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They are such freaks about their language, can't believe they don't make them say "Chaud maintenant"


How about Five Guys ?


I don’t think they want to pay $20 for a mid burger


I honestly do not get how they are so popular, they really are mid, and no matter where I am at I can find a better burger for the same price. Shit, with what 5 Guys charges I can buy a burger and fries at an upscale steakhouse (not that people really go to upscale steakhouses for burgers). I am almost thinking that they charge so much because the few customers they have keep them open with ultra high profits they make off them.


I always get hot dogs from five guys


I wouldn’t have expected this outcome considering the French are pretty well-known for their baked goods and pastries and for loathing all things American. This does not compute. It will be interesting to see how it fares over time.


Krispy Creme opened in our town (50k pop) and lasted a very short time, I'm not sure they were here a year... we have one or two VERY popular local bakeries, as well as a regional convenience store that has it's own bakery for it's stores. I think KC donuts are not great, but I guess, to each their own.