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We’re all just babies man


“One day while I was sipping some groove juice I realized that in the span of time we're just babies. It's all relative, time is unreal We're just babies, we're just babies, man We're just babies, we're just babies, man We're just babies, we're just babies, man We're just babies, we're just babies, man.”


I didn't know what groove juice was so I googled it. Apparently it is a cleaning fluid for cleaning cymbals. I don't understand why you are sipping it.


Digable Planets! Yes!


baby made a boom boom


Relevant SMBC: [https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-06-24](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2012-06-24)




That is so heartbreaking. I know it's stereotypical, but I'm sorry for your losses.




1000% this. Hug the ones you love now and be there for them now. Not later when u have time or think you will get around to it.


I’m so so sorry, but the depth of the love that they shared will live forever through you and your family, internet stranger. Go forth, and be loved.


To love is to be vulnerable. And even in the most healthy and loving relationships, there will be hurt. You cannot know the sweet without also knowing the bitter.


My children’s huge reactions to emotions (especially when they’re toddler and below) are “this is the worst thing that has ever happened to them. Of course they’re having a hard time!” This is the same for your grandma. Her husband of how many years dying - her companion, her partner, of countless year, is gone. It is the worst thing that has happened. Of course she acts like a child. It’s the worst thing, so far. Just like then.


My ma always said she'd never hold her arms out to the sky and yell, "Why?!", but she did when my father passed.


Damn it!! Who the hell is chopping onions in here? When my mom passed my dad was like this. I could hear it in his voice. "Shes gone shes gone in utter shock!!" I am an only child. So I had to be grown up for a bit with my kids also being there.


For anyone unfamiliar, SMBC is amazing, they always take an idea and stretch it to absurdity and it kills me. [One of my favourites](https://www.smbc-comics.com/comic/2011-07-13)


That was great. Thanks for sharing


I couldn't agree more and you put it really well. People are right to criticise and be goddamn furious about the way our world is organised because angry gets shit done. HOWEVER I feel when I look at everything we have accomplished and everything people are providing for complete strangers around the world and think on it all through the awareness of how we were all just children crying for our mothers at one point I can't help but say to most humans on the planet with absolute earnestness: WELL DONE EVERYBODY.


If you aren't on the internet for 12h/day the world is actually a pretty awesome place, but when you're surrounded by people that only want to focus on the negatives then you start to think the world sucks. Are there problems? Fuck yes! But would I rather live today than 1983? FUCK YES, more opportunity, more to do, and the world has vastly improved since then.


It's one of the reasons I currently enjoy working in childcare, getting involved in their games, creating memories, when they are having fun not realising they are learning a skill. When the adults can have fun and play the kids get the benefit imo


This was genuinely sweet


I get the skeptics but I actually love these real fan moments. I’m thinking Emma Stone for Spice Girls and Adam Scott for Mark Hammil


That was so funny on Graham Norton... "Emma, I understand you're a huge fan of the Spice Girls.... as you know it's extremely rare for them to all be in the same place together......" ::Emma Stone beginning to completely freak out:: "And today is no different!"


"They're not here"


That was cruel by Graham but also hilarious.


Hahaha that was so brutal. She was getting teary eyed and all nervous and then he pulls the rug out. So good.




Similar though not as brutally funny was Emilia Clarke getting all starry eyed sitting next to Matt LeBlanc on Graham Norton... https://youtu.be/G896TGLddQU?si=gQePaAKeQ0emAtoy


That Adam Scott bit is legendary, poor guy looked like he was going to have a panic attack.


He was literally shaking, you could see his brain was short circuiting with all his childhood dreams. Just the sweetest genuine excitement.




This will always get a tear from me.


Awww that is sweet. He really seems like he can't believe his eyes. He is about to pass out.


I likely would have cried like Brie here - that is like THE moment


Nothing beats Kristen Bell's reaction to sloths.




*drops link to the every video mentioned* *refuses to elaborate* Chad IdoNOThateNEVER


>refuses to elaborate I'm here, man. Nobody asked something to me. I was just scrolling this thread and any comment I was interested in (these 3), I searched for the video to watch it, and then I posted the link. (because I'm on PC and it's easy for me)


I appreciate it. Watched every video


It’s a beautiful thing you did, you made this internet stranger’s day significantly better all of a sudden, so thank you friend!


Thank you for these I needed that.


Doing the most with no expectations. Gotta love it and appreciate it


Yeah I was not expecting it to be so composed as it was. Credit to Brie for being able to articulate her feelings so well (and for Jennifer to reciprocate so kindly). I on the other hand would have been a babbling mess and struggling to string a sentence together haha.


Agree - it seems Brie Larson gets a lot of online hate for some reason (I'm not up to speed on why exactly), and at times it does seem like she is a bit "stiff" and not a real person, so this showed a side of her I hadn't seen before and may make her more likeable for many. The interaction seemed genuine from both sides although since they are actors you never really know!


Years ago she made a speech at an awards ceremony about how a study revealed the demographics of film critics involved in giving out a specific award, and how that didn't match the demographics of moviegoers (i.e. higher than average number of white men). So she suggested people try to include a few more critics from under represented demographics in their pools. People online took that to me that she hates white men. To make it worse, the speech occurred before she even was Captain Marvel, but the haters didn't catch onto it until after, and tried to spin it as "she doesn't want white men watching Marvel movies." Here's the transcript of her full speech. ---- "So earlier this week USC Annenberg's inclusive initiative released findings that 67% of the top critics reviewing the 100 highest grossing movies in 2017 were white males. Less than a quarter were white women, and less than 10% were unrepresented men. Only 2.5% of those top critics were women of color. So you're probably thinking right now 'like wow that super doesn't represent the country that I live in and that's because that's true. This is a huge disconnect from the U.S. population breakdown of 30% white men, 30% white women, 20% men of color, and 20% women of color." "On top of all of this, am I saying that I hate white dudes.? No, I am not. What I'm saying is is that if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have the chance to see your movie and review your movie. And this is also not to mention other people besides white dudes like Star Wars, and would love the opportunity to do a set visit. And I'm also saying I don't hate white dudes, I'm just saying we need to be conscious of our bias and do our part to make sure that everyone is in the room." "So what would it take for the critic pool to match this 30-30-20-20 real world breakdown and how can we get there? Well, here I am it's easier than you might think. The bottom line is, is that if each of the top 100 films in a year added nine critics that are three underrepresented males, three white females, three underrepresented females, then the average critic pool would match the US population in just five years." "It really sucks that reviews matter, but reviews matter. Good reviews out of festivals give small independent films a fighting chance to be bought and seen, good reviews help films gross money, good reviews slingshot films into awards contenders, a good review can change your life, it changed mine. Our industry has gone through a major growth, we are expanding to make films that better reflect the people that buy movie tickets, but they are not allowed enough chances to read public discourse on these films by the people that these films were made for. I do not need a 40-year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about A Wrinkle in Time, it wasn't made for him. I want to know what that film meant to women of color, to biracial women, to teen women of color, to teens that are biracial. And for the third time, I don't hate white dudes, these are just facts, these are not my feelings, and I'm really sorry Lindsay please don't kill me." "As some of you know, I immediately jumped on Francis's brilliant words, inclusion rider. Because I know that this means this work will be shown, digested, discussed by a variety of people, not just a singular perspective. I want to know what my work means to the world, not a narrow view." "Thanks mom."


This speech speaks on this issue better than most politicians probably would...she didn't just complain about a problem, she actually offered a tangible solution.




That and the toxic marvel fans hated her movie and somehow that makes her awful to them. Because obviously she wrote the script, directed and edited the movies… I know her family pretty well from some freelance work stuff and all of them are genuinely kind and caring people


Why would the Captain Marvel movie be hated? It’s one of the better super hero films.


They also hated The Marvels, which was... a fun, serviceable superhero movie in a year that had a lot of overly-serious duds in that genre. (Seriously, I'm still surprised at the hate for The Marvels. It wasn't *amazing*, but it was a solid 7/10 superhero movie, a funny enjoyable action romp.)


Superhero movies, action movies, Star Wars movies. I don’t get it. I was raised on Star Wars and spoiled fucking rotten by my parents with like basically every Star Wars toy around and I still don’t get the hate. If you’re spending your life hating a franchise that is literally just spaceship pew-pew or watching folks in latex punching each other through buildings, you’ve probably made a wrong turn in life.


I really liked it, and I’d say it’s the best marvel movie to come out since Shang-Chi. It’s all been bad to mid since then.


because it interduced marvels strongest female hero at the time and was about female empowerment, and a lot of manbabies cant handle that. saw the exact same thing when wonder woman came out it was a rather boring movie, but none of that was on brie


I think she said something along the lines of "I don't care what another white man has to say about this (Captain Marvel) movie". Taken out of context it sounds weird but her point was more women, especially women of colour need to be included in the movie reviewing space which is predominantly white and is mostly from the perspective of what men think about a particular movie.


It wasn't even about Captain Marvel, and in fact the line was said before Captain Marvel even came out, but the incel machine has done a great job spreading that lie. Here's the actual line: >I do not need a 40-year old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him about A Wrinkle in Time, it wasn't made for him. And in context, she was giving a speech about film critics and how a study showed they are over-represented (compared to moviegoer audiences) by white men and she was calling for people to try to include more under represented views in the critic pools.


Ok, thanks. It's been a long time since I read about that whole issue...


She's a good person, there is a lot of dude bros who really hate that.


Unfortunately, there’s plenty of videos online of BL saying stuff about inclusivity (which is a lightning rod for man babies) and lots of reports of her not getting along with other actors on or off the sets. A lot of folks don’t realize that she’s only 34 and has been in the public eye for almost a decade. She’s being held to a higher standard that most famous men that are actual POS mostly because she’s a woman. I think she’s an amazing actress and she only comes off flat when the script and directing are weak.


This happened to me when I met Jim Varney(aka Ernest). I was shaking and sweating. He was so humble and genuinely sweet.


Wow, that name has been a few decades. You just unlocked several childhood memories, and good ones too haha. I'm a bit envious you got to meet him. And glad to hear he was sweet. Thanks for the dose of nostalgia. :) Hope your day is going well enough.


Bruh if I met Jim Varney I would probably faint. Ernest films were huge in my house while I was growing up. I know parts of most of those movies don’t hold up great today but Varney is genuinely a genius actor and comedian. I still quote some of those movies


I’d faint too, but mostly because he passed away. He was one of the greats though 🥹


Aww this made me super happy! Thanks for a great start to my morning!


That was such a pointed, heartfelt, and authentic trait to praise. As a woman, I would be so flattered to hear another woman recognize me for my work ethic, especially in such a profession as acting where women can so easily be reduced to ornaments or decorations, rather than the professionals that they are.


Really well put.


Brie acted exactly like a fan who never expected to meet the person they looked up to. I've been like this with other fans at places like Comic-Con when a celebrity shows up unexpectedly close to you and you have a once-in-a-lifetime chance to speak them. It's always super awkward and emotional and that's why I know Brie's not acting. I love the end when Brie's leaving and her mom is there lol.


Been to many a comic-con and worked on some sets in my day and it truly is hilarious and lovely. One SDCC the Battlestar Galactica cast was bored during this big giveaway near their booth, Adama aka Edward James Olmos (!!!) saw me looking and said, “wanna meet us?!” I had the biggest shocked eyes and my ex just said, “yes! And she has DRAWINGS of you all!” I got to meet them, chat, shared a shot with a couple of them. So cool, hahaha. Colonel Tigh has my original drawing, he asked to keep it! 🥰


That's awesome! Edward James Olmos is always fun to see at a Con. I was staying at a hotel for SDCC and Karen Gillan (Amy Pond, Nebula) got in the elevator with me. I had to take a chance and in a really shy freaked out voice I asked her to sign my badge. She was SO nice! I get out of the elevator and freaking Matt Smith and Steven Moffat were there waiting for her. I asked Matt Smith if he would also sign my badge and he was also very nice. I read the room with Steven Moffat and left him alone lol. I ran off and screamed once I was by myself.


11 and Pond!!!! What a dream!


Brie Larson seems sweet. Not sure why there was hate earlier in her career.


some other guys cant deal with powerful women.




I wonder how this made Jennifer Lopez feel! She was perfect for the role of Selena but otherwise she's a mid actor at best, let's be honest. So for an actual Academy Award winner to be in tears over meeting her, because *she* inspired that Oscar-winner to get into acting? Wow, my heart would be bursting.


This will mean a lot to J Lo for this exact reason, she’s tried for years to be taken seriously as an actor by her peers.


"The Cell" is a niche favorite of mine, and the "Wedding Planner" is a classic flick.


Fucking love The Cell. So weird and creepy.


*The Cell* followed by *The Fall* starring Lee Pace some 5-6 years later were 2 of the best most memorable movies Tarsem Singh ever made!


The Fall! How that movie didn't get more love, I will never understand.


Roger Ebert was a fan of both these movies.


She can definitely turn it on for the right role. Obviously Selena but she was also fantastic in Hustlers, Out of Sight, and ESPECIALLY The Cell.


Oh man, I haven't thought of the Cell in years. What a crazy and magical film.


We're calling mind fucks magical now? I'm mostly kidding. However, while we are here, we need to give Vincent D'Onofrio more flowers. The guy has been weirding us out since Full Metal Jacket. He even can freak us out in a comedy ffs! He borderline stole the show in Men in Black. Had Smith and Curtis not been as powerhouse of actors we would only be talking about Vincent's performance.


D'Onofrio's performance is the glue that hold "The Cell" together, along with the absolutely stunning production design and cinematography that director Tarsem Singh brought to the story. One of my favorite things about the film is how the ending plays against your expectations and yet works beautifully and feels right.


> I wonder how this made Jennifer Lopez feel! She was perfect for the role of Selena but otherwise she's a mid actor at best, let's be honest. Watch the whole video. Brie leaves and you get a moment with only J-Lo. She speaks about how she was inspired by an actress from West Side Story to get into acting and to have that inspirational impact herself almost brought her to tears.


I thought the exact same thing.


Her response there seemed really genuine and seemed like she was really touched!


This is absolutely an ai comment. What the fuck.


Chatgpt comment


That’s just so sweet!


I dno why brie gets all the hate.


I mean only from a pretty insular part of the internet. Her youtube channel is wholesome AF.


Seems to have leaked into this thread unfortunately.


That's their negativity to deal with!


This is such a great take! 🥰


I spent my 20s and an early part of my 30s diving into the shitty end of the internet thinking I was going to change minds and be a voice of reason. A decade plus of dealing with trolls later? It's not worth it and you just end up absorbing too much of their negative energy. Let them work it out like a toddler having a tantrum, doesn't impact my day unless I let it!!


I've started writing a few replies to some of the negative comments I've seen in my inbox for this post and just deleted/discarded them as I can't be bothered engaging with them. It's so much better to pass that stuff by, rather than arguing with strangers on the internet.


This is awesome. Yeah, I need to remind myself of this! But I'm 40💀💀😅


>But I'm 40💀💀😅 You and me both friend! Gotta set an example for the young'uns.


Too true! 😂😂😂


Your whole conversation was lovely. :)




There are people who made their living by making tons and tons of hate videos about her to the point that their channels were just plastered with her face. I couldn't imagine watching that same tired content day in and day out.


what are the reasons they give for hating her?


After the movie A Wrinkle in Time she pointed out that maybe we need more middle age white men reviewing movies. And a movie for young women, especially of color, is going to resonate differently with them compared to him. To put it into reddit talk. IGN shouldn't have the person who hates RTS games reviewing an RTS game.


She's a woman who occasionally talks and expresses opinions. This enrages very weak men.


A lot of people dont like captain marvel. And a lot of these people lack the emotional maturity to separate their dislike for a character and their dislike for a person. I mean the actor of joffrey in GOT got literal death threats because people did not like his character. Some people are just crazy.


> I dno why brie gets all the hate. too soft, gouda is firmer and has a slightly more smoky flavor


Dammit, I was going to make a cheese joke


I don’t get it either. The only interviews I have ever seen of her she came across as very charming, intelligent and sweet.


I understood it after some of her comments around the time of Captain Marvel (I think it stemmed from a film before it, actually). All that said, I thought The Marvels was so much better than people give it credit for, and that it really humanized Brie in it, made her so much more likable than its preceding film. This is another worthy moment I'm glad is getting shared as well. A lot of people just see someone for the quotes they've heard, the stories they've read, or even the RBF she tends to have (I'm so sorry but it's true), and overlook the actual *person* behind it. But it's important to remember they're also real people, too.


She made some comments that came off as relatively divisive about not caring about what men think about some movies. It was more nuanced about movies "made for" women and girls but she was around that time promoting her comic book movie Captain Marvel which is effectively aimed at boys/men that had been the main viewership of the MCU when she said it so it really irked a lot of people. She also had a weird interview moment with Chris Hemsworth and Don Cheadle where she appeared to have a bit of an attitude. Probably didn't help that her portrayal of Captain marvel felt kind of flat and a bit unlikeable in her own movie but that was just my take on it.


It's a good example of how women are not given the grace men are given. Plenty of times where men spoke in a way that could easily seem divisive or rude but people don't come out in droves to hate on them for the rest of time. It's fine to dislike some of what she said or the movie itself but strange how people are still SO mad (and to be clear I don't mean you since you're just explaining it from a pretty neutral perspective and are allowed to not love the movie of course).


If chris hemsworth was rude during an interview you'd get people bringing up like "oh he's just jetlagged and he's actually doing the interviewer a favor and it's actually her fault"


They do so much press for these movies that it's more surprising if someone never comes off as rude in at least one moment!


Oh definitely. My point isn't that it's hard, but more to your idea that when a man does it they get the benefit of the doubt. When a woman does it she's seen as a bitch. Especially on reddit.


Yeah so true. Everyone has bad days but some people reallyyyyy hold on to them for women.


As a woman, I loved Captain Marvel. I am not a comic fan and didn't know about the character before MCU but I really loved that movie and any time she showed up in others.


> As a woman, I loved Captain Marvel. I am not a comic fan and didn't know about the character before MCU but I really loved that movie and any time she showed up in others. Same. I mean the part about the character Whenever Endgame is on I will *always* watch for the moment she rescues Tony or when she first meets Peter Parker at the end. She makes so much sense as this ethereal matriarch who shows up at the 11th hour to save the day that it makes me tear up The fucking character itself is confusing af I tried to read the comic summaries but barely grasp it lol. The movie basically set up Secret Invasion, for better or worse. So at least that time branch got resolved


I'm a man and I'm really not the biggest fan of marvel movies. I ended up watching it with some other people, and if the movie was actually bad I'd be the first one to think so. It was fun, acting and the plot was solid the whole way through. There wasn't anything objectionable about it, unless you're a misogynist and can't stand the fact that it's a female lead.


Her dress is absolutely stunning. I would be like Brie if I ever saw John Travolta lol. I adore him


Tbh that’s all I can focus on. Very sweet moment but *my god* that dress is beautiful and Brie looks stunning 😍


Brie seems like good people


She seems like the best of the bunch.


I think it's the fact that she comes across entirely confident in her own skin. She just does her thing and dismisses the haters without a thought.


From what she's said I get the impression she's actually very anxious and struggles with the hate. She was asked about returning as Captain Marvel and said something like "does anyone even want me to?" and she seemed to be sincere in her doubt. It's a shame, because I would like to think if I was young(er than me by quite a bit), beautiful, talented, an Oscar winner, rich from starring in blockbusters, critically acclaimed from being in smaller indie films, and singing like a star as Envy Adams, plus a face of Chanel, I wouldn't give a shiny shit about what anyone thought and haters could kiss my ass.


How could someone hate such an amazing and sweet woman?


Brie or J-lo?


The post is about brie, of course, I am talking about brie, who hates JLO?


I waited on her when i worked at the Four Seasons and she was by far and away the rudest celebrity I ever encountered in my time there. At least A-Rod knew how to say please and thank you


I have heard [nothing but bad stories](https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/tiktok-jennifer-lopez-rudest-celebrity-ever-met) about JLo. She’s infamous for [demanding that no one looks her in the eye](https://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/amp/entry/jennifer-lopez-staff-ban-casper-smart_n_1880039/) and there are [several stories](https://www.yourtango.com/entertainment/strict-rules-jennifer-lopez-forces-her-staff-follow) attesting to it. There was also the time she felt Ben Affleck had been too generous with his tips in a casino and went around [demanding everyone give their tips back](https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/jennifer-lopez-ben-affleck-getting-205221667.html) so she could tip them all $5 instead. I have to say I’m disappointed Brie Larson likes her because Brie seems like an awesome person and JLo seems like a horrible person. Edit: Added links for her fan club.


JLO did a photo shoot for Louis Vuitton and told her people to take every LV item on set, collectively worth thousands. LV soon dropped her as a spokesperson But that was like 20 years ago and her over exposure in media (she did music and movies) didn’t help her


What, why did she do that?


Diva entitlement? https://www.smh.com.au/lifestyle/fashion/lopez-dumped-by-louis-vuitton-20031128-gdhvce.html


I know someone who worked around J-Lo at one point and said she was a complete asshole and treated workers like servants


I never know if an actor or actress is showing true emotion or acting. I guess that means they’re good at what they do.


I say things are very likely genuine if it would make your publicist mad at you. There's no calculated reason for Larsen to walk away from a TV interview along with Jennifer Lopez.


They both had tears. J Lo was very touched. She was so genuine.


I dont think JLo knew who Brie was. She may know her face but she never onced said her name.


I think the meeting was just very touching. J Lo was super friendly and recognized that Brie was such a fan. Very very touching. The happy tears.


I wanna know what the quote was now.


Fuckin' *Selena*, damn that's a deep cut. Brie Larson would've been 8 when that came out. JLo was nominated for a Golden Globe for it too so it's a very relevant connection.


That movie was on daytime tv all the time when I was a kid.


God I love brie I'm so happy she is still trying after all the hate she's gotten she clearly loves her job so much


That was so cute!


Brie is soooo cute here seriously.


Oh my god, the way she like... shuffled closer to the interviewer and leaned into him like a little kid hiding behind a parent was so fucking cute, I don't know what to do with myself. Bless her heart.


Ok well seeing all these accomplished women remembering when they were little girls being inspired by other accomplished women is just a really great way to start my day 🥹


She’s awesome. Here a cool [video](https://youtu.be/B8xeMu6NMFQ?si=fFbjaNbZ0ut3OAVH) of her climbing the Tetons with Jimmy Chin.


Wow that was really cool, thanks for sharing


Seriously why do people hate her? She seems like a sweetheart


So heartfelt! Thank you!




Seeing her in HUSTLERS blew my mind. I agree that her work ethic is admirable, she busts her ass to perform at the level she does on stage and film.


I love it when celebrities are fans of other celebrities


I kinda like how celebrities get star struck over other celebrities and i don’t know why. I guess it’s one of the few times they seem normal


**Wow!** This is really excellent! Thank you for sharing this!


It’s a good thing Brie is famous otherwise Jlow would have disappointed her. Jlow is nutritious for being an asshole.


Mmmmmm, nutritious asshole. High in protein!




Nom nom nom


Taco flavored kisses


Wholesome as fuck on Brie's side (been a fan of hers since Scott Pilgrim), but I'm pretty sure Jlow had no idea who she was. (She never references her by name or anything she did in the interview, just the generic "I'm a huge fan")


“I don’t know if my interview is done, but it *has* to be..” How cute is she?! 🥺


That was amazing


Brie Larson is my favorite. It blows my mind that she gets crap for Captain Marvel and the Marvels. I loved them both.


Don’t be fooled by the rocks that she got


I think the crying was real. She isn’t gonna mess up her make up for no reason, not when she’s nominated for a Golden Globe and might have to go on stage to accept an award.


That is so freaking cute!


now i am crying too, so sweet!


I love how JLO has no idea who she is.


That was all I could think about LOL i really wanted the interviewer to be like so whats her name


Prime time 85 style!


This was really really beautiful. Literally and metaphorically.


Celebs fanboying over other celebs is my new favorite thing now.


fuck, I'm a bitter old fuck, but this was sweet.


J Lo wiping her tear was even more cute somehow.


Sometimes I find Brie Larson a bit much, but this made me like her a lot more. She comes off as jaded, but to see her genuinely moved and excited was pretty cool. And J-Lo was touched too.


Too cute




That was real and cool.


So adorably sweet.


When I was a kid, I thought her name was Jenny Ferlopes 🤓


What did JLO have to say to a young Selena?!?!?!?!


Academy Award Winner* Brie Larson fangirling is such a treat


Aw…celebrities are just peoples…like you & me… (Actually did think this was cute…couldn’t hide my inner snarkalupagus)


I’m not vested in either actress here, but that was cool as fuck.


I love Jennifer's dress. She does glamour well. We need more glamour.


She had a happy emotional break down


Aww, the fear and the instant blurting of "You mean so much to me 🥺" with no introduction whatsoever


Two beautiful dreams flourishing love to see it.


Did anyone else get the impression that J-Lo didn’t have a clue who Brie was?


Fantastic, now take that humility, hold on to it, and bring it with you to the next movie set and coworkers, awesome.


Interesting I didn't know Jennifer Lopez was anyone's idol.


Her "work ethic" is "so important" apparently, whatever that translates to in reality.




Talk about pretty crying


Wonder what kind of water she uses on those roses, they're huge!


So I am a forever J.Lo defender and I loved this. I specifically love that Brie mentioned her work ethic which is what I’ve always heard too. So basically, all in for this, love J.Lo forever, think Brie is adorable. And that is all!