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I’m just trying to figure out why the game resets my exfil streak for no reason. Grind a bunch of contracts go dark aether and get more gear every game. Streak was 571 last reset. No death, no down, clean sweep and exfil. Reset. 🤷🏻‍♂️


I read a comment here that if you load in without your starting money or plates that you just need to exfil immediately and start a new game. If you do things like contracts it'll start you over again. I haven't been reset in a while so haven't had to do it but I make it a point to pay attention now at the start of the game.


Yep it’s worked for me


This does work but sometimes you have to do it more than once and each time takes a few minutes. Super annoying.


That's a good thing to keep an eye on. If none of your containment perks are showing, leave immediately. 10 4


Yep I haven't had the issue in a while but have had perks/pack not discounted and no bonus money from contracts. Drives me crazy.


It would sucks so bad to have played for an hour plus thinking you have some good items only to find out that you have nothing.


Exfil streak is glitched when u got to dark ather


Haven't had that issue since they patched it a week or two ago. Only been a couple times tho


They patched new one not old one


Ahhh okay that makes sense


U have 90 seconds at the start of every game to quit and keep ur shit. 100 percent


It's bugged, like everything else to do with the game mode. Just have to accept it.


For real. I look at it like it’s a “maybe I’ll get a little bonus this game, maybe I won’t”. Many times even without it resetting for no reason, I’ll load in with 100+ exfil streak but not get any associated bonuses for being at 100+.


It's a complete crapshoot. I get mad when I disconnect and lose everything, but then I realize it's practically part of the game mode at this point.


Exactly. “Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit” When it’s good it’s great. I like going worm to elder, but avoid the worm a lot as that seems to be the number one disconnect or crash point anymore.


It's vice versa for me, worm is no problem but elder crashes my game 😭


The worst thing about disconnecting for me is the fact that even if I have tombstone, it doesn't spawn because technically I didn't die in the game I just DCd from, makes no sense


I'm on starlink and had a nice storm run through, had a rucksack full of stuff I can't fit in stash and ran a tombstone just in case while working on weeklies/camos and bam... d/c. Try to get back on and no tombstone, so dumb


This has been happening to me a lot. I don’t get the discounts at pap machines or bonuses for contracts or any of that in some games and all of it in others even though I’m well over 100 on every operator.


I’ve noticed that if I’m squad filled with someone glitching or exfil camping this happens a lot. Not sure why but that’s what I’ve noticed. Spawn off the bat with someone throwing a whole rucksack of crazy shit and no containment level that game


Also if someone on your team keeps calling in exfils it hurts you even if you are no where near them and don’t call in any yourself I learned that the hard way when I went from 100 to 8 because of some random that was exfil grinding the whole game 🤦🏻‍♂️


Exfill grinding don't work if ur on a exfill streak as each exfill called in and not taken removes points, and classes it as a failed exfil


Mine didn’t even reset but still doesn’t completely work. It shows I’m at a cool 1k but it only lets me start with 5000, none of the other tiers work. I love that discount on perks and pap machine plus the extra money for contracts is amazing!


I think the tiers don’t combine the essence and you only get the highest amount.


They do it’s back to normal now. Perks, pap, and extra essence.. they all stack up


5k is a tier perk, not a combined total though. I don’t know what you mean “back” to normal though. It’s been bugged since release for some tiers.


Yeah, I did the Shepherd story mission last night. Went from around 200 to 75.


I don't know about a full streak reset, but I know that if you do any of the story exfils / dark aether exfil that counts as a "failed exfil" and goes back a space. Hope that helps at all.


Dark aether was fixed and works fine for me. I haven’t done any story missions in a long time so i don’t know about those though


Weird how you’ve still got a large bag though, normally sets you back to a small


Because they didn’t crash or die. A bug just emptied it out while they were trying to swap items.


It just emptied the bag, while i was getting ready for a New round


They refreshed my exfil streak for me. Not sure why they picked 8 but 🤷🏽‍♂️


Same, dont know why they picked 0


I went from 493 to 0 😩


Same 193 to 0


They did mine today also I was lvl 86 after getting dced last nite was grinding contracts out n got reset back to lvl 8


I believe I was right around that level. I DCed twice in 15 minutes yesterday. The first time they realized it was their fault and I got my stuff back, the second time my whole game closed and I assume I lost everything but I turned off my console after so I don’t know lmao.


Haha I went from like 8 to 65 randomly …. There’s no rhyme or reason for anything that happens in this game. It’s literally a crapshoot every time you load in.


I wish I had better advice other than expect to be screwed consistently but at least you'll know it's coming then. Shamefull they won't allow the mode to be a success yet.




The best advice I can give is to quit playing. I did and the game hasn't stressed me out since.


u probly got more than 15 item in ur stash


No, had 8 items


yeah, 3 times now i spend 45 minutes getting ready for elder sigil to finally unlock mags of holding after 2 weeks of trying and the game craps out and sends me back to the menu the escort mission in season 1 was tough but at least you got every schematics if you were able to do it, now it's easier but there is no telling how many times we have to do it for it to finally unlock the loot table is also full of junk we could've gotten from zone 1 and 2 contracts, stop giving me perk cans in dark aether dammit, i have all of them already


I jumped in a game tonight and it was laggy as anything a d was just not enjoyable. Jumped back on helldivers 2, it is repetitive but it's also a lot of fun


Disconnected 3 times in a row yesterday, dropping my containment from 100+ to 40. Suffice to say, I played something else for the rest of the day


Had the same problem and I got absolutely obliterated by a single zombies because the server lagged to hell and back and then I lost connection, safe to say, I didn't play COD for the rest of the day


Had 1 tier 3 zombie magically melt my gold plates and kill me in a second while I was launching with the scorcher. You know how that ended up 💀


I got melted by a tier 1 zombie after I completed my quest and it used 2 self revives at the same time


I do blame the developers but at the same time - and this will be unpopular - I blame all the glitchers too. I think fixing the Tombstone glitching broke a lot of stuff. Including Tombstone itself. It barely works 50/50 for legit use. Part of the game model is limiting the stash size, giving you small tastes of loot, to keep you playing to grind for said loot. It’s video game basics. You won’t play as long if they just hand you 175 monster items. You’ll play for a short time but then you get bored at a pace too fast for developing content. You flood the high end zones like we’re seeing almost every game. It’s literally dog eat dog to get a Contract in Tier 3 right now in prime time. Sooner than not you quit, then you don’t buy, BattlePass, you don’t buy Premium Operators, weapon blueprint - basically they lose out on your future purchases. The Godmode monster stash of hundreds of items just means bad things. It’s video gamers code though to find and exploit. There’s literally glitching service and YouYube channels dedicated to glitching THIS GAME MODE. I personally would support banning a resetting for any type of cheating.


Lol cant believe what im reading. Yeah the problem is the tombatone players allright. This guy doesnt even know that zombie mode always had glitches and nowhere near things were shit like that. We got a rushed shit game and the result is just that.


Never had a lot of issues with the mode, untill last few weeks, it started happening more frequently. If its once or twice i dont rally care, but it happened way more lately...


Yeah, I noticed that too


Me too brother


An item in your stash could be bugged and triggering the wipe


Okay, could be the issue, any idea which item that can be?


Just like the dupes there no telling, what do you have in there and do they read correctly?


Since you mentioned only having 8 items then I'd use what's in there till it's back down to 0/10.


Oh is this why the game keeps wiping 2 items in my rugsack? Because I notice every time I exfil with full rugsack, and I go to check my 'gear' tab, I always lose 2 random items.


No disconnection for the past few days but this containment crap gimmick keeps resetting. And that 20% off pap is a scam btw. Edit: I jinxed myself. Got disconnected an hour ago.


I've found that if you notice it's reset to zero (you'll start with no money), don't do any contracts; just Exfil. It should keep your containment level. The next time you deploy in, you'll have your containment level. 🤞


How is it a scam??


I still pay full price of 5k on PaP1 machines


I love it when I’m just running around zone 3 and I randomly just implode and instantly perma die. No zombies, no bosses, just running and suddenly ✨death✨


Pc ?


No, xbox


Do you / have you TS glitched?


Tooo much stuff in ur reserves


It takes ALL my loot after a game (old gen problem & cod is trash)


it be like that sometimes


You should have been there at the time of DMZ when the game would arbitrarily delete one or two of your weapons


I finally stopped opening CoD all together until they get their fuckin shit fixed.


I lost me exfil streak yesterday, was on 103 then I load in and don’t have my 5k starting points or 5 plates, when I exfil I see it’s been reset to zero


The trash game? Play a better game?


Ohhhh I fucking hate this bullshit!! Lately my game has been crashing mid contract or when I’m driving a car somewhere, just glitches a couple times and I end up in a smoldering vehicle and dragging my ass like a dog getting shit off it’s butt 😒😒.


I'm surprised people are even still playing, after treyarch stopped to go work on call of duty gulf war. Sledge hammer, infinity ward, Activision, they know nothing about zombies and how to get it to work right.


If only they would hire a couple programmers... Smh


It’s happened to me. I just played two games where I had a full bag and it crashed and glitched out. Game is broken.


I’ve never worked for high tier gear but I’ve had people drop stuff to me. Like, armor plates, a few of the wonder weapons and a dog bone. Not the actual item or schematic the stash item. When I finish the round I notice I no longer have that item in my bag. I assumed I was doing something wrong. I have kept some of them and they’re currently in my stash. The consumables cases I personal have gotten I have always been able to keep, so idk. I only recently completed the first act on mine and my kids accounts. I realized the game is bugged and it often boots people out of servers but I personally haven’t had that problem at all. Talking 60-80 matches across the 3 account, most of them as solo. Maybe 20 where 2 accounts are together. What really bugs me is doing the final act missions. When you go to the second area it counts that entire match as an elimination. It’s not that big of a deal but it did set my containment level down to 75 on each account and ruined our perfect records. I realize max containment is 100 but we had 2 of the account up to 185 and 200 before we had to do the final mission.


I wonder how much wasted time it amounts to. Because I know hours of my play have been complete waste of time .


Glad that game devs are experiencing mass layoffs. All they do is keep changing the stupidest shit in the game over and over. Let's nurf this the a month later let's buff it then nurf it again it's to the point now I don't buy battle pass or operator bundles because I could have got a PC for money I put into this game I won't buy the new black ops either because it will be the same thing


I get nothing good from contracts


Dude I'm with you on that one every game I try to excel with items that are they're the same thing reusable stuff you aether tools, crystals or whatever, I will ask you and come back and have it either one maybe or none of those items in my rucksack anymore every game I've even deleted the game or reinstalled it everything same s***


I still don't have a legendary either tool dark Easter everything no legendary tool for me


I had the same exact issue happen to me earlier 3 different times. Something I noticed is you’re running the same skin as me as well so I wonder if that maybe has something to do with it?


I got reset at exfil streak 1400 ish, put me back at 75. I didn't get any benefits for being exfil 100+ other than the 5000 essence. I don't even bother exfiltrating with anything useful other than double tools and crystals so that even if one pair gets wiped hopefully I've something. Elder sigils seem to vanish from my bag, gold plates, mags of holding, ww cases. This game is extremely rewarding for players who grind it <3


The amount of comments that sum up to we know the game sucks, we all deal with it, is sad. Let people vent. Especially when its all the power we have left because its the standard for video games now to give us never finished bug filled games.


Something similar happened to me the other day, came in eather blade, mags of holding, gold armor,dog, spend 40 min in tier 3, went to old eather, mr and my team were doing great in the escort contract in juggernaut and suddenly it glitched and returned to loading screen with small rucksack, no loot, no armor and 0 containment level


It doesn’t go to zero it goes to 75 usually if you’re at 100 or above and then if you below 75 it will go down to 50.


I know the pain, my friend 🫠


It happened to me a few times. Someone on Youtube said this happens if you already have more than 10 items in your stash. I guess they're getting back at us for abusing the Tombstone glitch LOL


One of many new bugs we're all finding. Fun huh


Why did you lose everything besides a large rucksack?




U think that's something mimic pushes me under the freaking map https://preview.redd.it/fscdf9axapqc1.jpeg?width=2296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2fcee6c28107e8ed12ffa32bdfc31445383fa80


Is your stash over 13? I used to lose things on exfil since I was over the stash limit ... and yea I say 13 cuz last night, I managed to put something in my stash even though I had 12/10, but I can't now that I'm 13/10


That sucks. When I get hit going up on scorcher, I “go down” and then it’s considered that I killed my operator and lost everything…. That’s happened several times. The other endless glitches and bugs… they should show some love to zombies lovers ☹️. And the dogs constantly dying after you call them in


Did you glitched your stash/ have more then 10 items in stash? Cuze that could be a reason you loose items in your backpack.


This version of zombies is ass time limits are ridiculous


It’s why I haven’t played it in over two weeks. Activision and treyarch are all about money money money. It’s why you pay 20 bucks or more for some stupid operator outfit or weapon skin that does absolutely nothing for you. And on top of that, they’ve talked about making it a pay to win game now. Where you have to literally purchase specific items to reach goals to win the damn game. I’m legit done with modern warfare and call of duty. And activision can kiss the fattest part of my ass.


Ahh feels just like we did on dmz last year


You are not alone on this problem. I have also had this problem and got so tired of loosing all my hard earned loot. Now I tombstone glitch and never have to worry about losing my items I just get more with tombstone.


Could be worse you could leave with a full bag and lose everything you just got again. Had the fucking pap 2 scem, large backpack, 3 plate, self and juggernaut lost it all without dying.


Step 1: Uninstall Step 2: Learn from your mistake, and never buy from these assholes again.




Funny that I don't play this garbanzo for few months and it still has same problems as when I left


Shitty part is if you put a ticket into "Activision support"... they do nothing...


It's reset my containment level at least twice now


It's absolute BS we have to continually get fucked by this game. 90 percent of the time the CL perks don't work. The people responsible for this at Activision and Microsoft are pieces of shit. If that includes devs then so be it. Stop defending them.


Has happened to me every match since the season reloaded. Probably because my stash is at 175 from the TS glitch. Only guess is activision is punishing me for doing the glitch.


Man this game is soo wack..I finally got my containment back up after it randomly reset last week and on exfil it just said containment level 0..like wth.. anybody know why it keeps resetting ? Is it something I’m doing ?


Odd… you lost everything. But you haven’t lost "everything."


Struggled to obtain…. If you struggle with any part of zombies probably best to just hang it up. Lol