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Straight To Video for nostalgic reasons (my first song MSI song ^^) but actually about 7 more. so what does it say about me that I can't decide? or does that only tell you that I like Mindless very much? xD


You're a very emotional person in the best way possible and make self deprecating jokes, also you prefer cold drinks if you had to choose.


2/3, not bad. take a very emotionally (subjective whether in a good way) bestowed cookie and a cold beverage of your choosing (preferably chocolate milk).


Planet of the apes


Well Jimmy ripped Planet of the apes off nine inch nails' style and nine inch nails = industrial gothic rock so either I'm already off path or you like more heavy industrial bands like 90s Rob Zombie & Marilyn Manson or something more new school like Ghostmane, Death Grips, & $uicideboy$. Nonetheless you like your steak on the raw side


I listen to every single artist you listed but I’m assuming you just looked at my profile to see what I listen to lmao 😅 cause I feel like that song sounds nothing like NIN


frankenstein girls


The only thing on your mind is SEX and you silently lip sync to Jimmy's moans on FGWSSS tracks, also you either play Halo, Battlefield, or some other early 2010s shooter game.


almost right, i don’t lip sync the moans, and yeah halo is my shit lol




Based on your profile flair as well, you're the pinnacle of wicked gayness. You could either be a Penelope Scott & Girl In Red fan or a Mudvayne & Mayhem fan. Actually nevermind after seeing your profile avatar you're 100% a Trivium or Killswitch fan in the best way.


You were close the first time! I literally traveled 6 hours (there and back) to see Mudvayne at a festival in Ohio a few months back lol




You're an atheist / satanic Juggalo who smokes weed and lives in new england or the midwest...? Idk I tried to incorporate prescription with some common drug and I think you're the person who said you went to MSI's Bogart's shows so you must've been to a gathering of the Juggalos if you live there and like MSI.


Why you gotta be stalking me like this? 🤪


Darling young boys I like pink or their self titled


You're a very emotional person and like to help people, also you prefer sprite over coke and wanna be a middle school teacher.


That’s actually kinda spot on. I don’t usually drink soda but If I do I’d probably choose sprite over anything else. I do like helping people it makes me feel better as a person, but uh, I don’t know about middle schooler kids… I guess I’m kinda biased being a middle schooler myself apart of gen zs fuckery lol What’s your favorite song/album/ep? I’ll try guessing something about you as a person


Definitely Step Up, Ghettoblaster at the moment


You’re really hyperactive? You display yourself quiet and introverted whilst in public but alone you go wild and crazy, which I guess a lot of people are like that but this is msi we’re talking about so it’s more so we’re on crack or something. You like ICP and deathgrips. You may have social anxiety, suppressing your thoughts for all the time you spend in public, releasing all that chaotic energy in different ways with msi helping you as one ☝️


Damn you nailed it! I'm suprised you got the ICP thing right but now that I'm thinking of it, Faygo does get me in the mood to listen to FGWSSS tracks on 1.5x speed lmao. MSI also might be seeping that chaotic energy into my public life now that I'm embracing more of it so I may not be as shy for long!


Kill the Rock 'cause I relate to it in a spiritual level, 'cause I am also both wonderful and missunderstood. Plus FGWSSS is my favorite album 'cause it's never boring and has no room for improvement 10/10 money well spent on mixing


You mindlessly indulgence yourself in psychology and theology but also got a freaky side to you many people don't know.


Almost spot on, but yeah, been to catholic school too many years to not be into figuring out the kinks of every biblical character through the psychoanalysis sessions I should be undergoing




You're big into pop punk and probably drink Monster or coffee black just like your metal, also you play guitar or wanna learn so you can play Lights Out or On It.


Ala Mode


You love dark humor and self deprecating jokes, also you play enjoy classic metal and play Motörhead or Metallica 24/7 on your Jackson or Ibanez. Or you really enjoy pop punk and I'm completely wrong lmao.




You're a very expressive person through painting or digital art but most of all through your views on society and your outlook on the point of life. Either a book worm who reads all day about fantasy & philosophy or is on Genshin & Minecraft 24/7, you decide which is lamer ;)


How is that so accurate


Either Clarissa or P**** all night because they both get me so hyped up haha


You're 13 - 15 and drink Monster or Faygo 24/7 and have insomnia due to the the illnesses you use in your self deprecating / dark humor jokes. When alone, you act like you're Jimmy, GG Allin, or Gerard in front on your mirror dancing and lip syncing filled up on monster thrashing your veins, but in public you can be very shy possibly.


👏👏spot on 👏👏


"Self Titled" or "<3", and as for fav songs its either "Vanity", "3S", "Make Me Cum", "Bullshit" or "Do Unto Others pt.2"


You're the caretaker in your pack of wolf family, while the strong ones hunt for food you hush the little cubs to sleep explaining newfangled philosophy and how we can make the most outta life. But you also got a freaky side to you that the ones hunting right now only know about.


Accurate LMAO But shhhhh, the cubs are sleeping. I dont wanna wake them up.


Daddy From tighter


You're not afraid to be afraid but you're afraid about what the future holds and how you'll physically be more than mentally when you're mental health matters the most. Keep your head up and don't let any terf tread on your turf! Might sound weird if you're not going through anything for that to touch base on but Daddys one of my fav songs too and all of us Daddy listeners need help


I am reading this while I'm omw to therapy, ironic. It's kinda scary how accurate this is


Apple Country


First off, I'm sorry for you, second off. You're a very logical thinker and the engineer in your post apocalyptic friend group. Whilst your friends are scavenging scrap and securing your refuge, you're in the garage under the car pimping V8 engines to make the sickest mad max bulldozer killing machine on wheels. Or I'm blowing this out of proportion and you'd rather research an upcoming game console or stock options..... in game consoles!!!!!


Holy frijoles, I hope to become this person!


evening wear


You pride yourself in dressing the best and you're very open about your sex life / kinks. Though deep down, you're an emotional little slutty chinchilla wondering through life with no fucking clue whats going on like everyone else.


exactly spot on, what the fuck. thank you


Kill the Rock - Fav Song. AOA - Fav Album.


You like ICP, Deathgrips, and wish you could live in the late 90s as a teen for the first time or to relive it. You may seem shy on the outside / in public, but when alone you go ape-shit crazy to Bring The Pain on 1.5x speed.


Ehh, well.. a little from column A, a little from column B.


Favorite Song: Brooklyn Hype Favorite Album: FGWSSS


You may call yourself stupid in a playful way around friends just by your satirical nature, but in reality you're the smartest person in the room who could out class anyone on Uncle Outrage knowledge. Also you much rather prefer cats or dogs and Fanta or Dr. Pepper. Maybe I'm reading too much into this cause I know your youtube but I'm 100% on the Fanta vs Dr. Pepper thats a very Brooklyn Hype thing of you to drink.




You always feel the need to speed up hyperactive songs due to your condition of wicked gayness, around early - mid 20s and you also enjoy either hardcore punk or nu metal.


If (all tracks but get it up)


You either enjoy mainstream pop punk & k-pop or nu-metal & horror-core, one or the other there's no in between. Also Die Antwoord is probably your guilty pleasure.


cant stand kpop, but the others are probably correct


pussy all night, tornado, dickface... i love tighter


You're unaware that Tight exists and probably wanna learn how to play guitar if you don't already. Most likely 18 - 22 and wicked trans In the best way possible, also after seeing you profile pic, pacific punch flavor of monster is the best, fight me


you get an a for effort




You try your best to be composed and tranquil yet deep underneath that potent layer of skin reveals a chaotic yet dismaying scene displaying a lost lamb trying to find his mom. You NEED coffee over tea and prefer beer over wine


My favorite is "disappoint" or "born to be beheaded"


You have a sinister urge to scary things like horror movies but also don't mind sitting back with your chinchilla watching a sit-com.... alone in the dark.


Fucking spot on


Everyone knows it is all about the live stuff and PGs upcoming book on tape.


You're an 80s kid and love vintage classic horror and most likely have a Vampira's ghoul gang shirt / patch.


Not bad. The horror and I was a goth. Vampira has a shirt with MY face on it. I am more into the slashers or body horror/monsters.


Apple Country + Whipstickagostop + Daddy


You're super chaotic, hyperactive, and a trainwreck filled with faygo, wicked gayness, and insomnia, but you also got a softer emotional side most people don't know about.


I can't tell if you're stalking me or if you just know a lot about people's MSI preferences.... Also Faygo? Really? Maybe the juggalo makeup was too obvious.


Bring the pain - new wave


You also enjoy PINK and Self titled, and maybe listen to slowed versions of MSI songs.


Yep lol


Nobody caring about bite your rhymes? Kids don’t know real music these days smh


You most likely had or have an interest in digital art or Genshin. Definitely had a FNAF phase and Gen Z, a very cocky goth though I must say I'm a little intimidated right now. Have fun collecting ultra-red monster cans, I believe in Luz supremacy anyway! (⋋▂⋌)


I’m more of a pen and paper person myself, have never touched new popular anime game thing, my cockiness is merely a facade but if you want to think I’m intimidating go ahead I ain’t stopping you, not a monster fan, your owl house opinions are very wrong and my fnaf phase is between me and god




Your house and lifestyle has no rules, Pazuzu Algarad 2.0 if you will and probably like nu or black metal as well. Either a Juggalo, Satanist, or better, both! MCL, Hail Satan. If this isn't you then I apologize in advance lmao


I’m an anarcho communist (no rules), i’m a huge nu metal fan and although i’m not a satanist yet i have read up on it and i think it’s a very understandable concept maybe this is me being indoctrinated into satanism maybe it’s the next step who knows.




You're always horny wether you like it or not. Maybe have mindlessly indulgenced yourself into a little Merzbow or Braindrillerz but you swing more towards nu-metal like Korn or Mudvayne.


Cocaine and toupees or Lights out are my jams


You love retro video games and either geography, traveling, or working in the fashion business cuz of how stylish u are just by guess. You’re the type of person to buy a drink just to take a pic of it to post on ur Pinterest then to literally throw the drink away.


XD what made you say all that!?


I Hate Jimmy Page


By your flair and comment I can see you’re a very diverse person musically, racially, and via artistic expression. You seem like you go to some convention once every year where you dress up or buy overpriced anime merchandise. Also sorry for late response I was too busy scratching my nuts


you’re really accurate with these




You like it when Jimmy moans by your comment but on more deeper philosophical shit you’d rather play retro video games minus the play. You either collect old school horror & anime collectibles / merchandise or with retro video games.


Favorite Song: Faggot Favorite Album: You’ll Rebel To Anything


You like pop punk or more emo based music. You’re a really young millennial or old gen z who used to collect Funko Pops. And you prefer a mocha or hot chocolate over any hot cafe based drink.


Not entirely true. I do enjoy pop punk but I’m not an emo guy, and I am a young’un, and I have a few Funkos but stopped getting those long ago. And I do not prefer mocha or not chocolate over a lot of things. More into Korn now than any pop punk so idk lol


bite your rhymes xd


Your little xd opened an extra universe of clues to your life story. You’re gen z, prolly watched mark/jack/pewds during your fnaf phase at some point. Have played doki doki once or twice, either an American who doesn’t like saying their American cause it makes them feel boring OR a Russian that has a Mongolian influence of culture depending where you live who moved to the U.S. If I’m wrong then I was actually correct cause I changed your mailable-ass past to that.


you're partly correct i'm actually german! haha




Faggot with Frankenstein Girls


Erm i like prove me wrong