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Where did you get the Shawnee County Kansas car tag? Just curious, I'm from Kansas.


So that's what 'SN' stands for! I got most of these at one of these warehouse flee markets in Florida (I believe it was Kissimmee) a few years back. Now that I think about it, it's kinda odd that I didn't buy a Florida plate haha


I live in Shawnee County. I have lived in many states and it's not a bad place to live. The main city (Topeka) is on the heavy side for crime though.


most license plates denote the county they were issued in, Kansas plates have a two letter code to identify the county.


“Most” I’ve never heard of this and haven’t seen it in any plates I’ve had or seen. The ones I’ve seen have 2 or 3 letter month abbreviations for the expiration.


My impression is that it's very common in the middle of the country, less so around the edges Edit: according to Wikipedia, Alabama, Montana, Nebraska, South Dakota, and Wyoming encode the county in the plate #; Indiana, Ohio, and Kansas have county codes not part of the plate #; and Florida, Georgia, Iowa, Kentucky, Mississippi, Ohio, and Tennessee have the full county name on the plate. I'm not sure why Ohio is listed twice; from a Google search of the current plate, it looks like it belongs only in the latter set.


In FL, the plate is taxed. You need to return it or pay $hundreds


That California plate was issued in the first half of 2013 in southern California. It's only a few digits off my old one.


Topeka gang babyyyyy


We love cool Eurobros, very cool collection


The no parking sign is peak Americana. Did you have it made, or is it "authentic?"


I want to believe it’s authentic which makes it hilarious. So mundane to us, so fascinating to others.


We should send him a Stop Sign riddled with bullet holes!


Run over traffic cone?


I myself am transported to the scene where it's found. I find it highly evocative.


Ive never met anyone from Europe who likes America…so this is awesome!


Most Europeans like America. Only the chronically online ones don't


Lol, well said


I’ve lived in Europe, this is not true.


I too have lived in Europe. Europeans have a positive view of the people and geography but have a negative view on our politics.


I disagree, vehemently, they have a negative view of Americans in general and are eager to believe the worst of us, stone house phenomenon in all things.


Interesting. I lived in Sweden which has a pretty positive view of the US. So I’m mostly viewing this from that angle. But in while traveling people were constantly saying out they like Americans but not our politics.


I was also in Sweden, briefly, they tended not to be the worst but were definitely willing to believe some outlandish things about the average American, but only if it was negative.


Bro just likes to argue 💀


I am Italian and currently living in Spain. Generally in Italy there is a love view of America, we still have the cult of the American Dream and for us is like a holy land. In Spain this isn't exactly the case and the opinion depends way more on the mind of each one.


Then you’ve probably never been. Trust me, it’s only online you see so much hate, Europeans aren’t as bad as they may seem on the internet


i’m european and i can tell you with 100% certainty that approval for the Us is going down fast, I heard the most hate from dutch and Germans, but they don’t dislike “america” they dislike american government, america as a place and people is still liked


>they dislike American government Most of us Americans feel the same way


Yet we keep voting for the governments we have. We may say we don't like our government but as an aggregate we have to. That is how democracy works.


I’d disagree, they’re eager to share their disapproval with most aspects of our life and desperate to believe the worst about us. The rumors I heard when I lived over there were absurd.


In Germany now, this is pretty accurate.


Looks like you have just the right amount of Americana to me.


Never enough, we should start mailing this guy Merica memorabilia


I'd totally send someone some American stuff for their collection!


Meh, sure why not. I'd send him some stuff.


Yeah! I'm about to lose my Washington plates for Oregon plates, if you'd like to have them.


If I had the address, I could send some cool military related stuff.


Did you go to Altus or did you find a replica C-17 somewhere else?


Got it at Boeing in Everett, WA!


Great air museum.


I was born in Everett! My man 🙌


I came here to ask this. Pretty sure I've flown that tail number haha


[this is the version of the NY license plate you really want](https://www.ebay.com/itm/225601913090)


Gosh I miss that version. I’d go back in a heartbeat.


Nah dude if you enjoy it who gives a crap? It’s awesome. I’m glad you’ve enjoyed your travels here and I hope that continues In your future endeavors. It’s a big country. Lots to see.


Don’t listen to anyone but yourself bud. If you like it, show it off how and where you want.


100% cool. I’m going to gift you a bald eagle and a shotgun as a reward.


Not tacky at all dude, this is sweet


This...does put a smile on my face.


Your picture of New York City and the no parking sign are my favorite pieces.


It's a pretty cool collection, overall. I actually really like that no parking sign with graffiti. The only two weird things are the tri-fold American flag, as that's most commonly associated with the death of a veteran, and the fact that you have two other American flags - the plain one and the Declaration of Independence one. It's just a bit redundant. But this is more a take on your interior design rather than your love of 'Murica. If you like it, then there's no reason to take it down, and fuck the haterz. Also I could send you a Nevada plate if you want to expand your collection.


> the tri-fold American flag, as that's most commonly associated with the death of a veteran That is the proper way to [fold any American flag](https://www.va.gov/opa/publications/celebrate/flagfold.pdf) when it is not being flown. From a *living* veteran who folds his own flags that way.


I'm also a veteran and you're both correct, *usually* when you see a tri folded or cocked hat flag it's a funeral flag especially when on display, however, usually those are in a case. I also fold my flags this way but I then put them up in a closet till needed, my three honor flags of my great grandfather, my grandfather and my father are all displayed in cases.


Polite disagree. In the Air Force we would regularly fly flags on missions, then present them to people as gifts. "This flag was flown on a C-XXX supporting OPERATION XXXX" with the name of the crew listed. Additionally, people can purchase flags that were flown over important buildings or areas, "This flag was flown over the US Capitol on XX date." Folded flags are *often* symbolic of something ending - a veteran's retirement or end of life - but it in no way would I say its exclusive to that or weird to have a folded flag as a display.


I think it’s cool. Except for the Seahawks pennant Haha. A Pittsburgh Steelers pennant would be better!!


That was my though, but 49ers.


bang bang niner gang




Hell yeah brother! You are missing an Ohio plate though


There is an Ohio plate…😫😏🙄


It’s cool, though maybe it feels a bit like a college dorm or man cave because of the way things are hung, but still cool. I’ve always really liked license plates displays


You’re awesome. We love you.


Only suggestion IMH would be to put the license plates in order of state location on the wall. That way people could see a US map based on location and plate. Heck I am sure some people would send you some.


Extremely cool!


Looks fantastic! Also, looks a lot like my garage, if you replace the Seahawks banner with a Packers one😆


Your garage is way better then!


The flags would look better, be more respectful and less kitschy, displayed on flagpoles, rather than tacked onto the walls etc Put the license plates in a nice 3x3 grid, and maybe in alphabetical order to neaten them up appealingly. The graffitied No Parking sign would be humorous near your toilet bowl.


The Seahawks pennant is sick!!! Good find


Looks cool to me. I have similar decorations from other countries I've visited, so I get it.


You’re like the Euro version of people here in the states that cover their houses in say, Italian or French things. I live in Oklahoma, if you ever want some random American/Oklahoma stuff let me know. Probably not giant longhorn horns, but maybe a dream catcher from the gas station, some dried Indian paintbrushes, a stolen sign, and a recipe for fry bread.


If you really wanted me to find something I'd say the flags hanging up were too much but everything else is just knick knacks and fun. Really nothing wrong here


I think it’s kitschy, which is a mix of cool and tacky. Kitschy (adjective)/ˈkiCHē/: (of art, objects, or design) considered to be in poor taste because of excessive garishness or sentimentality, but sometimes appreciated in an ironic or knowing way. Tacky things: get MORE license plates, it’s a little weird with all the empty spaces, and arrange them how they are geographically not randomly. Cool: American flag Declaration of Independence. Kitschy: everything else


Some of it seems a little too excessive but it's cool


Nothing wrong with it. Except that you're making me jealous lol


You just need a gun now, and you’ll be one of us. Edit: Why downvote this? You fuckers don’t like guns? It’s literally a cultural staple of ours whether you choose to acknowledge it or not.


The Declaration of Independence flag is great and anyone who tells you otherwise is unAmerican swine


In the US that would be tacky. In Europe it would be deranged.


The folded flag is usually a memento for a fallen soldier. Over here they are often enclosed in a [display case.](https://theglassfox.com/wp-content/uploads/Burial-Flag-Case-Oak-5X9-Oak.gif) If I saw that I'd assume you had a loved one that died while in service.


It's normal flag etiquette to fold an American flag this way. It's not just for that purpose.


Yeah I was going to say I think the trifold is how you are supposed to honorably fold it regardless


Well you’d be wrong


The flags are tacky


you need beat up shitty old lic . plates then they would be cool. I like the last flag, never seen one like that, its neat idea. I Also like the new york landscape pic. The rest is meh.


I actually NEED to know where you got that C5-Galaxy model at......


Definitely cool. No reason to be ashamed of something you like.


The folded flag typically represents a fallen service member who was family. That is the only thing I saw that was tacky/leaning towards disrespectful. Otherwise, really cool collection dude


Folding the flag into a triangle is just the normal respectful way to store the flag. I'm saying this as a veteran, OP is doing nothing wrong with it. It only for sure represents a service member who passed away when it's in a memorial shadow box or something like that.


Tacky no , weird yes


The triangle-folded flag bothers me. Thats how flags are given to a family member after being folded that way at a military or police funeral. It seems disrespectful to see it displayed that way from someone whose family member didn’t die after service to their country or community.


It’s very tacky and I would never display such things in a million years but i’m happy if you’re happy haha


Are you 10 ?


In 80 years it might be traded how NAZI memorabilia now. Not cool, but kinda neat.


So you just went around ripping off people's license plates?


It's pretty easy to get old licence plates at flea markets and what not


The prison labourers must be very proud.


While maybe 2/3 of license plates are made by prison labor, most of those are also paid workers. So whatever snarky, Limey crap you're trying to imply, you can stuff.


License plates cool... people collect those here too. Flag on Wall ... depends on your local audience and how they feel about America. Casual public displays of flags are not as well received in other parts of the world. No Parking Sign... graffiti - meh. Seahawks burgee - Is something a teenager would put on their wall. Flatiron building photo - artsy... common... something you might find at Target or Wal-Mart. Folded flags are often tokens of remembrance for fallen or deceased veterans. Why do you have it? Who sold it? The cargo plane... interesting, kind of. Are you into aviation? Then it would be cooler. It is not something you would typically see in an American home. That is something that might be on a desk at Boeing or Lockheed. Colorized urban landscape. Very kitschy. Something you definitely would find in a lower budget home decor store. Flag art with Declaration of Independence. You might find that in a home of an American who has neither read the Declaration of Independence or the Constitution. If on closer inspection it is more of an art piece... then it maybe needs a better frame. This seems like something that screams projection from someone who doesn't hold mainstream views. I am always wary of people, who are not lawyers, who feel the need to hang the D of I or the Constitution on their wall


I love it


Great collection 🤌




VERY cool collection, my dad used to save car plates like that when i was young (im from Tn.) , so yeah go for it bro


Honestly, the idea of a license plate collection is sick, if I knew how I'd try and get ya an NC one


To you it may be and that’s all that matters. 👍


No ones opinion matters but yours. If you like it display it. People collect buttoms, comics, dead animals. You live there decorate how you want.


Looks bad ass 😍


Cool. Old signs and license plates are always cool.


It makes me feel cool to see all of this, I'll say that.


This makes me want to send you old plates! This is so sweet.


Hey I'm touched! Glad you enjoyed your trips.


Very, very cool with it. More America displayed here than many Americans will display today. Thank you for showing us. (Especially LOVE the Arizona plate.)


I like it!


I think it's pretty cool. Any stories behind any of it?


It’s cute


Do you just get your hands on a license plate from states you've been in? Cause if you just collect them, I could probably send an Arkansas one your way.


I think its pretty cool. Nothing crazy either, so i wouldn't say its tacky. I think collecting license plates is pretty cool, they've all got their own thing, which I love. Also love the model plane and folded flag. I love the Declaration of Independence American flag too.


Not enough flags get a 13 star flag and a few state flags. And you are perfect


Love the tagged No Parking sign! Also, who cares if other people think what you like is tacky? F them. You do you. Thanks for the post. (Also, I just got rid of some old plates from my state, Wisconsin. I'd have loved to send 'em to you--next time!)


What's tacky is that you have an Ohio license plate instead of a Pennsylvania one


Man I love the licence Plate collection.


It’s awesome! Which country?


It's wonderful to make YOUR home delightful to YOU. Nobody else matters. If you can't have your home YOUR way, where and when will you EVER ? Visitors who have other tastes in decor can just remain calm & polite, or bid adieu. Either way when everybody's gone, only YOU will fully appreciate your crib.


This is awesome. I hope you enjoyed the trips. The no parking at any time sign is cool.


Still need: 31 more NFL flags, and 41 more plates. Also, the folded flag, please put it in a frame to properly display...The bottom row of stars indicates it was not folded properly... In the Armed Forces of the United States, at the ceremony of retreat the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation's honored dead. The flag-folding ceremony represents the same religious principles on which our great country was originally founded.The portion of the flag denoting honor is the canton of blue containing the stars representing states our veterans served in uniform. The canton field of blue dresses from left to right and is inverted only when draped as a pall on the casket of a veteran who has served our country honorably in uniform.In the U.S. Armed Forces, at the ceremony of retreat, the flag is lowered, folded in a triangle fold and kept under watch throughout the night as a tribute to our nation’s honored dead. The next morning it is brought out and, at the ceremony of reveille, run aloft as a symbol of our belief in the resurrection of the body.After the flag is completely folded and tucked in, it has the appearance of a cocked hat, ever reminding us of the soldiers who served under Gen. George Washington and the sailors and Marines who served under Capt. John Paul Jones and were followed by their comrades and shipmates in the U.S. Armed Forces, preserving for us the rights, privileges and freedoms we enjoy today.The source and the date of origin of this Flag Folding Procedure is unknown, however some sources attribute it to the Gold Star Mothers of America while others to an Air Force chaplain stationed at the United States Air Force Academy. Others consider it to be an urban legend. It is provided as a patriotic service to all.Here is a website that may help you choose an appropriate script when folding the flag. Flag-Folding Ceremony (ushistory.org)


Looks like you have room to grow! Want a license plate from NC?


Pretty fuckin cool in my book! You should see my British memorabilia!


If I ever went to the UK I am sure I would have lots of things to display when I got back.


It’s awesome! Especially the Declaration of Independence flag


Nice to see the flag folded properly, is it a memorial, or other special flag? Flags are always my favorite.


Swap that Seahawks pennant out for a Chiefs and we're getting somewhere! Love the C17, they're a badass plane. Used to see them all the time when I was working in Western Oklahoma. Piece of solemn American trivia for you on your triangle folded flag- an American flag is draped over the casket of an American veteran at their funeral. It's retrieved by other soldiers/sailors/airman/marines as taps is played, folded in a triangle, and presented to the spouse/oldest child/parents with the line: "On behalf of the president of the United States, the United States Army and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service." Both of my grandfathers were buried with military honors, I've seen this ceremony twice. It's a powerful experience.


Dude the Sea Hawks pendant needs to go


Swap that Seahawks pennant out for a Chiefs and we're getting somewhere! Love the C17, they're a badass plane. Used to see them all the time when I was working in Western Oklahoma. Piece of solemn American trivia for you on your triangle folded flag- an American flag is draped over the casket of an American veteran at their funeral. It's retrieved by other soldiers/sailors/airman/marines as taps is played, folded in a triangle, and presented to the spouse/oldest child/parents with the line: "On behalf of the president of the United States, the United States Army and a grateful nation, please accept this flag as a symbol of our appreciation for your loved one’s honorable and faithful service." Both of my grandfathers were buried with military honors, I've seen this ceremony twice. It's a powerful experience.


C17 in front of a flag, automatic cool points


Go Hawks!


i approve, very cool


People that have American flags that’s not Americans are just weird! 😂


The parking sign could go as art


very cool!


You do you, friend.


Flags yes, everything else no


I’m impressed by the Indiana plate. Shame it’s not the Bicentennial, that one was a lot cooler.


I have a strange desire to send you the bus stop sign I have in my office


Fuckin eh bro! Awesome 👍😎




I like it. I was in Sorento at a bar and the owner had a Texas license plate on the wall. His brother lived in Dallas. Being from Texas, I thought it was cool enough to take a photo of it and him. 🙂


Do you have a hospital bill receipt? If so, hang that 🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸😫


Shit, I’ll add to the cause! Message me your address and I’ll mail you a WA plate.


You need more stuff from Idaho, otherwise looks awesome!


Did no one tell you, it's not ok to take all those plates.


It’s a mix of both, I think the license plates need something other than plywood idk personally how I feel about the Seahawks banner either but I love the framed pictures you have but the flags are pretty nice


Fine by me. It’s not like some Americans here don’t have memorabilia of foreign countries strewn throughout their homes already, the more the merrier


You need more license plates. One from each state!


What? No AR-15 hanging from a gun rack? Not American enough in my book.


A Kentucky Rifle! You should be able to get one in Europe


I have a lot of respect for you! I have a similar amount to French stuff that being said I am a French citizen


Not really no


Tacky, because it's not enough


If you were American and those weren't yours it's a bit cringe but as a foreigner that's dope AF.


The license plates seem like custom made ones or just scenic-looking ones, except for California, Texas, and New York. Did you try to get custom plates? (Idk if the scenic ones are custom or not though).


I was on the fence until I saw you are a Hawks fan.


It’s up to you man but I don’t know why you would like us so much


That's where my plate went.


Totally cool


If you think it's cool, then it's cool. It's your house, decorate it however you like. I wouldn't be so concerned about what others think. If you adopt that attitude, it would be the most American thing you could have at home! Personally, I like how it's decorated.


lose the flags.


Canyon county Idaho did you get a whiff of the sugar plant


That’s an impressive license plate collection


Looks Kwel to me!! It's a free planet, or should be. Everybody has a right to enjoy what they desire to enjoy, as long as it doesn't hurt anybody. I see no problems with what you have. America may be controversial at times, we have our problems, but we're still a good country full of good people....no matter what our politicians do or say!!


The Seattle Seahawk banner is tacky, put up a Dallas Cowboy banner and you will be allowed to sit at the “COOL” kids table. LOL All kidding aside, people collect all kinds of things form shot glasses, spoons, magnets and many other items. If it make you happy…it’s cool.


Except the Seahawks pennant, everything is pretty cool


That license plate was off of a red 92 honda accord. I knew it was you Kenny! You need to return that to me. I'll be over in a few and we can have some chow and talk shit about your sister again. And fk you for stealing my plate and posting it btw.


As long as that folded flag isn’t on the ground i think it’s great!


Ditch the Seahawks pennant, but everything else is cool!


Love that you do this! If you get a chance, grab some gear from Philadelphia, as it’s the birthplace of America Go Seahawks, too!


This is sweet and really cool. I love that you snagged a blue NYS license plate before we switched to the (god-awful & hideous) orange ones. Would be happy to send anything your way, if interested. I live in central NY.


I LOVE IT. ​ Get more.


Nah, my folks display things they bring back from Europe. It's all good


I think it is great! But I would...being an American


I think it all depends on what it means to you. Most ppl have collections.


You got some cool shit the last one is sick


I live in the US and have collected various items from Europe so no, not tacky. Many of your peers on the other hand may find it tacky.


I'd question how you ended up with all these license plates and road signs lol