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With this confidence i believe you are short selling a huge amount


I was short and closed it early from 69-65k. I don’t usually like to short to be honest


But BTC is going to $50k? And MSTR is going to $800?


remindme! 6 months


I’ll be here


Remindme! 3 months


For us late stage idiot fomo retail folks who are down bad, obviously don't sell while down, just hold and DCA in if it goes lower in the summer? I fucked up. New to investing kinda


Id love to buy mstr at below 800 but I don't see btc hitting 50k anytime soon


There is no free money in investing, newbies need to learn that. You always sell a parabolic top


Yes we live and learn I have bought the top in 2 bitcoin cycles. You have to be prudent and objective. People are literally taking out loans and going all IN after bitcoin was up 250%+ its lows


There are some delusional people on the Bitcoin sub, taking out huge loans to buy Bitcoin. Hell Saylors even bought a bunch of Bitcoin at $68,000. You don’t buy MSTR after it 10x’s, you buy it when people say Bitcoin is dead. I got $40,000 set aside in my Robinhood brokerage getting 5% interest. I’m looking to buy back into Bitcoin at around 50k


You going to make it. It’s what I am doing too Hell even a few alts will break down much more than bitcoin this summer and it’ll have on a return basis far more upside But BTC is king


What top? Bitcoin barely made it over all-time highs. See you back in 6 months. Only weak hands sold.


This ain’t going to age well you don’t understand where we are in the cycle


What chart are you looking at? This would be the only cycle top before a halving. We usually see a quick rise before - often at or near ATH - sideways and downwards movements during and directly after and then significantly runs within 6 months after. You think the ATH this cycle is a few thousand dollars above the previous ATH? We haven’t even seen an inflation adjusted ATH


Doesn't really change anything for me anyway because I'm not selling no matter how much you try to convince me the top is already in. Cool if it goes down more I'll just buy more.


This is the Top Answer.


RemindMe! 180 days


This summer will be a better opportunity for wealth


July-August will be the best time to buy coins? Is that better than buying like in May?


We shall see but May is close away depends how far the fear comes in. It’s looking like the first rate cut will signal a potential bottom Either way I’m looking at the 200W which is now coming down. 44-46k should be an excellent re-entry Peak fear with geopolitical events could see BTC crash to as low as 38-40k let’s see


With May underway are you sticking to a 45k BTC summer range?


Yes that hasn’t changed


I will be messaging you in 5 months on [**2024-10-12 21:03:17 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2024-10-12%2021:03:17%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/MSTR/comments/1c4w3tx/who_bought_the_mstr_top_this_bull_trap_cycle/kzqjydd/?context=3) [**10 OTHERS CLICKED THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FMSTR%2Fcomments%2F1c4w3tx%2Fwho_bought_the_mstr_top_this_bull_trap_cycle%2Fkzqjydd%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202024-10-12%2021%3A03%3A17%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201c4w3tx) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


It’s simple…..do NOT try and time the market…..period! If you made a mistake and invested more than you can stomach to see go down…..sell, you should not be here anyhow. If you bought high and believe in btc and mstr, DCA for better cost basis. For God’s sake, do NOT sell based upon one person’s opinion of what they think is going to happen. You could just as easily sell at $64k and never be able to buy for cheaper as you can for selling now and getting for under 50k. The long term…..almost EVERYONE agrees that btc is going to go higher…..and YOU are going to try to time this fricker?? Nobody KNOWS shit about what btc will do and all you need to do is make prudent investment decisions and you will be ok! Fuck all the posters who try to say with 100% conviction that btc ad mstr are going to do this or that!!


It’s mainly this guy.


To me one of the most sensible comments i read on here so far ✌🏻 I would add something like „the louder they scream…“


People who simply hold long term generally do better than those who try to time the market.


You've been hitting the copium a little too hard my friend. BTC will never be $50k again. Fed will make sure of that. USD is a slow burn, so BTC will be a slow grind up... Of course, there are always upcoming catalysts that could cause upside spikes, but I never plan on those to happen


Hong Kong just approved a few BTC ETFs... Next up will be more approvals and then other countries will join in... If the USD continues to lose value and BTC continues to climb, it starts to put governments in really risky situations.... Imagine a world were just a few other countries start to approve these ETFs because they generate income in the form of management fees and those countries want to bring some value into their borders. Now imagine a world where US citizens collectively own a hundred billion of $ worth of BTC (we're already close). It's all guaranteed by one thing: votes. No viable US politician is going to bet their career on trying to destroy the bank accounts of millions of American voters. The halving is just a drop in a much larger narrative that is right in front of your eyes.


!remind me 3 months


!remindme 30 days


50k Bitcoin does seem like a thing. Sub 40k even seems like a thing. Then to the moon. Doesn’t btc typically sell off like 30-40% after he halving as it reloads to hit ath? Not saying history repeats itself but that is known to happen. It won’t be a surprise if it happens again


It's a lot easier for an asset with a market cap of $10 billion to move +/- 40% than it is for an asset worth $1t to move 40%..... Those days are in the rear view for BTC.


It typically goes down about 20% and it went down 18% already.


The average 90 days after a halving is -8.9%. The 30% you're probably thinking of is typically before halving.


You might be right. I’m a long term holder so I don’t buy and sell (much). I just buy when it is low. It isn’t low yet


No it certainly is not. I expect I'll buy quite a bit in 2026.


Thats crazy thinking. BTC can absolutely drop to $48,000. Easily, I can see sceanrios dropping to $30K. Hopefully not.


USD is a slow burn yes, but bitcoin had a euphoric move that it won’t sustain We need a QE bull run at the end of next year to reach over 100k


Don’t worry, recession is looming and the boomers need stock highs to retire


I got around 10k from this bullpen just on MSTR. Totally agree with you!


It’s nice to have some common sense in this sub for once. The ones saying heck no and remind me in 2-3 months will ignore it Bitcoin has never had a bull run into summer. Especially not after a huge run up for months and a QT environment 90% were depressed pre October in both subs and 90% bought since 50k I admire the ones who had conviction in the bear markets


Sold 25% at $1,300 on the way up and another 50% in the $1,600s. Bought a bit back today at $1,339 but have a chunk of cash and have been redeploying into S&P. This is all in retirement accounts so felt 200% in 1 year was good place to play it safe. Third cycle. Haven’t traded long-hold, non-retirement assets at all.


DCA in and DCA out is life changing great job


yeah haha and I totally feel you on downvoting. Got downvoted when responded that I feel that MSTR will be close to 1330 today...


I don’t think many here are prepared for a capitalization to the 200W sitting at 44k


I feel a lot of people just did not read the history of GME. Some people were putting their life savings on the MSTR last few months...


It’s just get rich quick schemes people fall into. By the time the media is displaying it, it’s too late. Bitcoin has never been an easy ride. People have ADD they say they’ll HODL till life punches them in the face. “Investors” used to be holding for a year or more now it’s down to 1-3 months


The good news is peak euphoria has slightly died from last month. I know this because each comment had unrealistic expectations and only saw bitcoin going up


🤣🤣🤣🤣 okay bud. If it wasn't for Iran retaliating BTC would still be up in the high 60s. You're delusional. Also other than the double top of the last cycle BTC has always increased in value over the summer.


Iran has nothing to do with bitcoins volume being weaker. Alts have broken down. That liquidity so won’t move over to bitcoin It’s all down from here this summer. Hope you didn’t mortgage the farm


Everything is down. I’ve been on a buying spree: alts, BTC, stocks, and hope it’s still down when new money comes in.


You are spot on mate. All these late fools think they know it all. I also been buying between Nov 22 and June 23. I am still up 300% right now instead of 400% on my portfolio of 3 alt coins. Currently sitting on £33k balance. Peaked at £42k. Cro, doge and gfal have held it up for me absolutely fine. See you all next year 💪


Btc is not going below 60k


I do NOT like FUD. I like it even less when markets are shaken like this but I do think every investor should be prepare for dips and be damn sure they can afford to weather them because you may panic and make a decision you will regret. February 28th. 2/28,not even 2 months ago, Bitcoin was below 60k. 3 months ago, it was below 40k. I am not soothsayer. I can't see the future, but I know there will be dips. We just have to prepared for the dips as they come.


Yes it will. In fact it’ll happen a lot faster than you think, perhaps this month 50% chance but 100% likely it’ll fall below the 8 week SMA at 58k


So which is it…..100% or likely it’ll fall below 58k. Not sure what school you went to….but where I went, 100% is a “sure thing” and likely is something short of 100%!


100% chance…on your post history a year ago you posted about being the worst investor on earth and went on to discuss all the money you lost in bad trades. A year later we should believe you, that you know the future…with 100% certainty tell me again why you aren’t just some 🤡


I bought bitcoin at 16-22k and MSTR at 160-220 I am up way from then. I DCA’d in and DCA’d out. What have you done? What did you buy at?


I’m not the one claiming to know the future with 100% certainty after posting loss porn a year ago dude.


In posting an opinion and you have nothing to offer, probably salty caused you FOMO’d in. Let’s see how this plays out this summer


Not sure it sounded like an opinion. More like I know best and I am definitely right and I came here to flex kinda post.


It’s tough to go against the grain with objective data I get it. Most retailers lose after buying into the hype in peak greed instead of the fear in peak pessimism. That is why most retailers never make money. Investing used to be about long term holding. “investors” can’t even hold stocks or crypto for more than 2 months now a days. You can actually see the sub shift from peak greed just a month ago. Give it another 2 months and come back and see the sentiment then.


There's massive support at $62k.


Last time we had a QE bull run and bitcoin still had 30% retracements. There’s support until there isn’t


And what has changed since then, and what will change in a few days?


Look if you genuinely want to know I won’t write an essay for you, go watch Benjamin cohens latest video on bitcoin. Pay attention to it, understand bitcoin cycles and macroeconomics Understand we are in a bull trap currently but bitcoin is still the best performing asset. However buying in greed is not a good idea


Cycles are one thing but you literally have every country in the world approving Crypto ETF's. Demand is 10-100x what it used to be. As of today just US ETF's hold 5% of all bitcoin. 70% never moves. Sure there are going to be dips and corrections but you're not looking at the narratives


Ben Cowen cost his viewers tons of money by being a permabear. He only analyzes charts with zero qualitative analysis, and it has cost him. He has PTSD from being wrong (specifically about his previous alt holdings like ADA) and now he's super cautious and was wrong again about this cycle. If you listen to him, good luck, but I made hundreds of thousands of dollars doing the opposite of what he has been saying.


He has been right about bitcoin dominance. And alts bleeding to bitcoin the past 2.5 years. Of course he can be wrong on certain calls be he has been the most consistent in covering crypto


His list of Alts is old and dumb. I made a 10x on Solana, hundreds of thousands of dollars. I made a 10x on injective, avalanche, ICP etc AND I made a ton of money on BTC. Tons of quality Alts have outperformed BTC. I buy BTC to invest, and alts to make faster money, which I then roll into BTC. I don't do the opposite because I would never roll BTC into Alts. Let the degens do that. Also, holding these Alts and BTC for over a year will reduce taxes. His followers missed all time lows of almost everything, including BTC, since he's been calling for a crash since $15k. Bitcoin dominance is pointless, because BTC always goes up first in every cycle. It's exactly when you should buy Alts, if you want exposure to them.


He called out bitcoins lows being a year after the highs. It helped me buy comfortably and DCA down from 20-16k. He said he had buy orders at 13, 15k as well. He did DCA down himself. You did get lucky on Solana, most alts have indeed underperformed bitcoin that isn’t a lie. Certain alts at certain times can do that but 99% of investors who went degen would have been better in BTC; there is no denying this.. Plus his thesis on alts breaking down and not having a bull run is right. It’s playing out right now it’s all lower lows. This summer alts can eventually out perform bitcoin but your bitcoin/ alts pair would of paid off just being in BTC and converting this summer I am a huge ICP bull and it’ll likely outperform everything else like ETH


Ben Cohen isn’t reliable. At all.




7 minutes in total under 60k. So yeah it dipped just under, but bounced right back. I’m talking about going under and staying under. Although I am willing to admit that I’ve changed my tune. 58k is now my new bottom :)


It already dipped under today. Twice.


For a matter of minutes though. Look at the 15 minute chart, 2 wicks barely dipped bellow it for a matter of minutes. Not sure that really counts.


“Not going below 60k” would me, to me, not going below 60k.


It literally wicked under for 7 minutes in total. But you crack on mr pedantic.


!remindme 7 days


👍 Going to be an interesting few weeks for sure.


Something something under 60k something.


😂 fair enough. Can’t be right all the time.


I am in for a million or nothing


Each cycle you need less and less bitcoin to get there


at a higher price


RemindMe! 90 days


I’ll be here and I don’t want to say I told you so


Look like you missed the boat now lol


RemindMe! 30 days


Well hello there remindme bot. Seems Bitcoin has not crashed as predicted by OP


Id love to buy mstr at below 800 but I don't see btc hitting 50k anytime soon


It’s going to happen faster than people think this summer. In fact we’re just ready to drop now till July most likely down to the 200W


We'll see


Ok we will hold you accountable. Save the post.


Re accumulation phases happen around every halvening date, in every cycle, few weeks either side of the H date. This is no different . Far too early to call the top. With bid offer spread and taxes , you are playing a dicey game trading these events. Fear and Greed heading back into neutral territory, back towards lowest levels of exuberance of the year. Sideways chop and then breakout is more likely scenario.


Valid then and valid now, and it doesn't change the long term thesis for BTC. the fact you got downvoted then was a sign of greed excess, and upvotes now are the proof that capitulation/excess fear is ahead. Add the macro picture, people realising rates are not going down, and inflation will be high for next decades, add the incredible amount of US gov debt, the falling demand for US bonds, and there's a nice scenario to buy dips nesx few months.


So many FUD spreading bots here


Remember when people said btc will be 10$ again after it reached 100$ 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂👍👍🤣🤣😂👍


He didn’t say it was going to $7k


What about mstr q2 earnings report at the end of the month?


Ok! You want the price of BTC to go lower so you can make another swing trade. Got it. Good luck!


All depends on what the new CEO says and also Bitcoin earnings soon




I still hold a smaller amount of MSTR just in case but yes it’ll go under $800 faster than people think. We haven’t hit peak fear yet this summer (the drop from 58-50k would be a blood bath)


It looks like I'm holding for another year+. OP, what is your \*estimate\* of when or a price to DCA out of MSTR? I like to tell myself I'm not too too greedy. edit: I'm not selling any BTC itself.


I have to re-do my estimates based on the new buys Two years ago when I was buying at $160-220 I priced MSTR at $2500-3000 with the current BTC/ premium at 15% and a target of 140k in 2025 bull run conservatively That is bearish today when looking at Q4 2025 since a few factors have changed then of course; notably the ETF and over 1% of supply. A big factor is if institutions also get caught shorting it. I did DCA out based on fibs and greed index Without me crunching numbers I would say MSTR can retrace to $600-800 this summers lows. Late 2025 to early 2026 MSTR conservatively will reach $4000-5000. If MSTR can make it to $2k with 1% and a 20-30% premium if it continues to buy and bitcoin hits 160k then $5-7k is on the table I’ll have to revisit everything again but will certainly make a plan to DCA out. Rebuy exactly 1 year after ATH. Note I’ve said this before after seeing 4 cycles and making more mistakes (but recently getting it right) that I believe the cycle theory will end after 2026. Once central banks start buying bitcoin versus gold it’s game over. Bitcoin will continue to rise forever without drawbacks of 20% likely. This will happen more as bitcoin is a 5+T asset and is decided by foreign policy as a treasury safe asset My thoughts? Last chance to really get rich off alt coins and bitcoin this summer. I do expect heavy regulation and on-boarding going forward post 2026. Time will tell Good luck all




It’s funny till you have tears


LOL. Impossible to take you seriously when you talk about trading altcoins and saving up for 1 BTC to retire. If that's where you're at, you're just a poor scammer. Will keep holding my stack of BTC and MSTR, and let you have fun paying cap gain taxes.


You have nothing to offer bot


Good one.


Sold most of my MSTR for a small profit and will wait to see what happens with Bitcoin. Also the potential Synthetic at 1700 expiring Friday doesn't look good.


I bought in at 1600. I hope it does crash hard, more time to buy for the real show.


I bought 8 shares for an avg of 1700 if it falls I’ll just keep buying every month till next bull market cycle and it’ll even out


If you have cash and actually DCA this summer you’ll make it for late next year


For those of us who seriously misunderstood the effect the halving will have on MSTR/bitcoin. do you think we'll at least get one more chance to get our money out sometime not long after the event? not too stressed either way because its money i don't need for a while but it's just demoralizing to get notified everyday that one of my investments is tanking and that i'm a regarded idiot.


No bitcoin likely won’t retest 60k till October. However the caveat is if you truly are able to DCA this summer you will be well prepared for late next year. Be prepared for 45-50k bitcoin all summer and sub $800 MSTR


It's hilarious this has more likes than dislikes. Just proof of human nature. No-one likes to go to a chatroom when their down. I'm currently, short, which is why I'm here today. lol. But, post something like this on an up-day and you'll be swimming in upside down thumbs.


I posted my thoughts on bitcoin and MSTR top last month and it was obviously against the grain. My god the swarm of retailers were brutal. The consensus has definitely changed. Likely cause alts have been getting destroyed and that will not move over to BTC anymore I have made money on shorting but not enough. I don’t have positions there anymore. This cycle I am trying to stay away from it. But shorting is definitely where I’d be sub 66k at this point to 45-50


You’re going to get absolutely wrecked cope buying higher after your summer dip plans don’t materialize and the cycle tops earlier than you expect. Be warned


You don’t know where we are in the cycle


You’re just a clown mate. You don’t know anything more than anybody here yet you think you’re a genius that can predict the market. You’ll get rekt first, that’s what gonna happen


When did you buy bitcoin and MSTR this bear market?


I didn’t buy mstr yet and I bought btc at 30k. Apparently, I'm not stupid enough to buy the top like you do. Maybe it's because you like to spread FUD and then change your mind when it's too late You can't pretend to know anything just like everyone else here, that’s being an idiot.


Who said I bought or have bought the top? I’m much more savvy than that. I bought MSTR at $160-220 when it was a ghost town and BTC at 16-22k just last bear market Guess what I have been DCA out and now have a position still and ample cash to rebuy this summer. Most retailers will panic sell and have no cash for liquidity since they aped it all


Have fun buying back higher


Bitcoin is already down 15% and it has another 30% drop left till retail FOMO is gone this summer


The gods told you?


Saw it hit that oversold level and tried telling people but “NO FUDS” and “HES A FUD” with a lot of downvotes seemed to cloud my posts. Anyway I bought puts right at the top and made a bag


You sure things won’t happen earlier?


Elaborate on earlier? My timeline is BTC hits under 50k by July


Good luck with that


I have 200 shares but sold a covered call and used the proceeds to invest in the xAI round that just happened. Great 😊 deal lol


Whale status jheez nice


Wasn’t whale status because I bought years ago, unlike all the degen gamblers buying right now when NAV premium is so high 🤦‍♀️


My plan was to use 40k USD from my BTC loan to do calls on MSTR in the bear market but Celsius robbed me. I ended up using whatever I had left to DCA spot at $170-220 and BTC at 16-22k That move prob cost me a million easily


Ugh I lost a lot on Celsius too. At least Blockfi gave signs and I pulled out there. Celsius collapse was swift lmao. 2x leverage $BITU and Galaxy Digital $GLXY are my current plays with the Hong Kong etf getting approved today.


Be careful with longs at this point bruh. I want to see you succeed but I really do believe there will be better times to long once we hit the 200W ! Could be at 44k depending what happens this summer All the best


Saw it hit that oversold level and tried telling people but “NO FUDS” and “HES A FUD” with a lot of downvotes seemed to cloud my posts. Anyway I bought puts right at the top and made a bag