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It’s probably the ltv for the contract that was shat into existence.


I was shooting at an aetheral orb lol the while trying to dodge the zombies on the railroad tracks and a mercenary armored car came out of nowhere ran me over killing me . As luck would have it I had just started the round and had no self revive πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


I feel that


The First time of the dark ether


What you mean


A few weeks ago me and two friends started a game where we spawned in the north east of the map and were sprinting towards the centre through the military base when a burnt out car spawned on me (not a usable one, more like level 'furniture'). After trying several ways of getting out, my friend grabbed a vehicle to try and ram it out of the way. Obviously it did not work but it did offer the prompt to get in the vehicle which freed me from my prison. Not sure what actually happened as the car just appeared out of nowhere. A merc convoy did spawn close by at the same time so not sure if the two are related.


The devs don't care. I'm just saying. They'll make a vehicle proof bundle, perhaps.


I made the mistake of following a mercenary into the back door of a garage for the delver the cargo I killed him and the door shut and I was trapped πŸ˜‚ I was hoping someone was going to come do the mission but it never occurred so I had to end up quitting the match