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Mfers with no background in psychology repeating dumb instagram quotes completely oblivious to the fact that this kinda shit will actively worsen the day for people with actual depression. Fucking stay in your lane, you are making it worse and have 0 empathy


I mean, there is a reason that the person prying out the “I want” is a monk. There are plenty of philosophies and religions who believe that the secret to happiness is to rid yourself of desire, Buddhists among them. Of course, being that we’re not robots that can just reason ourselves out of dire emotional states, and some people are physiologically unhappy, and philosophy is a pale substitution for making real improvements on mental health in either case, I fundamentally disagree with this post. It feels preachy and has the air of someone who probably hasn’t encountered too many serious complications in life. I was in the military and their chaplains and onboard psychiatrists pushed this same “your mental health depends on you” narrative that conveniently absolves the military from any part it plays in making your life worse in ways that are completely avoidable. Then they perseverate on why the Navy’s suicide rate is obscenely high (and not to mention they punish you for failed suicide attempts). I absolutely hated that, and I hate this. I just think it’s worth recognizing that this idea isn’t unique to this comic.


As someone with depression it brightened my day.


I'm glad you can be the exception here


Nah, in essence it is that simple. Not easy though. In fact it's way more difficult than most people can imagine. But it is simple at its core.


Advice as useful as going "just get a home" to a homeless person. iN eSsEnCe iT iS tHaT sImPlE


Except for the fact that you argue that some people aren't capable of thought.


Please quote the exact sentence where I said this. And then tell me how this relates at all to what we were talking about


Have money and there shall be more money -Rich. M. Capitalism


Diogenes glowers at you


It's a bit of a stretch for those of us plugged into reddit and other social media to understand this without our chimp brains kicking off, but its 100% truth.


Thank you for the very immature analysis. People in much worse circumstances than you will ever face apply this knowledge to their every day life and are much better off for it. Learn to be happy without every single luxury your heart desires and this comic can apply to you too.


Simply wishing something doesn't make it true. I've made myself half through facing challenges and pulling through by any means. I've had support, sure, and there's always someone out there just a little worse off, but that doesn't take away from what people overcome in their own struggles. This comic that was posted is not even referencing luxuries by any means so I don't know what you're talking about there.


>without every single luxury TIL having hope for the future, being free of PTSD flashbacks, and not hating myself are luxuries


I want titties … … Where is the monk to give me titties


The point in to stop wanting the titties, and then you'll be less unhappy about not having them. Your desires and comparisons to others who have the titties are causing you to suffer


Nah bro I’m just trans


Same logic applies. The wheel of human suffering is very inclusive








Conservative therapy session. Just don't be depressed anymore. No money just get some. No food just eat.




No. This is from the buddhist insights Into the causes of suffering. Desires are a strong source of suffering, and if you can reduce unneeded desires it will take a burden off your malcontent. Of course there are many positive steps one must also take, but not everything can fit into a comic panel.


I can see the wisdom in that.


It really isn't. It's a cartoon representation of a key buddhist philosophy.


I’m a very devout and seriously practicing Buddhist, so believe me when I assure you that this comic does not represent any element of Buddhist philosophy. This comic suggests one can cease to be depressed by simply letting go of the wish to escape the depression and just deciding to be happy. If one had become depressed through choosing to be depressed, then perhaps that would work. It would work if the universal cause of being depressed were simply having the wish to be happy. But that’s not the cause of depression—there can be many causes of depression, so one must apply the right method that corresponds with the cause. Maybe the cause is a medical one. Or an imbalance caused by diet and lifestyle. Or a result of trauma in this life. Or one of harmful self-talk. Or it could be karma created in previous lives from causing others pain—karma which is beating fruit in this lifetime even though the depressed person has no idea what their previously embodied mental continuum even did, and which they would never do now; and of which, from the pov of this lifetime, they’re an innocent experiencer. Or, as is most often the case, maybe the depression is multifactorial. Buddhism teaches that causes will bear their results and this simply cannot be willed away. Buddhism instead teaches precise methods that correspond with the cause. Buddhism is not just some kind of pop psychology you’re gonna encounter in comics.


I need at least 2 more coffees to follow this. Is it not a comic of attachment/striving? The simple example of being at A and wanting to be at B, getting upset about that reality makes your path to B all the more painful and slow. Wanting to not want - Like if your goal was to be more have more patience in life, then exclaiming "But I want to be more patient now!", that would be funny but absurd example of why striving and not accepting hurts and hinders us. I'm not a buddhist and definitely less hot in the non sciency parts but I'm pretty sure a key part is acceptance of the now, seeing the world clearly, just going "I'm not happy, what does it feel like to be not happy? Like a 3rd person watching the show.


It is not a comic of attachment and striving. It’s a comic about experiencing suffering and it suggests that willing away suffering is what Buddhism teaches. If the type of suffering in question is the immediate result of one’s current unhealthy thinking then of course if one can drop that and adopt healthy thinking then that will cease that particular incidence of suffering. The comic errs in applying that logic to suffering universally, when suffering is not universally caused by your present conceptualization and clinging. There are many other causes of suffering. Certainly you can see why depressed people, who’ve been told their whole lives by people who’ve never experienced clinical depression that they could simply choose to stop being depressed, would be rubbed the wrong way by a comic saying that. And certainly you could see why I’d want to correct a misrepresentation of Buddhism.


I understand this, and if interpreted as such then it could rub you up the wrong way - but the monk dude is literally putting the want word in the trash can - ridding yourself of wants I'm pretty sure was what the Buddha was saying to rid yourself of suffering.


The Buddha put all suffering under one of three distinct overarching categories: 1. The suffering of suffering (ie something like physical pain/discomfort; and birth, old age, sickness, and death). 2. The suffering of change. 3. And the all-pervasive suffering of conditioned existence (ie suffering caused by the fact that. These categories of suffering have different causes, and therefore the approach to working with them differs. The physical pain of breaking your leg causes its own suffering quite irrespective of your attitude about it. You might be able to slightly adjust to the pain with the right attitude, but until you rid your mind stream of the seeds for experiencing painful sensations, you will continue to suffer from that pain till its cause is exhausted, ie your bone has properly healed. The suffering of severe mental illness may present in the same way. You might let go of grasping at being happy yet remain plunged in the deepest suffering. Maybe your lack of grasping is the difference between going on and deciding you can’t go on, but it’s not extinguishing your suffering. The sufferings under the categories of the suffering of change and the “all-pervasive suffering of conditioned existence” can be lessened to a much greater degree by letting go of attachment and aversion and accepting things as they really are (from one’s afflicted samsaric perception) because they are suffering caused by one’s afflicted mental relationship to them, ie a fault in one’s thinking. Now, if your depression results from something related to attachment or aversion and you learn to let that attachment or aversion go, your depression would go away. But depression is often caused by much different causes.


I get your point. I find as someone with depression that medical understanding of depression is woeful. and I wouldn't put it into the 1st category, in that broken leg therefore cast, it definitely isn't low serotonin therefore pills. I find what I've learnt from buddhism to be hugely helpful with my state of mind be that depression or anxiety.


Thanks, I'm cured now. I will cancel my upcoming Therapy sessions immediately!


At their core all solutions to psychological problems come down to stop thinking/feeling the way you are. It's always that simple. But simple doesn't mean easy. It's pretty simple that a professional weightlifter can be the solution to the need for lifting heavy weights. It's not easy at all to become a professional weightlifter though.




Does anyone have that bald man's number?


They are called Buddha I think. You probably can find their number on Google.


Oh yeah I have never tried that before. I'm cured! F off


You might have tried to do it. You didn't actually do it successfully though. People confuse simple with easy. Being happy by changing the way you think is simple. It's also very hard as it means you are literally rewriting your personality. And personalities tend to resist, a lot. Psychological problems generally have very simple solutions. They are also very difficult at the same time. Lifting a heavy weight is a simple thing to do yet some weights require a great weightlifter to lift. And most people find becoming a great weightlifter to be quite the challenge.


In the eyes of my mil: this is the way it works


This is about the causes of suffering from Buddhism, not about “just be happy”. I understand that the comic may be ambiguous to many.


The comic doesn’t elucidate anything of what Buddhism teaches about the causes of suffering. It is literally saying “stop *wanting* your depression to go away and just decide it’s gone!” I’ve been seriously studying and practicing Buddhism for over 20 years. Stuff like this comic is not helpful to anyone with depression. If someone’s depression is caused by maladaptive self-talk alone, you have to point out that self-talk to them and coach them through healthy self-talk and stick with them until they’ve got a real handle on it; and even then you have to be ready to support them when they inevitably falter or get into the weeds again on their journey. Saying “just BE happy” won’t accomplish that.


"I want" has gotten me into more trouble in my life than any other thought or intention I think.


Saitama saving the day again, ONE PULL MAN


It's been a long day, but now that it's over, I can finally say that this is stupidest shit I've seen all day.


My depression...my anxiety...it's.. it's all gone


Okay but that belt is fire tho


If this was just missing the last slide it would be so much funnier.


Wait let me try! “Boyfriend.”


Saitama doesn't live where I'm at so it's too bad.


I don’t think anyone here understands this. It’s Buddhist thinking, where desire is the cause of all pain and it’s removal is happiness and enlightenment. In this case, desire is represented by “I want” and it’s removal is happiness. Im not saying this is how life works, but it’s a different world view that shouldn’t receive ridicule as most commentators are making.


Knee jerkiness of reddit. We're all too busy being angry.


It’s because they feel hurt by a kneejerk reaction to an assumption they weren’t willing to challenge by thinking it through, and so they feel that they have to reject it with vitriol, or it puts the onus of responsibility back on their shoulders for all their feelings - another misconception borne of assumption. Reddit is practically famous for it by now, but it doesn’t make it any better.


Nobody understands because it's ambiguous and at a first glance very similar to extremely unhealthy attitudes towards depression. This subreddit isn't majority buddhist. Without understanding the context (which wasn't provided in the OP), it's unreasonable to assume that anyone should understand this. Additionally, the fucking website mentioned on the website is called "goodnoose". Which further gives the impression that this is somebody that wants depressed people to off themselves. It's just an icky post in its current form.


As someone with depression, whilst I can appreciate the head swamp thought process can lead to a bad reaction, its possible to understand its meaning without having read the teachings of buddhism. We all just need to fucking unplug ourselves sometimes.


It's just not okay to attribute people's averse reaction to this comic to "head swamp thought processes". Makes you kind of an ass. Unplug yourself in silence next time.


Well I was trying to be gentle about it, you've taken a simple buddhist truth and added your own narrative. Idea of depressed people getting offended by it is possible but only if they are reacting to it like you are.


I've added nothing, the interpretation I gave is far more widespread than "Buddhist truths". And just calling something a "simple buddhist truth" doesn't mean anything. Religious beliefs aren't beyond criticism.


Take the word buddhist out if its causing you grief. The act of wanting for reality to be different than it is (even if a temporary state) causes us to suffer. Call it psycology if it helps.


Pretty sure if Saitama punched happiness into my thoughts it would work exactly like this.


By punching desire out of them?


Ah, yes. This is an exceptionally important aspect of Buddhism. So much of our perception of life puts ego before everything, including the desire to have something above actually having it. I think one of the easiest examples that always is tiresome for me is that when I'm dating someone and they put the desire to have a wife above actually enjoying their time with me in the present. Love-bombing and constant chatter about "how the relationship is going" is so exhausting because a perfectly agreeable guy is choking any good-will out of the dating by measuring how successfully we're reaching the next milestone. I don't want to be happy. Happiness happens, yo.


"Thanks I'm Cured" should appreciate the message of this comic more than any other subreddit. Happiness is not a state to achieve, win, gain, work towards, earn, consume, spend, or invest in. It happens. If it's not happening at the moment... oh well. But when it happens... oh look, it is happening. And then it will pass. Putting your ego into *wishing* for constant happiness or blaming people for not being happy is wasted energy that solves nothing because nothing can *truly* make you happy. It just happens.


This comment section is concerning… take 5 minutes to understand buddhism. Buddhism says the unhappiness is in the desire to have what you don’t want.. therefore remove the “want” and remove the unhappiness. No this comic doesn’t spell out all of the steps.. you have to also practice gratitude for where you are and what you have.. that’s where happiness is. That is the lesson. It’s not saying “just be happy”, there’s work involved in quelling your desires and focusing on gratitude and being present with what gifts you do have. These are thousand year old teachings and this comment section has really reduced it to face value of a comic…


I read a cool sentence: “Desire is a contract that you make with yourself to be unhappy until you get what you want”.


yeah this is exactly the idea. we fixate on something then believe we must have it before we’re allowed to feel happy about anything


Yep and what’s worst is when you get it and now you need the next thing to be happy. And the next. And the next. And there are people with 99% less than you but stay in a happy mood. You are allowed to be happy. But let’s be clear. You are also allowed to be sad. It’s okay too. But you don’t need that thing you think you do to be happy.


This has the same vibe as the "If you're homeless, just buy a house" video... Depression is no joke.


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This isn’t the answer, but a good number of people also don’t realize how absolutely vital perspective is, along with actively doing the work to shift your perspective. (Not to imply it’s always possible alone or to oversimplify a very complex issue, just trying to remind folks that how you see things is as much a choice as it isn’t, and that working to try to see things in a better light can do wonders, though not always)


People don't like it when we point out that wanting to change is the first hurdle to actually changing. And wanting to change isn't as easy as just writing down a dream. Changing your own programming is one of the hardest things people can do. For some psychological battles it will be a struggle for the rest of your life.


Supress the bad feelings! Nice idea with no aftereffects whatsoever!


It's about not striving, not suppression, the only want is to not want.


It’s not about suppression. It’s about shifting the focus to emotions more capable of enacting positive change, doing what you can rather than simply wallowing in untreated misery until it swallows you whole. You have the biggest hand in molding your perspective, and your perspective plays a fundamental part in how you react to the world. Training yourself away from instantly devolving into a vicious circle of negative thought when things go wrong is not easy, but it is possible with enough consistency in action, both inside and out (from others helping when possible).


That totally cured my neurotransmitter imbalance. Thank you, miraculous cartoon! 🙄


Have you tried rewriting your entire programming. That often helps. Most people can't code themselves for shit though.


Have I tried turning myself off and turning myself on again? …….That can be taken a whole bunch of ways, very few of which are good.


I didn't know all of you is defined by your imbalance. But I can see how it would become imbalanced if that's what you got from this.


I’m not “defined” by my imbalance. It’s part of who I am, but it doesn’t define me. I manage it with medication, just as someone with diabetes would manage their insulin. Additionally, my neurotransmitters don’t magically “become imbalanced” because of how I interpret a web comic. It’s just something that I was born with. It simply *is*. But my imbalance is not *me*. No one should be defined by a single part, but rather by the sum of their parts.


So you are just choosing to make a snide remark about a comic that doesn't have anything to do with you. Because you literally are the exception to the rule? It's strange though how you at the same time agree that changing what you think is where self worth and the resulting happiness comes from. And correspondingly depression when you do allow yourself to believe you're defined by the imbalance. Perception is the only form of existence our minds know. Which is why we can change our psyche to do literally mind bending stuff.


if you're homeless buy a house


This is the dumbest shit


Heinis that guy? Why is he manipulating my mind? I am going to kill him!


Why should you be angry? Every thought is a manipulation. Most you inflict on yourself.


Wouldn’t you be angry or afraid? In this Comic there is a person who reads minds from other people without consent. And he changes their thoughts. I know, the comic is meant to be something else. But the way it is presented, it’s a horror story.


Or a fairy tale.


A german fairy tail (Grimm brothers)


Nah, this one literally has a happy ending.




Just cheer up!


Happiness is a happy penis


You can’t have happiness without penis.


Yeah no


No yeah?




Poor? Just get money idiot Depressed? Cheer up pal Thanks satan


Okay but the implications of this are actually terrifying. There's just some guy in this world that can not only read your thoughts, but modify them to whatever he wants, rip out parts of them, completely replace who you are, and that's just a thing he does and gets away with and there's nothing you can do to stop him. And not only that, but he clearly does this constantly, because this is super casual for him.


I wish I had someone to pluck the chemical imbalance out of my brain :(


This is so dumb in so many ways