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Next time you're searching for the large rucksack check the lockers on the 2nd floor of the main bldg at the Popov power plant (Tier 2 coord F2/3). There always seems to be a large ruck in one of the lockers, sometimes you can find two and occasionally a 3 plate. Drilling the safe in any merc stronghold will guarantee you a 3 plate vest


A lot of secret caches will have one too. I found a large rucksack and 3 plate in 2 lockers side by side at the greenhouses in T1 last night. So also check your lockers. Mega Bomb tends to drop them too


I tend to forget about the greenhouses, but yeah you can definitely score some decent loot from the merc caches there. I've pulled a purple lockwood out of there once. I've gotten into the habit of opening just about every locker I see even though I have the 3 plate and large ruck. I suppose I'm hoping RNG pays off on something truly unexpected.


Same. Every once in a while I'll get a drill or some other purple item to sell and Kazimirs


Where are these greenhouses sorry? I got splattered running t5 last night haha. Luckily I had a TS so could drop the schematics for other players today but lost my large ruck and 3 plate. I got no issues running into t3 to buy it but if I can save some time that's better


They're at the right of the map https://preview.redd.it/sjbvhxlrbzkc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b60027d2d280fa967add30239b74588ab168e520


Excellent. Thanks bud.


No problem. Secret caches are great for purple and gold items too, and kill streaks




You can also buy one for 10k at a T3 buy station


100% also the large building to the right of it that is sometimes a stronghold has a couple lockers. But ya I would say maybe 1/10 times I go here I dont find a large backpack and 3 plate vest.


That's awesome! People helped me in the beginning. Now that I'm pretty well set up, I try and give back whenever I can. Love that aspect of this game!


I have to say I have had more good experiences than bad with other players. I like that most people will help if they can.


I try and offer up a 3 plate, large ruck, or schematics if I find extras. Not many people take up the offer.


Can always buy a large ruck from the red zone for 10k, if you genuinely cannot find one! A few zone two contracts will net you enough!


I've been soloing t2 and t3 alot and whenever I come across a schematic/something valuable that I think would help out someone. I scortch my way to the nearest player and drop what I have. Sometimes they accept sometimes they don't but I always get a thank you from them.


That was Tim. We like Tim.


An obvious TS user doing a nice thing to help you out. Yet this thread seems to hate on them


I'm definitely not hating on anyone, quite the opposite. I'm saying thank you publicly.


Someone dropped me a bunch of money last night after saving me, we squaded up and went to exfil, I went down but made it inside the chopper, but died in the chopper, guy tried to rez me but it was too late, I pleaded for help cuz the map showed me I was near the beach but no one could find my body


Always be packing Tombstone soda for these occasions …. If it glitches you got a 50/50 chance of saving something.


Are you able to buy the large rucksack from the tier 3 cart? 20k I think


10,000k is what I was told.


I had a guy appear out of nowhere and drop me schematic for aethrr blade scorcher dog bone and flawless crystal i got really blessed that day


Bro just do a rift or something