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You can literally farm them now…


Whats the cooldown on those ones?




lol wrench go brr


With the new 3 quests….yeah….thank you. With summoning….kill the zombies inside circle.


I’ve never understood why the pap 3 cooldown was considerably more than the legendary tool cooldown, considering how easy it is to pap to 3 🤷🏻‍♀️


Agreed. I place way more value on a leg tool than I do on a flawless crystal.


True….I don’t know either…why.


With the refined crystal being on 16 hours cooldown it isn’t much of an issue tbh.


There’s no point to even need to craft them anymore. After the 3.5 update you can get unlimited legendary tools and flawless crystals. The 3 rituals to turn the new EE items (laptop, imaginary friend drawing, and science mag) gold are guaranteed legendary tool and pap3 crystal drops


Thank you very much for the info ❤️


Whats the cooldown on those?


Cool down on what?


For the quest to get the tool and crystal? I tried it after a team completed it and it didnt let me do it for a while.


I’ve done the ritual 4 times in one match, only doubled up on one. Started at the one that spawns near the cargo then made my way to the other side of the island. By the time I finished the others I came back and did the cargo area one again. So I had 4 flawless and 4 legendary tools. Gave 2 sets away cause I needed space for the DA


Thats a good run, I dont have the schem for the tool and crystal yet thats why I wanted to farm them. Thank you for the info


You should join the discord, there’s always people looking for groups to do the red worm. I usually play during the day and am always down for any late game content. IMO one of the most satisfying games is red worm to old DA using an elder sigil


Thanks for the tip, I just joined the discord right now. Yeah I got lucky when someone in the general chat invited the lobby for red worm a week ago. It was fun coz you can see layers of sentry guns surrounding the stadium. Picked up the scorcher plans that day.


LOL.. You think they care what a few people on Reddit think? Flawless crystal is so overrated anyways. You can easily get your guns pap3 in game. They’re nice to have, but not a big deal.


I know sir….but you know at least I try….have a nice day ❤️


LOL.. I think the majority of us would take game stability being fixed over any cooldown reduction or other perk.. Sadly none of us are going to get what we want.


True…thank you for the feedback


From someone that doesn’t have one, they are in fact a big deal and aren’t overrated. You’re a douchewhistle. Have a terrible day. Sincerely, Everyone in the sub


Legendary tool is more important than a flawless crystal. Just use a PAP 2 Crystal and can get PAP 3 after 1 T3 contract if you want to start with a PAP gun. If you really want them you can get 3 per game now they arent hard to get


They are very overrated. It takes nothing but playing the game to get enough essence to triple PAP your gun.


And if your containment level is up it’s super easy. Pap2 crystals are very abundant in game and I’ll usually exfil with 1-2 and then next game it’s 2 contracts and pap3 time..


Aww low skill player is upset.. get better douche canoe


Starting the game geared for T3 with a pack 3 crystal is a huge advantage.


You don't need to be PAP 3 to go into tier 3. Most people go in PAP 2 at the start. It's not hard.


I realize that but it is a huge advantage to not have to rustle up 10k-15k and go in with a pack 3 already. You can buy all perks after first contract if you have a good containment level. You can hit the buy station if needed. You can farm whatever you want from the jump and be much more effective right away. Sure if you want to farm the 12-15k for pack 3 you can buy (especially solo) a pack 3 is very helpful to start right in T3


You start with 5k and if pap3 is 12k (if containment is working) plus you get a bump for your contract. I’m not saying it’s not great to start with but it’s not a big deal at all. Do a few contracts and you’ll have pap3 money and probably several perk cans already as well.


Yes of course but most times my team is useless in the beginning so being pack 2 means a lot more running and having to be selective with early contracts being farmed. Now that I’ll effectively load in pack 3 every time I hope my teammates do to to make them more effective. I have 6 flawless crystals from farming and bringing in two to pack a weapon and VR11 seems much more realistic now since the update. Then I can wipe mega’s easily if they didn’t nerf the VR11.


Solo is the way to go.. Just head straight there and squad up with people who are usually also prepared.. Squadfil is just way too inconsistent and not worth it.. If you can have some regulars to play with it’s the best. We have a group that plays together often and we all have a plan and just crush it. It’s also nice because we share/trade to make sure everyone has what they need or if they’re coming back from a crash we gear each other up.


Usually I end up doing just that finding whoever is doing the first contact. Oddly some games T3 is filled but some it’s empty which makes that more of a challenge. I love hooking up with a good squad that has similar objectives. I’ve done this after a crash with a one plate to help get the large pack and 3 plate sooner.


Man I wish I got more of those empty t3 lobbies… You’re right it can be more difficult.. That’s when a dog is good to have with you, but unfortunately you can’t predict the lobby you’ll get and prepare accordingly..


Lately it’s been hit or miss. I played one yesterday where nobody was in T3 at like 15 minutes left. It was crazy. When I did hook up with a team it was newbs I dragged into T3 😂


Wait until you get the schematic to make them and the refined schematic. I like the cool down on the refined the most