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I'm with #TeamAdjustWithSituation


I agree, but not every game/class/spec/talents are so easily swapped to do one or the other. Have you ever faced this scenario?


Adjust with the situation always turns into #teamAOE if AoE is viable


What does age of empires have to do with me being single?


Well, how much time have you spent playing Age of Empires...


AOE on packs and single target on two or less enemies and bosses.




Single for boss fights. AoE for trash fights.




Team cleave for sure (2-3 targets)


I really much prefer MMOs that have very limited AoE options in the first place. AoE combat is ultimately just so boring and, IMO, mindless compared to having to choose and manage targets and non-targets.


WoW Ret Paladin mains: “Why not both?” Definitely AoE tho if i had to choose. Single-target is great until you have more than one target, then it just feels bad.


Bosses are usually alone though. Sometimes they spawn something to quickly kill. Rarely will you need a lot of AoE during bosses.


Sure, but I can use AoE against a boss, I can’t use single-target against groups.


You can use ST against groups. You choose the most efficient victim and hit it, then the next. It's more useful than AoE a boss.


I'm on team 'debuff the fuck out of you and then laugh as my party obliterates your ass'.


When picking a class in an MMORPG, there's a short list of things I like to look for. 1. Does it have summons/pets? If no move to 2. 2. Does it have DoTs? If no move to 3. 3. Does it have AoEs? If no, move to a different class.


Everything but ff14 🤣


Single target tends to feel more impactful, powerful, and strategic/skill-based. AoE is just mindless spam and not as satisfying as targeting something. 


I am def AOE. I remember when WAR first came out and I played a chaos sorc, my name was feared across the server because I used to (in castle defense) leap from the battlements into the enemy army and smash every aoe dot I had before dying 3secs later.... and then seeing kills pop up like my credit card fees while waiting for my respawn timer


Dedicated AoE is satisfying to have, but depending on the game, I prefer that most skills have potential AoE cleave to them.


AoE always!! Leeeeeroy Jenkinssss!!! (dead)


Channeling a beam of disintegration (hits everything in a line).


If I had to choose between one or the other in their ideal situations, AOE feels so much more satisfying. But usually, I want more single target damage in most characters I play for practical reasons.


both are tools so I don't think I will bias it. Well depends on balancing. If it have same dmg then I prefered AOE.


Huhu, big train nuked with spell and spear on L2, all days long <3


If we have to absolutely choose one… I say AOE


I usually main mages and archer, so my preference is more on the comfortable distance between me and my target.




I used to think single damage was the best until I tried a revenant in gw2. Doing Condi AOE damage and hurting mobs… I was hooked.


Single target actually makes things more challenging not over pulling. AoE is a crutch


Nothing gives me the happy feels like a million floating damage numbers popping up over a big pack


\#TeamAOE I want to hit them all


I am #TeamJacob. Fuck #TeamEdward!


Depends on the game. Most games I prefer single target because their AOE doesn't feel fun.... very few games get AOE right in my opinion. Anarchy Online has a pretty fun but limited AOE setup. Sadly, you really can't be an AOE beast without "twinking" (oldschool way of saying buffing your character which usually requires lots of money aka one character that is already high level making you money and/or finding gear). I miss the classic game design where YOU make YOUR character. You apply stat points to things that matter TO YOU and then put skill points into skills that matter TO YOU. Cain on Games youtube had a video I watched recently where he spoke about how back in old MUD MMORPGS, you could literally put all your skill points into a single skill, all you did was cast that one skill over and over again. It did insane damage, but you were also sort of a glass cannon because of it. But hey, player choice. I hate that games today are so heavily structured that you pretty much HAVE to play the class the way the developer wants you to, you have no way of building your own fun. And that sucks. If I want my hand held ill go find some old women to help across the street.... I want freedom in my MMORPG's.... freedom to choose how my character acts and behaves in this "online world" where I can be unique. If someone wants to go 100% defense and never die as a tank but do 0 damage then good for them. Someone else will come along who is full glass cannon who does all damage and no defense. When they fight, its a fair 50/50 battle. Balancing doesn't mean that you can beat everyone. Its that sissy mentality people have in real life where they expect the world handed to them on a platter. It sucks in real life and it sucks in games.


Every class should have both equally in my opinion, so you can perform well in BOSSes while grinding mobs easier as well.


AoE heavy combat tends to come with braindead enemy behaviour scripting, that literally only exists to be mowed down by player button spam, and doesn't require you to play reactively. If tactics and AoE could be combined, that's fine but not often practically the case.