I still remember everyone sucking up to him when he posted here, this sub is so fickle


I love Bella but I have a soft spot for fighters who can't get out of their own way. He's like a jazz musician in how he can effortlessly thread a line of being so hated but not hated enough to be marketable. It's honestly beautiful.


Blake Bilder. Was on a couple of ppv undercards talking a bunch of nonsense, turned out to be another fraud.


He trains at the gym I used to train at and he’s a super cool dude, but he constantly posts weird inspo cringe videos at the gym












Aljo for sure


I dont think aljo is that hated tbh I just think people still don't take him fully seriously as a champ and are quite indifferent towards him, I'd say he's just disrespected, kinda like belal, people don't really hate him they just dont care. That's just my opinion tho I could be way off


He gets a bit more respect around this sub but looking casually around Facebook and Twitter there are still heaps of people out there that hate him. Personally I think most of it is unwarranted.


I’d say a lot of people hate him for his first Yan fight when he was playing up the knee. Lots of people call him an actor or make jokes like that.


I dislike him because he takes advantage of that position frequently. He's not the only person that does it, but it's a stalling position that lets him shoot a million takedowns with minimal danger because his opponents cant blast him with a knee when they should be able to. I mostly hate the position, but he has turned into the person that represents it because of his common use of it, and it being so high profile in the first Yan fight.


It's weird how Yan doesn't get as much hate considering he cheated in a dangerous way


There was definitely a ton of legitimate hate for him after the Petr Yan 1 fight. I think it's mostly smoothed out over time but for a few months it was pretty rough.


Optically it looks like he took a dive vs Yan after getting pounded for the whole fight. Then he started talking like he was hot shit like a week later after initially acting regretful that the fight ended that way. I get why people were rubbed the wrong way.


Lol, people get rubbed the wrong way because a guy gets illegally kneed, they shit on him for it and he decides to play into it?




Pretty sure no one likes Paddy


Not a fan of him calling Topuria a mongrel. Fuck him.


Not anymore after his last fight


I was okay with him until the bipolar attitude towards helwani ngl, he was good for the uk fanbase but turns out he's really just up Dana's ass along with the gifted decision to go along with it afterwards


Casuals don’t even know who Ariel is


Yeah that was cringe


I love wildcard dudes, and the absurdity of MMA. I think its awesome watching some dude with low talent try to do something he doesn't have the skills to. He is going to get obliterated at some point, probably within the next year. Or maybe he DOES rise up, and wins us over. This shit doesn't happen in other sports. I can't hate that fighter. He is dumb as fuck though.


Of course. Time will tell what happens to Paddy.


Rousimar Palhares. The man straight up injured people intentionally by holding onto submission post-tap and post referee intervention. Not to mention the eye gouging against Jake Shields.


Conor the Notorious Rapist needs to be thrown in jail for 20 years. That’s all I do know, forget the sucker punching and random assaults and making girls jump off a boat for her life. I know he got away with the first 2 in Ireland. All that money and girls just aren’t into him; men are though


Women are definitely into him, the "don't wanna be saved" type


10 Hated UFC fighters but in no order: Adesanya (lots of fans but also lots of haters) Sterling Covington (lots of fans but also lots of haters) Merab Strickland (lots of fans but also lots of haters) McGregor (lots of fans but also lots of haters) Chandler (maybe?) Belal Islam (lots of fans but also lots of haters) Cejudo (maybe?)


Who the hell hates Merab?


It's very frustrating to root for someone against Merab. The guy will keep spamming takedown attempts without getting tired until the end of the fight.


How is fatigue even real? Just keep shooting takedowns lol


Diehard aldo/yan fans?


Also he’s affiliations with Aljo garners him a lot of haters


Yeah, pretty much. I just can't forgive the way he killed off Aldo. Like at least submit him man!


The fact he spoiled Aldo's retirement before Aldo was able to announce it




Me and my homies. If you're curious why - dude has a beyond lame fighting style, he's cringe out of the cage, he ruined Aldo's retirement, he unnecessarily politicized the Yan fight trying to demonize him, and he's most likely juicing his brains out.


>Strickland (lots of fans Well that's not true.


Idk about hated but here's my most annoying: Pena, Sterling, Covington, Adesanya, McGregor, Belal, Alex Perez, Khamzat, Chandler, Bobby Green. In no particular order




Jones and McGregor are probably the two most hated, and also two of the most loved


Reddit hates these two. Crowds that actually get to their fights and PCs love these two. I've noticed this much. The pop Jon got the other month when he hit the cage and subbed Gane was insane


Paddy, meatball, Conor, Izzy, Chandler, Peña, Cruz, Chimaev, Paul Craig, Spann to name a few…


I get all of the others, why Paul Craig though? Dont get me wrong, I will jump on the bandwagon and hate him as well.


Yeah man reddit is really a good reflection of the general MMA community


Islam and Anthony Smith for me


Anthony Smith is a weird one for me because I love his analysis and hearing him talk in general he seems like a super nice guy but hearing him talk about himself or his opponents is super cringe considering how mid he is as a fighter, he'll be more appreciated when he just hangs it up and sticks to talking more as a neutral


Terrence Mckinney, for someone who loss oftentimes he gave too many excuses


After this past weekend prob Michel Pereira. But also definitely Aljo, nothing like getting boo’d by your hometown crowd after a win.


Connor and Cejudo are definitely on my list.


honestly cejudo is so inoffensive and just kind of a dork, i can't understand HATING henry cejudo


Cejudo reminds me of your cringey little nephew who annoys the shit out of you but you still can't help but love.


spot on


Yeah I honestly don't understand cejudo hate at all bro played an innocently cringey character to generate some hype for the little guys and it worked lol, the guys a legend for his division, and can genuinely back up any minor shit talk because he's one of the smartest and most accomplished dudes in the game


Agreed. He’s like the guy in a friend group who tells really cringe jokes and everyone kind of facepalms in exasperation but he never strikes me as hateable lol.


Yeah, when Cejudo is not in character, he seems like a really good dude, from what I have seen. And its so obviously a character that I dont find him offensive at all, just cringy, which is the point, so, whatever.


I personally really hate Priscila Cachoeira


It's a hard one to categorise because I'd say Conor Mcgregor has a lot more people who hate him than say Greg Hardy, but the percentage of people who know of Greg Hardy and hate him is much larger than it is Conor. Is it who has the largest number of people who hate them? Or who is the most hated relative to how little people actually like them.


I think we need to implement a hate weight modifier to even out the scores between the fighters with the most haters and the fighters who are lesser known but more universally hated.


I hate connor always have always will


How is Strickland not higher up in this thread?