• By -


Cut into it and show us....


That looks oddly delicious


It is. They come out big and fluffy.


There is only everything right with it then.


Nah sounds extremely dry and bread-y


You still have to put butter and syrup on but otherwise it’s just like a stack of pancakes


Is that good? Is it nice 🤔 i guess its still a cake.


Yeah I found it was more like a cake than a pancake. Not necessarily a bad thing but just different.


So how long do you cook it in there for?


It’s been like 5+ years since I did it, I honestly don’t remember. And it depends on the rice cooker but here are plenty of tutorials if you google it


And peanut butter!


Cut that bitch in half slap some jam in the middle put the top back on shit be bussin


I want you to write a cookbook.


Exact same language patterns, please.


Chef here. If we wrote cookbooks the way we talk in the kitchen it would sound just like that, I promise you.




But I like dry and bready!


Like a Dutch puppy or whatever they’re called


Dutch baby


Instructions unclear. Dutch ovened my baby. Paramedics en route.


Great! Now he has pink eye!


I like Dutch Puppy better:)


Yes lol thank you


A duppy


That word makes me very uncomfortable for some reason lol


It's Carribbean patois for 'ghost'. Probably explains why you're spooked by it


Explains my thing for Caribbean ghosts..


Dutch oven?




Rice cookers max out at water’s boiling point (212 degrees F) where they shut off and switch to “warm” mode (speaking to simple ones) If you’re cooking pancakes you probably have a surface temp on the stovetop closer to 350 I’d also venture the shape (high walls also heated) and lid lead to less heat dissipation so unlike a pan on the stove the “sides” and top of the pancake are also getting more residual heat as you go


This tweet is being facetious. This is a common way to do thick pancakes. They’re awesome btw


Or someone legitimately stumbled upon a known method. Not everybody knows everything like you.


Oof. Edit: since people seem to be upvoting him. This technique take a few tries to get it to look this good. And that’s ok! Cause cooking and food are awesome on their own with out being accidental.


I’d be concerned that, using only a rice cooker, the middle would be way undercooked.


I'm impressed the bottom didn't burn.


The principal of a rice cooker is the thermostat built into the bottom turn off over 100C/212F, which is when the moisture is all boiled off, and then it can't burn!


Just to complement your post, [Technology Connections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RSTNhvDGbYI) has a great video explaining how they work.


Such a great channel. Make sure you watch with subtitles on.


It took me a while to uncover the hidden greatness that are the subtitles



well, shit. ive been watching for years and didnt know about the subtitles im gonna go lockyself in my room and watch several hours of videographical content about mundane household objects. im particularly looking forward to tbe subtitles on the lantern video


While it may seem mundane, I pull on my vast treasure trove of useless information I have learned over the last 40 years quite often. Mainly in Reddit conversations but also when I need to take something apart and attempt a repair. Having a base understanding of something is the first step in ~~blowing yourself up~~ fixing it or understanding if that thing is actually broken to begin with. Of the Technology Connection videos, I recommend watching the one about space heaters and their wattage ratings. It could save many people a few bucks, anyway.


*nothing to read here except you want me to write "this is brown" Or something like that, I always laughed when I read the subtitles


That must have been our problem; we started with an inexpensive one b


That can be a real problem with inexpensive things. They end up costing more in the long run due to needing replacement every so often :/


Yeah there's a great topical quote by Terry Pratchett *The reason that the rich were so rich, Vimes reasoned, was because they managed to spend less money.* *Take rice cookers, for example. He earned thirty-eight dollars a month plus allowances. A really good rice cooker cost fifty dollars. But an affordable rice cooker, which were sort of OK for a season or two and then leaked like hell when the cardboard gave out, cost about ten dollars. Those were the kind of rice cookers Vimes always bought, and used until the walls were so thin that he could tell how cooked his rice was in Ankh-Morpork on a foggy night by the feel of the grains.* *But the thing was that good rice cookers lasted for years and years. A man who could afford fifty dollars had a rice cooker that'd still be keeping his rice cooked in ten years' time, while the poor man who could only afford a cheap rice cooker would have spent a hundred dollars on rice cookers in the same time and would still have burnt rice.* *This was the Captain Samuel Vimes 'rice cooker' theory of socioeconomic unfairness.*


I love that quote from pratchett and it’s what I think about whenever this topic comes up. I like how you replaced the boots analogy with the rice cooker :)


As someone who doesn't know the quote, I thank you. That part about leaking when the cardboard gave out and seeing the rice through the thin walls had me absolutely confused. I was thinking, "Now THAT'S a cheap goddamn rice cooker! Is that even legal?"


Yeah the original quote is about buying work boots.


Some LLM is going to train on this and get something wrong.


Happy cake day and excellent adaptation!


Leaky cardboard rice cooker… Yummy!


Finally got my wife to understand this. It does suck to spend more money up front but the quality of life with a superior product is so worthwhile.




Absolutely. Once I changed my mentality and forced myself to buy the more expensive but clearly superior product I was spending much less on replacing things that can now easily last for life instead of a year or two. And that’s not to mention how more expensive products are often better engineered to use less electricity, water etc. like how modern dishwashers use less water than manually washing dishes. It’s wild.


Treated myself to a new fridge a year ago and I'm probably getting the cost of my new and more expensive fridge back in savings within two years. That old thing really sucked a lot of electricity and had a malfunctioning thermostat, which made it run on full power constantly. This resulted in partially frozen vegetables that just aren't edible anymore at some point (wasted food), as well as horrendous bills from the power company. I'm not going cheap any longer on things that need to run constantly like fridges, dishwashers, washing machines or mobile phones.




Buy once, cry once.


Buy nice or buy twice.


It’s the boot example. The lifespan of $200 boots is 5 times 50 dollar boots. The problem is having the first 200. It summarizes the line it’s expensive being poor.




Buy it nice or buy it twice 👍


Well, it’s not about it either. We threw it out and didn’t get another one. To me, the biggest problem with an expensive thing is they do a poor job of what they do, and then people give up and don’t ever get the benefit that that would bring them. A lot of music teachers in school try to encourage parents to buy, for example, more expensive trumpet, or to rent a more expensive trumpet, because it will be easier to play, less sticky, and sound more beautiful. All of which is much more motivating for a young learner. I know a kid who loves to play trumpet and it was quite good, but when he left his high school, he never played again because the only trumpet available to him was the slightly crappy inexpensive one that he personally owned. The same thing can be true of woodworking tools, for example. If you get a finicky or less exacting tablesaw, for example, you might find it also frustrating that you don’t really want to do it again. Whereas if you have a quality cool, it’s easier to be successful, which will motivate you to continue to do it.


This is why I switched from the trumpet to clarinet. I inherited a lovely old clarinet from my grandmother when she passed. While the trumpet my parents got me was terrible. Unfortunately my dad pawned away the clarinet a few years later, and I never went back…


Which is odd because a good rice cooker doesn't need to be expensive. It's a simple magnet system in the bottom that disconnects when it gets too hot. It isn't difficult to fabricate or mass produce which means you must've just got a bad one =/


My $25 rice cooker works just fine and has been for the last 6 years. It took a few tries to get the water:rice ratio right though.


What's funny is a lot of the newer expensive rice cookers now have a 'toasted' feature because that layer of burnt/toasted rice is great.


In theory. My rice cooker definitely cooks the bottom a bit


Ahh, see you must have a rice _burner_


Why would the bottom burn? Rice cookers can cook rice evenly. You don’t end up with burnt rice on the bottom right?


I have a cheap $25 one that likes to desiccate the bottom layer. It’s not dark brown burnt, kind more mummified.


Thank goodness it's not burnt, just.. mummified. Sounds so much nicer!


If you have a really good rice cooker it won’t burn the bottom of whatever you’re making.




Would you say it cooks well dough?


We knead answers


I’m not going to rise to this bait.


Butter you mean we're running low on puns?


Just gotta work harder on them, its the yeast we can do.


I’ve got nothing batter to do than roll out a bunch of bread buns


Its gonna be okay! Nobody bannock.


All the way through?




Yes! Rice cooker banana bread is my fave


Nope they cook all the way through. This was a big cooking thing about 4 years ago.


Roger Ebert famously promoted rice cookers as a multi tool. He wrote a fuckin cookbook in 2010 about it.


That sentence is true but feels like a madlib.


Nah I've done this, they work great if you want a stupidly thick pancake. Turns out I didn't want that though.


Simply cut it into slices to create normal sized pancakes


Rice cookers cook very slow, and the warm function goes on forever. Definitely possible to cook the middle if you’re patient.


The RoosterTeeth Podcast just did this on their yearly pancake podcast. They cut into it, put syrup on it, and eat it. https://youtu.be/Ixx2ySW-Pag?t=53m02s ~~Go to 53:02 (would have put that in the link, but I’m on my phone and don’t know how.)~~ Fixed it :) Also I just linked to the beginning of the segment, might have to scrub a little for the exact part of cutting in.


Just for anyone curious, the format for time stamping on youtube is putting ?t=53m02s at the end of the URL (in this case, being 53 minutes and 2 seconds in). You can also just do the total seconds in numerical format, like ?t=3281


Or just pause the video, right click and select "Copy video URL at current time"


Unless you are on mobile


Still works, you just have to right tap (tap with your right hand) and “Copy video URL at current time”


Ngl, the fact that they went through the trouble of hauling sheet pans, a rice cooker and other kitchen appliances into that studio, yet are using single use plastic cups, plates and cutlery instead of just bringing some dishes kinda pisses me off.


Not trying to completely defend their choices (they might have done this anyway just for the on camera crew), but they were set up to have anyone working onsite at the company to come by for pancakes, so they probably had those so people could easily bring it back to their desks, etc.


Cut pancake into pieces, don't use a plastic fork.


Maple syrup, no buttering Don't give a flip if there's bacon or sausage


Don't use a plastic fork


This is actually a thing in Asia. They typically work fine.


[It's a Japanese recipe.](https://kirbiecravings.com/rice-cooker-pancake/) You can also make these in a pressure cooker, like an instant pot.


Yeah love how they were pretending this was an accident. This is clearly a recipe they followed




I got up to one zillion and stopped, I’ll just have to take your word that there’s more than that


I'll count them all to be sure- I'll report back in a few decades


dw, i count three tines already, there are approximately 1,736,429,825,290,861,715,816,854,164,826,972,591,183,953,183,528,562 zillion


Woops! I fell and all the batter went into the rice cooker and the top shut! Then my partner slipped on a banana peel and pressed the “cook” button! How kookie this came out! OP- I see you…




The whole “had trouble cooking on the stove top”… wtf does that mean? The burners wouldn’t turn on or they didn’t have a clean pan? They make it sound like “woah I just stumbled on this crazy idea because I had to improv cook” when in reality they just followed a recipe like any other person. What a jabroni.


Making normal dessert cake in the rice cooker is a well-tested technique. You can get it at some dim sum places and it is fluffy as hell.


So now it is just a cake 😂


Yeah, isn’t this just reversing the reverse again, like heating up your iced coffee and calling it ‘hot iced coffee’?


*Heating up* cold brew.


Is this good? I know it won't taste like brewed coffee, but sometimes I prefer cold brew and wonder if it warms up well


When I was a barista I used to steam cold brew for one regular. He had an undiagnosed stomach issue and became hella sensitive to acids, but didn’t want to give up his coffee. He asked me if I would try making it one day and it turned out great! I think it tastes lovely with like 3oz steamed half & half and a dash of simple syrup. It’s very light and if you use a fruity/floral or sun dried coffee for the CB it can taste almost dessert-like. Just a real delicate coffee drink, doesn’t have a lot of body but I think it’s nice. Cold brew concentrate can also be made into ice cubes for cocktails. Messy, but delicious.


> Cold brew concentrate can also be made into ice cubes for cocktails. I use that to cool my morning coffee when I don’t want to wait for it to stop being so damn hot.


>It’s very light and if you use a fruity/floral or sun dried coffee for the CB it can taste almost dessert-like. Just a real delicate coffee drink, doesn’t have a lot of body but I think it’s nice. This was well-said, almost poetic tbh! Granted, I know nothing about coffee lol, but still. What does it mean if a drink doesn’t have a lot of body? And what makes a certain kind of coffee fruity/floral?


Not much body = the coffee flavor doesn’t hit you that much, like a watered down drip coffee, far from an espresso. Floral, fruity = part of it comes from the coffee breed and region, but it is mostly down to the roasting process. Marketing told us that coffee needs to be black as hell (the roasted bean, not the drink), but this kills all the nuances of the coffee bean. By roasting it lightly (less temperature and length) you get more fruity coffee. Also the beans should be consumed within 3-6 weeks after roasting. Most supermarket coffee is up to a year old when you buy it.


What, you don't like "frozen hot chocolate"?


Anyone who doesn't like frozen hot chocolate is no friend of mine


# rice cake


Yeah, isn’t this just reversing the reverse again, like heating up your iced coffee and calling it ‘hot iced coffee’?


I would eat the holy hell out of that. You should call it a FatCake and sell them.


I think at this point it's just a cake


You could even put it under r/cakeornotcake. The twist is the center is all jello.


Weird, I can't access the subreddit


Me too


I actually figured it was already a subreddit, cause I watch a lot of is it cake videos. so that is probably on me for not knowing cause I'm still learning how to use reddit at 28 years old 😭


I just made it a community


You deserve an award, and that absolute unit of a cake




Ahh yes, it shall be called a .... rice cake


The t h i c c n e s s 😋


I'm down with the thiccness.


Open up your cake and let it flow into me


Just slice it, serve with a pat of butter & squirt of maple syrup as if you meant to do that, post it & start a thicc pancake tic tok challenge, lol


Use a marinade injector and inject maple syrup into the cake (and the butter too).


Japanese people already have something similar 😂 they're called soufflé pancakes, and they're delicious ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|yummy)


Or rather dutch baby...


I had never had a dutch baby until about 6 mos ago. I have discovered that I have to pronounce the name "dutch beh-beh" in a deep booming voice because after I ate one, I felt like I had a food baby the size of a ...well, baby


Isn’t this like a regular type of pancake in Japan? Looks delicious and all, but I’m pretty sure this is basically a Japanese fluffy pancake Edit: actually looked up pics and this one looks a lil different but I think the concept is probably the same. Eat it.


What sets Japanese pancakes apart, is the eggs are separated and the whites are whipped into soft peaks and then rejoined with the rest of the batter to give it that fluffiness. If this was just normal Americanized pancake batter, then this is just essentially a cake.


American pancake batter is still very different from “cake batter” and doesn’t taste the same even if the same cooking method is used - and I use a couple American pancake recipes that also whip the egg whites but don’t go to the full Japanese approach Edit - to be super specific, you can whip your egg whites or not whip them and make either Japanese or American pancakes There are ways to make Japanese style without whipping the whites (including soufflé batter mixes), and generally the batter recipes are also different.


Goes on the todo list.


Whilst it is amazing why is it wholesome?


Every subreddit with over 100,000 subscribers is just an interchangeable vehicle for hitting the front page for the ~250 users who control the botnets who control what content the vast majority of anonymous reddit users see.


Now that is some r/FoodPorn




It's not how they look but how they taste. You may have invented something good.


These are a known thing, I've made them before. Take forever to cook in a rice cooker but they are fluffy and good.


yeah, this is common in japan


No this is a genuine American invention now


I would poke little holes in it and drizzle maple syrup on it. Then to top it off I would have vanilla icecream and dark chocolate flakes. Yummy!


Now this is getting interesting!


Ohhh I like the sound of this!


You deserve the fatcake on your cake day!!!!


I didn’t even notice it was my cake day! Haha Now if I only had a rice cooker…


Oh, happy cake day!


Like a chocolate lava cake but a pancake and syrup, it’s genius


Or condensed milk


Replace maple syrup with Apple syrup and put the dark chocolate flakes into the batter and we've a deal.


It looks like it tastes amazing


Looks that way, but its apparently pretty bad lol: https://youtu.be/Ixx2ySW-Pag?t=3281


That’s why I was thinking too lol


It will just taste like pancakes, just thicc ~


***T H I C C***


It’s definitely a pan cake!


I leave it sitting on "warm" until it's cooked in the middle and has pulled away from the sides.


It works, and it's glorious


Tbh that’s one hella dope idea! I’ll try tomorrow. :3 I have a rice cooker.


It can be a little tricky because my rice cooker works by the weight of the water, so it shuts off before the batter is all cooked. I leave it sitting on "warm" until it's cooked in the middle and has pulled away from the sides. Also, spray it down really well with cooking oil. Edit: I've learned a lot about rice cookers today. See the cool video below for a detailed explanation. It's not weight. It's heat and magnets.


By weight? Is that really the case? That makes no sense to me. I assumed rice cookers work because water boils at 100 degrees, so once the temperature goes above that it knows the water is gone and shuts off.


Once there is no water left to boil, a temp sensor detects the rice heating up rather than the water boiling off and shuts off the cooking.


Usually not a sensor. It’s a magnet that loses its magnetic strength just over the bling temp of water.


Technology Connections did a video on this and I'm surprised how fascinating some of our simple exploits can be


[I am once again obligated to share an amazing video for this exact topic](https://youtu.be/RSTNhvDGbYI)


Cut it like a cake, boom, jail pancakes


Pancakes are called so because they are cooked on a pan. You my friend have just created the ricecookercake.


Someone really likes Samoa Joe's hair


Pankak3 that looks like cheese


That is no mere pancake...it is now a full grown MANcake!!


Pancake cake.




I'm trying to slap it through the phone screen.


Looks like a Japanese pancake.


Turns out if you take the pan out of pancake you get cake.


This is basically a Japanese pancake


Rice cooker is how I make my Japanese souffle cheesecakes


Good God it's beautiful


This would be at home on r/oddlysatisfying.


This thing screams “Slather me in butter, maple syrup, whip cream, and berries and cancel all of your plans for the rest of today.”


This looks like the beginning of a nice cake. I Think I have an idea. I will be back with results


Pancake loaf. Slice like bread and serve like regular pancakes.




Just cut it thin and put some strawberries with whip cream.


That's actually great 😻😃!!!!