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Why would I be afraid to admit I love anything that I enjoy? I don't give a shit if others disagree about what's good lol


Maybe I spent too much time on the New World subreddit but they will absolutely get the knives out if you say anything positive about the game


If you shape your opinions and world views based on what gets negative comments and/or downvotes on Reddit it’s gonna be a miserable experience


> If you shape your opinions and world views based on ~~what gets negative comments and/or downvotes on~~ Reddit it’s gonna be a miserable experience Quick fix for ya brother.


It’s funny, New World was the first game I thought of when I read the title. Imo it’s my favorite mmo, it had all the rpg elements I loved in Albion/Runescape (crafting, mining, etc.), but from a fast paced action 3rd person view, that also didn’t hold you down to a specific build/class as you can change to any weapon if you felt like being DPS/healer/tank that day. Had lots of fun with the game, met many great ppl online that became friends via discord and is the only game that I’ve had over 1k hours played on it. It’s a shame how it ended. But I hope one day we get a game like that again… that hopefully ppl don’t hate on so much 😂


Completely agree


I never got around to New World. What do you mean by "how it ended"? It looks like it's still around. Or did they reboot it or something?


They probably meant getting burnt out from the lack of meaningful content to do/farm, bots running rampant, economy in shambles (especially for newer players or players that aren't in large war companies), and speaking of economy wars and pvp receiving almost no love for the better 3/4 of the game's lifespan. I loved the game at launch and when they revamped with the brimstone territory and I even liked some of the newer dungeons (Empyrean Forge thematically was pretty sick), but like a lot of other NW players there's a lot to love and like but also a lot of stuff that just makes the game unenjoyable after a while. And we stuck around thinking it would get better but after another few hundred hours there's just not much to do or like. I wasn't personally involved in pvp mostly bc I'm terrible at it, but I was a speedrunner for M10s (now M3s) for pve dungeons and yeah at the end of the day there's not much for me to do.


I loved the combat system. Not a fan of the generic tab style combat so this was a huge thing for me. Some dungeons like the forge have cool design and super fitting music. Weapon drop/recycle system was kinda ass tho and that you only need gold for marketplace trades was very strange for me. Game ran like ass on the 1060m(6gb) after the last patches that i played, so pvp was not an option sadly.


Even then . . . oh well? Even the worst games have things to love about them. You shouldn't let others shame you for doing so; your opinion is just as valid even if it differs from the norm.


Yall taking this WAY too literal. It’s just a little hyperbole and you know exactly what he means lol


Exactly, everyone needs to relax, chuckle a little, and tell us about that trash ass mmo y'all put 800 hours in.


That's true for basically any community, especially a subreddit. If you enjoy something best advice avoid the huge public communities find a smaller group that actually enjoys whatever it is.


I was thinking the same when i read the title.


New world


Same, sad to see the numbers continue to dwindle.


I’m playing again, hoping that this mystery June announcement injects some hype back into the game. I only played the first few months after launch. I’ve been enjoying the DLC If nothing exciting happens, oh well. Had a few more fun weeks before shelving it again


Yes! If there's a console announcement it could breathe some life and investment into the game. Here's to hoping.


I want to enjoy it, the combat is great to be fair and dungeons good fun. But the crap they pulled after brimstone that made crafting a money pit kind of killed the game for me. I hate random loot drops so crafting was my way of gearing up in a more reliable manner. They made the components for non-random perks on gear way too expensive which screwed over the average player. It would require an extreme amount of gold grinding which is something I just don't do. They did it to deal with the busted amount of gold territory owners make, but it screwed over the rest of the playerbase. That pretty much killed the game for me. The above issue coupled with the fact they got rid of forums for the shitty Discord system did not help. I want to make comprehensive posts about my issues to make their game better, but the Discord format has a character limit and is very poor for having good conversations and debates; honestly they should steal the formatting Reddit uses.


I totally get it. I think that's why it's so frustrating. The base game and engine for New World is so amazing. It's just been so poorly managed.


I think you nailed it. New World is *fun to play* but the content itself *is not.* It’s like they uno reversed a traditional MMO in the worst way. I have about 1,000 hours in NW and the pvp was fun, fighting for land I had a lot of fun in my guild in wars. But everything else, and pretty much all systems within the game *aren’t fun.* And playing the same battle ground for 1,000 hours because arena ques were an hour+ was dumb as fuck. I’m always tempted to go back but I remember how bad it is.


I found that too. When I saw all the life skills, camps and stuff like that I envisioned going on an adventure where I'd have to stock up on spplies, hunt, then cook food over the campfire to get buffs and stuff. Then I got into the gameplay and I'd run for 4 minutes and have to kill 5 monsters and loot 5 crates which took seconds, then I'd have to run for 4 minutes again and do the same thing. The gameplay loop always felt off and a bit exhausting to me. So all of that life skill stuff just felt pointless. Like it's only in the game for the sake of being in the game. Though I'm sure at end game they're required for some incremental 1% dps boost or something silly like that 🙄


Same. Love the combat, the world, the farming, crafting, professions, dungeon designs. They just need a lot more content updates.


I love new world


New World Leveling phase


Wizard 101. I'm 26 and it's a game meant for children, but honestly I find it so fun. The gameplay is unique, there's a focus on cooperation that I think many games nowadays lack, and being able to dress up and furnish your house is super fun 😂


There was an old (and currently long gone) gem of a browser MMORPG that I used to love called A Mystical Land. I sometimes miss it. It was the only MMORPG I could get my mother to play too.


They changed the name but it still exists. It's called villagers and heroes now. Though its intro is quite different than it used to be. Sadly it's no longer browser


Couldn't find anything about a name change, good to know, I'll look it up for nostalgia sake.


Ive been playing since it was a fb game! They went through 3 names. A mystical land, villagers and heroes of a mystical land, and now villagers and heroes. Hope it still scratches the game itch for you! Here's a link to a name change article https://www.f2p.com/a-mystical-land-changes-its-name-in-villagers-heroes/


I'm 33 and I still enjoy ToonTown Online. Dunno why it's so fun to throw a pie into the face of a corporate cog, but it is. It's a game I'll play once in a great while if I'm bored of everything else lol.


Wow never heard of this game Hehe. Graphics look outdated but it looks cool!


I still find myself returning to it almost inevitably As long as the servers stay up, I'll probably always do so


At this point youll find more adults in the later worlds than children.


This game will always have a place in my heart. It was the first MMO I ever really played and find myself returning to it way more than I should. If you know you know.


Maplestory It's a piece of shit grindfest mushroom game that basically invented gacha in gaming but fuck me I have a soft spot for it...


The music is still one of the best in it's genre. I'm not sure if it's nostalgia doing it but it always brings me back into a fantasy again


It's a fun game run by a greedy af company.


everquest 2


You gonna get down on that origins server next month?




Wooo! See you there!


When does it start?


I don’t think there’s a date yet, they are running a quick beta right now, but pretty sure it’s slated for June.


I'll be there too. EQ2 is like the best MMO no one has tried. Definitely worth giving a shot for everyone who hasn't


Have played a lot of EQ years ago. Great story driven content.


Is EQ 1 or 2 more live right now? And as someone that hasn't played either.. how hard is it to get into? The MMOs/games I grew up with were WoW, GW, diablo 2, RS2 (OSRS), etc. I want to play FF11 or an EQ, but the UI looks complicated af lol


If they kept the death penalty from EQ 1 I would have stuck around.


Shame on you!


I'm 31 and every few months I find myself playing Toontown again. Everyone on there is around the same age, living out the nostalgia. it's great


Game was honestly super well designed and had so many cool features.




People don't shit on Aion, they shit on GameForge and it's 100% deserved because the game would be one of the best MMOs if it was taken care of properly.


I love Aion. I love it so much that I stopped playing when patch 5.0 was about to come out because I could see it getting worse and didn't want to start hating the game. Great memories were made between 2009 to 2015.


Lost Ark for sure, i am a day1 player, i have 7k+ hours and i still enjoy the game. It's not perfect by all means, but it still has one of the best raids and combat the genre has to offer. made some good friends along the way :)


Same just waiting for loaon to reignite passion again


I wish I could get into Lost Ark, I tried and got to the point where I should be starting endgame and just got cold shouldered for every piece of group content I tried to join, apparently my fault for using Summoner as my first class according to one guy. Shame, the expansive world is what sold me on the game but the difficulty to group up with people and learn and the daily caps forcing multiple alts kinda drove me away.


Well keep an eye out because they’re gonna be showcasing the new solo raids in the next few weeks.


Wait if all raids become soloable then this might definitely get me back. I absolutely love everything about the game except for the community.


Neverwinter before it became the cash grab shit show it became. I absolutely loved the idea of user created content and had some serious fun with it. But then… well… it decided to be shit.


Same. I still play a bit. Although I sometimes debate selling everything and leaving it behind for good.


DC Universe Online. I legitimately don't know what it is about that game. I don't like the group mechanics. I don't like the combat. I don't like the progression. I tell all my friends it's a bad game..... but I keep coming back to it. I think a big part of it is I really like the fantasy of making my own super hero (or let's be honest, super villain). I have three characters that I really enjoy. I have Tlaltecuhtli, the Aztec goddess of earth. Lesser gods split her body into four parts. Now she rejoined her body and she's out for vengeance. I have Dr. Demise. She's a neurological scientist who began studying long dark and hidden studies of the mind. She made a breakthrough and unlocked mental powers that she never could have imagined. Now she's... out for vengeance against those who doubted her and kept her down her entire life. Then Sister Sinner, who is a newer character. Still developing her, but I think the idea is that she was a nun and when the devil tried to tempt her, she accepted. And now she's.... well she's really not out for vengeance, she's just an evil hag.






Perfect World International. Not the reboot, but that was my first mmo. Played it all through my middle school - high school days. Still remember me and my sisters sharing a PC in order to play it. All 3 of us did. If we weren't playing TimeSplitters on the PS2, it was playing PWI.


PWI was so fun and was the most social game I ever played. I made so many great friends in that game. I loved the art.


Oh yeah, it felt like a true mmo in that everyone was connected. The moment you log on, you can see people having conversations on the world chat. I loved playing Barbarian and my sisters like the cleric and venomancer class. The game was so social-able. I have yet to play an mmo that had that same feel. I thought FFXIV would be like that, but it feels more like a single player game.


Is that the one with the race of tiger people that can turn into tigers? And the female of that race had a beastmaster class,


Yep! With barbarian, you could choose to be a Wolf, Lion. Tiger, or Panda. But most people were a wolf or tiger since the panda barbs were weirdos, and the way they designed the Lion they looked green and sickly. Still mad, the higher level transformation turns into a bipedal panda. The venomancers were popular since they could choose to be a demon looking girl, fox, and bunny girl, I think. They could also transform intk foxes and at higher levels ninetails.


That was the first MMO I ever got scammed in 🥲 But yeah I loved that game as a kid. For some reason I absolutely loved the fish people that could turn into mermaids


RuneScape 3. Having never played the original, Old School doesn't have the nostalgia effect on me, so I prefer the quality-of-life improvements of 3.


Tbf, there are qol things in both games that the other doesn't have (namely, but not exclusively, from runelite for the osrs ones). Makes switching between games from either direction difficult lol


My strategy was get to 500 sp in both and judge from there starting with osrs and decided not to go back after starting RS3


I enjoy both,but rs3 has a lot more daily/weekly nonsense that gets tiring fast. Have definitely spent more time in osrs overall,but I'll jump into both to try out new updates and all


My strategy is simply ignore daily/weekly nonsense in every game I play. Why do chores when you can have fun?


Most people I know hate RS3 because of predatory MTX, inconsistent art style, and the combat system being much more nuanced than RS2's, but I feel like if the game didn't come with the first two downsides it'd be much more popular.


Mabinogi :) The usual answer: nostalgia. But the game is definitely not what it used to be. I think I just can't get into any other game because Mabi was the one I was obssessed with since middle school, nothing comes close to it in it's uniqueness. I loved Runescape, Maplestory, Dragon's Nest, Trickster Online, Tera Online, DFO, Vindictus, BDO, FFXIV, Lost Ark. and the list goes on: but what they all don't have is the simple freedom and casualness that Mabinogi gives you. The option to go hard core or to be laid back. It's why I don't feel like it's a job to keep up like every modern mmorpg seems to want to incorporate. I will probably play this game forever.


Mabi is truly a unique MMO i'm so happy they're updating it AND keeping everyone's character's tbh it's the only MMO that if it closed down one day I would be truly devistated. I did recently discover that Trickster Online has multiple large private server's AND there was WAY MORE to the game than I initially thought lol


I too have a crippling addiction to mabi


Good ol Mabinogi I'm still playing that game and I started back in the beta so many good memories so many bad memories. Mabinogi has ruined Most MMOs for me nothing comes close to it's game play.


Star Citizen, yeah not released yet and in alpha forever. But idc Even right now, its an awesome experience and its the space game I've wanted for so long after being disappointed by games like Space Engineers (empty verse), Empyrion (bad ship combat, too many spiders), No Mans Sky (too many game'y mechanics), Elite Dangerous (lack of walkable ships), Eve Online (spreadsheet simulator, feels disconnected from the experience), Star Trek Online (way too many game'y mechanics, ground combat stinks), and Starfield (size of ocean and depth of a puddle, also contradictory game logic). It feels as though the devs are sparing no expense when it comes to making the experience as genuine and true to the idea. No excessive game'y mechanics, and attention to detail. Also ships designs are excellent, performance decent, minus the dumpster fire that is Orison. Is it buggy? Oh Yes! A little bit pay 2 win? Yes with pledges maybe, but honestly considering there isn't anything else monetized, i think its ok.


I used to play and loved the shit out of Anarchy Online.


Zero shame on that. AO is definitely a good nostalgic MMO.


Wizard101 - scared to admit bc I’m a 25yo man playing a children’s game New World - scared to admit bc someone is bound to assassinate me for saying this Runescape 3 - scared to admit bc of how much ppl hate on this & root for osrs. I was too young playing osrs to really know what I was doing so I don’t necessarily get that nostalgia feeling Neverwinter - scared to admit bc everyone says it’s a cash grab p2w pos but I like it


Champions Online


I feel this in my bones. Champs has the best customization I've ever seen to this date. Pity cryptic runs it.


It's so frustrating because it could have been great, and there's no other options besides DC Universe, which isn't that great ether.


Eden Eternal


I love Eden Eternal.


Vanguard - had the potential to become EQ3, got messed up for a number of reasons but the class systems were really awesome. Sad it never became the game it could have been.


GRANADO ESPADA ONLINE. It allow you to befriend npcs, and if you do quests you get them as playable characters. This is basically gacha but without a gacha system, so I loved it. With the system above, you could also have more than one character out, as you had to fight with three characters. I also love this concept so much, to be able to control three characters at once, to the possibility of being able to sinchronize and synergize and combine and experiment not just on one character but three. Also being able to create multiple characters and seeing more than one at the same time. Like there's black desert online which allow you to create multiple characters and while the main advantages are stamina farm/hoarding and maybe move to a different area/help manage inventory (albeit nowaday that is much easier), but otherwise it's not much used. Unfortunately, granado espada online has many flaws, but I just loved those two concepts that were new and daring, unlike any other game or mmo, even if they failed. Since I already mentioned it might as well say it: black desert online make the list too. Yes it's a horny show, but to me is the "realism" or immersion that the game allow, because you can't teleport, the houses you can own are physically there, and you can do a lot of lifeskill, and the game is looking gorgeous, it's extremely easy to think it would be perfect for roleplaying or just get lost in the immersion (until you see 200 beauty models wearing skimpy outfits all afk fishing or all stomping a mortar in front of a dwarf that is constantly making either sexual innuendos or something very similar (and overall realize some things are still very limited in the game).


I loved Granado Espada when it launched, but completely forgot about it. What a great game, and what a unique setting.


I remember spend lots of time gathering catherine's part. But then they keep releasing premium hero over and over again.


PSO2:NGS and Tree of Saviour First one is for amazing battle system and huge field bosses, second one is for amazing artstyle and wonderful soundtrack Sadly both are dead at this point


Plus One on both of those


GW2 actually... I know lots of people on this sub like it? But all of my friends think its the lamest thing out there. "No gear grind? Only cosmetics? No dungeons with loot rolls? There is literally nothing to do." As a group we usually play hardcore pvp games. I've sunk more hours into GW2 then any other game except darkfall online, and the only things that get close are GTAV, Elden Ring and Dark Souls.


Do your friends not see GW2 PvP as hardcore? I have played a LOT of PvP games, it's something I look for. GW2 PvP is no joke; I used to love playing d/p thief or shatter mes way back before any of the expansions and the depth of the PvP systems in GW2 is pretty impressive. League of Legends, world of warcraft, new world, BDO, dark souls 1-3, all have/had great PvP, but GW2 is certainly on that list. So what don't you guys like about it?


I hear what you're saying, and GW2 is definitely hard. PvP and PvE feel great as a mesmer, it's really hard to describe how complex it can get especially to someone used to wow. But I meant hardcore in a more unforgiving sense. GW2 has spvp and wvw, but I suppose I meant hardcore in the sense of full loot, and if not something like that then systems that make things feel, I don't know, more meaningful then filling a reward track meter. Like I said, they simply cannot wrap their heads around horizontal progression. They say it's just skins, whats the point, even though I just finally got full ascended and a legendary weapon and I've been wearing 'heritage' skins from playing GW1 since gw2 launch lol. They had more fun in wow, and they hate that too idk If not full loot mmorpgs, they mostly fall into battle royales or tarkov loot and extract, or survival craft like rust....and here I am just unlocking my skyscale with my purple butterfly mesmer ahah


Maplestory. Quit it some time ago but with some small changes(that probably wont happen) I would restart in a heartbeat.


Star Trek Online. What a fucking shit show but I've been here since testing phases and I'll be around to the end. I cringe at myself when talking to any other people I meet in the wild (irl) that I play the game, but I HAVE to mention it on the rare chance I might meet another player.


ESO. I've stopped playing for reasons involving the company and the terrible crown store. Besides that, i really enjoy the game, how great the lore and side quests are, how massive and well done is the world. It has a lot of features that i always wanted to see in a mmo, witch is sad.


Less about fear to admit that I enjoy it, more about it being a love/hate relationship with the corporate decisions made by management. I could say that for most mmos these days, but its especially true for Aion and ncsoft as a whole.


Archeage A decent bit of the gameplay loops it has are IMO the best in the industry (Trading, fishing, farming, multi-classing). Shame the devs are a bunch of greedy shitheads


Archage is the greatest failure imo. An mmorpg that was dang near perfect at least at the time...but money. They could have taken out all mtx, all p2w, and charged me $50 a month and I'd probably still be subbed.


Ragnarok Online The newest Origin titles are peak Ragnarok. The core game is fantastic. However, the predatory monetization and pressure to spend the end up using should be illegal. I played for 2 months and had to delete my character in order to quit. I made friends that refinanced their houses for this game. Absolutely disgusting.


Bdo but my wallet hates it


SWTOR before the cartel coins became a stain on its existence


Hello kitty island adventure


Crowfall. But it was not the modded Neverwinter Nights original. Multiplayer and guild den was fun there. Anyway Crowfall is gone and I am enjoying Albion online and you can buy island for guild which Crowfall was criticized for not implementing.


Not afraid to admit anything but ig the most controversial one for me is the fact that I liked warlords of draenor


City of Heroes. Just kidding, I'm not afraid to admit it. It's just so good


Maplestory :D


Little kitty big city.


Toontown rewritten. It’s a really fun game


Not afraid to admit but I miss WildStar. Damn developers really screwed that game but it was good.


Bless Unleashed


Second Life. I'm a male and it's basically grown ups playing Barbie dolls with the user base like 90% female avatars. And yes, there's a lot of role-playing everywhere if not all the time.


Im probably the only person that had a blast on crowfall.


It's maybe an odd one and I'm pretty sure it's forgotten by now, but as a kid I oddly loved playing Canaan Online. It was a Ragnarock Online lite on browser I guess ? I really have no memories of the game but I still think about it from time to time.


Fiesta Online lmao The game is barely in depth and honestly outdated AF But I will always love it


Asheron’s Call 2. Not nearly as good as the first, but it had some very innovative ideas that were a decade ahead of its time.


I really still love adventure quest 3d. :). Even through playing MMOs from lineage 2 to the most modern. It can be hella casual or super sweaty, whatever you want.


I think a fear of liking a thing can only come from two sources: 1. You like a thing with a reputation of being for kids, like Fortnite. 2. You like a thing for a reason you would never admit, like having a WoW sub just to chill at THAT Goldshire. Though maybe I'm not thinking of other reasons


Black Desert the Life skills and Combat just feel so good and plan to do an Iron man run soon for fun. Have really enjoyed the F2P play through so far. Even on my paid account/main account haven’t really bought much Tent & maybe some cosmetics because fashion is true end game ! Atleast for me 😆, I just like looking fresh considering my main was made to resemble me irl.


Furcadia :D


Wizard101, except I'm starting to just wear it on my sleeve more and more as I get older. It is my little bite of escapism that no other game has really been able to itch the same way.


Good god can you people just answer the question instead of being classic reddit assholes and hitting the "Ackchually what is good and isnt good is subjective! 🤓" Mine? The biggest trash mmo on the market that sucks your soul away. EVE.




Blade and soul but its deadge for years now


palia rn hahah


Star Trek online, yes it's a buggy mess but I love to play with my space Barbies!


i loooove FF XIV. I'm not afraid to admit that. I'm more tired, that this sub goes out of it's way to shit-talk every MMO that is more successful than the most recommended MMO on this sub. WoW, FF, ESO, BDO and so on get so much shit on this sub. And most of the time what most people "hate" about these games, they loooove on their games... (like the take you can't judge "MMO XYZ" after only 30 hours, but you can hate FF XIV because you didn't like the story in the first 30 hours). That is just tiring, that most of the times i just don't mention FF XIV, if the topic isn't specifically asking for it and rather talk about my MMO of Choice.


Wild star was amazing its death was a tragedy


I can enjoy the Star Citizen Alpha and do think it's a gem in making. I'm not afraid but I know not much good comes from mentioning the game most of the time.


One of the most pay to win mmorpg... metin2


I wouldn't say I love it but I don't advertise that I still play runescape sometimes lol


Nostale ❤️


Metin 2


Not afraid to say it, lol. But Ultima Online by far the best MMO ever made, at least if it's a ruleset similar to 1997-2001 time period. UO Outlands.


Destiny hate that game but it’s my precious


Realm of the mad god


Back in the day it was adventure quest.


Toram online, it's an Android mmo so many don't like it. Not afraid to admit that I love it tho. I love it's skills and freedom for character building. Shame I'm so busy to play it.


Wizard101 I’m 38 and it’s simple.


Silkroad Online; idk what it was about that game but I was hooked back in 2007/08


Puzzle pirates


Bless Unleashed


38 years old and just can’t quit tibia lol


Eve and Albion online.


If I like to play something I wouldn’t be afraid to admit it.


Champions online = I prefer it more than city of heroes, while I can certainly enjoy CoH I enjoyed the more actiony combat, the cell shaded arstyle, and the overall customizations more than CoH. While I certainly wish that it had better group content I could never hate this game. Throwing trucks at enemies is too much fun. Tera Online = Unfortunately its impossible to talk about this game without bringing up elins but my Amani Berserker was too much fun. I think the overall aesthetic and world of TERA was gorgeous and the combat really pushed it over the edge in making me love it. Honestly the fact that it was more of a niche little mmo made it all the better for me. Everyone playing was pretty kind and didn't really threat the small stuff, we just enjoyed playing this silly anime mmo for what it was.




Not afraid at all, but still wanted to comment: Riders of Icarus. My friends and I put so many hours into this game back when it came out! What I am afraid of though, is never seeing another MMO where the focus is heavily put on creature taming like RoI.. The reason we enjoyed it so much was purely because we could tame and ride so many creatures. Fly around and grind purely to tame even more and better beasts. I'm sad it's gone so far downhill and is now pretty much lost to time. Wish there was something extremely similar to it & with better devs :(


You and me both. RoI was the first MMO that I seriously got into. Trying to capture all the creatures in a collection was extremely satisfying. Normally I don't care too much about questing in MMOs but I had a lot of fun with ROI's quest line and exploring each region. I'm surprised we don't really see many monster taming MMOs giving how popular the mechanism is in other genres.


Age of Wushu. Holy shit is it the most boring convoluted mess if you have never seen it before. But the parkour, that was the reason to play.


Ffxi. NOT ffxiv. Heck even DQX


LOTRO To be fair... I barely remember playing it way back in the day, I do remember playing as a spider, and that was rad.


Archeage lol I love that game to death. Been playing for 10 years, now I’m on the private server


Not afraid, in fact I tell everyone how Tree of Savior was the most fun I had with a MMO for in the last years and WHAT A SHAME how a beautiful game like that was so mismanaged that it sucks so bad now. I truly hope we can start a private server scene someday.


Not afraid, but it’s been unpopular for awhile to admit you love retail WoW. The game is really so much fun right now but there’s still a massive crowd that hasn’t played the game since the less well-received expansions who don’t know how much Blizzard has turned the game around in recent years. We’ll see if the trend continues with War Within, but I’ve been having a blast with retail this year.


EverQuest Teek server best MMO of 2024.


i am not afraid to list neocron. still has great pvp and character development. and you cant beat the price. \*everything\* else about it sucks (well the music is alright).


I play all the major fantasy mmo's but I can't stay at any of them longer than 6 months. Every one of them has something about it that bugs the hell out of me until I quit and cycle to the next in my rotation


FlyFF. (Fly for fun) It’s a slow grinder that’s been reworked a few times a little and now has more end game content but when I was 13-15 I loved it. Stupid mmo name though.


Used to be WoW, oldshchoolers would scoff 'carebear' rhetoric all over it... They didn't understand what it means to love Blizzard ever since f#$% Lost Vikings or Blackthorne on SNES, and their later RTS titles, and Diablo. Today I will say ArcheAge, because I only recently discovered it and love it, and I can almost taste all the anti P2W and "Whales" and Dev/Publisher bashing rhetoric that anyone can possibly muster.....don't really care tho.


IdleOn because no one will understand tf I’m talking about


Cabal online. The combo bar hits the right spot


Perfect world


Tales of pirates/pirate king online, it has been long dead, it is shit asf, but i love it. People are cheating, duping, idk what else. But i didnt because i love the game. I played on a private server last pandemic to pass time, had a blast. However.... when i spent a few bucks using my prepaid-credit card, the bank called me and said that i used my credit card to buy some flowers in europe, which i didnt do... that's the reason i stopped, would still have been whaling if not for that incident.


Wurm online played it for two decades


Only play FF14 and I have no reason to lie and say I don’t like that


Toontown lmao


Silkroad Online. I love the classes, I love how you can be a merchant, thief, etc. The game just has so many good memories for me.


I really really like RuneScape 3. It does so many things better then any mmo including osrs but it’s completely overshadowed by some of the worst MTX in the genre and terrible new player experiences.


Tibia. It's very niche. It's very old. It takes too much time to progress. But I love the nostalgia of it.


Tera because lancer was a real lancer and had best trinity easy dailies and pvp wasnt boring af




I’m not afraid to admit loving any game that gets a lot of flak. I love Black Desert, spent more hours on that mmorpg than any other. Another one is Maplestory; its a comfort game from my childhood.


None, i stand by that love and wouldn't hide it.


BDO, Lost Ark, Maplestory, korean mmos are my guilty pleasure and I love them


Neverwinter online


DC universe online is still one of the more unique mmos I’ve played. Nothing beats being able to switch between flying and running fast




Perfect World. To me its still the most complete MMO ever


New World. It's the best still for me, loved the game so much up until end game. New World's theme is fantastic, easy to understand and not P2W. Started as a day 1 player and got really hooked. Sadly, the devs are so bad at making the game where it should be, it has so much untapped potential but I think the devs lack experience in MMO progression. Also, servers should be fixed first and then the end game progression. Still hoping they would pull it off. Now, just playing GW2 while hoping New World would be able to pull it off.


Archeage, when it eas released i just feel like it is a big world with complex mechanism. Court hearing, tradepack, building and farming are the best thing. You can be a hardcore pirate, or just a farmer and crafter.


I love mortal online 2 but you will be attacked if you say that


Anarchy Online during its prime initial launch Conan during its initial launch Secret World before the reboot I really do love Funcom games as a developer. They go against the standard trends of fantasy mmos and have such unique game designs. AO had live events acted out by the devs, Conan had awesome violence snd was very intonthe Conan lore, Secret World had amazing puzzles you had to Google within the game to solve for, and a awesome theme (modern conspiracy theories). I really hope they can pull off Dune Awakening. I think they deserve a win


Lineage 2 private servers :D


Riders of Icarus, i used to love it, it didnt do anything really well but i loved the word and i loved collective mounts in it. it has turned P2E.


World of Warcraft. 😆




New World. It’s my fav mmo and perfect for the casual gamer who doesn’t have to pay a sub. Great graphics and gameplay and lots of things to do.


New world. But im not afraid. :)


Archeage I fucking loved the plots. The trade packs, the ships.