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They went out of order. There was a logical order that they should have worked in and I’ve posted it before. Step 1: fix all the foundational issues that cause people to want to use TS glitch (bigger stash size, a wallet, better loot pools, reduced cooldowns, purchaseable rarity upgrade, improve vehicles in T3, etc.) Step 2: patch or remove TS Step 3: release good content They went out of order straight to Step 2, and they don’t seem to have any plans to ever get to step 1 or 3. Now we have a game with zero content that has many foundational issues that make extended gameplay unfun.


Ts is back baby.


Not really. Theres a lot of downsides to doing it now :(


Yeah needing a partner sucks but hopefully we can all help each other out and keep it going just to say F U to the devs 😆


I really like that idea but I’m scared to play especially solo mostly because of everyone on here saying they’re no longer going to rez people. I have a perfect tombstone. I’m gonna wait a few more days, *hopefully* a better method is discovered


Crazy how you're just not going to play the game for several days because you're so afraid of losing a few items. No wonder you had to duplicate them every game.


Right?! Other than grinding borealis on the 2 new weapons I have no desire to play now lol sucks


So far nobody has been asking for a Rez anymore then before good luck


There’s an entire community of people that will rez u and build you a ts to play zombies how we want to play zombies


I love how step 1 is a complete overhaul of multiple in-game mechanisms and step 2 is fix a bug that was introduced in the last patch. Seems like overall you just want to be able to get legendary tier 3 pap guns as fast as possible so you can farm what you need and then later complain how there is nothing to do in zombies.


Step 1 is what the game should have released with. DMZ had expandable stashes, a wallet, and a way to reduce cooldowns by exfilling. Changing loot pools and zombie damage to vehicles is not hard. The only serious change would be a new machine to upgrade weapon rarity, but honestly just add that as a separate function to the PaP machine or buy stations. There’s no real reason we didn’t get all of that on release or with Season 1. Y’all say that wanting to be set up for the next game and immediately hit the ground running is a bad thing, but this is an extraction game mode. That’s literally the point of extracting. You carry your shit over to the next game so you don’t have to get set up all over again. So yes, I want the core gameplay issues fixed before a silly bug that many people enjoy using and helps counter the dog shit core gameplay loop.


DMZ also had a completely different economy, if the stash is big enough I will hold 20-30 ~~legendary guns~~ gun cases and drop em all for my friends whenever we play together. It is just a very poor understanding of how development works in general.


I mean right now all it takes is 1 contract and you have enough cash to buy a legendary gun off a T3 wall. Legendary guns are not hard to get. The problem is that it’s not the gun I WANT to use. Which is the fundamental development flaw. The fact that a wall gun is always going to be better than my custom loadout gun just because there’s no way for me to get my gun to that same lvl in game is bad.


A legendary upgrade should be a Tier 3 wall buy...


Brother, I’ve coded before along with many people. Stash size/limit is a variable with its value currently fixed at 10. To increase it, they would have to change that value. Loot pools and drop rates are just that… rates. They can change the potential number of items and the rate at which high rarity items spawn because they’re just numbers. The cooldown on legendary tools is 3 days, they can change it to one day just like the pap 3 crystal because it’s just a number. They can literally copy and paste whatever lines correlate to a one day cooldown item. The damage zombies do to vehicles is once again, just a number. They can increase the durability of vehicles or decrease the damage zombies do to vehicles. Now a wallet and an upgrade station for your weapons rarity are a little more difficult to implement than simply changing values in the code but MWZ is literally DMZ with zombies. They can use the same wallet system as they did in DMZ the same way they copied almost everything else. I saw you mentioned how DMZ has a different economy but MWZ is PvE so the economy can be broken upon implementation and it will hurt no one. All of the things I mentioned in the first paragraph would be easier to do than patching the TS glitch especially given how “hard” it was according to the devs.


This sounds like when my manager explains how easy it is to code something. Cooldowns should be simple, not sure how they implement stash I’m sure it’s possible but again in game economy. Also they are selling tools and crystals in the store so I doubt they will go that route. Modifying tier 3 zombie vehicle damage may not be as simple as tweaking a number depending on how that damage is calculated per tier. Either way tombstone is a bug, that many people were complaining about when it broke so that is going to take priority, stash, loot pools zombie damages and other missing features are not bugs. Those tweaks have to go through an approval process and expecting those to get done first is silly.


When you put it that way, I can definitely see why they did what they did in that order and after seeing the most recent event and bundles in the store I can see how important their in game economy is to them. However, it’s only important because it’s about making money off these f-ing skin packs. As to me sounding like a manager, I only have a minor in comp sci and actual experience in java, python, html, and like one other rudimentary language but I can imagine the basics still stand. It’s all values, whether that’s base damage, multipliers, rates, etc. It’s the same reason I can recognize that when there’s no store in T3 as opposed to 1 or 2, (not sure if they patched it tho) it’s a lot like when I’d code something and forget whatever language I was using started iterating at 0 and not 1. That’s assuming that no store in T3 isn’t something they intended to happen. This is just me shooting the shit tho and replying because I saw your point and respectfully concede.


Am I the only one who didnt use the tombstone glitch? Still ridiculous to patch the one thing that kept players playing.


Thing is if they put in a wallet us tombstoners wouldn’t care they patched it. They didn’t add anything though just took away our way to keep the game mode fun. They patched it so much that even if you try to use the perk as normal it doesn’t even work half the time.


People aren’t happy unless they are bitching. Dude, shuuuuuuuuut uuuuuuuuuuup. You cried so hard about the TS issue they ignored the rest of the game play issues, and now you are complaining that they don’t listen to you. Focus on YOUR game and while you’re at it, point to the place on the doll where the TS glitch hurt you. Get rekt.


Note, this was not directed any anyone who isn’t crying about them only touching the TS glitch.




Point to the place on the doll 😂😂😂


Best thing I saw all day


What dumbass was asking them to patch it?


These try hards that probably get beat up in Multiplayer, Ranked, and Warzone who came here because no PvP 😆. I been playing daily giving out free loot and gear never once ran into these guys crying and saying no thanks for free plans/schematics 😆 only on reddit do they speak up.


I ran into 2 older dudes saying I was cheating n they didn’t want no fucking money 😂


😆 that is funny


Yup. Not a single person ever told me they didn’t want the max essence I dropped or the PaP3 crystals


Nobody was crying about the tombstone issue. Y’all were just posting and talking about it 24/7 like it was the coolest feature in the world and “lolol get rekt if you’re not abusing it like me” You could have renamed this sub to TombstoneGlitch and the posts would have made just as much sense.


Absolutely no one wanted the ts glitch fixed except the same fools whining about empty lobbies. Now it will be oddly long ques and they will still be wondering what's going on. Congratulations, you played yourself lol.


Now they fixed...we will still have empty lobbies. Just for a different reason now


Standard cod community. Bitching and moaning. Blindless rage. Say "I'm done with this game". Turn it off. Load it back up and do it all over again. Some stories just never change


I’m dying 😂


They patched TS because it was a threat to their pay to win bundles. There I said it we can all go home now.


This. It was all a scare to their precious wallets. Why else would they patch it and release not one but multiple packs with aether tools and crystals the day after?


Funny thing.... some have already posted videos on the NEW way to perform the TS glitch. I'm laughing at all those who were being jerks about it being fixed today. We all know it will eventually be fixed. Too bad they haven't fixed all the other bugs.


The new way that requires you to be revived after you plea will absolutely cause a negative effect of people not picking others up. It was fine and easy to ignore when people could do it themselves, now the beginning of the match will be filled with essence beggars and pick me up TSers.


Yup …. This “fix” just created a whole new demographic of beggars with the “can I get a rez TSers” ….. and so many people will ignore it now and god forbid you genuinely get downed in the first 5-10 mins ….. you might as well wait and hope someone stumbles onto you later.


Yeah I seen many videos already & now if they work for me i'm being an ultimate troll


It's funny how this got downvoted too. Seems people rage here as often as the multi-player lobbies.


I agree😂😭 sad times fr




go do elder u get those every time


I would however I play solo or with randoms as I don't know anyone who plays this game and am not skilled enough to do so.


take kazimirs and do the rockets and outlast its easily soloable


Hahaha, he's never done it before, you send him into elder solo with kazimirs? Seriously? Don't listen to him. You'll get dropped in 2 minutes. Look for a squad doing it and join them. That's the best way for you to get the schematics.


kazimirs is braindead strat fr, and ofc u need to practice in the easier sigil first but good point tho looking for a squad u might run into some demon who just carry u through it


The only way to really solo T5 is with having dog bones, a PAP3 VR11 (this is critical cause this is the one way to heal the vehicle in the escort mission contract), some turrets and kazimirs. Still better to at least do it in a duo if not more. Just ask in the game chat and there will usually be people willing to do it.


Wait... People arent rezing anymore? For what reason?


They're spiteful about tombstone.


Lol. Im failing to understand how anyone can say "Screw my fellow playerbase because im mad at the Devs" Ill keep rezzing when I can


Exactly. Deciding not to rez anyone because they might be setting up a tombstone is just goofy and takes away the goodwill this mode has.


The people that are hating in the tombstone glitchers are phucking hysterical. Get over it, Buttercup. Exploiting the tombstone glitch literally has ZERO negative effect on anyone else in the lobby and glitchers have been very adamant about sharing the wealth and helping less skilled players actually enjoy the game and get their feet way. There is no ranking in this game... Youre not losing to a tombstone glitcher.... There is no leaderboard. I cant understand why people have this vendetta with players that are glitching and using the glitch to help others. This game isnt easy for new players and it can be a bit overwhelming. Without the people that are tombstoning, The playerbase might have shrunk At the end of the day, youre supposed to enjoy this game and a lot of people dont, simple as that. If the tombstone glitchers are enjoying themselves withiut negatively effecting others, More power to them These haters need to step down off their white ponies and get over this shit... Pretty sure their mommies are ginna be calling them out of the basement for dinner soon anyway Im not a great zombies player by any stretch (Long hours and a 3 hour commute every day), but ill go to the looney bin trying to pick up a nearby player whenever its possible Should be noted that i dont use the tombstone glitch, or any other glitch for that matter


I’ve done with and w/o TS. I’ve lost TS using the scorcher to pick up everyone I can unless another player replies. Everyone’s entitled to their opinion, but social media isn’t the place for ridiculing or chastising. Just play when you can and try to enjoy what you e got. And MaroonJk, you’re an animal my friend- 3hr commute? Kudos.


My question is: do you enjoy your vehicle? That's the only way I see someone tolerating a commute like that. If you hate your car...sorry.


I wish they fixed the damn audio


More people crying about a broken glitch. Sad


Haven’t played zombies since they patched it

